package net.pms.image; import java.awt.color.ColorSpace; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import net.pms.util.ParseException; import com.drew.metadata.Metadata; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; /** * This class is used for instances of {@link ImageInfo} for image formats * unsupported by {@link Metadata} where no format-specific information is * available. * * @author Nadahar */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") @SuppressFBWarnings("SE_NO_SERIALVERSIONID") public class GenericImageInfo extends ImageInfo { /** * Use * {@link ImageInfo#create(int, int, ImageFormat, long, ColorModel, Metadata, boolean, boolean)} * to instantiate. */ protected GenericImageInfo( int width, int height, ImageFormat format, long size, ColorModel colorModel, Metadata metadata, boolean applyExifOrientation, boolean imageIOSupport ) throws ParseException { super(width, height, format, size, colorModel, metadata, applyExifOrientation, imageIOSupport); } /** * Use * {@link ImageInfo#create(int, int, ImageFormat, long, int, int, ColorSpace, ColorSpaceType, Metadata, boolean, boolean)} * to instantiate. */ protected GenericImageInfo( int width, int height, ImageFormat format, long size, int bitDepth, int numComponents, ColorSpace colorSpace, ColorSpaceType colorSpaceType, Metadata metadata, boolean applyExifOrientation, boolean imageIOSupport ) throws ParseException { super( width, height, format, size, bitDepth, numComponents, colorSpace, colorSpaceType, metadata, applyExifOrientation, imageIOSupport ); } /** * Use * {@link ImageInfo#create(int, int, Metadata, ImageFormat, long, boolean, boolean)} * to instantiate. */ protected GenericImageInfo( int width, int height, Metadata metadata, ImageFormat format, long size, boolean applyExifOrientation, boolean throwOnParseFailure ) throws ParseException { super(width, height, metadata, format, size, applyExifOrientation, throwOnParseFailure); } /** * Copy constructor */ protected GenericImageInfo( int width, int height, ImageFormat format, long size, int bitDepth, int numComponents, ColorSpace colorSpace, ColorSpaceType colorSpaceType, boolean imageIOSupport ) { super(width, height, format, size, bitDepth, numComponents, colorSpace, colorSpaceType, imageIOSupport); } @Override protected ParseInfo createParseInfo() { return new ParseInfo(); } @Override protected void parseMetadata(Metadata metadata) { } @Override public GenericImageInfo copy() { return new GenericImageInfo(width, height, format, size, bitDepth, numComponents, colorSpace, colorSpaceType, imageIOSupport); } @Override protected void buildToString(StringBuilder sb) { } }