package net.pms.image; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.ColorConvertOp; import*; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.imageio.IIOException; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails; import net.coobird.thumbnailator.filters.Canvas; import net.coobird.thumbnailator.geometry.Positions; import net.pms.dlna.DLNAImage; import net.pms.dlna.DLNAImageProfile; import net.pms.dlna.DLNAImageProfile.DLNAComplianceResult; import net.pms.dlna.DLNAMediaInfo; import net.pms.dlna.DLNAThumbnail; import net.pms.image.ImageIOTools.ImageReaderResult; import net.pms.image.thumbnailator.ExifFilterUtils; import net.pms.util.BufferedImageType; import net.pms.util.InvalidStateException; import net.pms.util.ParseException; import net.pms.util.ResettableInputStream; import net.pms.util.UnknownFormatException; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.drew.imaging.FileType; import com.drew.imaging.FileTypeDetector; import com.drew.imaging.ImageMetadataReader; import com.drew.imaging.ImageProcessingException; import com.drew.imaging.bmp.BmpMetadataReader; import com.drew.imaging.gif.GifMetadataReader; import com.drew.imaging.ico.IcoMetadataReader; import com.drew.imaging.jpeg.JpegMetadataReader; import com.drew.imaging.pcx.PcxMetadataReader; import com.drew.imaging.png.PngMetadataReader; import com.drew.imaging.psd.PsdMetadataReader; import com.drew.imaging.raf.RafMetadataReader; import com.drew.imaging.tiff.TiffMetadataReader; import com.drew.imaging.webp.WebpMetadataReader; import com.drew.lang.RandomAccessReader; import com.drew.lang.RandomAccessStreamReader; import com.drew.metadata.Directory; import com.drew.metadata.Metadata; import com.drew.metadata.MetadataException; import com.drew.metadata.exif.ExifIFD0Directory; import com.drew.metadata.exif.ExifSubIFDDirectory; public class ImagesUtil { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ImagesUtil.class); /** * Parses an image file and stores the results in the given * {@link DLNAMediaInfo}. Parsing is performed using both * <a href=>Metadata Extractor</a> * and {@link ImageIO}. While Metadata Extractor offers more detailed * information, {@link ImageIO} offers information that is convenient for * image transformation with {@link ImageIO}. Parsing will be performed if * just one of the two methods produces results, but some details will be * missing if either one failed. * <p><b> * This method consumes and closes {@code inputStream}. * </b> * @param file the {@link File} to parse. * @param media the {@link DLNAMediaInfo} instance to store the parsing * results to. * @throws IOException if an IO error occurs or no information can be parsed. * */ public static void parseImage(File file, DLNAMediaInfo media) throws IOException { final int MAX_BUFFER = 1048576; // 1 MB if (file == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("parseImage: file cannot be null"); } if (media == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("parseImage: media cannot be null"); } boolean trace = LOGGER.isTraceEnabled(); if (trace) { LOGGER.trace("Parsing image file \"{}\"", file.getAbsolutePath()); } long size = file.length(); ResettableInputStream inputStream = new ResettableInputStream(Files.newInputStream(file.toPath()), MAX_BUFFER); try { Metadata metadata = null; FileType fileType = null; try { fileType = FileTypeDetector.detectFileType(inputStream); metadata = getMetadata(inputStream, fileType); } catch (IOException e) { metadata = new Metadata(); LOGGER.debug("Error reading \"{}\": {}", file.getAbsolutePath(), e.getMessage()); LOGGER.trace("", e); } catch (ImageProcessingException e) { metadata = new Metadata(); LOGGER.debug( "Error parsing {} metadata for \"{}\": {}", fileType.toString().toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT), file.getAbsolutePath(), e.getMessage() ); LOGGER.trace("", e); } ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.toImageFormat(fileType); if (format == null || format == ImageFormat.TIFF) { ImageFormat tmpformat = ImageFormat.toImageFormat(metadata); if (tmpformat != null) { format = tmpformat; } } if (inputStream.isFullResetAvailable()) { inputStream.fullReset(); } else { // If we can't reset it, close it and create a new inputStream.close(); inputStream = new ResettableInputStream(Files.newInputStream(file.toPath()), MAX_BUFFER); } ImageInfo imageInfo = null; try { imageInfo = ImageIOTools.readImageInfo(inputStream, size , metadata, false); } catch (UnknownFormatException | IIOException | ParseException e) { if (format == null) { throw new UnknownFormatException( "Unable to recognize image format for \"" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "\" - parsing failed", e ); } LOGGER.debug( "Unable to parse \"{}\" with ImageIO because the format is unsupported, image information will be limited", file.getAbsolutePath() ); LOGGER.trace("ImageIO parse failure reason: {}", e.getMessage()); // Gather basic information from the data we have if (metadata != null) { try { imageInfo = ImageInfo.create(metadata, format, size, true, true); } catch (ParseException pe) { imageInfo = null; LOGGER.debug("Unable to parse metadata for \"{}\": {}", file.getAbsolutePath(), pe.getMessage()); LOGGER.trace("", pe); } } } if (imageInfo == null && format == null) { throw new ParseException("Parsing of \"" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "\" failed"); } if (format == null) { format = imageInfo.getFormat(); } else if (imageInfo != null && imageInfo.getFormat() != null && format != imageInfo.getFormat()) { if (imageInfo.getFormat() == ImageFormat.TIFF && format.isRaw()) { if (format == ImageFormat.ARW && !isARW(metadata)) { // XXX Remove this if is fixed // Metadata extractor misidentifies some Photoshop created TIFFs for ARW, correct it format = ImageFormat.toImageFormat(metadata); if (format == null) { format = ImageFormat.TIFF; } LOGGER.trace( "Correcting misidentified image format ARW to {} for \"{}\"", format, file.getAbsolutePath() ); } else { /* * ImageIO recognizes many RAW formats as TIFF because * of their close relationship let's treat them as what * they really are. */ imageInfo = ImageInfo.create( imageInfo.getWidth(), imageInfo.getHeight(), format, size, imageInfo.getBitDepth(), imageInfo.getNumComponents(), imageInfo.getColorSpace(), imageInfo.getColorSpaceType(), metadata, false, imageInfo.isImageIOSupported() ); LOGGER.trace( "Correcting misidentified image format TIFF to {} for \"{}\"", format.toString(), file.getAbsolutePath() ); } } else { LOGGER.debug( "Image parsing for \"{}\" was inconclusive, metadata parsing " + "detected {} format while ImageIO detected {}. Choosing {}.", file.getAbsolutePath(), format, imageInfo.getFormat(), imageInfo.getFormat() ); format = imageInfo.getFormat(); } } media.setImageInfo(imageInfo); if (format != null) { media.setCodecV(format.toFormatConfiguration()); media.setContainer(format.toFormatConfiguration()); } if (trace) { LOGGER.trace("Parsing of image \"{}\" completed", file.getName()); } } finally { inputStream.close(); } } /** * There is a bug in Metadata Extractor that misidentifies some TIFF files * as ARW files. This method is here to verify if such a misidentification * has taken place or not. * * XXX This method can be removed if is fixed */ public static boolean isARW(Metadata metadata) { if (metadata == null) { return false; } Collection<ExifSubIFDDirectory> directories = metadata.getDirectoriesOfType(ExifSubIFDDirectory.class); for (ExifSubIFDDirectory directory : directories) { if ( directory.containsTag(ExifSubIFDDirectory.TAG_COMPRESSION) && directory.getInteger(ExifSubIFDDirectory.TAG_COMPRESSION) != null && directory.getInteger(ExifSubIFDDirectory.TAG_COMPRESSION) == 32767 ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return The version number multiplied with 100 (last two digits are decimals). */ public static int parseExifVersion(byte[] bytes) { if (bytes == null) { return