/** * MediaInfoDLL - All info about media files, for DLL (JNA version) * * Copyright (C) 2009-2009 Jerome Martinez, Zen@MediaArea.net * * This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * **/ // Note: the original stuff was well packaged with Java style, // but I (the main developer) prefer to keep an easiest for me // way to have all sources and example in the same place // Removed stuff: // "package net.sourceforge.mediainfo;" // directory was /net/sourceforge/mediainfo package net.pms.dlna; import com.sun.jna.*; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import static java.util.Collections.singletonMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class MediaInfo { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MediaInfo.class); static String libraryName; static { if (Platform.isWindows() && Platform.is64Bit()) { libraryName = "mediainfo64"; } else { libraryName = "mediainfo"; } // libmediainfo for Linux depends on libzen if (!Platform.isWindows() && !Platform.isMac()) { try { // We need to load dependencies first, because we know where our native libs are (e.g. Java Web Start Cache). // If we do not, the system will look for dependencies, but only in the library path. NativeLibrary.getInstance("zen"); } catch (LinkageError e) { LOGGER.warn("Error loading libzen: " + e.getMessage()); } } } /** * XXX Note: none of JNA's 3 calling conventions * (ALT_CONVENTION, C_CONVENTION, STDCALL_CONVENTION) * work with MediaInfo.dll when JNA > 3.2.5. */ // Internal stuff interface MediaInfoDLL_Internal extends Library { MediaInfoDLL_Internal INSTANCE = (MediaInfoDLL_Internal) Native.loadLibrary( libraryName, MediaInfoDLL_Internal.class, singletonMap(OPTION_FUNCTION_MAPPER, new FunctionMapper() { @Override public String getFunctionName(NativeLibrary lib, Method method) { // e.g. MediaInfo_New(), MediaInfo_Open() ... return "MediaInfo_" + method.getName(); } })); // Constructor/Destructor Pointer New(); void Delete(Pointer Handle); // File int Open(Pointer Handle, WString file); void Close(Pointer Handle); // Info WString Inform(Pointer Handle); WString Get(Pointer Handle, int streamType, int streamNumber, WString parameter, int infoType, int searchType); WString GetI(Pointer Handle, int streamType, int streamNumber, int parameterIndex, int infoType); int Count_Get(Pointer Handle, int streamType, int streamNumber); // Options WString Option(Pointer Handle, WString option, WString value); } private Pointer Handle; @Deprecated public enum StreamKind { General, Video, Audio, Text, Chapters, Image, Menu; } public enum StreamType { General, Video, Audio, Text, Chapters, Image, Menu, Other; } // Enums @Deprecated public enum InfoKind { /** * Unique name of parameter. */ Name, /** * Value of parameter. */ Text, /** * Unique name of measure unit of parameter. */ Measure, Options, /** * Translated name of parameter. */ Name_Text, /** * Translated name of measure unit. */ Measure_Text, /** * More information about the parameter. */ Info, /** * How this parameter is supported, could be N (No), B (Beta), R (Read only), W * (Read/Write). */ HowTo, /** * Domain of this piece of information. */ Domain; } public enum InfoType { /** * Unique name of parameter. */ Name, /** * Value of parameter. */ Text, /** * Unique name of measure unit of parameter. */ Measure, Options, /** * Translated name of parameter. */ Name_Text, /** * Translated name of measure unit. */ Measure_Text, /** * More information about the parameter. */ Info, /** * How this parameter is supported, could be N (No), B (Beta), R (Read only), W * (Read/Write). */ HowTo, /** * Domain of this piece of information. */ Domain; } // Constructor/Destructor public MediaInfo() { try { LOGGER.info("Loading MediaInfo library"); Handle = MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.New(); LOGGER.info("Loaded " + Option_Static("Info_Version")); } catch (Throwable e) { LOGGER.error("Error loading MediaInfo library: " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.trace("", e); if (!Platform.isWindows() && !Platform.isMac()) { LOGGER.info("Make sure you have libmediainfo and libzen installed"); } LOGGER.info("The server will now use the less accurate FFmpeg parsing method"); } } public boolean isValid() { return Handle != null; } public void dispose() { if (Handle == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.Delete(Handle); Handle = null; } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { try { if (Handle != null) { dispose(); } } finally { super.finalize(); } } // File /** * Open a file and collect information about it (technical information and tags). * * @param File_Name full name of the file to open * @return 1 if file was opened, 0 if file was not not opened */ public int Open(String File_Name) { return MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.Open(Handle, new WString(File_Name)); } /** * Close a file opened before with Open(). * */ public void Close() { MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.Close(Handle); } // Information /** * Get all details about a file. * * @return All details about a file in one string */ public String Inform() { return MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.Inform(Handle).toString(); } /** * Get a piece of information about a file (parameter is a string). * * @param streamType Type of Stream (general, video, audio...) * @param streamNumber Stream number in Type of Stream (first, second...) * @param parameter Parameter you are looking for in the Stream (Codec, width, bitrate...), * in string format ("Codec", "Width"...) * @return a string about information you search, an empty string if there is a problem */ public String Get(StreamType