package me.hao0.antares.common.http; import com.github.kevinsawicki.http.HttpRequest; import; import me.hao0.antares.common.exception.HttpException; import*; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; /** * The Http client * Author: haolin * Email: */ public class Http { private String url; private HttpMethod method = HttpMethod.GET; private Map<String, String> headers = Collections.emptyMap(); private Map<String, ?> params = Collections.emptyMap(); /** * The request body */ private String body; private Boolean ssl = Boolean.FALSE; private Integer connectTimeout = 1000 * 5; private Integer readTimeout = 1000 * 5; /** * Encode or not */ private Boolean encode = Boolean.TRUE; /** * The content type */ private String contentType = ""; /** * The charset */ private String charset = HttpRequest.CHARSET_UTF8; /** * The accept type */ private String accept = ""; private Http(String url){ this.url = url; } private Http method(HttpMethod method){ this.method = method; return this; } public Http ssl(){ this.ssl = Boolean.TRUE; return this; } public Http headers(Map<String, String> headers){ this.headers = headers; return this; } public Http params(Map<String, ?> params){ this.params = params; return this; } /** * The request body * @param body request body * @return this */ public Http body(String body){ this.body = body; return this; } public Http encode(Boolean encode){ this.encode = encode; return this; } public Http contentType(String contentType){ this.contentType = contentType; return this; } public Http charset(String charset){ this.charset = charset; return this; } public Http accept(String accept){ this.accept = accept; return this; } /** * set connect timeout * @param connectTimeout (s) * @return this */ public Http connTimeout(Integer connectTimeout){ this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout * 1000; return this; } /** * set read timeout * @param readTimeout (s) * @return this */ public Http readTimeout(Integer readTimeout){ this.readTimeout = readTimeout * 1000; return this; } public String request(){ switch (method){ case GET: return doGet(); case POST: return doPost(); default: break; } return null; } private String doPost() { HttpRequest post =, params, encode) .headers(headers) .connectTimeout(connectTimeout) .readTimeout(readTimeout) .acceptGzipEncoding() .uncompress(true); setOptionalHeaders(post); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(body)){ post.send(body); } if (ssl){ trustHttps(post); } return post.body(); } private String doGet() { HttpRequest get = HttpRequest.get(url, params, encode) .headers(headers) .connectTimeout(connectTimeout) .readTimeout(readTimeout) .acceptGzipEncoding() .uncompress(true); if (ssl){ trustHttps(get); } setOptionalHeaders(get); return get.body(); } private void setOptionalHeaders(HttpRequest request) { if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(contentType)){ request.contentType(contentType, charset); } if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(accept)){ request.accept(accept); } } private void trustHttps(HttpRequest request) { request.trustAllCerts().trustAllHosts(); } public static Http get(String url){ return new Http(url); } public static Http post(String url){ return new Http(url).method(HttpMethod.POST); } public static Http put(String url){ return new Http(url).method(HttpMethod.PUT); } public static Http delete(String url){ return new Http(url).method(HttpMethod.DELETE); } /** * upload file * @param url url * @param fieldName field name * @param fileName file name * @param data file byte data * @param params other params * @return string response */ public static String upload(String url, String fieldName, String fileName, byte[] data, Map<String, String> params){ return upload(url, fieldName, fileName, new ByteArrayInputStream(data), params); } /** * upload file * @param url url * @param fieldName field name * @param fileName file name * @param in InputStream * @param params other params * @return string response */ public static String upload(String url, String fieldName, String fileName, InputStream in, Map<String, String> params){ try { HttpRequest request =; if (!params.isEmpty()){ for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : params.entrySet()){ request.part(param.getKey(), param.getValue()); } } request.part(fieldName , fileName, null, in); return request.body(); } catch (Exception e){ throw new HttpException(e); } } /** * download a file * @param url http url * @param into the file which downloaded content will fill into */ public static void download(String url, File into){ try { download(url, new FileOutputStream(into)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new HttpException(e); } } /** * download a file * @param url http url * @param output the output which downloaded content will fill into */ public static void download(String url, OutputStream output){ try { HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.get(url); if (request.ok()){ request.receive(output); } else { throw new HttpException("request isn't ok: " + request.body()); } } catch (Exception e){ throw new HttpException(e); } } }