package me.hao0.antares.client.core; import; import com.github.kevinsawicki.http.HttpRequest; import; import; import; import me.hao0.antares.client.exception.AuthFailException; import me.hao0.antares.client.exception.Server503Exception; import me.hao0.antares.client.util.MapUtil; import me.hao0.antares.common.balance.LoadBalance; import me.hao0.antares.common.balance.RandomLoadBalance; import me.hao0.antares.common.dto.*; import me.hao0.antares.common.http.Http; import me.hao0.antares.common.http.HttpMethod; import me.hao0.antares.common.model.enums.ShardOperateRespCode; import; import; import me.hao0.antares.common.util.ClientUris; import static me.hao0.antares.common.util.Constants.*; import me.hao0.antares.common.util.Langs; import me.hao0.antares.common.util.Sleeps; import me.hao0.antares.common.util.Systems; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Author: haolin * Email: */ public class AntaresHttpAgent extends Component implements Lifecycle { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AntaresHttpAgent.class); private final AbstractAntaresClient client; /** * The current using server */ private volatile String currentServer; /** * The request headers */ private final Map<String, String> headers = Maps.newHashMap(); private final LoadBalance<String> balancer = new RandomLoadBalance<>(); public AntaresHttpAgent(AbstractAntaresClient client){ this.client = client; } public void setCurrentServer(String server) { this.currentServer = server; } @Override public void doStart() { // select a server selectServer(); // init header initHttpHeaders(); } private void initHttpHeaders() { headers.put(APP_NAME_HEADER, client.getAppName()); headers.put(APP_KEY_HEADER, client.getAppSecret()); headers.put(CLIENT_LANG_HEADER, Langs.JAVA.ordinal() + ""); headers.put(CLIENT_VERSION_HEADER, client.getClientVersion()); } @Override public void doShutdown() { } private Boolean selectServer() { List<String> servers = client.getHttpServers(); if (servers.isEmpty()){ log.warn("There are no available server, please check the environment."); return Boolean.FALSE; } currentServer = balancer.balance(servers); return Boolean.TRUE; } <T> T doGet(String uri, Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, Object> params, Class<T> targetType){ for (;;){ try { return doGet(currentServer, uri, headers, params, targetType); } catch (AuthFailException e){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("appKey isn't right, please check"); } catch (Server503Exception | HttpRequest.HttpRequestException e){ Sleeps.sleep(2); String oldServer = currentServer; log.warn("current server({}) is unavailable, try to select a new server", oldServer); if(selectServer()){"old server({}) is unavailable, routed a select server({})", oldServer, currentServer); } else { log.warn("failed to select a new server, please check the server cluster"); Sleeps.sleep(5); } } } } private <T> T doGet(String server, String uri, Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, Object> params, Class<T> targetType){ Map<String, Object> respMap = doRequest(server, uri, HttpMethod.GET, headers, params, 0); if (respMap == null || respMap.isEmpty()){ return null; } return MapUtil.fromMap(respMap, targetType); } <T> T doPost(String uri, Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, Object> params, int readTimeout, Class<T> targetType){ for (;;){ try { return doPost(currentServer, uri, headers, params, readTimeout, targetType); } catch (AuthFailException e){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("appKey isn't right, please check"); } catch (Server503Exception | HttpRequest.HttpRequestException e){ String oldServer = currentServer; log.warn("current server({}) is maybe unavailable, trying to selects a new server", oldServer); selectServer(); log.warn("old server({}) is unavailable, select a new server({})", oldServer, currentServer); } } } private <T> T doPost(String server, String uri, Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, Object> params, int readTimeout, Class<T> targetType){ Map<String, Object> respMap = doPostAsMap(server, uri, headers, params, readTimeout); if (respMap == null || respMap.isEmpty()){ return null; } return MapUtil.fromMap(respMap, targetType); } private Map<String, Object> doPostAsMap(String uri, Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, Object> params, int readTimeout){ return doPostAsMap(currentServer, uri, headers, params, readTimeout); } private Map<String, Object> doPostAsMap(String