ImageInfo.UNKNOWN; } StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(4); for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { if (bytes[i] > 47 && bytes[i] < 58) { stringBuilder.append((char) bytes[i]); } else if (bytes[i] == 0 && i == bytes.length - 1) { // Some buggy C/C++ software doesn't properly format the string // so we end up with a null-terminated string without the leading zero. stringBuilder.insert(0, '0'); } } while (stringBuilder.length() < 4) { stringBuilder.append("0"); } try { return Integer.parseInt(stringBuilder.toString()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOGGER.debug("Failed to parse Exif version number from: {}", Arrays.toString(bytes)); return 0; } } /** * Tries to parse {@link ExifOrientation} from the given metadata. If it * fails, {@link ExifOrientation#TOP_LEFT} is returned. * * @param metadata the {@link Metadata} to parse. * @return The parsed {@link ExifOrientation} or * {@link ExifOrientation#TOP_LEFT}. */ public static ExifOrientation parseExifOrientation(Metadata metadata) { return parseExifOrientation(metadata, ExifOrientation.TOP_LEFT); } /** * Tries to parse {@link ExifOrientation} from the given metadata. If it * fails, {@code defaultOrientation} is returned. * * @param metadata the {@link Metadata} to parse. * @param defaultOrientation the default to return if parsing fails. * @return The parsed {@link ExifOrientation} or {@code defaultOrientation}. */ public static ExifOrientation parseExifOrientation(Metadata metadata, ExifOrientation defaultOrientation) { if (metadata == null) { return defaultOrientation; } try { for (Directory directory : metadata.getDirectories()) { if (directory instanceof ExifIFD0Directory) { if (((ExifIFD0Directory) directory).containsTag(ExifIFD0Directory.TAG_ORIENTATION)) { return ExifOrientation.typeOf(((ExifIFD0Directory) directory).getInt(ExifIFD0Directory.TAG_ORIENTATION)); } } } } catch (MetadataException e) { return defaultOrientation; } return defaultOrientation; } /** * Checks if the resolution axes must be swapped if the image is rotated * according to the given Exif orientation. * * @param imageInfo the {@link ImageInfo} whose Exif orientation to evaluate. * @return {@code true} if the axes should be swapped, {@code false} * otherwise. */ public static boolean isExifAxesSwapNeeded(ImageInfo imageInfo) { return imageInfo != null && isExifAxesSwapNeeded(imageInfo.getExifOrientation()); } /** * Checks if the resolution axes must be swapped if the image is rotated * according to the given Exif orientation. * * @param orientation the Exif orientation to evaluate. * @return {@code true} if the axes should be swapped, {@code false} * otherwise. */ public static boolean isExifAxesSwapNeeded(ExifOrientation orientation) { if (orientation == null) { return false; } switch (orientation) { case LEFT_TOP: case RIGHT_TOP: case RIGHT_BOTTOM: case LEFT_BOTTOM: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Calculates the resolution for the image described by {@code imageInfo} if * it is scaled to {@code scaleWidth} width and {@code scaleHeight} height * while preserving aspect ratio. * * @param actualWidth the width of the source image. * @param actualHeight the height of the source image. * @param scaleType the {@link ScaleType} to use when scaling. * @param scaleWidth the width to scale to. * @param scaleHeight the height to scale to. * @return A {@link Dimension} with the resulting resolution. */ public static Dimension calculateScaledResolution( ImageInfo imageInfo, ScaleType scaleType, int scaleWidth, int scaleHeight ) { return calculateScaledResolution( imageInfo.getWidth(), imageInfo.getHeight(), scaleType, scaleWidth, scaleHeight ); } /** * Calculates the resolution for the image with {@code actualWidth} width * and {@code actualHeight}) height if it is scaled to {@code scaleWidth} * width and {@code scaleHeight} height while preserving aspect ratio. * * @param actualWidth the width of the source image. * @param actualHeight the height of the source image. * @param scaleType the {@link ScaleType} to use when scaling. * @param scaleWidth the width to scale to. * @param scaleHeight the height to scale to. * @return A {@link Dimension} with the resulting resolution. */ public static Dimension calculateScaledResolution( int actualWidth, int actualHeight, ScaleType scaleType, int scaleWidth, int scaleHeight ) { if (scaleType == null) { throw new NullPointerException("scaleType cannot be null"); } if (actualWidth < 1 || actualHeight < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "actualWidth (%d) and actualHeight (%d) must be positive", actualWidth, actualHeight )); } if (scaleWidth < 1 || scaleHeight < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "scaleWidth (%d) and scaleHeight (%d) must be positive", scaleWidth, scaleHeight )); } double scale = Math.min((double) scaleWidth / actualWidth, (double) scaleHeight / actualHeight); if (scaleType == ScaleType.MAX && scale > 1) { // Never scale up for ScaleType.MAX scale = 1; } return new Dimension( (int) Math.max(Math.round(actualWidth * scale), 1), (int) Math.max(Math.round(actualHeight * scale), 1) ); } /** * Retrieves a reference to the underlying byte array from a * {@link ByteArrayInputStream} using reflection. Keep in mind that this * this byte array is shared with the {@link ByteArrayInputStream}. * * @param inputStream the {@link ByteArrayInputStream} whose buffer to retrieve. * @return The byte array or {@code null} if retrieval failed. */ public static byte[] retrieveByteArray(ByteArrayInputStream inputStream) { Field f; try { f = ByteArrayInputStream.class.getDeclaredField("buf"); f.setAccessible(true); return (byte[]) f.get(inputStream); } catch (NoSuchFieldException | SecurityException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Unexpected reflection failure in retrieveByteArray(): {}", e.getMessage()); LOGGER.trace("", e); return null; } } /** * This attempts to get the underlying byte array directly from the * {@link InputStream} if it is backed by a byte array, otherwise the * {@link InputStream} is copied into a new byte array with * {@link IOUtils#toByteArray(InputStream)}. * <p><b> * This method consumes and closes {@code inputStream}. * </b> * @param inputStream the <code>InputStream</code> to read. * @return The resulting byte array. * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ public static byte[] toByteArray(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { if (inputStream == null) { return null; } // Avoid copying the data if it's already a byte array if (inputStream instanceof ByteArrayInputStream) { byte[] bytes = retrieveByteArray((ByteArrayInputStream) inputStream); if (bytes != null) { return bytes; } // Reflection failed, use IOUtils to read the stream instead } try { return IOUtils.toByteArray(inputStream); } finally { inputStream.close(); } } /** * Converts an image to a different {@link ImageFormat}. Rotates/flips the * image according to Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of * {@link ImageIO}. * * @param inputImage the source {@link Image}. * @param outputFormat the {@link ImageFormat} to convert to. If this is * {@link ImageFormat#SOURCE} or {@code null} this has no effect. * @param dlnaCompliant whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA compliance. This also means that the output can be * safely cast to {@link DLNAImage}. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @return The converted image or {@code null} if the source is {@code null} * . * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static Image convertImage( Image inputImage, ImageFormat outputFormat, boolean dlnaCompliant, boolean dlnaThumbnail ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage( inputImage, 0, 0, null, outputFormat, dlnaCompliant, dlnaThumbnail, false ); } /** * Converts an image to a different {@link ImageFormat}. Rotates/flips the * image according to Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of * {@link ImageIO}. * <p> * <b> This method consumes and closes {@code inputStream}. </b> * * @param inputStream the source image in a supported format. * @param outputFormat the {@link ImageFormat} to convert to. If this is * {@link ImageFormat#SOURCE} or {@code null} this has no effect. * @param dlnaCompliant whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA compliance. This also means that the output can be * safely cast to {@link DLNAImage}. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @return The converted image or {@code null} if the source is {@code null} * . * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static Image convertImage( InputStream inputStream, ImageFormat outputFormat, boolean dlnaCompliant, boolean dlnaThumbnail ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage( inputStream, 0, 0, null, outputFormat, dlnaCompliant, dlnaThumbnail, false ); } /** * Converts an image to a different {@link ImageFormat}. Rotates/flips the * image according to Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of * {@link ImageIO}. * * @param inputByteArray the source image in a supported format. * @param outputFormat the {@link ImageFormat} to convert to. If this is * {@link ImageFormat#SOURCE} or {@code null} this has no effect. * @param dlnaCompliant whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA compliance. This also means that the output can be * safely cast to {@link DLNAImage}. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @return The converted image or {@code null} if the source is {@code null} * . * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static Image convertImage( byte[] inputByteArray, ImageFormat outputFormat, boolean dlnaCompliant, boolean dlnaThumbnail ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage( inputByteArray, 0, 0, null, outputFormat, dlnaCompliant, dlnaThumbnail, false ); } /** * Scales an image to the given dimensions. Scaling can be with or without * padding. Preserves aspect ratio and rotates/flips the image according to * Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of {@link ImageIO}. * * @param inputImage the source {@link Image}. * @param width the new width. * @param height the new height. * @param scaleType the {@link ScaleType} to use when scaling. * @param dlnaCompliant whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA compliance. This also means that the output can be * safely cast to {@link DLNAImage}. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @param padToSize Whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The scaled image or {@code null} if the source is {@code null}. * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public Image scaleImage( Image inputImage, int width, int height, ScaleType scaleType, boolean dlnaCompliant, boolean dlnaThumbnail, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage( inputImage, width, height, scaleType, ImageFormat.SOURCE, dlnaCompliant, dlnaThumbnail, padToSize ); } /** * Scales an image to the given dimensions. Scaling can be with or without * padding. Preserves aspect ratio and rotates/flips the image according to * Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of {@link ImageIO}. * <p> * <b> This method consumes and closes {@code inputStream}. </b> * * @param inputStream the source image in a supported format. * @param width the new width. * @param height the new height. * @param scaleType the {@link ScaleType} to use when scaling. * @param dlnaCompliant whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA compliance. This also means that the output can be * safely cast to {@link DLNAImage}. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @param padToSize Whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The scaled image or {@code null} if the source is {@code null}. * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public Image scaleImage( InputStream inputStream, int width, int height, ScaleType scaleType, boolean dlnaCompliant, boolean dlnaThumbnail, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage( inputStream, width, height, scaleType, ImageFormat.SOURCE, dlnaCompliant, dlnaThumbnail, padToSize ); } /** * Scales an image to the given dimensions. Scaling can be with or without * padding. Preserves aspect ratio and rotates/flips the image according to * Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of {@link ImageIO}. * * @param inputByteArray the source image in a supported format. * @param width the new width. * @param height the new height. * @param scaleType the {@link ScaleType} to use when scaling. * @param dlnaCompliant whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA compliance. This also means that the output can be * safely cast to {@link DLNAImage}. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @param padToSize Whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The scaled image or {@code null} if the source is {@code null}. * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public Image scaleImage( byte[] inputByteArray, int width, int height, ScaleType scaleType, boolean dlnaCompliant, boolean dlnaThumbnail, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage( inputByteArray, width, height, scaleType, ImageFormat.SOURCE, dlnaCompliant, dlnaThumbnail, padToSize ); } /** * Converts and if necessary scales an image to comply with a * {@link DLNAImageProfile}. Preserves aspect ratio and rotates/flips the * image according to Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of * {@link ImageIO}. * * @param inputImage the source {@link Image}. * @param outputProfile the {@link DLNAImageProfile} to convert to. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @param padToSize whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The converted image or {@code null} if the source is {@code null} * . * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static Image transcodeImage( Image inputImage, DLNAImageProfile outputProfile, boolean dlnaThumbnail, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage(inputImage, 0, 0, null, outputProfile, true, dlnaThumbnail, padToSize); } /** * Converts and if necessary scales an image to comply with a * {@link DLNAImageProfile}. Preserves aspect ratio and rotates/flips the * image according to Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of * {@link ImageIO}. * <p> * <b> This method consumes and closes {@code inputStream}. </b> * * @param inputStream the source image in a supported format. * @param outputProfile the {@link DLNAImageProfile} to convert to. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @param padToSize whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The converted image or {@code null} if the source is {@code null} * . * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static Image transcodeImage( InputStream inputStream, DLNAImageProfile outputProfile, boolean dlnaThumbnail, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage(inputStream, 0, 0, null, outputProfile, true, dlnaThumbnail, padToSize); } /** * Converts and if necessary scales an image to comply with a * {@link DLNAImageProfile}. Preserves aspect ratio and rotates/flips the * image according to Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of * {@link ImageIO}. * * @param inputByteArray the source image in a supported format. * @param outputProfile the {@link DLNAImageProfile} to convert to. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @param padToSize whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The converted image or {@code null} if the source is {@code null} * . * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static Image transcodeImage( byte[] inputByteArray, DLNAImageProfile outputProfile, boolean dlnaThumbnail, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage(inputByteArray, 0, 0, null, outputProfile, true, dlnaThumbnail, padToSize); } /** * Converts and scales an image in one operation. Scaling can be with or * without padding. Preserves aspect ratio and rotates/flips the image * according to Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of * {@link ImageIO}. Only one of the three input arguments may be used in any * given call. Note that {@code outputProfile} overrides * {@code outputFormat}. * * @param inputImage the source {@link Image}. * @param width the new width or 0 to disable scaling. * @param height the new height or 0 to disable scaling. * @param scaleType the {@link ScaleType} to use when scaling. * @param outputFormat the {@link ImageFormat} to convert to or * {@link ImageFormat#SOURCE} to preserve source format. * @param dlnaCompliant whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA compliance. This also means that the output can be * safely cast to {@link DLNAImage}. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @param padToSize whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The scaled and/or converted image or {@code null} if the source * is {@code null}. * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static Image transcodeImage( Image inputImage, int width, int height, ScaleType scaleType, ImageFormat outputFormat, boolean dlnaCompliant, boolean dlnaThumbnail, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage( null, inputImage, null, width, height, scaleType, outputFormat, null, dlnaCompliant, dlnaThumbnail, padToSize ); } /** * Converts and scales an image in one operation. Scaling can be with or * without padding. Preserves aspect ratio and rotates/flips the image * according to Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of * {@link ImageIO}. Only one of the three input arguments may be used in any * given call. Note that {@code outputProfile} overrides * {@code outputFormat}. * <p> * <b> This method consumes and closes {@code inputStream}. </b> * * @param inputStream the source image in a supported format. * @param width the new width or 0 to disable scaling. * @param height the new height or 0 to disable scaling. * @param scaleType the {@link ScaleType} to use when scaling. * @param outputFormat the {@link ImageFormat} to convert to or * {@link ImageFormat#SOURCE} to preserve source format. * @param dlnaCompliant whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA compliance. This also means that the output can be * safely cast to {@link DLNAImage}. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @param padToSize whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The scaled and/or converted image or {@code null} if the source * is {@code null}. * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static Image transcodeImage( InputStream inputStream, int width, int height, ScaleType scaleType, ImageFormat outputFormat, boolean dlnaCompliant, boolean dlnaThumbnail, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage( null, null, inputStream, width, height, scaleType, outputFormat, null, dlnaCompliant, dlnaThumbnail, padToSize ); } /** * Converts and scales an image in one operation. Scaling can be with or * without padding. Preserves aspect ratio and rotates/flips the image * according to Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of * {@link ImageIO}. Only one of the three input arguments may be used in any * given call. Note that {@code outputProfile} overrides * {@code outputFormat}. * * @param inputByteArray the source image in a supported format. * @param width the new width or 0 to disable scaling. * @param height the new height or 0 to disable scaling. * @param scaleType the {@link ScaleType} to use when scaling. * @param outputFormat the {@link ImageFormat} to convert to or * {@link ImageFormat#SOURCE} to preserve source format. * @param dlnaCompliant whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA compliance. This also means that the output can be * safely cast to {@link DLNAImage}. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @param padToSize whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The scaled and/or converted image or {@code null} if the source * is {@code null}. * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static Image transcodeImage( byte[] inputByteArray, int width, int height, ScaleType scaleType, ImageFormat outputFormat, boolean dlnaCompliant, boolean dlnaThumbnail, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage( inputByteArray, null, null, width, height, scaleType, outputFormat, null, dlnaCompliant, dlnaThumbnail, padToSize ); } /** * Converts and scales an image in one operation. Scaling can be with or * without padding. Preserves aspect ratio and rotates/flips the image * according to Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of * {@link ImageIO}. Only one of the three input arguments may be used in any * given call. Note that {@code outputProfile} overrides * {@code outputFormat}. * * @param inputImage the source {@link Image}. * @param width the new width or 0 to disable scaling. * @param height the new height or 0 to disable scaling. * @param scaleType the {@link ScaleType} to use when scaling. * @param outputProfile the {@link DLNAImageProfile} to convert to. * @param dlnaCompliant whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA compliance. This also means that the output can be * safely cast to {@link DLNAImage}. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @param padToSize whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The scaled and/or converted image or {@code null} if the source * is {@code null}. * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static Image transcodeImage( Image inputImage, int width, int height, ScaleType scaleType, DLNAImageProfile outputProfile, boolean dlnaCompliant, boolean dlnaThumbnail, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage( null, inputImage, null, width, height, scaleType, null, outputProfile, dlnaCompliant, dlnaThumbnail, padToSize ); } /** * Converts and scales an image in one operation. Scaling can be with or * without padding. Preserves aspect ratio and rotates/flips the image * according to Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of * {@link ImageIO}. Only one of the three input arguments may be used in any * given call. Note that {@code outputProfile} overrides * {@code outputFormat}. * <p> * <b> This method consumes and closes {@code inputStream}. </b> * * @param inputStream the source image in a supported format. * @param width the new width or 0 to disable scaling. * @param height the new height or 0 to disable scaling. * @param scaleType the {@link ScaleType} to use when scaling. * @param outputProfile the {@link DLNAImageProfile} to convert to. * @param dlnaCompliant whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA compliance. This also means that the output can be * safely cast to {@link DLNAImage}. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @param padToSize whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The scaled and/or converted image or {@code null} if the source * is {@code null}. * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static Image transcodeImage( InputStream inputStream, int width, int height, ScaleType scaleType, DLNAImageProfile outputProfile, boolean dlnaCompliant, boolean dlnaThumbnail, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage( null, null, inputStream, width, height, scaleType, null, outputProfile, dlnaCompliant, dlnaThumbnail, padToSize ); } /** * Converts and scales an image in one operation. Scaling can be with or * without padding. Preserves aspect ratio and rotates/flips the image * according to Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of * {@link ImageIO}. Only one of the three input arguments may be used in any * given call. Note that {@code outputProfile} overrides * {@code outputFormat}. * * @param inputByteArray the source image in a supported format. * @param width the new width or 0 to disable scaling. * @param height the new height or 0 to disable scaling. * @param scaleType the {@link ScaleType} to use when scaling. * @param outputProfile the {@link DLNAImageProfile} to convert to. * @param dlnaCompliant whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA compliance. This also means that the output can be * safely cast to {@link DLNAImage}. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @param padToSize whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The scaled and/or converted image or {@code null} if the source * is {@code null}. * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static Image transcodeImage( byte[] inputByteArray, int width, int height, ScaleType scaleType, DLNAImageProfile outputProfile, boolean dlnaCompliant, boolean dlnaThumbnail, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { return transcodeImage( inputByteArray, null, null, width, height, scaleType, null, outputProfile, dlnaCompliant, dlnaThumbnail, padToSize ); } /** * Converts and scales an image in one operation. Scaling can be with or * without padding. Preserves aspect ratio and rotates/flips the image * according to Exif orientation. Format support is limited to that of * {@link ImageIO}. Only one of the three input arguments may be used in any * given call. Note that {@code outputProfile} overrides * {@code outputFormat}. * <p> * <b> This method consumes and closes {@code inputStream}. </b> * * @param inputByteArray the source image in a supported format. * @param inputImage the source {@link Image}. * @param inputStream the source image in a supported format. * @param width the new width or 0 to disable scaling. * @param height the new height or 0 to disable scaling. * @param scaleType the {@link ScaleType} to use when scaling. * @param outputFormat the {@link ImageFormat} to convert to or * {@link ImageFormat#SOURCE} to preserve source format. * Overridden by {@code outputProfile}. * @param outputProfile the {@link DLNAImageProfile} to convert to. This * overrides {@code outputFormat}. * @param dlnaCompliant whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA compliance. This also means that the output can be * safely cast to {@link DLNAImage}. * @param dlnaThumbnail whether or not the output image should be restricted * to DLNA thumbnail compliance. This also means that the output * can be safely cast to {@link DLNAThumbnail}. * @param padToSize whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The scaled and/or converted image or {@code null} if the source * is {@code null}. * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ protected static Image transcodeImage( byte[] inputByteArray, Image inputImage, InputStream inputStream, int width, int height, ScaleType scaleType, ImageFormat outputFormat, DLNAImageProfile outputProfile, boolean dlnaCompliant, boolean dlnaThumbnail, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { if (inputByteArray == null && inputStream == null && inputImage == null) { return null; } if ( (inputByteArray != null & inputImage != null) || (inputByteArray != null & inputStream != null) || (inputImage != null & inputStream != null) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Use either inputByteArray, inputImage or inputStream"); } boolean trace = LOGGER.isTraceEnabled(); if (trace) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (scaleType != null) { sb.append("ScaleType = ").append(scaleType); } if (width > 0 && height > 0) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append("Width = ").append(width).append(", Height = ").append(height); } if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append("PadToSize = ").append(padToSize ? "True" : "False"); LOGGER.trace( "Converting {} image source to {} format and type {} using the following parameters: {}", inputByteArray != null ? "byte array" : inputImage != null ? "Image" : "input stream", outputProfile != null ? outputProfile : outputFormat, dlnaThumbnail ? "DLNAThumbnail" : dlnaCompliant ? "DLNAImage" : "Image", sb ); } ImageIO.setUseCache(false); dlnaCompliant = dlnaCompliant || dlnaThumbnail; if (inputImage != null) { inputByteArray = inputImage.getBytes(false); } else if (inputStream != null) { inputByteArray = ImagesUtil.toByteArray(inputStream); } // outputProfile overrides outputFormat if (outputProfile != null) { if (dlnaThumbnail && outputProfile.equals(DLNAImageProfile.GIF_LRG)) { outputProfile = DLNAImageProfile.JPEG_LRG; } // Default to correct ScaleType for the profile if (scaleType == null) { if (DLNAImageProfile.JPEG_RES_H_V.equals(outputProfile)) { scaleType = ScaleType.EXACT; } else { scaleType = ScaleType.MAX; } } outputFormat = ImageFormat.toImageFormat(outputProfile); width = width > 0 ? width : outputProfile.getMaxWidth(); height = height > 0 ? height : outputProfile.getMaxHeight(); } else if (scaleType == null) { scaleType = ScaleType.MAX; } ImageReaderResult inputResult; try { inputResult = ByteArrayInputStream(inputByteArray)); } catch (IIOException e) { throw new UnknownFormatException("Unable to read image format", e); } if (inputResult.bufferedImage == null || inputResult.imageFormat == null) { // ImageIO doesn't support the image format throw new UnknownFormatException("Failed to transform image because the source format is unknown"); } if (outputFormat == null || outputFormat == ImageFormat.SOURCE) { outputFormat = inputResult.imageFormat; } BufferedImage bufferedImage = inputResult.bufferedImage; boolean reencode = false; if (outputProfile == null && dlnaCompliant) { // Override output format to one valid for DLNA, defaulting to PNG // if the source image has alpha and JPEG if not. switch (outputFormat) { case GIF: if (dlnaThumbnail) { outputFormat = ImageFormat.JPEG; } break; case JPEG: case PNG: break; default: if (bufferedImage.getColorModel().hasAlpha()) { outputFormat = ImageFormat.PNG; } else { outputFormat = ImageFormat.JPEG; } } } Metadata metadata = null; ExifOrientation orientation; if (inputImage != null && inputImage.getImageInfo() != null) { orientation = inputImage.getImageInfo().getExifOrientation(); } else { try { metadata = getMetadata(inputByteArray, inputResult.imageFormat); } catch (IOException | ImageProcessingException e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to read input image metadata: {}", e.getMessage()); LOGGER.trace("", e); metadata = new Metadata(); } if (metadata == null) { metadata = new Metadata(); } orientation = parseExifOrientation(metadata); } if (orientation != ExifOrientation.TOP_LEFT) { // Rotate the image before doing all the other checks BufferedImage oldBufferedImage = bufferedImage; bufferedImage = Thumbnails.of(bufferedImage) .scale(1.0d) .addFilter(ExifFilterUtils.getFilterForOrientation(orientation.getThumbnailatorOrientation())) .asBufferedImage(); oldBufferedImage.flush(); // Re-parse the metadata after rotation as these are newly generated. ByteArrayOutputStream tmpOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(inputByteArray.length); Thumbnails.of(bufferedImage).scale(1.0d).outputFormat(outputFormat.toString()).toOutputStream(tmpOutputStream); try { metadata = getMetadata(tmpOutputStream.toByteArray(), outputFormat); } catch (IOException | ImageProcessingException e) { LOGGER.debug("Failed to read rotated image metadata: {}", e.getMessage()); LOGGER.trace("", e); metadata = new Metadata(); } if (metadata == null) { metadata = new Metadata(); } reencode = true; } if (outputProfile == null && dlnaCompliant) { // Set a suitable output profile. if (width < 1 || height < 1) { outputProfile = DLNAImageProfile.getClosestDLNAProfile( bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight(), outputFormat, true ); width = outputProfile.getMaxWidth(); height = outputProfile.getMaxHeight(); } else { outputProfile = DLNAImageProfile.getClosestDLNAProfile( calculateScaledResolution( bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight(), scaleType, width, height ), outputFormat, true ); width = Math.min(width, outputProfile.getMaxWidth()); height = Math.min(height, outputProfile.getMaxHeight()); } if (DLNAImageProfile.JPEG_RES_H_V.equals(outputProfile)) { scaleType = ScaleType.EXACT; } } boolean convertColors = bufferedImage.getType() == BufferedImageType.TYPE_CUSTOM.getTypeId() || bufferedImage.getType() == BufferedImageType.TYPE_BYTE_BINARY.getTypeId() || bufferedImage.getColorModel().getColorSpace().getType() != ColorSpaceType.TYPE_RGB.getTypeId(); // Impose DLNA format restrictions if (!reencode && outputFormat == inputResult.imageFormat && outputProfile != null) { DLNAComplianceResult complianceResult; switch (outputFormat) { case GIF: case JPEG: case PNG: ImageInfo imageInfo; // metadata is only null at this stage if inputImage != null and no rotation was necessary if (metadata == null) { imageInfo = inputImage.getImageInfo(); } imageInfo = ImageInfo.create( bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight(), inputResult.imageFormat, ImageInfo.SIZE_UNKNOWN, bufferedImage.getColorModel(), metadata, false, true ); complianceResult = DLNAImageProfile.checkCompliance(imageInfo, outputProfile); break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected image format: " + outputFormat); } reencode = reencode || convertColors || !complianceResult.isFormatCorrect() || !complianceResult.isColorsCorrect();; if (!complianceResult.isResolutionCorrect()) { width = width > 0 && complianceResult.getMaxWidth() > 0 ? Math.min(width, complianceResult.getMaxWidth()) : width > 0 ? width : complianceResult.getMaxWidth(); height = height > 0 && complianceResult.getMaxHeight() > 0 ? Math.min(height, complianceResult.getMaxHeight()) : height > 0 ? height : complianceResult.getMaxHeight(); } if (trace) { if (complianceResult.isAllCorrect()) { LOGGER.trace("Image conversion DLNA compliance check: The source image is compliant"); } else { LOGGER.trace( "Image conversion DLNA compliance check for {}: " + "The source image colors are {}, format is {} and resolution ({} x {}) is {}", outputProfile, complianceResult.isColorsCorrect() ? "compliant" : "non-compliant", complianceResult.isFormatCorrect() ? "compliant" : "non-compliant", bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight(), complianceResult.isResolutionCorrect() ? "compliant" : "non-compliant" ); } } } if (convertColors) { // Preserve alpha channel if the output format supports it BufferedImageType outputImageType; if ( (outputFormat == ImageFormat.PNG || outputFormat == ImageFormat.PSD) && bufferedImage.getColorModel().getNumComponents() == 4 ) { outputImageType = bufferedImage.isAlphaPremultiplied() ? BufferedImageType.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR_PRE : BufferedImageType.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR; } else { outputImageType = BufferedImageType.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR; } BufferedImage convertedImage = new BufferedImage(bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight(), outputImageType.getTypeId()); ColorConvertOp colorConvertOp = new ColorConvertOp(null); colorConvertOp.filter(bufferedImage, convertedImage); bufferedImage.flush(); bufferedImage = convertedImage; reencode = true; } if (width < 1 || height < 1 || ( scaleType == ScaleType.MAX && bufferedImage.getWidth() <= width && bufferedImage.getHeight() <= height ) || ( scaleType == ScaleType.EXACT && bufferedImage.getWidth() == width && bufferedImage.getHeight() == height ) ) { //No resize, just convert if (!reencode && inputResult.imageFormat == outputFormat) { // Nothing to do, just return source // metadata is only null at this stage if inputImage != null Image result; if (dlnaThumbnail) { result = metadata == null ? new DLNAThumbnail(inputImage, outputProfile, false) : new DLNAThumbnail(inputByteArray, outputFormat, bufferedImage, metadata, outputProfile, false); } else if (dlnaCompliant) { result = metadata == null ? new DLNAImage(inputImage, outputProfile, false) : new DLNAImage(inputByteArray, outputFormat, bufferedImage, metadata, outputProfile, false); } else { result = metadata == null ? new Image(inputImage, false) : new Image(inputByteArray, outputFormat, bufferedImage, metadata, false); } bufferedImage.flush(); if (trace) { LOGGER.trace( "No conversion is needed, returning source image with width = {}, height = {} and output {}.", bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight(), dlnaCompliant && outputProfile != null ? "profile: " + outputProfile : "format: " + outputFormat ); } return result; } } else { boolean force = DLNAImageProfile.JPEG_RES_H_V.equals(outputProfile); BufferedImage oldBufferedImage = bufferedImage; if (padToSize && force) { bufferedImage = Thumbnails.of(bufferedImage) .forceSize(width, height) .addFilter(new Canvas(width, height, Positions.CENTER, Color.BLACK)) .asBufferedImage(); } else if (padToSize) { bufferedImage = Thumbnails.of(bufferedImage) .size(width, height) .addFilter(new Canvas(width, height, Positions.CENTER, Color.BLACK)) .asBufferedImage(); } else if (force) { bufferedImage = Thumbnails.of(bufferedImage) .forceSize(width, height) .asBufferedImage(); } else { bufferedImage = Thumbnails.of(bufferedImage) .size(width, height) .asBufferedImage(); } oldBufferedImage.flush(); } ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Thumbnails.of(bufferedImage) .scale(1.0d) .outputFormat(outputFormat.toString()) .outputQuality(1.0f) .toOutputStream(outputStream); byte[] outputByteArray = outputStream.toByteArray(); Image result; if (dlnaThumbnail) { result = new DLNAThumbnail(outputByteArray, bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight(), outputFormat, null, null, outputProfile, false); } else if (dlnaCompliant) { result = new DLNAImage(outputByteArray, bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight(), outputFormat, null, null, outputProfile, false); } else { result = new Image(outputByteArray, bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight(), outputFormat, null, null, true, false); } if (trace) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("Convert colors = ").append(convertColors ? "True" : "False") .append(", Re-encode = ").append(reencode ? "True" : "False"); LOGGER.trace( "Finished converting {} {} image{}. " + "Output image resolution: {}, {}. Flags: {}", inputResult.width + "×" + inputResult.height, inputResult.imageFormat, orientation != ExifOrientation.TOP_LEFT ? " with orientation " + orientation : "", bufferedImage.getWidth() + "×" + bufferedImage.getHeight(), dlnaCompliant && outputProfile != null ? "profile: " + outputProfile : "format: " + outputFormat, sb ); } bufferedImage.flush(); return result; } /** * Extracts an embedded Exif thumbnail from a {@link Metadata} instance. * * @param file the {@link File} to read the thumbnail from * @param metadata the {@link Metadata} collected on the {@link File} * previously. * @return A byte array containing the thumbnail or {@code null} if no * thumbnail was found/could be extracted. */ public static byte[] getThumbnailFromMetadata(File file, Metadata metadata) { if (metadata == null) { return null; } /* * XXX Extraction of thumbnails was removed in version * 2.10.0 of metadata-extractor because of a bug in * related code. This section is deactivated while * waiting for this to be made available again. * * Images supported by ImageIO or DCRaw aren't affected, * so this only applied to very few images anyway. * It could extract thumbnails for some "raw" images * if DCRaw was disabled. * // First check if there is a ExifThumbnailDirectory Collection<ExifThumbnailDirectory> directories = metadata.getDirectoriesOfType(ExifThumbnailDirectory.class); if (directories.isEmpty()) { return null; } // Now get the thumbnail data if they're there directories = metadata.getDirectoriesOfType(ExifThumbnailDirectory.class); for (ExifThumbnailDirectory directory : directories) { if (directory.hasThumbnailData()) { return directory.getThumbnailData(); } }*/ return null; } /** * Reads image metadata for supported format. * * @param bytes the image for which to read metadata. * @param format the {@link ImageFormat} of the image. * @return The {@link Metadata} or {@code null} if {@code bytes} is * {@code null}. * @throws ImageProcessingException * @throws IOException */ public static Metadata getMetadata(byte[] bytes, ImageFormat format) throws ImageProcessingException, IOException { return getMetadata(bytes, format, null); } /** * Reads image metadata for supported format. * * @param bytes the image for which to read metadata. * @param fileType the {@link FileType} of the image. * @return The {@link Metadata} or {@code null} if {@code bytes} is * {@code null}. * @throws ImageProcessingException * @throws IOException */ public static Metadata getMetadata(byte[] bytes, FileType fileType) throws ImageProcessingException, IOException { return getMetadata(bytes, null, fileType); } /** * Reads image metadata for supported format. Either {@code format} or * {@code FileType} must be non-null. * * @param bytes the image for which to read metadata. * @param format the {@link ImageFormat} of the image. * @param fileType the {@link FileType} of the image. * @return The {@link Metadata} or {@code null} if {@code bytes} is * {@code null}. * @throws ImageProcessingException * @throws IOException */ public static Metadata getMetadata(byte[] bytes, ImageFormat format, FileType fileType) throws ImageProcessingException, IOException { if (bytes == null) { return null; } return getMetadata(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), format, fileType); } /** * Reads image metadata for supported formats. * * @param inputStream the image for which to read metadata. * @param format the {@link ImageFormat} of the image. * @return The {@link Metadata} or {@code null} if {@code bytes} is * {@code null}. * @throws ImageProcessingException * @throws IOException */ public static Metadata getMetadata(InputStream inputStream, ImageFormat format) throws ImageProcessingException, IOException { return getMetadata(inputStream, format, null); } /** * Reads image metadata for supported formats. * * @param inputStream the image for which to read metadata. * @param fileType the {@link FileType} of the image. * @return The {@link Metadata} or {@code null} if {@code bytes} is * {@code null}. * @throws ImageProcessingException * @throws IOException */ public static Metadata getMetadata(InputStream inputStream, FileType fileType) throws ImageProcessingException, IOException { return getMetadata(inputStream, null, fileType); } /** * Reads image metadata for supported formats. Either {@code format} or * {@code FileType} must be non-null. * * @param inputStream the image for which to read metadata. * @param format the {@link ImageFormat} of the image. * @param fileType the {@link FileType} of the image. * @return The {@link Metadata} or {@code null} if {@code bytes} is * {@code null}. * @throws ImageProcessingException * @throws IOException */ public static Metadata getMetadata(InputStream inputStream, ImageFormat format, FileType fileType) throws ImageProcessingException, IOException { if (inputStream == null) { return null; } if (format == null && fileType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Either format or fileType must be non-null"); } Metadata metadata = null; if (fileType != null) { switch (fileType) { case Bmp: metadata = BmpMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case Gif: metadata = GifMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case Ico: metadata = IcoMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case Jpeg: metadata = JpegMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case Pcx: metadata = PcxMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case Png: metadata = PngMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case Psd: metadata = PsdMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case Raf: metadata = RafMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case Riff: metadata = WebpMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case Tiff: case Arw: case Cr2: case Nef: case Orf: case Rw2: metadata = TiffMetadataReader.readMetadata(new RandomAccessStreamReader( inputStream, RandomAccessStreamReader.DEFAULT_CHUNK_LENGTH, -1 )); break; case Crw: case Unknown: default: // Return an empty Metadata instance for unsupported formats metadata = new Metadata(); } } else { switch (format) { case BMP: metadata = BmpMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case GIF: metadata = GifMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case ICO: metadata = IcoMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case JPEG: metadata = JpegMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case DCX: case PCX: metadata = PcxMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case PNG: metadata = PngMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case PSD: metadata = PsdMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case RAF: metadata = RafMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case TIFF: case ARW: case CR2: case NEF: case ORF: case RW2: metadata = TiffMetadataReader.readMetadata(new RandomAccessStreamReader( inputStream, RandomAccessStreamReader.DEFAULT_CHUNK_LENGTH, -1 )); break; case WEBP: metadata = WebpMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; case SOURCE: metadata = ImageMetadataReader.readMetadata(inputStream); break; // Return an empty Metadata instance for unsupported formats case CRW: case CUR: case ICNS: case PNM: case WBMP: default: metadata = new Metadata(); } } return metadata; } /** * @param fileName the "file name" part of the HTTP request. * @return The "decoded" {@link ImageProfile} or * {@link ImageProfile#JPEG_TN} if the parsing fails. */ public static DLNAImageProfile parseThumbRequest(String fileName) { if (fileName.startsWith("thumbnail0000")) { fileName = fileName.substring(13); return parseImageRequest(fileName, DLNAImageProfile.JPEG_TN); } else { LOGGER.warn("Could not parse thumbnail DLNAImageProfile from \"{}\""); return DLNAImageProfile.JPEG_TN; } } /** * @param fileName the "file name" part of the HTTP request. * @param defaultProfile the {@link DLNAImageProfile} to return if parsing * fails. * @return The "decoded" {@link ImageProfile} or {@code defaultProfile} if * the parsing fails. */ public static DLNAImageProfile parseImageRequest(String fileName, DLNAImageProfile defaultProfile) { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("^([A-Z]+_(?:(?!R)[A-Z]+|RES_?\\d+[Xx_]\\d+))_").matcher(fileName); if (matcher.find()) { DLNAImageProfile imageProfile = DLNAImageProfile.toDLNAImageProfile(; if (imageProfile == null) { LOGGER.warn("Could not parse DLNAImageProfile from \"{}\"",; } else { return imageProfile; } } else { LOGGER.debug("Embedded DLNAImageProfile not found in \"{}\"", fileName); } return defaultProfile; } /** * Retrieves the bit depth from an array of bit depths for all components. * The last component's bit depth is allowed to be different from the rest, * but the others must be equal or an {@link InvalidStateException} is * thrown. * * @param bitDepthArray the array of bit depths for all components. * @return The bit depth value if it's constant for all but the last * component. * @throws InvalidStateException If the bit depth values vary or * {@code bitDepthArray} is null or empty. */ public static int getBitDepthFromArray(int[] bitDepthArray) throws InvalidStateException { if (bitDepthArray == null || bitDepthArray.length == 0) { throw new InvalidStateException("The bit depth array cannot be null or empty"); } try { return getConstantIntArrayValue(bitDepthArray); } catch (InvalidStateException e) { // Allow the last value to be different in it's the alpha if (bitDepthArray.length > 1) { int[] tmpArray = new int[bitDepthArray.