package net.pms.configuration; import com.sun.jna.Platform; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.pms.Messages; import net.pms.PMS; import net.pms.dlna.*; import net.pms.encoders.Player; import net.pms.formats.Format; import net.pms.formats.Format.Identifier; import net.pms.formats.v2.AudioProperties; import; import; import; import; import net.pms.newgui.StatusTab; import net.pms.util.BasicPlayer; import net.pms.util.FileWatcher; import net.pms.util.FormattableColor; import net.pms.util.InvalidArgumentException; import net.pms.util.PropertiesUtil; import net.pms.util.StringUtil; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.translate.UnicodeUnescaper; import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.DurationFormatUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class RendererConfiguration extends UPNPHelper.Renderer { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RendererConfiguration.class); protected static TreeSet<RendererConfiguration> enabledRendererConfs; protected static final ArrayList<String> allRenderersNames = new ArrayList<>(); protected static PmsConfiguration _pmsConfiguration = PMS.getConfiguration(); protected static RendererConfiguration defaultConf; protected static final Map<InetAddress, RendererConfiguration> addressAssociation = new HashMap<>(); protected RootFolder rootFolder; protected File file; protected Configuration configuration; protected PmsConfiguration pmsConfiguration = _pmsConfiguration; protected ConfigurationReader configurationReader; protected FormatConfiguration formatConfiguration; protected int rank; protected Matcher sortedHeaderMatcher; protected List<String> identifiers = null; public StatusTab.RendererItem gui; public boolean loaded, fileless = false; protected BasicPlayer player; public static final File NOFILE = new File("NOFILE"); public interface OutputOverride { /** * Override a player's default output formatting. * To be invoked by the player after input and filter options are complete. * * @param cmdList the command so far * @param dlna the media item * @param player the player * @param params the output parameters * * @return whether the options have been finalized */ public boolean getOutputOptions(List<String> cmdList, DLNAResource dlna, Player player, OutputParams params); public boolean addSubtitles(); } // Holds MIME type aliases protected Map<String, String> mimes; protected Map<String, String> charMap; protected Map<String, String> DLNAPN; // TextWrap parameters protected int lineWidth, lineHeight, indent; protected String inset, dots; // property values protected static final String LPCM = "LPCM"; protected static final String MP3 = "MP3"; protected static final String WAV = "WAV"; protected static final String WMV = "WMV"; // Old video transcoding options @Deprecated protected static final String DEPRECATED_MPEGAC3 = "MPEGAC3"; @Deprecated protected static final String DEPRECATED_MPEGPSAC3 = "MPEGPSAC3"; @Deprecated protected static final String DEPRECATED_MPEGTSAC3 = "MPEGTSAC3"; @Deprecated protected static final String DEPRECATED_H264TSAC3 = "H264TSAC3"; // Current video transcoding options protected static final String MPEGTSH264AAC = "MPEGTS-H264-AAC"; protected static final String MPEGTSH264AC3 = "MPEGTS-H264-AC3"; protected static final String MPEGTSH265AAC = "MPEGTS-H265-AAC"; protected static final String MPEGTSH265AC3 = "MPEGTS-H265-AC3"; protected static final String MPEGPSMPEG2AC3 = "MPEGPS-MPEG2-AC3"; protected static final String MPEGTSMPEG2AC3 = "MPEGTS-MPEG2-AC3"; // property names protected static final String ACCURATE_DLNA_ORGPN = "AccurateDLNAOrgPN"; protected static final String AUDIO = "Audio"; protected static final String AUTO_PLAY_TMO = "AutoPlayTmo"; protected static final String BYTE_TO_TIMESEEK_REWIND_SECONDS = "ByteToTimeseekRewindSeconds"; // Ditlew protected static final String CBR_VIDEO_BITRATE = "CBRVideoBitrate"; // Ditlew protected static final String CHARMAP = "CharMap"; protected static final String CHUNKED_TRANSFER = "ChunkedTransfer"; protected static final String CUSTOM_FFMPEG_OPTIONS = "CustomFFmpegOptions"; protected static final String CUSTOM_MENCODER_OPTIONS = "CustomMencoderOptions"; protected static final String CUSTOM_MENCODER_MPEG2_OPTIONS = "CustomMencoderQualitySettings"; // TODO (breaking change): value should be CustomMEncoderMPEG2Options protected static final String DEFAULT_VBV_BUFSIZE = "DefaultVBVBufSize"; protected static final String DEVICE_ID = "Device"; protected static final String DISABLE_MENCODER_NOSKIP = "DisableMencoderNoskip"; protected static final String DLNA_LOCALIZATION_REQUIRED = "DLNALocalizationRequired"; protected static final String DLNA_ORGPN_USE = "DLNAOrgPN"; protected static final String DLNA_PN_CHANGES = "DLNAProfileChanges"; protected static final String DLNA_TREE_HACK = "CreateDLNATreeFaster"; protected static final String EMBEDDED_SUBS_SUPPORTED = "InternalSubtitlesSupported"; protected static final String HALVE_BITRATE = "HalveBitrate"; protected static final String H264_L41_LIMITED = "H264Level41Limited"; protected static final String IGNORE_TRANSCODE_BYTE_RANGE_REQUEST = "IgnoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests"; protected static final String IMAGE = "Image"; protected static final String KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO = "KeepAspectRatio"; protected static final String KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO_TRANSCODING = "KeepAspectRatioTranscoding"; protected static final String LIMIT_FOLDERS = "LimitFolders"; protected static final String LOADING_PRIORITY = "LoadingPriority"; protected static final String MAX_VIDEO_BITRATE = "MaxVideoBitrateMbps"; protected static final String MAX_VIDEO_HEIGHT = "MaxVideoHeight"; protected static final String MAX_VIDEO_WIDTH = "MaxVideoWidth"; protected static final String MAX_VOLUME = "MaxVolume"; protected static final String MEDIAPARSERV2 = "MediaInfo"; protected static final String MEDIAPARSERV2_THUMB = "MediaParserV2_ThumbnailGeneration"; protected static final String MIME_TYPES_CHANGES = "MimeTypesChanges"; protected static final String MUX_DTS_TO_MPEG = "MuxDTSToMpeg"; protected static final String MUX_H264_WITH_MPEGTS = "MuxH264ToMpegTS"; protected static final String MUX_LPCM_TO_MPEG = "MuxLPCMToMpeg"; protected static final String MUX_NON_MOD4_RESOLUTION = "MuxNonMod4Resolution"; protected static final String NOT_AGGRESSIVE_BROWSING = "NotAggressiveBrowsing"; protected static final String OFFER_SUBTITLES_BY_PROTOCOL_INFO = "OfferSubtitlesByProtocolInfo"; protected static final String OFFER_SUBTITLES_AS_SOURCE = "OfferSubtitlesAsSource"; protected static final String OUTPUT_3D_FORMAT = "Output3DFormat"; protected static final String OVERRIDE_FFMPEG_VF = "OverrideFFmpegVideoFilter"; protected static final String PREPEND_TRACK_NUMBERS = "PrependTrackNumbers"; protected static final String PUSH_METADATA = "PushMetadata"; protected static final String REMOVE_TAGS_FROM_SRT_SUBS = "RemoveTagsFromSRTSubtitles"; protected static final String RENDERER_ICON = "RendererIcon"; protected static final String RENDERER_NAME = "RendererName"; protected static final String RESCALE_BY_RENDERER = "RescaleByRenderer"; protected static final String SEEK_BY_TIME = "SeekByTime"; protected static final String SEND_DATE_METADATA = "SendDateMetadata"; protected static final String SEND_FOLDER_THUMBNAILS = "SendFolderThumbnails"; protected static final String SHOW_AUDIO_METADATA = "ShowAudioMetadata"; protected static final String SHOW_DVD_TITLE_DURATION = "ShowDVDTitleDuration"; // Ditlew protected static final String SHOW_SUB_METADATA = "ShowSubMetadata"; protected static final String STREAM_EXT = "StreamExtensions"; protected static final String STREAM_SUBS_FOR_TRANSCODED_VIDEO = "StreamSubsForTranscodedVideo"; protected static final String SUBTITLE_HTTP_HEADER = "SubtitleHttpHeader"; protected static final String SUPPORTED = "Supported"; protected static final String SUPPORTED_VIDEO_BIT_DEPTHS = "SupportedVideoBitDepths"; protected static final String SUPPORTED_EXTERNAL_SUBTITLES_FORMATS = "SupportedExternalSubtitlesFormats"; protected static final String SUPPORTED_INTERNAL_SUBTITLES_FORMATS = "SupportedInternalSubtitlesFormats"; protected static final String TEXTWRAP = "TextWrap"; protected static final String THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT = "ThumbnailHeight"; protected static final String THUMBNAIL_WIDTH = "ThumbnailWidth"; protected static final String THUMBNAIL_PADDING = "ThumbnailPadding"; protected static final String THUMBNAILS = "Thumbnails"; protected static final String TRANSCODE_AUDIO = "TranscodeAudio"; protected static final String TRANSCODE_AUDIO_441KHZ = "TranscodeAudioTo441kHz"; protected static final String TRANSCODE_EXT = "TranscodeExtensions"; protected static final String TRANSCODE_FAST_START = "TranscodeFastStart"; protected static final String TRANSCODE_VIDEO = "TranscodeVideo"; protected static final String TRANSCODED_SIZE = "TranscodedVideoFileSize"; protected static final String TRANSCODED_VIDEO_AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE = "TranscodedVideoAudioSampleRate"; protected static final String UPNP_DETAILS = "UpnpDetailsSearch"; protected static final String UPNP_ALLOW = "UpnpAllow"; protected static final String USER_AGENT = "UserAgentSearch"; protected static final String USER_AGENT_ADDITIONAL_HEADER = "UserAgentAdditionalHeader"; protected static final String USER_AGENT_ADDITIONAL_SEARCH = "UserAgentAdditionalHeaderSearch"; protected static final String USE_CLOSED_CAPTION = "UseClosedCaption"; protected static final String USE_SAME_EXTENSION = "UseSameExtension"; protected static final String VIDEO = "Video"; protected static final String VIDEO_FORMATS_SUPPORTING_STREAMED_EXTERNAL_SUBTITLES = "VideoFormatsSupportingStreamedExternalSubtitles"; protected static final String WRAP_DTS_INTO_PCM = "WrapDTSIntoPCM"; protected static final String WRAP_ENCODED_AUDIO_INTO_PCM = "WrapEncodedAudioIntoPCM"; // Deprecated property names @Deprecated protected static final String THUMBNAIL_BG = "ThumbnailBackground"; @Deprecated protected static final String THUMBNAIL_SIZE = "ThumbnailSize"; private static int maximumBitrateTotal = 0; public static final String UNKNOWN_ICON = "unknown.png"; public static RendererConfiguration getDefaultConf() { return defaultConf; } public ConfigurationReader getConfigurationReader() { return configurationReader; } /** * {@link #enabledRendererConfs} doesn't normally need