server, String uri, Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, Object> params, int readTimeout){ for (;;){ try { Map<String, Object> respMap = doRequest(server, uri, HttpMethod.POST, headers, params, readTimeout); if (respMap == null || respMap.isEmpty()){ return null; } return respMap; } catch (AuthFailException e){ throw new IllegalArgumentException("appKey isn't right, please check"); } catch (Server503Exception | HttpRequest.HttpRequestException e){ // there are no servers available Sleeps.sleep(3); String oldServer = currentServer; log.warn("current server({}) is maybe unavailable, trying to selects a new server", currentServer); selectServer(); log.warn("old server({}) is unavailable, select a new server({})", oldServer, currentServer); server = currentServer; } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Map<String, Object> doRequest(String server, String uri, HttpMethod method, Map<String, String> headers, Map<String, Object> params, int readTimeout){ String reqUri = HTTP_PREFIX + server + ClientUris.CLIENTS + uri; Http http; if (method == HttpMethod.GET){ http = Http.get(reqUri); } else { http =; } if (readTimeout > 0){ http.readTimeout(readTimeout); } if (headers != null){ http.headers(headers); } String resp = http.params(params).request(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(resp)){ return null; } return checkRespErr(resp); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private Map<String, Object> checkRespErr(String respJson) { Map<String, Object> resp = JSON.parseObject(respJson, Map.class); Integer status = getRespStatus(resp); if (Objects.equal(JsonResponse.SERVER_ERR.getStatus(), status)){ throw new Server503Exception(); } else if (Objects.equal(JsonResponse.AUTH_FAIL.getStatus(), status)){ throw new AuthFailException(); } return resp; } /** * Pull the job instance's shard * @param jobInstanceId the job instance id * @return the pull shard resp */ public ShardPullResp pullJobInstanceShard(Long jobInstanceId) { Map<String, Object> params = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(2); params.put("client", Systems.hostPid()); params.put("instanceId", jobInstanceId); Map<String, Object> respMap = doPostAsMap(ClientUris.SHARD_PULL, headers, params, 0); if (respMap == null){ return null; } Integer status = getRespStatus(respMap); if (Objects.equal(JsonResponse.OK, status)){ // ok PullShard shard = MapUtil.fromMap((Map<?, ?>)respMap.get("data"), PullShard.class); return new ShardPullResp(null, shard); } // business error Integer code = getErrCode(respMap); return new ShardPullResp(ShardOperateRespCode.from(code), null); } /** * Return the job instance's shard * @param jobInstanceId the job instance id * @param shardId the shard id * @return the finish shard resp */ public ShardOperateResp returnJobInstanceShard(Long jobInstanceId, Long shardId) { Map<String, Object> params = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(3); params.put("instanceId", jobInstanceId); params.put("shardId", shardId); params.put("client", Systems.hostPid()); Map<String, Object> respMap = doPostAsMap(ClientUris.SHARD_RETURN, headers, params, 0); if (respMap == null){ return null; } Integer status = getRespStatus(respMap); if (Objects.equal(JsonResponse.OK, status)){ // ok Boolean success = Boolean.valueOf(respMap.get("data").toString()); return new ShardOperateResp(null, success); } // business error Integer code = getErrCode(respMap); return new ShardOperateResp(ShardOperateRespCode.from(code), null); } /** * Finish the job instance's shard * @param shardFinishDto the job instance id * @return the finish shard resp */ public ShardOperateResp finishJobInstanceShard(ShardFinishDto shardFinishDto) { Map<String, Object> params = MapUtil.toMap(shardFinishDto); Map<String, Object> respMap = doPostAsMap(ClientUris.SHARD_FINISH, headers, params, 0); if (respMap == null){ return null; } Integer status = getRespStatus(respMap); if (Objects.equal(JsonResponse.OK, status)){ // ok Boolean success = Boolean.valueOf(respMap.get("data").toString()); return new ShardOperateResp(null, success); } // business error Integer code = getErrCode(respMap); return new ShardOperateResp(ShardOperateRespCode.from(code), null); } protected Integer getRespStatus(Map<String, Object> respMap) { return Integer.valueOf(respMap.get("status").toString()); } protected Integer getErrCode(Map<String, Object> respMap) { return Integer.valueOf(respMap.get("err").toString()); } }