package; import; import; import; import me.hao0.antares.common.anno.RedisModel; import me.hao0.antares.common.model.Model; import me.hao0.antares.common.util.CollectionUtil; import me.hao0.antares.common.util.Names; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Author: haolin * Email: */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class RedisDao<T extends Model> implements BaseDao<T> { protected static final Integer DELETE_BATCH_SIZE = 100; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected final Class<?> genericClazz = (Class<T>)((ParameterizedType)getClass() .getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; protected final String OBJECT_PREFIX = getObjectPrefix(); private String getObjectPrefix() { RedisModel redisModel = genericClazz.getAnnotation(RedisModel.class); if (redisModel != null){ return redisModel.prefix(); } return Names.toUnderScore(genericClazz.getSimpleName()) + "s"; } protected final String IDS_KEY = RedisKeys.keyOfIds(OBJECT_PREFIX); protected final String IDG_KEY = RedisKeys.keyOfIdGenerator(OBJECT_PREFIX); @Autowired protected StringRedisTemplate redis; @Autowired private RedisIds ids; @Override public Boolean save(Model m) { Date now = new Date(); boolean isCreated = false; if (m.getId() == null){ // create isCreated = true; m.setId(ids.generate(IDG_KEY)); m.setCtime(now); } m.setUtime(now); // save object String objKey = objectKey(m.getId()); Map<?, ?> objMap = Maps.toMap(m); redis.opsForHash().putAll(objKey, objMap); // bind ids if create if (isCreated){ redis.opsForList().leftPush(IDS_KEY, m.getId().toString()); } return Boolean.TRUE; } @Override public T findById(Long id) { String objKey = objectKey(id); Map objectMap = redis.opsForHash().entries(objKey); if (objectMap == null || objectMap.isEmpty()){ return null; } return (T)Maps.fromMap(objectMap, genericClazz); } @Override public Boolean delete(Long id) { // delete id in ids redis.opsForList().remove(IDS_KEY, 1, String.valueOf(id)); // delete object String objKey = objectKey(id); redis.delete(objKey); return Boolean.TRUE; } protected void deleteBatch(String listKey) { int offset = 0; List<String> strIds; // delete all instances while (true){ strIds = listStr(listKey, offset, DELETE_BATCH_SIZE); if (CollectionUtil.isNullOrEmpty(strIds)){ break; } for (String id : strIds){ delete(Long.valueOf(id)); } offset += DELETE_BATCH_SIZE; } } @Override public List<T> findByIds(final List<Long> ids) { List<T> objs = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(ids.size()); // iterate instead of the pipeline // so that support the redis proxy or cluster environment T t; for (Long id : ids){ t = findById(id); if (t != null){ objs.add(t); } } return objs; } @Override public Long findMaxId() { return findMaxId(IDS_KEY); } @Override public Long findMaxId(String listKey) { String idStr = redis.opsForList().index(listKey, 0); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(idStr)){ return null; } return Long.valueOf(idStr); } @Override public T findLatest() { Long maxId = findMaxId(); if (maxId == null){ return null; } return findById(maxId); } @Override public Long count() { return count(IDS_KEY); } @Override public Long count(String listKey) { return redis.opsForList().size(listKey); } @Override public List<T> list(Integer offset, Integer limit) { return list(IDS_KEY, offset, limit); } @Override public List<String> listStr(String listKey, Integer offset, Integer limit) { return redis.opsForList().range(listKey, offset, offset + limit - 1); } @Override public List<T> list(String idsKey, Integer offset, Integer limit) { final List<String> ids = redis.opsForList().range(idsKey, offset, offset + limit - 1); if (ids == null || ids.isEmpty()){ return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Long> idsLong = Lists.transform(ids, new Function<String, Long>() { @Override public Long apply(String s) { return Long.valueOf(s); } }); return findByIds(idsLong); } @Override public List<Long> listIds(String listKey, Integer offset, Integer limit) { List<String> listStr = listStr(listKey, offset, limit); if (CollectionUtil.isNullOrEmpty(listStr)){ return Collections.emptyList(); } return Lists.transform(listStr, new Function<String, Long>() { @Override public Long apply(String idStr) { return Long.valueOf(idStr); } }); } @Override public Integer getIntegerField(Long id, String fieldName) { String objectKey = objectKey(id); Object fieldValue = redis.opsForHash().get(objectKey, fieldName); return fieldValue == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(fieldValue.toString()); } @Override public Boolean updateField(Long id, String fieldName, Object fieldValue) { String objectKey = objectKey(id); redis.opsForHash().put(objectKey, fieldName, fieldValue); return Boolean.TRUE; } /** * Default use id as unique key */ protected String objectKey(Object id) { return RedisKeys.format(OBJECT_PREFIX, id.toString()); } }