package me.hao0.antares.common.retry; import; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; /** * Author: haolin * Email: */ public final class Retryers { private Retryers(){} private static class RetryersHolder{ static Retryers INSTANCE = new Retryers(); } public static Retryers get(){ return RetryersHolder.INSTANCE; } /** * New a retryer * @param p predicate that whether retry or not * @param <T> the generic type * @return the retryer */ public <T> Retryer<T> newRetryer(Predicate<T> p){ return newRetryer(p, 3, -1, null); } /** * New a retryer * @param p predicate that whether retry or not * @param <T> the generic type * @return the retryer */ public <T> Retryer<T> newRetryer(Predicate<T> p, int fixWaitSecs){ return newRetryer(p, fixWaitSecs, -1, null); } /** * New a retryer * @param p predicate that whether retry or not * @param fixWaitSecs the fixed wait seconds per retry * @param attemptTimes the times for retrying * @param <T> the generic type * @return the retryer */ public <T> Retryer<T> newRetryer(Predicate<T> p, int fixWaitSecs, int attemptTimes, RetryListener retryListener){ RetryerBuilder<T> builder = RetryerBuilder.<T>newBuilder() .retryIfResult(p) .retryIfRuntimeException() .withWaitStrategy(WaitStrategies.fixedWait(fixWaitSecs, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); // attempt times if (attemptTimes > 0){ builder.withStopStrategy(StopStrategies.stopAfterAttempt(attemptTimes)); } else { builder.withStopStrategy(StopStrategies.neverStop()); } // listener if (retryListener == null){ retryListener = new DefaultRetryListener(); } builder.withRetryListener(retryListener); return; } }