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(bitDepthArray, 0, tmpArray, 0, bitDepthArray.length - 1); return getConstantIntArrayValue(tmpArray); } else { throw e; } } } /** * Retrieves the bit depth from an array of bit depths for all components. * The last component's bit depth is allowed to be different from the rest, * but the others must be equal or an {@link InvalidStateException} is * thrown. * * @param bitDepthArray the array of bit depths for all components. * @return The bit depth value if it's constant for all but the last * component. * @throws InvalidStateException If the bit depth values vary or * {@code bitDepthArray} is null or empty. */ public static byte getBitDepthFromArray(byte[] bitDepthArray) throws InvalidStateException { if (bitDepthArray == null || bitDepthArray.length == 0) { throw new InvalidStateException("The bit depth array cannot be null or empty"); } try { return getConstantByteArrayValue(bitDepthArray); } catch (InvalidStateException e) { // Allow the last value to be different in it's the alpha if (bitDepthArray.length > 1) { byte[] tmpArray = new byte[bitDepthArray.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(bitDepthArray, 0, tmpArray, 0, bitDepthArray.length - 1); return getConstantByteArrayValue(tmpArray); } else { throw e; } } } /** * Verifies and retrieves a constant integer value from an integer array. If * the {@code intArray}'s values aren't all the same or {@code intArray} is * {@code null} or empty, an {@link InvalidStateException} is thrown. * * @param intArray the integer array from which to extract the constant * integer value. * @return The constant integer value. * @throws InvalidStateException if the values aren't equal or the array is * {@code null} or empty. */ public static int getConstantIntArrayValue(int[] intArray) throws InvalidStateException { if (intArray == null || intArray.length == 0) { throw new InvalidStateException("The array cannot be null or empty"); } if (intArray.length == 1) { return intArray[0]; } Integer result = null; for (int i : intArray) { if (result == null) { result = Integer.valueOf(i); } else { if (result.intValue() != i) { throw new InvalidStateException("The array doesn't have a constant value: " + Arrays.toString(intArray)); } } } return result.intValue(); } /** * Verifies and retrieves a constant byte value from a byte array. If * the {@code byteArray}'s values aren't all the same or {@code byteArray} is * {@code null} or empty, an {@link InvalidStateException} is thrown. * * @param byteArray the byte array from which to extract the constant * byte value. * @return The constant byte value. * @throws InvalidStateException if the values aren't equal or the array is * {@code null} or empty. */ public static byte getConstantByteArrayValue(byte[] byteArray) throws InvalidStateException { if (byteArray == null || byteArray.length == 0) { throw new InvalidStateException("The array cannot be null or empty"); } if (byteArray.length == 1) { return byteArray[0]; } Byte result = null; for (byte b : byteArray) { if (result == null) { result = Byte.valueOf(b); } else { if (result.byteValue() != b) { throw new InvalidStateException("The array doesn't have a constant value: " + Arrays.toString(byteArray)); } } } return result.byteValue(); } /** * Finds the offset of the given Exif tag. Only the first IFD is searched. * * @param tagId the tag id to look for. * @param reader a {@link RandomAccessReader} with a JPEG image. * @return the offset of the given tag's value, or -1 if not found. * @throws UnknownFormatException if the content isn't a JPEG. * @throws IOException if any error occurs while reading. */ public static int getJPEGExifIFDTagOffset(int tagId, RandomAccessReader reader) throws UnknownFormatException, IOException { reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(true); if (reader.getUInt16(0) != 0xFFD8) { throw new UnknownFormatException("Content isn't JPEG"); } byte SEGMENT_IDENTIFIER = (byte) 0xFF; byte MARKER_EOI = (byte) 0xD9; byte APP1 = (byte) 0xE1; final String EXIF_SEGMENT_PREAMBLE = "Exif\0\0"; byte segmentIdentifier = reader.getInt8(2); byte segmentType = reader.getInt8(3); int pos = 4; while ( segmentIdentifier != SEGMENT_IDENTIFIER || segmentType != APP1 && segmentType != MARKER_EOI || segmentType == APP1 && !EXIF_SEGMENT_PREAMBLE.equals(new String( reader.getBytes(pos + 2, EXIF_SEGMENT_PREAMBLE.length()), 0, EXIF_SEGMENT_PREAMBLE.length(), StandardCharsets.US_ASCII) ) ) { segmentIdentifier = segmentType; segmentType = reader.getInt8(pos++); } if (segmentType == MARKER_EOI) { // Reached the end of the image without finding an Exif segment return -1; } int segmentLength = reader.getUInt16(pos) - 2; pos += 2 + EXIF_SEGMENT_PREAMBLE.length(); if (segmentLength < EXIF_SEGMENT_PREAMBLE.length()) { throw new ParseException("Exif segment is too small"); } int exifHeaderOffset = pos; short byteOrderIdentifier = reader.getInt16(pos); pos += 4; // Skip TIFF marker if (byteOrderIdentifier == 0x4d4d) { // "MM" reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(true); } else if (byteOrderIdentifier == 0x4949) { // "II" reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(false); } else { throw new ParseException("Can't determine Exif endianness from: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(byteOrderIdentifier)); } pos = reader.getInt32(pos) + exifHeaderOffset; int tagCount = reader.getUInt16(pos); for (int tagNumber = 0; tagNumber < tagCount; tagNumber++) { int tagOffset = pos + 2 + (12 * tagNumber); int curTagId = reader.getUInt16(tagOffset); if (curTagId == tagId) { // tag found return tagOffset + 8; } } return -1; } /** * Reads the resolution specified in the JPEG SOF header. * * @param reader a {@link RandomAccessReader} with a JPEG image. * @return The JPEG SOF specified resolution or {@code null} if no SOF is * found. * @throws UnknownFormatException if the content isn't a JPEG. * @throws IOException if any error occurs while reading. */ public static Dimension getJPEGResolution(RandomAccessReader reader) throws UnknownFormatException, IOException { reader.setMotorolaByteOrder(true); if (reader.getUInt16(0) != 0xFFD8) { throw new UnknownFormatException("Content isn't JPEG"); } byte SEGMENT_IDENTIFIER = (byte) 0xFF; byte MARKER_EOI = (byte) 0xD9; Set<Byte> SOFS = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList( (byte) 0xC0, (byte) 0xC1, (byte) 0xC2, (byte) 0xC3, (byte) 0xC5, (byte) 0xC6, (byte) 0xC7, (byte) 0xC8, (byte) 0xC9, (byte) 0xCA, (byte) 0xCB, (byte) 0xCD, (byte) 0xCE, (byte) 0xCF )); byte segmentIdentifier = reader.getInt8(2); byte segmentType = reader.getInt8(3); int pos = 4; while ( segmentIdentifier != SEGMENT_IDENTIFIER || !SOFS.contains(segmentType) && segmentType != MARKER_EOI ) { segmentIdentifier = segmentType; segmentType = reader.getInt8(pos++); } if (segmentType == MARKER_EOI) { // Reached the end of the image without finding the SOF segment return null; } int segmentLength = reader.getUInt16(pos) - 2; pos += 3; if (segmentLength < 5) { throw new ParseException("SOF segment is too small"); } return new Dimension(reader.getUInt16(pos + 2), reader.getUInt16(pos)); } /** * Defines how image scaling is done. {@link #EXACT} will scale the image * to the given resolution if the aspect ratio is the same, or scale the * image so that it fills the given resolution as much as possible while * keeping the aspect ratio if the aspect radio doesn't match. {@link #MAX} * will make sure that the output image doesn't exceed the given * resolution. {@link #MAX} will never upscale, only downscale if required. */ public enum ScaleType { /** * Scale the image to the given resolution while keeping the aspect * ratio. If the aspect ratio mismatch, one axis will be scaled to the * given resolution while the other will be smaller. */ EXACT, /** * Scale the image so that it is no bigger than the given resolution * while keeping aspect ratio. Will never upscale. */ MAX } }