locking since * modification is rare and {@link #loadRendererConfigurations(PmsConfiguration)} * is only called during {@link PMS#init()} (To avoid any chance of a * race condition proper locking should be implemented though). During * build on the other hand the method is called repeatedly and it is random * if a {@link ConcurrentModificationException} is thrown as a result. * * To avoid build problems, this is used to make sure that calls to * {@link #loadRendererConfigurations(PmsConfiguration)} is serialized. */ public static final Object loadRendererConfigurationsLock = new Object(); /** * Load all renderer configuration files and set up the default renderer. * * @param pmsConf */ public static void loadRendererConfigurations(PmsConfiguration pmsConf) { synchronized(loadRendererConfigurationsLock) { _pmsConfiguration = pmsConf; enabledRendererConfs = new TreeSet<>(rendererLoadingPriorityComparator); try { defaultConf = new RendererConfiguration(); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { LOGGER.debug("Caught exception", e); } File renderersDir = getRenderersDir(); if (renderersDir != null) {"Loading renderer configurations from " + renderersDir.getAbsolutePath()); File[] confs = renderersDir.listFiles(); Arrays.sort(confs); int rank = 1; List<String> selectedRenderers = pmsConf.getSelectedRenderers(); for (File f : confs) { if (f.getName().endsWith(".conf")) { try { RendererConfiguration r = new RendererConfiguration(f); r.rank = rank++; String rendererName = r.getConfName(); allRenderersNames.add(rendererName); String renderersGroup = null; if (rendererName.indexOf(' ') > 0) { renderersGroup = rendererName.substring(0, rendererName.indexOf(' ')); } if (selectedRenderers.contains(rendererName) || selectedRenderers.contains(renderersGroup) || selectedRenderers.contains(pmsConf.ALL_RENDERERS)) { enabledRendererConfs.add(r); } else { LOGGER.debug("Ignored \"{}\" configuration", rendererName); } } catch (ConfigurationException ce) {"Error in loading configuration of: " + f.getAbsolutePath()); } } } } }"Enabled " + enabledRendererConfs.size() + " configurations, listed in order of loading priority:"); for (RendererConfiguration r : enabledRendererConfs) {": " + r); } if (enabledRendererConfs.size() > 0) { // See if a different default configuration was configured String rendererFallback = pmsConf.getRendererDefault(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rendererFallback)) { RendererConfiguration fallbackConf = getRendererConfigurationByName(rendererFallback); if (fallbackConf != null) { // A valid fallback configuration was set, use it as default. defaultConf = fallbackConf; } } } Collections.sort(allRenderersNames, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); DeviceConfiguration.loadDeviceConfigurations(pmsConf); } public int getInt(String key, int def) { return configurationReader.getInt(key, def); } public long getLong(String key, long def) { return configurationReader.getLong(key, def); } public double getDouble(String key, double def) { return configurationReader.getDouble(key, def); } public boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean def) { return configurationReader.getBoolean(key, def); } public String getString(String key, String def) { return configurationReader.getNonBlankConfigurationString(key, def); } public List<String> getStringList(String key, String def) { List<String> result = configurationReader.getStringList(key, def); if (result.size() == 1 && result.get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("None")) { return new ArrayList<>(); } else { return result; } } public void setStringList(String key, List<String> value) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (String element : value) { if (!result.toString().equals("")) { result.append(", "); } result.append(element); } if (result.toString().equals("")) { result.append("None"); } configuration.setProperty(key, result.toString()); } public Color getColor(String key, String defaultValue) { String colorString = getString(key, defaultValue); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(colorString)) { try { return new FormattableColor(colorString); } catch (InvalidArgumentException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); LOGGER.trace("", e); } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(defaultValue)) { return null; } try { return new FormattableColor(defaultValue); } catch (InvalidArgumentException e) { LOGGER.error("Invalid default value: {}", e.getMessage()); LOGGER.trace("", e); return null; } } @Deprecated public static ArrayList<RendererConfiguration> getAllRendererConfigurations() { return getEnabledRenderersConfigurations(); } public boolean nox264() { return false; } /** * Returns the list of enabled renderer configurations. * * @return The list of enabled renderers. */ public static ArrayList<RendererConfiguration> getEnabledRenderersConfigurations() { return enabledRendererConfs != null ? new ArrayList(enabledRendererConfs) : null; } /** * Returns the list of all connected renderer devices. * * @return The list of connected renderers. */ public static Collection<RendererConfiguration> getConnectedRenderersConfigurations() { // We need to check both UPnP and http sides to ensure a complete list HashSet<RendererConfiguration> renderers = new HashSet<>(UPNPHelper.getRenderers(UPNPHelper.ANY)); renderers.addAll(addressAssociation.values()); // Ensure any remaining secondary common-ip renderers (which are no longer in address association) are added renderers.addAll(PMS.get().getFoundRenderers()); return renderers; } public static boolean hasConnectedAVTransportPlayers() { return UPNPHelper.hasRenderer(UPNPHelper.AVT); } public static List<RendererConfiguration> getConnectedAVTransportPlayers() { return UPNPHelper.getRenderers(UPNPHelper.AVT); } public static boolean hasConnectedRenderer(int type) { for (RendererConfiguration r : getConnectedRenderersConfigurations()) { if ((r.controls & type) != 0) { return true; } } return false; } public static List<RendererConfiguration> getConnectedRenderers(int type) { ArrayList<RendererConfiguration> renderers = new ArrayList<>(); for (RendererConfiguration r : getConnectedRenderersConfigurations()) { if ( && (r.controls & type) != 0) { renderers.add(r); } } return renderers; } public static boolean hasConnectedControlPlayers() { return hasConnectedRenderer(UPNPHelper.ANY); } public static List<RendererConfiguration> getConnectedControlPlayers() { return getConnectedRenderers(UPNPHelper.ANY); } /** * Searches for an instance of this renderer connected at the given address. * * @param r the renderer. * @param ia the address. * @return the matching renderer or null. */ public static RendererConfiguration find(RendererConfiguration r, InetAddress ia) { return find(r.getConfName(), ia); } /** * Searches for a renderer of this name connected at the given address. * * @param name the renderer name. * @param ia the address. * @return the matching renderer or null. */ public static RendererConfiguration find(String name, InetAddress ia) { for (RendererConfiguration r : getConnectedRenderersConfigurations()) { if (ia.equals(r.getAddress()) && name.equals(r.getConfName())) { return r; } } return null; } public static File getRenderersDir() { final String[] pathList = PropertiesUtil.getProjectProperties().get("project.renderers.dir").split(","); for (String path : pathList) { if (path.trim().length() > 0) { File file = new File(path.trim()); if (file.isDirectory()) { if (file.canRead()) { return file; } else { LOGGER.warn("Can't read directory: {}", file.getAbsolutePath()); } } } } return null; } public static void resetAllRenderers() { for (RendererConfiguration r : getConnectedRenderersConfigurations()) { r.rootFolder = null; } // Resetting enabledRendererConfs isn't strictly speaking necessary any more, since // these are now for reference only and never actually populate their root folders. for (RendererConfiguration r : enabledRendererConfs) { r.rootFolder = null; } } public RootFolder getRootFolder() { if (rootFolder == null) { ArrayList<String> tags = new ArrayList<>(); tags.add(getRendererName()); for (InetAddress sa : addressAssociation.keySet()) { if (addressAssociation.get(sa) == this) { tags.add(sa.getHostAddress()); } } rootFolder = new RootFolder(tags); if (pmsConfiguration.getUseCache()) { rootFolder.discoverChildren(); } } return rootFolder; } public void addFolderLimit(DLNAResource res) { if (rootFolder != null) { rootFolder.setFolderLim(res); } } public void setRootFolder(RootFolder r) { rootFolder = r; } /** * Associate an IP address with this renderer. The association will * persist between requests, allowing the renderer to be recognized * by its address in later requests. * * @param sa The IP address to associate. * @return whether the device at this address is a renderer. * @see #getRendererConfigurationBySocketAddress(InetAddress) */ public boolean associateIP(InetAddress sa) { if (UPNPHelper.isNonRenderer(sa)) { // TODO: remove it if already added unknowingly return false; } // FIXME: handle multiple clients with same ip properly, now newer overwrites older RendererConfiguration prev = addressAssociation.put(sa, this); if (prev != null) { // We've displaced a previous renderer at this address, so // check if it's a ghost instance that should be deleted. verify(prev); } resetUpnpMode(); if ( ( pmsConfiguration.isAutomaticMaximumBitrate() || pmsConfiguration.isSpeedDbg() ) && !