package; import me.hao0.antares.common.model.JobInstanceShard; import me.hao0.antares.common.model.enums.JobInstanceShardStatus; import java.util.List; /** * Author: haolin * Email: */ public interface JobInstanceShardDao extends BaseDao<JobInstanceShard> { /** * Bind the job instance progress to the job instance * @param instanceId the job instance id * @param progressId the job instance progress id * @return return true if bind successfully, or false */ Boolean bindInstance(Long instanceId, Long progressId); /** * Unbind the job instance progress from the job instance * @param instanceId the job instance id * @param progressId the job instance progress id * @return return true if unbind successfully, or false */ Boolean unbindInstance(Long instanceId, Long progressId); /** * Count the shards of the job instance * @param instanceId the job instance id * @return the instance count of the job */ Long countByInstanceId(Long instanceId); /** * List the shards of the job instance * @param instanceId the job instance id * @param offset the offset * @param limit the limit * @return the progresses of the job instance */ List<JobInstanceShard> listByInstanceId(Long instanceId, Integer offset, Integer limit); /** * Delete all progresses of the job instance * @param instanceId the job instance id * @return return true if delete successfully, or false */ Boolean deleteByInstanceId(Long instanceId); /** * Create the job instance's shards set for pulling * @param instanceId the job instance id * @param shardIds the shard id list * @return return true if create successfully, or false */ Boolean createNewShardsSet(Long instanceId, List<Long> shardIds); /** * Return a shard back to the shards set * @param instanceId the job instance id * @param shardId the shard id * @return return true if push successfully, or false */ Boolean returnShard2NewShardsSet(Long instanceId, Long shardId); /** * Pull a shard from the shards counter * @param instanceId the job instance id * @return the job instance's shard id, or null if all shard ids are pulled */ Long pullShardFromNewShardsSet(Long instanceId); /** * Add one shard to the certain status set * @param instanceId the job instance id * @param shardId the shard id * @param status the shard statue * @see JobInstanceShardStatus * @return return true if add successfully, or false */ Boolean addShard2StatusSet(Long instanceId, Long shardId, JobInstanceShardStatus status); /** * Remove one shard to the certain status set * @param instanceId the job instance id * @param shardId the shard id * @param status the shard statue * @see JobInstanceShardStatus * @return return true if remove successfully, or false */ Boolean removeShardFromStatusSet(Long instanceId, Long shardId, JobInstanceShardStatus status); /** * Add the shard to the client's running set * @param client the client * @param shardId the shard id * @return return true if add successfully, or false */ Boolean addShard2ClientRunningSet(String client, Long shardId); /** * Get the client's running shard id list * @param client the client * @return the client's running shard id list */ List<Long> getClientRunningShards(String client); /** * Remove the shard id from the client's running shard * @param client the client * @param shardId the shard id * @return return true if remove successfully, or false */ Boolean removeShardFromClientRunningShards(String client, Long shardId); /** * Get the total shard count * @param instanceId the job instance id * @return the total shard count */ Integer getJobInstanceTotalShardCount(Long instanceId); /** * Get the job instance status shards' count * @param instanceId the job instance id * @param status the shard status * @return the job instance status shards' count */ Integer getJobInstanceStatusShardCount(Long instanceId, JobInstanceShardStatus status); }