package me.hao0.antares.common; import me.hao0.antares.common.util.Networks; import me.hao0.antares.common.util.Systems; import me.hao0.antares.common.zk.ChildListener; import me.hao0.antares.common.zk.LeaderListener; import me.hao0.antares.common.zk.Lock; import me.hao0.antares.common.zk.NodeListener; import me.hao0.antares.common.zk.ZkClient; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * Author: haolin * Email: */ public class ZkClientTest { private ZkClient zk; @Before public void init(){ zk = ZkClient.newClient("localhost:2181", "ats"); } @Test public void testCreate(){ zk.create("/persist_node", "This node is persist."); } @Test public void testCreateEphemeral() throws InterruptedException { zk.createEphemeral("/ephemeral_node", "This node is ephemeral."); Thread.sleep(10000L); // The node will be deleted } @Test public void testAcquireLeader() throws InterruptedException { final String id = Networks.getSiteIp() + ":" +; zk.acquireLeader(id, "/leader", new LeaderListener() { @Override public void isLeader() { System.err.println("I'm the leader now(" + id + ")."); } }); Thread.sleep(20000L); } @Test public void testWatchNode() throws InterruptedException { String nodePath = "/node_watch"; String nodeData = "Test the node watch"; zk.createIfNotExists(nodePath, nodeData); zk.newNodeWatcher(nodePath, new NodeListener() { @Override public void onUpdate(byte[] newData) { System.out.println("node data updated: " + new String(newData)); } @Override public void onDelete() { System.out.println("node is deleted"); } }); Thread.sleep(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } @Test public void testChildWatch() throws InterruptedException { zk.newChildWatcher("/child_watch", new ChildListener() { @Override protected void onAdd(String path, byte[] data) { System.err.println("new node " + path + " is add: " + new String(data)); } @Override protected void onDelete(String path) { System.err.println("path " + path + " is deleted."); } @Override protected void onUpdate(String path, byte[] newData) { System.err.println("path " + path + " is updated: " + new String(newData)); } }); Thread.sleep(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } @Test public void testDeleteRecursively(){ zk.deleteRecursively("/child_watch"); } @Test public void testLock() throws InterruptedException { Lock lock = zk.newLock("/test_lock"); lock.lock(); try { System.err.println("I locked it."); Thread.sleep(600000L); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Test public void testZkClientRestart(){ zk.get("/jobs"); zk.restart(); zk.get("/jobs"); } @After public void destroy(){ if (zk != null){ zk.shutdown(); } } }