( sa.isLoopbackAddress() || sa.isAnyLocalAddress() ) ) { SpeedStats.getInstance().getSpeedInMBits(sa, getRendererName()); } return true; } public static void calculateAllSpeeds() { for (InetAddress sa : addressAssociation.keySet()) { if (sa.isLoopbackAddress() || sa.isAnyLocalAddress()) { continue; } RendererConfiguration r = addressAssociation.get(sa); if (!r.isOffline()) { SpeedStats.getInstance().getSpeedInMBits(sa, r.getRendererName()); } } } public static RendererConfiguration getRendererConfigurationBySocketAddress(InetAddress sa) { RendererConfiguration r = addressAssociation.get(sa); if (r != null) { LOGGER.trace("Matched media renderer \"{}\" based on address {}", r.getRendererName(), sa.getHostAddress()); } return r; } /** * Tries to find a matching renderer configuration based on the given collection of * request headers * * @param headers The headers. * @param ia The request's origin address. * @return The matching renderer configuration or <code>null</code> */ public static RendererConfiguration getRendererConfigurationByHeaders(Collection<Map.Entry<String, String>> headers, InetAddress ia) { return getRendererConfigurationByHeaders(new SortedHeaderMap(headers), ia); } public static RendererConfiguration getRendererConfigurationByHeaders(SortedHeaderMap sortedHeaders, InetAddress ia) { RendererConfiguration r = null; RendererConfiguration ref = getRendererConfigurationByHeaders(sortedHeaders); if (ref != null) { boolean isNew = !addressAssociation.containsKey(ia); r = resolve(ia, ref); if (r != null) { LOGGER.trace( "Matched {}media renderer \"{}\" based on headers {}", isNew ? "new " : "", r.getRendererName(), sortedHeaders ); } } return r; } public static RendererConfiguration getRendererConfigurationByHeaders(SortedHeaderMap sortedHeaders) { if (_pmsConfiguration.isRendererForceDefault()) { // Force default renderer LOGGER.debug("Forcing renderer match to \"" + defaultConf.getRendererName() + "\""); return defaultConf; } for (RendererConfiguration r : enabledRendererConfs) { if (r.match(sortedHeaders)) { LOGGER.debug("Matched media renderer \"" + r.getRendererName() + "\" based on headers " + sortedHeaders); return r; } } return null; } /** * Tries to find a matching renderer configuration based on the name of * the renderer. Returns true if the provided name is equal to or a * substring of the renderer name defined in a configuration, where case * does not matter. * * @param name The renderer name to match. * @return The matching renderer configuration or <code>null</code> * * @since 1.50.1 */ public static RendererConfiguration getRendererConfigurationByName(String name) { for (RendererConfiguration conf : enabledRendererConfs) { if (conf.getConfName().toLowerCase().contains(name.toLowerCase())) { return conf; } } return null; } public static RendererConfiguration getRendererConfigurationByUUID(String uuid) { for (RendererConfiguration conf : getConnectedRenderersConfigurations()) { if (uuid.equals(conf.getUUID())) { return conf; } } return null; } public static RendererConfiguration getRendererConfigurationByUPNPDetails(String details) { for (RendererConfiguration r : enabledRendererConfs) { if (r.matchUPNPDetails(details)) { LOGGER.debug("Matched media renderer \"" + r.getRendererName() + "\" based on dlna details \"" + details + "\""); return r; } } return null; } public static RendererConfiguration resolve(InetAddress ia, RendererConfiguration ref) { DeviceConfiguration r = null; boolean recognized = ref != null; if (!recognized) { ref = getDefaultConf(); } try { if (addressAssociation.containsKey(ia)) { // Already seen, finish configuration if required r = (DeviceConfiguration) addressAssociation.get(ia); boolean higher = ref != null && ref.getLoadingPriority() > r.getLoadingPriority() && recognized; if (!r.loaded || higher) { LOGGER.debug("Finishing configuration for {}", r); if (higher) { LOGGER.debug("Switching to higher priority renderer: {}", ref); } r.inherit(ref); // update gui PMS.get().updateRenderer(r); } } else if (!UPNPHelper.isNonRenderer(ia)) { // It's brand new r = new DeviceConfiguration(ref, ia); if (r.associateIP(ia)) { PMS.get().setRendererFound(r); } = true; if (r.isUpnpPostponed()) { r.setUpnpMode(ALLOW); } } } catch (ConfigurationException e) { LOGGER.error("Configuration error while resolving renderer: {}", e.getMessage()); LOGGER.trace("", e); } if (!recognized) { // Mark it as unloaded so actual recognition can happen later if UPnP sees it. LOGGER.trace("Marking renderer \"{}\" at {} as unrecognized", r, ia.getHostAddress()); if (r != null) { r.loaded = false; } } return r; } public FormatConfiguration getFormatConfiguration() { return formatConfiguration; } public Configuration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } public PmsConfiguration getPmsConfiguration() { return pmsConfiguration; } public File getFile() { return file; } public String getId() { return uuid != null ? uuid : getAddress().toString().substring(1); } public static String getSimpleName(RendererConfiguration r) { return StringUtils.substringBefore(r.getRendererName(), "(").trim(); } public static String getDefaultFilename(RendererConfiguration r) { String id = r.getId(); return (getSimpleName(r) + "-" + (id.startsWith("uuid:") ? id.substring(5, 11) : id)).replace(" ", "") + ".conf"; } public File getUsableFile() { File f = getFile(); if (f == null || f.equals(NOFILE)) { String name = getSimpleName(this); f = new File(getRenderersDir(), name.equals(getSimpleName(defaultConf)) ? getDefaultFilename(this) : (name.replace(" ", "") + ".conf")); } return f; } public static void createNewFile(RendererConfiguration r, File file, boolean load, File ref) { try { ArrayList<String> conf = new ArrayList<>(); String name = getSimpleName(r); Map<String, String> details = r.getUpnpDetails(); List<String> headers = r.getIdentifiers(); boolean hasRef = ref != null && ref != NOFILE; // Add the header and identifiers conf.add("#----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); conf.add("# Auto-generated profile for " + name); conf.add("#" + (hasRef ? " Based on " + ref.getName() : "")); conf.add("# See DefaultRenderer.conf for a description of all possible configuration options."); conf.add("#"); conf.add(""); conf.add(RENDERER_NAME + " = " + name); if (headers != null || details != null) { conf.add(""); conf.add("# ============================================================================"); conf.add("# This renderer has sent the following string/s:"); if (headers != null && headers.size() > 0) { conf.add("#"); for (String h : headers) { conf.add("# " + h); } } if (details != null) { details.remove("address"); details.remove("udn"); conf.add("#"); conf.add("# " + details); } conf.add("# ============================================================================"); conf.add(""); } conf.add(USER_AGENT + " = "); if (headers != null && headers.size() > 1) { conf.add(USER_AGENT_ADDITIONAL_HEADER + " = "); conf.add(USER_AGENT_ADDITIONAL_SEARCH + " = "); } if (details != null) { conf.add(UPNP_DETAILS + " = " + details.get("manufacturer") + " , " + details.get("modelName")); } conf.add(""); // TODO: Set more properties automatically from UPNP info if (hasRef) { // Copy the reference file, skipping its header and identifiers Matcher skip = Pattern.compile(".*(" + RENDERER_ICON + "|" + RENDERER_NAME + "|" + UPNP_DETAILS + "|" + USER_AGENT + "|" + USER_AGENT_ADDITIONAL_HEADER + "|" + USER_AGENT_ADDITIONAL_SEARCH + ").*").matcher(""); boolean header = true; for (String line : FileUtils.readLines(ref, Charsets.UTF_8)) { if ( skip.reset(line).matches() || ( header && ( line.startsWith("#") || StringUtils.isBlank(line) ) ) ) { continue; } header = false; conf.add(line); } } FileUtils.writeLines(file, "utf-8", conf, "\r\n"); if (load) { try { RendererConfiguration renderer = new RendererConfiguration(file); enabledRendererConfs.add(renderer); if (r instanceof DeviceConfiguration) { ((DeviceConfiguration)r).inherit(renderer); } } catch (ConfigurationException ce) { LOGGER.debug("Error initializing renderer configuration: " + ce); } } } catch (IOException ie) { LOGGER.debug("Error creating renderer configuration file: " + ie); } } public boolean isFileless() { return fileless; } public void setFileless(boolean b) { fileless = b; } public int getRank() { return rank; } public int getThumbnailWidth() { return getInt(THUMBNAIL_WIDTH, 320); } public int getThumbnailHeight() { return getInt(THUMBNAIL_HEIGHT, 180); } /** * @return the desired aspect ratio for thumbnails to two decimal places */ // TODO: Cache this public double getThumbnailRatio() { return Math.round(((double) getThumbnailWidth() / getThumbnailHeight()) * 100.0) / 100.0; } /** * @see #isXbox360() * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public boolean isXBOX() { return isXbox360(); } /** * @return whether this renderer is an Xbox 360 */ public boolean isXbox360() { return getConfName().toUpperCase().contains("XBOX 360"); } /** * @return whether this renderer is an Xbox One */ public boolean isXboxOne() { return getConfName().toUpperCase().contains("XBOX ONE"); } public boolean isXBMC() { return getConfName().toUpperCase().contains("KODI") || getConfName().toUpperCase().contains("XBMC"); } public boolean isPS3() { return getConfName().toUpperCase().contains("PLAYSTATION 3") || getConfName().toUpperCase().contains("PS3"); } public boolean isPS4() { return getConfName().toUpperCase().contains("PLAYSTATION 4"); } public boolean isBRAVIA() { return getConfName().toUpperCase().contains("BRAVIA"); } public boolean isFDSSDP() { return getConfName().toUpperCase().contains("FDSSDP"); } public boolean isLG() { return getConfName().toUpperCase().contains("LG "); } // Ditlew public int getByteToTimeseekRewindSeconds() { return getInt(BYTE_TO_TIMESEEK_REWIND_SECONDS, 0); } // Ditlew public int getCBRVideoBitrate() { return getInt(CBR_VIDEO_BITRATE, 0); } // Ditlew public boolean isShowDVDTitleDuration() { return getBoolean(SHOW_DVD_TITLE_DURATION, false); } public RendererConfiguration() throws ConfigurationException { this(null, null); } public RendererConfiguration(String uuid) throws ConfigurationException { this(null, uuid); } public RendererConfiguration(int ignored) { // Just instantiate minimally, full initialization will happen later configuration = createPropertiesConfiguration(); configurationReader = new ConfigurationReader(configuration, true); // true: log } static UnicodeUnescaper unicodeUnescaper = new UnicodeUnescaper(); public RendererConfiguration(File f) throws ConfigurationException { this(f, null); } public RendererConfiguration(File f, String uuid) throws ConfigurationException { super(uuid); configuration = createPropertiesConfiguration(); // false: don't log overrides (every renderer conf // overrides multiple settings) configurationReader = new ConfigurationReader(configuration, false); pmsConfiguration = _pmsConfiguration; player = null; buffer = 0; init(f); } static StringUtil.LaxUnicodeUnescaper laxUnicodeUnescaper = new StringUtil.LaxUnicodeUnescaper(); public static PropertiesConfiguration createPropertiesConfiguration() { PropertiesConfiguration conf = new PropertiesConfiguration(); conf.setListDelimiter((char) 0); // Treat backslashes in the conf as literal while also supporting double-backslash syntax, i.e. // ensure that typical raw regex strings (and unescaped Windows file paths) are read correctly. conf.setIOFactory(new PropertiesConfiguration.DefaultIOFactory() { @Override public PropertiesConfiguration.PropertiesReader createPropertiesReader(final Reader in, final char