package net.pms.configuration; import org.junit.FixMethodOrder; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; @SuppressFBWarnings({ "DLS_DEAD_LOCAL_STORE", "MS_SHOULD_BE_FINAL" }) @FixMethodOrder(MethodSorters.NAME_ASCENDING) public class FormatConfigurationRegressionTest0 { public static boolean debug = false; @Test public void test01() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test01"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.H263; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "h263"+ "'", str0.equals("h263")); } @Test public void test02() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test02"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.AVI; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "avi"+ "'", str0.equals("avi")); } @Test public void test03() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test03"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.AU; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "au"+ "'", str0.equals("au")); } @Test public void test04() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test04"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MPEGPS; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "mpegps"+ "'", str0.equals("mpegps")); } @Test public void test05() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test05"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.WMALOSSLESS; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "wmalossless"+ "'", str0.equals("wmalossless")); } @Test public void test06() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test06"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.FLV; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "flv"+ "'", str0.equals("flv")); } @Test public void test07() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test07"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.OPUS; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "opus"+ "'", str0.equals("opus")); } @Test public void test08() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test08"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.COOK; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "cook"+ "'", str0.equals("cook")); } @Test public void test09() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test09"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.ADTS; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "adts"+ "'", str0.equals("adts")); } @Test public void test10() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test10"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.RA; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "ra"+ "'", str0.equals("ra")); } @Test public void test11() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test11"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MATROSKA; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "mkv"+ "'", str0.equals("mkv")); } @Test public void test12() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test12"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.VC1; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "vc1"+ "'", str0.equals("vc1")); } @Test public void test13() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test13"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MP2; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "mp2"+ "'", str0.equals("mp2")); } @Test public void test14() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test14"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.LPCM; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "lpcm"+ "'", str0.equals("lpcm")); } @Test public void test15() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test15"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MPEG2; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "mpeg2"+ "'", str0.equals("mpeg2")); } @Test public void test16() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test16"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.M4A; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "m4a"+ "'", str0.equals("m4a")); } @Test public void test17() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test17"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.DIVX; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "divx"+ "'", str0.equals("divx")); } @Test public void test18() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test18"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.THREEGPP2; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "3g2"+ "'", str0.equals("3g2")); } @Test public void test19() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test19"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.OGG; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "ogg"+ "'", str0.equals("ogg")); } @Test public void test20() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test20"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.AC3; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "ac3"+ "'", str0.equals("ac3")); } @Test public void test21() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test21"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.ATMOS; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "atmos"+ "'", str0.equals("atmos")); } @Test public void test22() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test22"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.WMAPRO; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "wmapro"+ "'", str0.equals("wmapro")); } @Test public void test23() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test23"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.GIF; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "gif"+ "'", str0.equals("gif")); } @Test public void test24() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test24"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MP4; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "mp4"+ "'", str0.equals("mp4")); } @Test public void test25() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test25"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.H264; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "h264"+ "'", str0.equals("h264")); } @Test public void test26() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test26"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.ATRAC; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "atrac"+ "'", str0.equals("atrac")); } @Test public void test27() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test27"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.AAC_HE; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "aac-he"+ "'", str0.equals("aac-he")); } @Test public void test28() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test28"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.WEBM; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "webm"+ "'", str0.equals("webm")); } @Test public void test29() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test29"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.TIFF; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "tiff"+ "'", str0.equals("tiff")); } @Test public void test30() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test30"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.WAV; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "wav"+ "'", str0.equals("wav")); } @Test public void test31() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test31"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.JPG; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "jpg"+ "'", str0.equals("jpg")); } @Test public void test32() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test32"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.VP9; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "vp9"+ "'", str0.equals("vp9")); } @Test public void test33() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test33"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MI_GOP; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "gop"+ "'", str0.equals("gop")); } @Test public void test34() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test34"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.VP8; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "vp8"+ "'", str0.equals("vp8")); } @Test public void test35() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test35"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.THREEGA; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "3ga"+ "'", str0.equals("3ga")); } @Test public void test36() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test36"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MONKEYS_AUDIO; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "ape"+ "'", str0.equals("ape")); } @Test public void test37() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test37"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.REALAUDIO_LOSSLESS; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "ralf"+ "'", str0.equals("ralf")); } @Test public void test38() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test38"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MKA; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "mka"+ "'", str0.equals("mka")); } @Test public void test39() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test39"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.DSDAudio; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "dsd"+ "'", str0.equals("dsd")); } @Test public void test40() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test40"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.CINEPACK; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "cvid"+ "'", str0.equals("cvid")); } @Test public void test41() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test41"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MIMETYPE_AUTO; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "MIMETYPE_AUTO"+ "'", str0.equals("MIMETYPE_AUTO")); } @Test public void test42() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test42"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.VP7; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "vp7"+ "'", str0.equals("vp7")); } @Test public void test43() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test43"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.THREEGPP; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "3gp"+ "'", str0.equals("3gp")); } @Test public void test44() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test44"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MJPEG; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "mjpeg"+ "'", str0.equals("mjpeg")); } @Test public void test45() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test45"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.BMP; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "bmp"+ "'", str0.equals("bmp")); } @Test public void test46() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test46"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.TTA; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "tta"+ "'", str0.equals("tta")); } @Test public void test47() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test47"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.AAC; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "aac"+ "'", str0.equals("aac")); } @Test public void test48() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test48"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.PNG; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "png"+ "'", str0.equals("png")); } @Test public void test49() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test49"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.WMV; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "wmv"+ "'", str0.equals("wmv")); } @Test public void test50() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test50"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MPEGTS; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "mpegts"+ "'", str0.equals("mpegts")); } @Test public void test51() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test51"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.DTS; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "dts"+ "'", str0.equals("dts")); } @Test public void test52() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test52"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.VP6; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "vp6"+ "'", str0.equals("vp6")); } @Test public void test53() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test53"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.QDESIGN; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "qdmc"+ "'", str0.equals("qdmc")); } @Test public void test54() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test54"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MPA; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "mpa"+ "'", str0.equals("mpa")); } @Test public void test55() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test55"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.TRUEHD; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "truehd"+ "'", str0.equals("truehd")); } @Test public void test56() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test56"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.ALAC; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "alac"+ "'", str0.equals("alac")); } @Test public void test57() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test57"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MPEG1; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "mpeg1"+ "'", str0.equals("mpeg1")); } @Test public void test58() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test58"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MPC; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "mpc"+ "'", str0.equals("mpc")); } @Test public void test59() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test59"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MI_QPEL; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "qpel"+ "'", str0.equals("qpel")); } @Test public void test60() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test60"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.EAC3; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "eac3"+ "'", str0.equals("eac3")); } @Test public void test61() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test61"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.VORBIS; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "vorbis"+ "'", str0.equals("vorbis")); } @Test public void test62() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test62"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.und; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "und"+ "'", str0.equals("und")); } @Test public void test63() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test63"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.H265; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "h265"+ "'", str0.equals("h265")); } @Test public void test64() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test64"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.WMA; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "wma"+ "'", str0.equals("wma")); } @Test public void test65() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test65"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.THEORA; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "theora"+ "'", str0.equals("theora")); } @Test public void test66() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test66"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MI_GMC; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "gmc"+ "'", str0.equals("gmc")); } @Test public void test67() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test67"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.SHORTEN; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "shn"+ "'", str0.equals("shn")); } @Test public void test68() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test68"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.ADPCM; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "adpcm"+ "'", str0.equals("adpcm")); } @Test public void test69() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test69"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.WMAVOICE; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "wmavoice"+ "'", str0.equals("wmavoice")); } @Test public void test70() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test70"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.DV; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "dv"+ "'", str0.equals("dv")); } @Test public void test71() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test71"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.FLAC; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "flac"+ "'", str0.equals("flac")); } @Test public void test72() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test72"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.RM; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "rm"+ "'", str0.equals("rm")); } @Test public void test73() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test73"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.WAVPACK; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "wavpack"+ "'", str0.equals("wavpack")); } @Test public void test74() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test74"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MOV; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "mov"+ "'", str0.equals("mov")); } @Test public void test75() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test75"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.SORENSON; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "sor"+ "'", str0.equals("sor")); } @Test public void test76() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test76"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MLP; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "mlp"+ "'", str0.equals("mlp")); } @Test public void test77() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test77"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.AMR; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "amr"+ "'", str0.equals("amr")); } @Test public void test78() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test78"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.MP3; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "mp3"+ "'", str0.equals("mp3")); } @Test public void test79() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test79"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.DTSHD; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "dtshd"+ "'", str0.equals("dtshd")); } @Test public void test80() throws Throwable { if (debug) { System.out.format("%n%s%n","RegressionTest0.test80"); } java.lang.String str0 = net.pms.configuration.FormatConfiguration.AIFF; // Regression assertion (captures the current behavior of the code) org.junit.Assert.assertTrue("'" + str0 + "' != '" + "aiff"+ "'", str0.equals("aiff")); } }