streamType, int streamNumber, String parameter) { return Get(streamType, streamNumber, parameter, InfoType.Text, InfoType.Name); } /** * Get a piece of information about a file (parameter is a string). * * @param streamType Type of Stream (general, video, audio...) * @param streamNumber Stream number in Type of Stream (first, second...) * @param parameter Parameter you are looking for in the Stream (Codec, width, bitrate...), * in string format ("Codec", "Width"...) * @param infoType Type of information you want about the parameter (the text, the measure, * the help...) * @return a string about information you search, an empty string if there is a problem */ public String Get(StreamType streamType, int streamNumber, String parameter, InfoType infoType) { return Get(streamType, streamNumber, parameter, infoType, InfoType.Name); } /** * Get a piece of information about a file (parameter is a string). * * @param streamType Type of Stream (general, video, audio...) * @param streamNumber Stream number in Type of Stream (first, second...) * @param parameter Parameter you are looking for in the Stream (Codec, width, bitrate...), * in string format ("Codec", "Width"...) * @param infoType Type of information you want about the parameter (the text, the measure, * the help...) * @param searchType Where to look for the parameter * @return a string about information you search, an empty string if there is a problem */ public String Get(StreamType streamType, int streamNumber, String parameter, InfoType infoType, InfoType searchType) { return MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.Get( Handle, streamType.ordinal(), streamNumber, new WString(parameter), infoType.ordinal(), searchType.ordinal()).toString(); } /** * Get a piece of information about a file (parameter is an integer). * * @param streamType Type of Stream (general, video, audio...) * @param streamNumber Stream number in Type of Stream (first, second...) * @param parameterIndex Parameter you are looking for in the Stream (Codec, width, bitrate...), * in integer format (first parameter, second parameter...) * @return a string about information you search, an empty string if there is a problem */ public String get(StreamType streamType, int streamNumber, int parameterIndex) { return Get(streamType, streamNumber, parameterIndex, InfoType.Text); } /** * Get a piece of information about a file (parameter is an integer). * * @param streamType Type of Stream (general, video, audio...) * @param streamNumber Stream number in Type of Stream (first, second...) * @param parameterIndex Parameter you are looking for in the Stream (Codec, width, bitrate...), * in integer format (first parameter, second parameter...) * @param infoType Type of information you want about the parameter (the text, the measure, * the help...) * @return a string about information you search, an empty string if there is a problem */ public String Get(StreamType streamType, int streamNumber, int parameterIndex, InfoType infoType) { return MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.GetI( Handle, streamType.ordinal(), streamNumber, parameterIndex, infoType.ordinal()).toString(); } /** * Count of Streams of a Stream kind (StreamNumber not filled), or count of piece of * information in this Stream. * * @param streamType Type of Stream (general, video, audio...) * @return number of Streams of the given Stream kind */ public int Count_Get(StreamType streamType) { return MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.Count_Get(Handle, streamType.ordinal(), -1); } /** * Count of Streams of a Stream kind (StreamNumber not filled), or count of piece of * information in this Stream. * * @param streamType Type of Stream (general, video, audio...) * @param streamNumber Stream number in this kind of Stream (first, second...) * @return number of Streams of the given Stream kind */ public int Count_Get(StreamType streamType, int streamNumber) { return MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.Count_Get(Handle, streamType.ordinal(), streamNumber); } // Options /** * Configure or get information about MediaInfo. * * @param Option The name of option * @return Depends on the option: by default "" (nothing) means No, other means Yes */ public String Option(String Option) { return MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.Option(Handle, new WString(Option), new WString("")).toString(); } /** * Configure or get information about MediaInfo. * * @param Option The name of option * @param Value The value of option * @return Depends on the option: by default "" (nothing) means No, other means Yes */ public String Option(String Option, String Value) { return MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.Option(Handle, new WString(Option), new WString(Value)).toString(); } /** * Configure or get information about MediaInfo (Static version). * * @param Option The name of option * @return Depends on the option: by default "" (nothing) means No, other means Yes */ public static String Option_Static(String Option) { return MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.Option( MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.New(), new WString(Option), new WString("")).toString(); } /** * Configure or get information about MediaInfo (Static version). * * @param Option The name of option * @param Value The value of option * @return Depends on the option: by default "" (nothing) means No, other means Yes */ public static String Option_Static(String Option, String Value) { return MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.Option( MediaInfoDLL_Internal.INSTANCE.New(), new WString(Option), new WString(Value)).toString(); } }