delimiter) { return new PropertiesConfiguration.PropertiesReader(in, delimiter) { @Override protected void parseProperty(final String line) { // Decode any backslashed unicode escapes, e.g. '\u005c', from the // ISO 8859-1 (aka Latin 1) encoded java Properties file, then // unescape any double-backslashes, then escape all backslashes before parsing super.parseProperty(laxUnicodeUnescaper.translate(line).replace("\\\\", "\\").replace("\\", "\\\\")); } }; } }); return conf; } public boolean load(File f) throws ConfigurationException { if (f != null && !f.equals(NOFILE) && (configuration instanceof PropertiesConfiguration)) { ((PropertiesConfiguration) configuration).load(f); // Set up the header matcher SortedHeaderMap searchMap = new SortedHeaderMap(); searchMap.put("User-Agent", getUserAgent()); searchMap.put(getUserAgentAdditionalHttpHeader(), getUserAgentAdditionalHttpHeaderSearch()); String re = searchMap.toRegex(); sortedHeaderMatcher = StringUtils.isNotBlank(re) ? Pattern.compile(re, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher("") : null; boolean addWatch = file != f; file = f; if (addWatch) { PMS.getFileWatcher().add(new FileWatcher.Watch(getFile().getPath(), reloader, this)); } return true; } return false; } public void init(File f) throws ConfigurationException { rootFolder = null; if (!loaded) { configuration.clear(); loaded = load(f); } if (isUpnpAllowed() && uuid == null) { String id = getDeviceId(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id) && !id.contains(",")) { uuid = id; } } mimes = new HashMap<>(); String mimeTypes = getString(MIME_TYPES_CHANGES, ""); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(mimeTypes)) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(mimeTypes, "|"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String mime_change = st.nextToken().trim(); int equals = mime_change.indexOf('='); if (equals > -1) { String old = mime_change.substring(0, equals).trim().toLowerCase(); String nw = mime_change.substring(equals + 1).trim().toLowerCase(); mimes.put(old, nw); } } } String s = getString(TEXTWRAP, "").toLowerCase(); lineWidth = getIntAt(s, "width:", 0); if (lineWidth > 0) { lineHeight = getIntAt(s, "height:", 0); indent = getIntAt(s, "indent:", 0); int whitespace = getIntAt(s, "whitespace:", 9); int dotCount = getIntAt(s, "dots:", 0); inset = StringUtil.fillString(whitespace, indent); dots = StringUtil.fillString(".", dotCount); } charMap = new HashMap<>(); String ch = getString(CHARMAP, null); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ch)) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(ch, " "); String org = ""; while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String tok = st.nextToken().trim(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(tok)) { continue; } tok = tok.replaceAll("###0", " ").replaceAll("###n", "\n").replaceAll("###r", "\r"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(org)) { org = tok; } else { charMap.put(org, tok); org = ""; } } } DLNAPN = new HashMap<>(); String DLNAPNchanges = getString(DLNA_PN_CHANGES, ""); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(DLNAPNchanges)) { LOGGER.trace("Config DLNAPNchanges: " + DLNAPNchanges); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(DLNAPNchanges, "|"); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String DLNAPN_change = st.nextToken().trim(); int equals = DLNAPN_change.indexOf('='); if (equals > -1) { String old = DLNAPN_change.substring(0, equals).trim().toUpperCase(); String nw = DLNAPN_change.substring(equals + 1).trim().toUpperCase(); DLNAPN.put(old, nw); } } } if (f == null) { // The default renderer supports everything! configuration.addProperty(MEDIAPARSERV2, true); configuration.addProperty(MEDIAPARSERV2_THUMB, true); configuration.addProperty(SUPPORTED, "f:.+"); } if (isUseMediaInfo()) { formatConfiguration = new FormatConfiguration(configuration.getList(SUPPORTED)); } } public void reset() { File f = getFile(); try {"Reloading renderer configuration: {}", f); loaded = false; init(f); // update gui for (RendererConfiguration d : DeviceConfiguration.getInheritors(this)) { PMS.get().updateRenderer(d); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug("Error reloading renderer configuration {}: {}", f, e); e.printStackTrace(); } } public String getDLNAPN(String old) { if (DLNAPN.containsKey(old)) { return DLNAPN.get(old); } return old; } public boolean supportsFormat(Format f) { switch (f.getType()) { case Format.VIDEO: return isVideoSupported(); case Format.AUDIO: return isAudioSupported(); case Format.IMAGE: return isImageSupported(); default: break; } return false; } public boolean isVideoSupported() { return getBoolean(VIDEO, true); } public boolean isAudioSupported() { return getBoolean(AUDIO, true); } public boolean isImageSupported() { return getBoolean(IMAGE, true); } public boolean isTranscodeToWMV() { return getVideoTranscode().equals(WMV); } public boolean isTranscodeToMPEGPSMPEG2AC3() { String videoTranscode = getVideoTranscode(); return videoTranscode.equals(MPEGPSMPEG2AC3) || videoTranscode.equals(DEPRECATED_MPEGAC3) || videoTranscode.equals(DEPRECATED_MPEGPSAC3); } public boolean isTranscodeToMPEGTSMPEG2AC3() { String videoTranscode = getVideoTranscode(); return videoTranscode.equals(MPEGTSMPEG2AC3) || videoTranscode.equals(DEPRECATED_MPEGTSAC3); } public boolean isTranscodeToMPEGTSH264AC3() { String videoTranscode = getVideoTranscode(); return videoTranscode.equals(MPEGTSH264AC3) || videoTranscode.equals(DEPRECATED_H264TSAC3); } public boolean isTranscodeToMPEGTSH264AAC() { return getVideoTranscode().equals(MPEGTSH264AAC); } public boolean isTranscodeToMPEGTSH265AAC() { return getVideoTranscode().equals(MPEGTSH265AAC); } public boolean isTranscodeToMPEGTSH265AC3() { return getVideoTranscode().equals(MPEGTSH265AC3); } /** * @return whether to use the AC-3 audio codec for transcoded video */ public boolean isTranscodeToAC3() { return isTranscodeToMPEGPSMPEG2AC3() || isTranscodeToMPEGTSMPEG2AC3() || isTranscodeToMPEGTSH264AC3() || isTranscodeToMPEGTSH265AC3(); } /** * @return whether to use the AAC audio codec for transcoded video */ public boolean isTranscodeToAAC() { return isTranscodeToMPEGTSH264AAC() || isTranscodeToMPEGTSH265AAC(); } /** * @return whether to use the H.264 video codec for transcoded video */ public boolean isTranscodeToH264() { return isTranscodeToMPEGTSH264AAC() || isTranscodeToMPEGTSH264AC3(); } /** * @return whether to use the H.265 video codec for transcoded video */ public boolean isTranscodeToH265() { return isTranscodeToMPEGTSH265AAC() || isTranscodeToMPEGTSH265AC3(); } /** * @return whether to use the MPEG-TS container for transcoded video */ public boolean isTranscodeToMPEGTS() { return isTranscodeToMPEGTSMPEG2AC3() || isTranscodeToMPEGTSH264AC3() || isTranscodeToMPEGTSH264AAC() || isTranscodeToMPEGTSH265AC3() || isTranscodeToMPEGTSH265AAC(); } /** * @return whether to use the MPEG-2 video codec for transcoded video */ public boolean isTranscodeToMPEG2() { return isTranscodeToMPEGTSMPEG2AC3() || isTranscodeToMPEGPSMPEG2AC3(); } public boolean isTranscodeToMP3() { return getAudioTranscode().equals(MP3); } public boolean isTranscodeToLPCM() { return getAudioTranscode().equals(LPCM); } public boolean isTranscodeToWAV() { return getAudioTranscode().equals(WAV); } public boolean isTranscodeAudioTo441() { return getBoolean(TRANSCODE_AUDIO_441KHZ, false); } /** * @return whether to transcode H.264 video if it exceeds level 4.1 */ public boolean isH264Level41Limited() { return getBoolean(H264_L41_LIMITED, true); } public boolean isTranscodeFastStart() { return getBoolean(TRANSCODE_FAST_START, false); } public boolean isDLNALocalizationRequired() { return getBoolean(DLNA_LOCALIZATION_REQUIRED, false); } public boolean isDisableMencoderNoskip() { return getBoolean(DISABLE_MENCODER_NOSKIP, false); } /** * Determine the mime type specific for this renderer, given a generic mime * type. This translation takes into account all configured "Supported" * lines and mime type aliases for this renderer. * * @param mimeType * The mime type to look up. Special values are * <code>HTTPResource.VIDEO_TRANSCODE</code> and * <code>HTTPResource.AUDIO_TRANSCODE</code>, which will be * translated to the mime type of the transcoding profile * configured for this renderer. * @return The mime type. */ public String getMimeType(String mimeType, DLNAMediaInfo media) { if (mimeType == null) { return null; } String matchedMimeType = null; if (isUseMediaInfo()) { // Use the supported information in the configuration to determine the transcoding mime type. if (HTTPResource.VIDEO_TRANSCODE.equals(mimeType)) { if (isTranscodeToMPEGTSH264AC3()) { matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.MPEGTS, FormatConfiguration.H264, FormatConfiguration.AC3); } else if (isTranscodeToMPEGTSH264AAC()) { matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.MPEGTS, FormatConfiguration.H264, FormatConfiguration.AAC); } else if (isTranscodeToMPEGTSH265AC3()) { matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.MPEGTS, FormatConfiguration.H265, FormatConfiguration.AC3); } else if (isTranscodeToMPEGTSH265AAC()) { matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.MPEGTS, FormatConfiguration.H265, FormatConfiguration.AAC); } else if (isTranscodeToMPEGTSMPEG2AC3()) { matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.MPEGTS, FormatConfiguration.MPEG2, FormatConfiguration.AC3); } else if (isTranscodeToWMV()) { matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.WMV, FormatConfiguration.WMV, FormatConfiguration.WMA); } else { // Default video transcoding mime type matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.MPEGPS, FormatConfiguration.MPEG2, FormatConfiguration.AC3); } } else if (HTTPResource.AUDIO_TRANSCODE.equals(mimeType)) { if (isTranscodeToWAV()) { matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.WAV, null, null); } else if (isTranscodeToMP3()) { matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.MP3, null, null); } else { // Default audio transcoding mime type matchedMimeType = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.LPCM, null, null); if (matchedMimeType != null) { if (pmsConfiguration.isAudioResample()) { if (isTranscodeAudioTo441()) { matchedMimeType += ";rate=44100;channels=2"; } else { matchedMimeType += ";rate=48000;channels=2"; } } else if (media != null && media.getFirstAudioTrack() != null) { AudioProperties audio = media.getFirstAudioTrack().getAudioProperties(); if (audio.getSampleFrequency() > 0) { matchedMimeType += ";rate=" + Integer.toString(audio.getSampleFrequency()); } if (audio.getNumberOfChannels() > 0) { matchedMimeType += ";channels=" + Integer.toString(audio.getNumberOfChannels()); } } } } } } if (matchedMimeType == null) { // No match found, try without media parser v2 if (HTTPResource.VIDEO_TRANSCODE.equals(mimeType)) { if (isTranscodeToWMV()) { matchedMimeType = HTTPResource.WMV_TYPEMIME; } else { // Default video transcoding mime type matchedMimeType = HTTPResource.MPEG_TYPEMIME; } } else if (HTTPResource.AUDIO_TRANSCODE.equals(mimeType)) { if (isTranscodeToWAV()) { matchedMimeType = HTTPResource.AUDIO_WAV_TYPEMIME; } else if (isTranscodeToMP3()) { matchedMimeType = HTTPResource.AUDIO_MP3_TYPEMIME; } else { // Default audio transcoding mime type matchedMimeType = HTTPResource.AUDIO_LPCM_TYPEMIME; if (pmsConfiguration.isAudioResample()) { if (isTranscodeAudioTo441()) { matchedMimeType += ";rate=44100;channels=2"; } else { matchedMimeType += ";rate=48000;channels=2"; } } else if (media != null) { AudioProperties audio = media.getFirstAudioTrack().getAudioProperties(); if (audio.getSampleFrequency() > 0) { matchedMimeType += ";rate=" + Integer.toString(audio.getSampleFrequency()); } if (audio.getNumberOfChannels() > 0) { matchedMimeType += ";channels=" + Integer.toString(audio.getNumberOfChannels()); } } } } } if (matchedMimeType == null) { matchedMimeType = mimeType; } // Apply renderer specific mime type aliases if (mimes.containsKey(matchedMimeType)) { return mimes.get(matchedMimeType); } return matchedMimeType; } public boolean matchUPNPDetails(String details) { String upnpDetails = getUpnpDetailsString(); Pattern pattern; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(upnpDetails)) { String p = StringUtils.join(upnpDetails.split(" , "), ".*"); pattern = Pattern.compile(p, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); return pattern.matcher(details.replace("\n", " ")).find(); } else { return false; } } /** * Returns the pattern to match the User-Agent header to as defined in the * renderer configuration. Default value is "". * * @return The User-Agent search pattern. */ public String getUserAgent() { return getString(USER_AGENT, ""); } /** * Returns the unique UPnP details of this renderer as defined in the * renderer configuration. Default value is "". * * @return The detail string. */ public String getUpnpDetailsString() { return getString(UPNP_DETAILS, ""); } /** * Returns the UPnP details of this renderer as broadcast by itself, if known. * Default value is null. * * @return The detail map. */ public Map<String, String> getUpnpDetails() { return UPNPHelper.getDeviceDetails(UPNPHelper.getDevice(uuid)); } public boolean isUpnp() { return uuid != null && UPNPHelper.isUpnpDevice(uuid); } public boolean isControllable() { return controls != 0; } public Map<String, String> getDetails() { if (details == null) { if (isUpnp()) { details = UPNPHelper.getDeviceDetails(UPNPHelper.getDevice(uuid)); } else { details = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3998102753945339020L; { put(Messages.getString("RendererPanel.10"), getRendererName()); if (getAddress() != null) { put(Messages.getString("RendererPanel.11"), getAddress().getHostAddress().toString()); } } }; } } return details; } /** * Returns the current UPnP state variables of this renderer, if known. Default value is null. * * @return The data. */ public Map<String, String> getUPNPData() { return UPNPHelper.getData(uuid, instanceID); } /** * Returns the UPnP services of this renderer. * Default value is null. * * @return The list of service names. */ public List<String> getUpnpServices() { return isUpnp() ? UPNPHelper.getServiceNames(UPNPHelper.getDevice(uuid)) : null; } /** * Returns the uuid of this renderer, if known. Default value is null. * * @return The uuid. */ public String getUUID() { return uuid; } /** * Sets the uuid of this renderer. * * @param uuid The uuid. */ public void setUUID(String uuid) { this.uuid = uuid; } /** * Returns the UPnP instance id of this renderer, if known. Default value is null. * * @return The instance id. */ public String getInstanceID() { return instanceID; } /** * Sets the UPnP instance id of this renderer. * * @param id The instance id. */ public void setInstanceID(String id) { instanceID = id; } /** * Returns whether this renderer is known to be offline. * * @return Whether offline. */ public boolean isOffline() { return !active; } /** * Returns whether this renderer is currently connected via UPnP. * * @return Whether connected. */ public boolean isUpnpConnected() { return uuid != null ? UPNPHelper.isActive(uuid, instanceID) : false; } /** * Returns whether this renderer has an associated address. * * @return Has address. */ public boolean hasAssociatedAddress() { return addressAssociation.values().contains(this); } /** * Returns this renderer's associated address. * * @return The address. */ public InetAddress getAddress() { // If we have a uuid look up the UPnP device address, which is always // correct even if another device has overwritten our association if (uuid != null) { InetAddress address = UPNPHelper.getAddress(uuid); if (address != null) { return address; } } // Otherwise check the address association for (InetAddress sa : addressAssociation.keySet()) { if (addressAssociation.get(sa) == this) { return sa; } } return null; } /** * Returns whether this renderer provides UPnP control services. * * @return Whether controllable. */ public boolean isUpnpControllable() { return UPNPHelper.isUpnpControllable(uuid); } /** * Returns a UPnP player for this renderer if UPnP control is supported. * * @return a player or null. */ public BasicPlayer getPlayer() { if (player == null) { player = isUpnpControllable() ? new UPNPHelper.Player((DeviceConfiguration) this) : new PlaybackTimer((DeviceConfiguration) this); } return player; } /** * Sets the UPnP player. * * @param player */ public void setPlayer(UPNPHelper.Player player) { this.player = player; } @Override public void setActive(boolean b) { super.setActive(b); if (gui != null) { gui.icon.setGrey(!active); } } public void delete(int delay) { delete(this, delay); } public static void delete(final RendererConfiguration r, int delay) { r.setActive(false); // Using javax.swing.Timer because of gui (this works in headless mode too). javax.swing.Timer t = new javax.swing.Timer(delay, new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { // Make sure we haven't been reactivated while asleep if (! r.isActive()) { LOGGER.debug("Deleting renderer " + r); if (r.gui != null) { r.gui.delete(); } PMS.get().getFoundRenderers().remove(r); UPNPHelper.getInstance().removeRenderer(r); InetAddress ia = r.getAddress(); if (addressAssociation.get(ia) == r) { addressAssociation.remove(ia); } // TODO: actually delete rootfolder, etc. } } }); t.setRepeats(false); t.start(); } public void setGuiComponents(StatusTab.RendererItem item) { gui = item; } public StatusTab.RendererItem getGuiComponents() { return gui; } /** * RendererName: Determines the name that is displayed in the PMS user * interface when this renderer connects. Default value is "Unknown * renderer". * * @return The renderer name. */ public String getRendererName() { return (details != null && details.containsKey("friendlyName")) ? details.get("friendlyName") : isUpnp() ? UPNPHelper.getFriendlyName(uuid) : getConfName(); } public String getConfName() { return getString(RENDERER_NAME, Messages.getString("PMS.17")); } /** * Returns the icon to use for displaying this renderer in PMS as defined * in the renderer configurations. Default value is UNKNOWN_ICON. * * @return The renderer icon. */ public String getRendererIcon() { String icon = getString(RENDERER_ICON, UNKNOWN_ICON); String deviceIcon = null; if (icon.equals(UNKNOWN_ICON)) { deviceIcon = UPNPHelper.getDeviceIcon(this, 140); } return deviceIcon == null ? icon : deviceIcon; } /** * Returns the the name of an additional HTTP header whose value should * be matched with the additional header search pattern. The header name * must be an exact match (read: the header has to start with the exact * same case sensitive string). The default value is "". * * @return The additional HTTP header name. */ public String getUserAgentAdditionalHttpHeader() { return getString(USER_AGENT_ADDITIONAL_HEADER, ""); } /** * Returns the pattern to match additional headers to as defined in the * renderer configuration. Default value is "". * * @return The User-Agent search pattern. */ public String getUserAgentAdditionalHttpHeaderSearch() { return getString(USER_AGENT_ADDITIONAL_SEARCH, ""); } /** * May append a custom file extension to the file path. * Returns the original path if the renderer didn't define an extension. * * @param file the original file path * @return */ public String getUseSameExtension(String file) { String extension = getString(USE_SAME_EXTENSION, ""); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(extension)) { file += "." + extension; } return file; } /** * Returns true if SeekByTime is set to "true" or "exclusive", false otherwise. * Default value is false. * * @return true if the renderer supports seek-by-time, false otherwise. */ public boolean isSeekByTime() { return isSeekByTimeExclusive() || getString(SEEK_BY_TIME, "false").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } /** * Returns true if SeekByTime is set to "exclusive", false otherwise. * Default value is false. * * @return true if the renderer supports seek-by-time exclusively * (i.e. not in conjunction with seek-by-byte), false otherwise. */ public boolean isSeekByTimeExclusive() { return getString(SEEK_BY_TIME, "false").equalsIgnoreCase("exclusive"); } public boolean isMuxH264MpegTS() { boolean muxCompatible = getBoolean(MUX_H264_WITH_MPEGTS, true); if (isUseMediaInfo()) { muxCompatible = getFormatConfiguration().match(FormatConfiguration.MPEGTS, FormatConfiguration.H264, null) != null; } if (Platform.isMac() && System.getProperty("os.version") != null && System.getProperty("os.version").contains("10.4.")) { muxCompatible = false; // no tsMuxeR for 10.4 (yet?) } return muxCompatible; } public boolean isDTSPlayable() { return isMuxDTSToMpeg() || (isWrapDTSIntoPCM() && isMuxLPCMToMpeg()); } public boolean isMuxDTSToMpeg() { if (isUseMediaInfo()) { return getFormatConfiguration().isDTSSupported(); } return getBoolean(MUX_DTS_TO_MPEG, false); } public boolean isWrapDTSIntoPCM() { return getBoolean(WRAP_DTS_INTO_PCM, false); } public boolean isWrapEncodedAudioIntoPCM() { return getBoolean(WRAP_ENCODED_AUDIO_INTO_PCM, false); } public boolean isLPCMPlayable() { return isMuxLPCMToMpeg(); } public boolean isMuxLPCMToMpeg() { if (isUseMediaInfo()) { return getFormatConfiguration().isLPCMSupported(); } return getBoolean(MUX_LPCM_TO_MPEG, true); } public boolean isMuxNonMod4Resolution() { return getBoolean(MUX_NON_MOD4_RESOLUTION, false); } public boolean isMpeg2Supported() { if (isUseMediaInfo()) { return getFormatConfiguration().isMpeg2Supported(); } return isPS3(); } /** * Returns whether or not to include metadata when pushing uris. * This is meant as a stopgap workaround for any renderer that * chokes on our metadata. * * @return whether to include metadata. */ public boolean isPushMetadata() { return getBoolean(PUSH_METADATA, true); } /** * Returns the codec to use for video transcoding for this renderer as * defined in the renderer configuration. Default value is "MPEGPSMPEG2AC3". * * @return The codec name. */ public String getVideoTranscode() { return getString(TRANSCODE_VIDEO, MPEGPSMPEG2AC3); } /** * Returns the codec to use for audio transcoding for this renderer as * defined in the renderer configuration. Default value is "LPCM". * * @return The codec name. */ public String getAudioTranscode() { return getString(TRANSCODE_AUDIO, LPCM); } /** * Returns whether or not to use the default DVD buffer size for this * renderer as defined in the renderer configuration. Default is false. * * @return True if the default size should be used. */ public boolean isDefaultVBVSize() { return getBoolean(DEFAULT_VBV_BUFSIZE, false); } /** * Returns the maximum bitrate (in megabits-per-second) supported by the * media renderer as defined in the renderer configuration. The default * value is "0" (unlimited). * * @return The bitrate. */ // TODO this should return an integer and the units should be bits-per-second public String getMaxVideoBitrate() { if (PMS.getConfiguration().isAutomaticMaximumBitrate()) { try { return calculatedSpeed(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { return "0"; } catch (ExecutionException e) { LOGGER.debug("Automatic maximum bitrate calculation failed with: {}", e.getCause().getMessage()); LOGGER.trace("", e.getCause()); } } return getString(MAX_VIDEO_BITRATE, "0"); } /** * This was originally added for the PS3 after it was observed to need * a video whose maximum bitrate was under half of the network maximum. * * @return whether to set the maximum bitrate to half of the network max */ public boolean isHalveBitrate() { return getBoolean(HALVE_BITRATE, false); } /** * Returns the maximum bitrate (in bits-per-second) as defined by * whichever is lower out of the renderer setting or user setting. * * @return The maximum bitrate in bits-per-second. */ public int getMaxBandwidth() { if (maximumBitrateTotal > 0) { return maximumBitrateTotal; } int defaultMaxBitrates[] = getVideoBitrateConfig(PMS.getConfiguration().getMaximumBitrate()); int rendererMaxBitrates[] = new int[2]; String maxVideoBitrate = getMaxVideoBitrate(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(maxVideoBitrate)) { rendererMaxBitrates = getVideoBitrateConfig(maxVideoBitrate); } // Give priority to the renderer's maximum bitrate setting over the user's setting if (rendererMaxBitrates[0] > 0 && rendererMaxBitrates[0] < defaultMaxBitrates[0]) { LOGGER.trace( "Using video bitrate limit from {} configuration ({} Mb/s) because " + "it is lower than the general configuration bitrate limit ({} Mb/s)", getRendererName(), rendererMaxBitrates[0], defaultMaxBitrates[0] ); defaultMaxBitrates = rendererMaxBitrates; } if (isHalveBitrate()) { defaultMaxBitrates[0] /= 2; } maximumBitrateTotal = defaultMaxBitrates[0] * 1000000; return maximumBitrateTotal; } @Deprecated public String getCustomMencoderQualitySettings() { return getCustomMEncoderMPEG2Options(); } /** * Returns the override settings for MEncoder quality settings as * defined in the renderer configuration. The default value is "". * * @return The MEncoder quality settings. */ public String getCustomMEncoderMPEG2Options() { return getString(CUSTOM_MENCODER_MPEG2_OPTIONS, ""); } /** * Converts the getCustomMencoderQualitySettings() from MEncoder's format to FFmpeg's. * * @return The FFmpeg quality settings. */ public String getCustomFFmpegMPEG2Options() { String mpegSettings = getCustomMEncoderMPEG2Options(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(mpegSettings)) { return ""; } return convertMencoderSettingToFFmpegFormat(mpegSettings); } /** * Converts the MEncoder's quality settings format to FFmpeg's. * * @return The FFmpeg format. */ public String convertMencoderSettingToFFmpegFormat(String mpegSettings) { String mpegSettingsArray[] = mpegSettings.split(":"); String pairArray[]; StringBuilder returnString = new StringBuilder(); for (String pair : mpegSettingsArray) { pairArray = pair.split("="); switch (pairArray[0]) { case "keyint": returnString.append("-g ").append(pairArray[1]).append(' '); break; case "vqscale": returnString.append("-q:v ").append(pairArray[1]).append(' '); break; case "vqmin": returnString.append("-qmin ").append(pairArray[1]).append(' '); break; case "vqmax": returnString.append("-qmax ").append(pairArray[1]).append(' '); break; default: break; } } return returnString.toString(); } /** * Returns the override settings for MEncoder custom options in PMS as * defined in the renderer configuration. The default value is "". * * @return The MEncoder custom options. */ public String getCustomMencoderOptions() { return getString(CUSTOM_MENCODER_OPTIONS, ""); } /** * Returns the maximum video width supported by the renderer as defined in * the renderer configuration. 0 means unlimited. * * @see #isMaximumResolutionSpecified() * * @return The maximum video width. */ public int getMaxVideoWidth() { return getInt(MAX_VIDEO_WIDTH, 1920); } /** * Returns the maximum video height supported by the renderer as defined * in the renderer configuration. 0 means unlimited. * * @see #isMaximumResolutionSpecified() * * @return The maximum video height. */ public int getMaxVideoHeight() { return getInt(MAX_VIDEO_HEIGHT, 1080); } /** * @Deprecated use isMaximumResolutionSpecified() instead */ @Deprecated public boolean isVideoRescale() { return getMaxVideoWidth() > 0 && getMaxVideoHeight() > 0; } /** * Returns <code>true</code> if the renderer has a maximum supported width * and height, <code>false</code> otherwise. * * @return whether the renderer has specified a maximum width and height */ public boolean isMaximumResolutionSpecified() { return getMaxVideoWidth() > 0 && getMaxVideoHeight() > 0; } /** * Whether the resolution is compatible with the renderer. * * @param width the media width * @param height the media height * * @return whether the resolution is compatible with the renderer */ public boolean isResolutionCompatibleWithRenderer(int width, int height) { // Check if the resolution is too high if ( isMaximumResolutionSpecified() && ( width > getMaxVideoWidth() || ( height > getMaxVideoHeight() && !( getMaxVideoHeight() == 1080 && height == 1088 ) ) ) ) { return false; } // Check if the resolution is too low if (!isRescaleByRenderer() && getMaxVideoWidth() < 720) { return false; } return true; } public boolean isDLNAOrgPNUsed() { return getBoolean(DLNA_ORGPN_USE, true); } public boolean isAccurateDLNAOrgPN() { return getBoolean(ACCURATE_DLNA_ORGPN, false); } /** * Returns the comma separated list of file extensions that are forced to * be transcoded and never streamed, as defined in the renderer * configuration. Default value is "". * * @return The file extensions. */ public String getTranscodedExtensions() { return getString(TRANSCODE_EXT, ""); } /** * Returns the comma separated list of file extensions that are forced to * be streamed and never transcoded, as defined in the renderer * configuration. Default value is "". * * @return The file extensions. */ public String getStreamedExtensions() { return getString(STREAM_EXT, ""); } /** * Returns the size to report back to the renderer when transcoding media * as defined in the renderer configuration. Default value is 0. * * @return The size to report. */ public long getTranscodedSize() { return getLong(TRANSCODED_SIZE, 0); } /** * Some devices (e.g. Samsung) recognize a custom HTTP header for retrieving * the contents of a subtitles file. This method will return the name of that * custom HTTP header, or "" if no such header exists. The supported external * subtitles must be set by {@link #SupportedExternalSubtitlesFormats()}. * * Default value is "". * * @return The name of the custom HTTP header. */ public String getSubtitleHttpHeader() { return getString(SUBTITLE_HTTP_HEADER, ""); } @Override public String toString() { return getRendererName(); } @Deprecated public boolean isMediaParserV2() { return isUseMediaInfo(); } /** * @return whether to use MediaInfo */ public boolean isUseMediaInfo() { return getBoolean(MEDIAPARSERV2, false) && LibMediaInfoParser.isValid(); } @Deprecated public boolean isMediaParserV2ThumbnailGeneration() { return isMediaInfoThumbnailGeneration(); } public boolean isMediaInfoThumbnailGeneration() { return getBoolean(MEDIAPARSERV2_THUMB, false) && LibMediaInfoParser.isValid(); } public boolean isShowAudioMetadata() { return getBoolean(SHOW_AUDIO_METADATA, true); } public boolean isShowSubMetadata() { return getBoolean(SHOW_SUB_METADATA, true); } /** * Whether to send the last modified date metadata for files and * folders, which can take up screen space on some renderers. * * @return whether to send the metadata */ public boolean isSendDateMetadata() { return getBoolean(SEND_DATE_METADATA, true); } /** * Whether to send folder thumbnails. * * @return whether to send folder thumbnails */ public boolean isSendFolderThumbnails() { return getBoolean(SEND_FOLDER_THUMBNAILS, true); } public boolean isDLNATreeHack() { return getBoolean(DLNA_TREE_HACK, false) && LibMediaInfoParser.isValid(); } /** * Returns whether or not to omit sending a content length header when the * length is unknown, as defined in the renderer configuration. Default * value is false. * <p> * Some renderers are particular about the "Content-Length" headers in * requests (e.g. Sony Blu-ray Disc players). By default, UMS will send a * "Content-Length" that refers to the total media size, even if the exact * length is unknown. * * @return True if sending the content length header should be omitted. */ public boolean isChunkedTransfer() { return getBoolean(CHUNKED_TRANSFER, false); } /** * Returns whether or not the renderer can handle the given format * natively, based on its configuration in the renderer.conf. If it can * handle a format natively, content can be streamed to the renderer. If * not, content should be transcoded before sending it to the renderer. * * @param mediaInfo The {@link DLNAMediaInfo} information parsed from the * media file. * @param format The {@link Format} to test compatibility for. * @param configuration The {@link PmsConfiguration} to use while evaluating compatibility * @return True if the renderer natively supports the format, false * otherwise. */ public boolean isCompatible(DLNAMediaInfo mediaInfo, Format format, PmsConfiguration configuration) { if (configuration == null) { configuration = PMS.getConfiguration(this); } if ( configuration != null && (configuration.isDisableTranscoding() || (format != null && format.skip(configuration.getDisableTranscodeForExtensions()))) ) { return true; } // Handle images differently because of automatic image transcoding if (format != null && format.isImage()) { if ( format.getIdentifier() == Identifier.RAW || mediaInfo != null && mediaInfo.getImageInfo() != null && mediaInfo.getImageInfo().getFormat() != null && mediaInfo.getImageInfo().getFormat().isRaw() ) { LOGGER.trace( "RAW ({}) images are not supported for streaming", mediaInfo != null && mediaInfo.getImageInfo() != null && mediaInfo.getImageInfo().getFormat() != null ? mediaInfo.getImageInfo().getFormat() : format ); return false; } if (mediaInfo != null && mediaInfo.getImageInfo() != null && mediaInfo.getImageInfo().isImageIOSupported()) { LOGGER.trace( "Format \"{}\" will be subject to on-demand automatic transcoding with ImageIO", mediaInfo.getImageInfo().getFormat() != null ? mediaInfo.getImageInfo().getFormat() : format ); return true; } LOGGER.trace("Format \"{}\" is not supported by ImageIO and will depend on a compatible transcoding engine", format); return false; } // Use the configured "Supported" lines in the renderer.conf // to see if any of them match the MediaInfo library if (isUseMediaInfo() && mediaInfo != null && getFormatConfiguration().match(mediaInfo) != null) { return true; } return format != null ? format.skip(getStreamedExtensions()) : false; } /** * Returns whether or not the renderer can handle the given format * natively, based on its configuration in the renderer.conf. If it can * handle a format natively, content can be streamed to the renderer. If * not, content should be transcoded before sending it to the renderer. * * @param mediainfo The {@link DLNAMediaInfo} information parsed from the * media file. * @param format The {@link Format} to test compatibility for. * @return True if the renderer natively supports the format, false * otherwise. */ public boolean isCompatible(DLNAMediaInfo mediainfo, Format format) { return isCompatible(mediainfo, format, null); } public int getAutoPlayTmo() { return getInt(AUTO_PLAY_TMO, 5000); } public String getCustomFFmpegOptions() { return getString(CUSTOM_FFMPEG_OPTIONS, ""); } public boolean isNoDynPlsFolder() { return false; } /** * If this is true, we will always output video at 16/9 aspect ratio to * the renderer, meaning that all videos with different aspect ratios * will have black bars added to the edges to make them 16/9. * * This addresses a bug in some renderers (like Panasonic TVs) where * they stretch videos that are not 16/9. * * @return */ public boolean isKeepAspectRatio() { return getBoolean(KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO, false); } /** * If this is true, we will always output transcoded video at 16/9 * aspect ratio to the renderer, meaning that all transcoded videos with * different aspect ratios will have black bars added to the edges to * make them 16/9. * * This addresses a bug in some renderers (like Panasonic TVs) where * they stretch transcoded videos that are not 16/9. * * @return */ public boolean isKeepAspectRatioTranscoding() { return getBoolean(KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO_TRANSCODING, false); } /** * If this is false, FFmpeg will upscale videos with resolutions lower * than SD (720 pixels wide) to the maximum resolution your renderer * supports. * * Changing it to false is only recommended if your renderer has * poor-quality upscaling, since we will use more CPU and network * bandwidth when it is false. * * @return */ public boolean isRescaleByRenderer() { return getBoolean(RESCALE_BY_RENDERER, true); } /** * Whether to prepend audio track numbers to audio titles. * e.g. "Stairway to Heaven" becomes "4: Stairway to Heaven". * * This is to provide a workaround for devices that order everything * alphabetically instead of in the order we give, like Samsung devices. * * @return whether to prepend audio track numbers to audio titles. */ public boolean isPrependTrackNumbers() { return getBoolean(PREPEND_TRACK_NUMBERS, false); } public String getFFmpegVideoFilterOverride() { return getString(OVERRIDE_FFMPEG_VF, ""); } public static ArrayList<String> getAllRenderersNames() { return allRenderersNames; } public int getTranscodedVideoAudioSampleRate() { return getInt(TRANSCODED_VIDEO_AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE, 48000); } public boolean isLimitFolders() { return getBoolean(LIMIT_FOLDERS, true); } /** * Perform renderer-specific name reformatting:<p> * Truncating and wrapping see {@code TextWrap}<br> * Character substitution see {@code CharMap} * * @param name Original name * @param suffix Additional media information * @param dlna The actual DLNA resource * @return Reformatted name */ public String getDcTitle(String name, String suffix, DLNAResource dlna) { // Wrap + truncate int len = 0; if (lineWidth > 0 && (name.length() + suffix.length()) > lineWidth) { int suffix_len = dots.length() + suffix.length(); if (lineHeight == 1) { len = lineWidth - suffix_len; } else { // Wrap int i = dlna.isFolder() ? 0 : indent; String newline = "\n" + (dlna.isFolder() ? "" : inset); name = name.substring(0, i + (i < name.length() && Character.isWhitespace(name.charAt(i)) ? 1 : 0)) + WordUtils.wrap(name.substring(i) + suffix, lineWidth - i, newline, true); len = lineWidth * lineHeight; if (len != 0 && name.length() > len) { len = name.substring(0, name.length() - lineWidth).lastIndexOf(newline) + newline.length(); name = name.substring(0, len) + name.substring(len, len + lineWidth).replace(newline, " "); len += (lineWidth - suffix_len - i); } else { len = -1; // done } } if (len > 0) { // Truncate name = name.substring(0, len).trim() + dots; } } if (len > -1) { name += suffix; } // Substitute for (String s : charMap.keySet()) { String repl = charMap.get(s).replaceAll("###e", ""); name = name.replaceAll(s, repl); } return name; } /** * @see #isSendDateMetadata() * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public boolean isOmitDcDate() { return !isSendDateMetadata(); } public static int getIntAt(String s, String key, int fallback) { try { return Integer.valueOf((s + " ").split(key)[1].split("\\D")[0]); } catch (Exception e) { return fallback; } } /** * List of the renderer supported external subtitles formats * for streaming together with streaming (not transcoded) video. * * @return A comma-separated list of supported text-based external subtitles formats. */ public String getSupportedExternalSubtitles() { return getString(SUPPORTED_EXTERNAL_SUBTITLES_FORMATS, ""); } /** * List of video formats for which supported external subtitles formats * are set for streaming together with streaming (not transcoded) video. * If empty all subtitles listed in "SupportedExternalSubtitlesFormats" will be streamed. * When specified only for listed video formats subtitles will be streamed. * * @return A comma-separated list of supported video formats listed in "Supported" section. */ public String getVideoFormatsSupportingStreamedExternalSubtitles() { return getString(VIDEO_FORMATS_SUPPORTING_STREAMED_EXTERNAL_SUBTITLES, ""); } /** * List of the renderer supported embedded subtitles formats. * * @return A comma-separated list of supported embedded subtitles formats. */ public String getSupportedEmbeddedSubtitles() { return getString(SUPPORTED_INTERNAL_SUBTITLES_FORMATS, ""); } public boolean useClosedCaption() { return getBoolean(USE_CLOSED_CAPTION, false); } public boolean offerSubtitlesAsResource() { return getBoolean(OFFER_SUBTITLES_AS_SOURCE, true); } public boolean offerSubtitlesByProtocolInfo() { return getBoolean(OFFER_SUBTITLES_BY_PROTOCOL_INFO, true); } public boolean isSubtitlesStreamingSupported() { return StringUtils.isNotBlank(getSupportedExternalSubtitles()); } /** * Check if the given subtitle type is supported by renderer for streaming for given media. * * @param subtitle Subtitles for checking * @param media Played media * * @return True if the renderer specifies support for the subtitles and * renderer supports subs streaming for the given media video. */ public boolean isExternalSubtitlesFormatSupported(DLNAMediaSubtitle subtitle, DLNAMediaInfo media) { if (subtitle == null || media == null) { return false; } if (isSubtitlesStreamingSupported()) { String[] supportedFormats = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(getVideoFormatsSupportingStreamedExternalSubtitles())) { supportedFormats = getVideoFormatsSupportingStreamedExternalSubtitles().split(","); } String[] supportedSubs = getSupportedExternalSubtitles().split(","); for (String supportedSub : supportedSubs) { if (subtitle.getType().toString().equals(supportedSub.trim().toUpperCase())) { if (supportedFormats != null) { for (String supportedFormat : supportedFormats) { if (media.getCodecV() != null && media.getCodecV().equals(supportedFormat.trim())) { return true; } } } else { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Check if the internal subtitle type is supported by renderer. * * @param subtitle Subtitles for checking * @return True if the renderer specifies support for the subtitles */ public boolean isEmbeddedSubtitlesFormatSupported(DLNAMediaSubtitle subtitle) { if (subtitle == null) { return false; } if (isEmbeddedSubtitlesSupported()) { String[] supportedSubs = getSupportedEmbeddedSubtitles().split(","); for (String supportedSub : supportedSubs) { if (subtitle.getType().toString().equals(supportedSub.trim().toUpperCase())) { return true; } } } return false; } public boolean isEmbeddedSubtitlesSupported() { return StringUtils.isNotBlank(getSupportedEmbeddedSubtitles()); } public ArrayList<String> tags() { if (rootFolder != null) { return rootFolder.getTags(); } return null; } public String getOutput3DFormat() { return getString(OUTPUT_3D_FORMAT, ""); } public boolean ignoreTranscodeByteRangeRequests() { return getBoolean(IGNORE_TRANSCODE_BYTE_RANGE_REQUEST, false); } public String calculatedSpeed() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { String max = getString(MAX_VIDEO_BITRATE, ""); for (InetAddress sa : addressAssociation.keySet()) { if (addressAssociation.get(sa) == this) { Future<Integer> speed = SpeedStats.getInstance().getSpeedInMBitsStored(sa, getRendererName()); if (max == null) { return String.valueOf(speed.get()); } try { Integer i = Integer.parseInt(max); if (speed.get() > i && i != 0) { return max; } else { return String.valueOf(speed.get()); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return String.valueOf(speed.get()); } } } return max; } /** * A case-insensitive string comparator */ public static final Comparator<String> CaseInsensitiveComparator = new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String s1, String s2) { return s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2); } }; /** * A case-insensitive key-sorted map of headers that can join its values * into a combined string or regex. */ public static class SortedHeaderMap extends TreeMap<String, String> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -5090333053981045429L; String headers = null; public SortedHeaderMap() { super(CaseInsensitiveComparator); } public SortedHeaderMap(Collection<Map.Entry<String, String>> headers) { this(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> h : headers) { put(h.getKey(), h.getValue()); } } @Override public String put(String key, String value) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(key) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) { headers = null; // i.e. mark as changed return super.put(key.trim(), value.trim()); } return null; } public String put(String raw) { return put(StringUtils.substringBefore(raw, ":"), StringUtils.substringAfter(raw, ":")); } public String joined() { if (headers == null) { headers = StringUtils.join(values(), " "); } return headers; } public String toRegex() { int size = size(); return (size > 1 ? "(" : "") + StringUtils.join(values(), ").*(") + (size > 1 ? ")" : ""); } } /** * Pattern match our combined header matcher to the given collection of sorted request * headers as a whole. * * @param headers The headers. * @return True if the pattern matches or false if no match, no headers, or no matcher. */ public boolean match(SortedHeaderMap headers) { if (headers != null && !headers.isEmpty() && sortedHeaderMatcher != null) { return sortedHeaderMatcher.reset(headers.joined()).find(); } return false; } /** * The loading priority of this renderer. This should be set to 1 (or greater) * if this renderer config is a more specific version of one we already have. * * For example, we have a Panasonic TVs config that is used for all * Panasonic TVs, except the ones we have specific configs for, so the * specific ones have a greater priority to ensure they are used when * applicable instead of the less-specific renderer config. * * @return The loading priority of this renderer */ public int getLoadingPriority() { return getInt(LOADING_PRIORITY, 0); } /** * A loading priority comparator */ public static final Comparator<RendererConfiguration> rendererLoadingPriorityComparator = new Comparator<RendererConfiguration>() { @Override public int compare(RendererConfiguration r1, RendererConfiguration r2) { if (r1 == null || r2 == null) { return (r1 == null && r2 == null) ? 0 : r1 == null ? 1 : r2 == null ? -1 : 0; } int p1 = r1.getLoadingPriority(); int p2 = r2.getLoadingPriority(); return p1 > p2 ? -1 : p1 < p2 ? 1 : r1.getConfName().compareToIgnoreCase(r2.getConfName()); } }; private int[] getVideoBitrateConfig(String bitrate) { int bitrates[] = new int[2]; if (bitrate.contains("(") && bitrate.contains(")")) { bitrates[1] = Integer.parseInt(bitrate.substring(bitrate.indexOf('(') + 1, bitrate.indexOf(')'))); } if (bitrate.contains("(")) { bitrate = bitrate.substring(0, bitrate.indexOf('(')).trim(); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(bitrate)) { bitrate = "0"; } bitrates[0] = (int) Double.parseDouble(bitrate); return bitrates; } /** * Automatic reloading */ public static final FileWatcher.Listener reloader = new FileWatcher.Listener() { @Override public void notify(String filename, String event, FileWatcher.Watch watch, boolean isDir) { RendererConfiguration r = (RendererConfiguration) watch.getItem(); if (r != null && r.getFile().equals(new File(filename))) { r.reset(); } } }; private DLNAResource playingRes; public DLNAResource getPlayingRes() { return playingRes; } public void setPlayingRes(DLNAResource dlna) { playingRes = dlna; getPlayer(); if (dlna != null) { player.getState().name = dlna.getDisplayName(); player.start(); } else { player.reset(); } } private long buffer; public void setBuffer(long mb) { buffer = mb < 0 ? 0 : mb; getPlayer().setBuffer(mb); } public long getBuffer() { return buffer; } public String getSubLanguage() { return pmsConfiguration.getSubtitlesLanguages(); } public static class PlaybackTimer extends BasicPlayer.Minimal { private long duration = 0; public PlaybackTimer(DeviceConfiguration renderer) { super(renderer); LOGGER.debug("Created playback timer for " + renderer.getRendererName()); } @Override public void start() { final DLNAResource res = renderer.getPlayingRes(); = res.getDisplayName(); duration = 0; if (res.getMedia() != null) { duration = (long) res.getMedia().getDurationInSeconds() * 1000; state.duration = DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration(duration, "HH:mm:ss"); } Runnable r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { state.playback = PLAYING; while (res == renderer.getPlayingRes()) { long elapsed; if ((long) res.getLastStartPosition() == 0) { elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - (long) res.getStartTime(); } else { elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - (long) res.getLastStartSystemTime(); elapsed += (long) (res.getLastStartPosition() * 1000); } if (duration == 0 || elapsed < duration + 500) { // Position is valid as far as we can tell state.position = DurationFormatUtils.formatDuration(elapsed, "HH:mm:ss"); } else { // Position is invalid, blink instead state.position = ("NOT_IMPLEMENTED" + (elapsed / 1000 % 2 == 0 ? " " : "--")); } alert(); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } // Reset only if another item hasn't already begun playing if (renderer.getPlayingRes() == null) { reset(); } } }; new Thread(r).start(); } } public final String INFO = "info"; public final String OK = "okay"; public final String WARN = "warn"; public final String ERR = "err"; public void notify(String type, String msg) { // Implemented by subclasses } public int getMaxVolume() { return getInt(MAX_VOLUME, 100); } public void setIdentifiers(List<String> identifiers) { this.identifiers = identifiers; } public List<String> getIdentifiers() { return identifiers; } public String getDeviceId() { String d = getString(DEVICE_ID, ""); if (StringUtils.isBlank(d)) { // Backward compatibility d = getString("device", ""); } // Note: this might be a comma-separated list of ids return d; } /** * Upnp service startup management */ public static final int BLOCK = -2; public static final int POSTPONE = -1; public static final int NONE = 0; public static final int ALLOW = 1; protected volatile int upnpMode = NONE; public static int getUpnpMode(String mode) { if (mode != null) { switch (mode.trim().toLowerCase()) { case "false": return BLOCK; case "postpone": return POSTPONE; } } return ALLOW; } public static String getUpnpModeString(int mode) { switch (mode) { case BLOCK: return "blocked"; case POSTPONE: return "postponed"; case NONE: return "unknown"; } return "allowed"; } public int getUpnpMode() { if (upnpMode == NONE) { upnpMode = getUpnpMode(getString(UPNP_ALLOW, "true")); } return upnpMode; } public String getUpnpModeString() { return getUpnpModeString(upnpMode); } public void resetUpnpMode() { setUpnpMode(getUpnpMode(getString(UPNP_ALLOW, "true"))); } public void setUpnpMode(int mode) { if (upnpMode != mode) { upnpMode = mode; if (upnpMode == ALLOW) { String id = uuid != null ? uuid : DeviceConfiguration.getUuidOf(getAddress()); if (id != null) { configuration.setProperty(UPNP_ALLOW, "true"); UPNPHelper.activate(id); } } } } public boolean isUpnpPostponed() { return getUpnpMode() == POSTPONE; } public boolean isUpnpAllowed() { return getUpnpMode() > NONE; } public static void verify(RendererConfiguration r) { // FIXME: this is a very fallible, incomplete validity test for use only until // we find something better. The assumption is that renderers unable determine // their own address (i.e. non-UPnP/web renderers that have lost their spot in the // address association to a newer renderer at the same ip) are "invalid". if (r.getUpnpMode() != BLOCK && r.getAddress() == null) { LOGGER.debug("Purging renderer {} as invalid", r); r.delete(0); } } /** * Whether the renderer can display thumbnails. * * @return whether the renderer can display thumbnails */ public boolean isThumbnails() { return getBoolean(THUMBNAILS, true); } /** * Whether we should add black padding to thumbnails so they are always * at the same resolution, or just scale to within the limits. * * @return whether to add padding to thumbnails */ public boolean isThumbnailPadding() { return getBoolean(THUMBNAIL_PADDING, false); } /** * Whether to stream subtitles even if the video is transcoded. It may work on some renderers. * * @return whether to stream subtitles for transcoded video */ public boolean streamSubsForTranscodedVideo() { return getBoolean(STREAM_SUBS_FOR_TRANSCODED_VIDEO, false); } /** * List of supported video bit depths. * * @return a comma-separated list of supported video bit depths. */ public String getSupportedVideoBitDepths() { return getString(SUPPORTED_VIDEO_BIT_DEPTHS, "8"); } /** * Check if the given video bit depth is supported. * * @param videoBitDepth The video bit depth * * @return whether the video bit depth is supported. */ public boolean isVideoBitDepthSupported(int videoBitDepth) { String[] supportedBitDepths = getSupportedVideoBitDepths().split(","); for (String supportedBitDepth : supportedBitDepths) { if (Integer.toString(videoBitDepth).equals(supportedBitDepth.trim())) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isRemoveTagsFromSRTsubs() { return getBoolean(REMOVE_TAGS_FROM_SRT_SUBS, true); } }