/* * Universal Media Server, for streaming any media to DLNA * compatible renderers based on the http://www.ps3mediaserver.org. * Copyright (C) 2012 UMS developers. * * This program is a free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 * of the License only. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package net.pms.dlna; import java.awt.color.ColorSpace; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings; import net.pms.dlna.DLNAThumbnail; import net.pms.image.ColorSpaceType; import net.pms.image.ImageFormat; import net.pms.image.ImageInfo; import net.pms.image.ImagesUtil; import net.pms.image.ImagesUtil.ScaleType; /** * This is an {@link InputStream} implementation of {@link DLNAThumbnail}. It * holds the stream's content in an internal buffer and is as such not intended * to hold very large streams. */ public class DLNAThumbnailInputStream extends ByteArrayInputStream { protected final ImageInfo imageInfo; protected final DLNAImageProfile profile; /** * Creates a {@link DLNAThumbnailInputStream} where it uses * {@code imageByteArray} as its buffer array. The buffer array is not * copied. The initial value of {@code pos} is {@code 0} and the initial * value of {@code count} is the length of {@code imageByteArray}. Format * support is limited to that of {@link ImageIO}. Preserves aspect ratio and * rotates/flips the image according to Exif orientation. * * @param inputByteArray the source image in a supported format. * @return The populated {@link DLNAThumbnailInputStream} or {@code null} if * the source image is {@code null}. * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static DLNAThumbnailInputStream toThumbnailInputStream(byte[] inputByteArray) throws IOException { DLNAThumbnail thumbnail = DLNAThumbnail.toThumbnail(inputByteArray); return thumbnail != null ? new DLNAThumbnailInputStream(thumbnail) : null; } /** * Creates a {@link DLNAThumbnailInputStream} from {@code inputStream}. * <p> * <b>{@code inputStream} is consumed and closed</b> * <p> * If {@code inputStream} is {@link ByteArrayInputStream} or a subclass the * underlying array is used - otherwise the stream is read into memory. * Format support is limited to that of {@link ImageIO}. Preserves aspect * ratio and rotates/flips the image according to Exif orientation. * * @param inputStream the source image in a supported format. * @return The populated {@link DLNAThumbnailInputStream} or {@code null} if * the source image is {@code null}. * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static DLNAThumbnailInputStream toThumbnailInputStream(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { DLNAThumbnail thumbnail = DLNAThumbnail.toThumbnail(inputStream); return thumbnail != null ? new DLNAThumbnailInputStream(thumbnail) : null; } /** * Creates a {@link DLNAThumbnailInputStream} where it uses * {@code imageByteArray} as its buffer array. The buffer is only copied if * any conversion is needed. The initial value of {@code pos} is {@code 0} * and the initial value of {@code count} is the length of * {@code imageByteArray}. Format support is limited to that of * {@link ImageIO}. Preserves aspect ratio and rotates/flips the image * according to Exif orientation. * * @param inputByteArray the source image in a supported format. * @param width the new width or 0 to disable scaling. * @param height the new height or 0 to disable scaling. * @param scaleType the {@link ScaleType} to use when scaling. * @param outputFormat the {@link ImageFormat} to generate or * {@link ImageFormat#SOURCE} to preserve source format. * @param padToSize Whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The populated {@link DLNAThumbnailInputStream} or {@code null} if * the source image is {@code null}. * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static DLNAThumbnailInputStream toThumbnailInputStream( byte[] inputByteArray, int width, int height, ScaleType scaleType, ImageFormat outputFormat, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { DLNAThumbnail thumbnail = DLNAThumbnail.toThumbnail( inputByteArray, width, height, scaleType, outputFormat, padToSize ); return thumbnail != null ? new DLNAThumbnailInputStream(thumbnail) : null; } /** * Creates a {@link DLNAThumbnailInputStream} from {@code inputStream}. * <p> * <b>{@code inputStream} is consumed and closed</b> * <p> * If {@code inputStream} is {@link ByteArrayInputStream} or a subclass the * underlying array is used - otherwise the stream is read into memory. * Format support is limited to that of {@link ImageIO}. Preserves aspect * ratio and rotates/flips the image according to Exif orientation. * * @param inputStream the source image in a supported format. * @param width the new width or 0 to disable scaling. * @param height the new height or 0 to disable scaling. * @param scaleType the {@link ScaleType} to use when scaling. * @param outputFormat the {@link ImageFormat} to generate or * {@link ImageFormat#SOURCE} to preserve source format. * @param padToSize Whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The populated {@link DLNAThumbnailInputStream} or {@code null} if * the source image is {@code null}. * @throws IOException if the operation fails. */ public static DLNAThumbnailInputStream toThumbnailInputStream( InputStream inputStream, int width, int height, ScaleType scaleType, ImageFormat outputFormat, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { DLNAThumbnail thumbnail = DLNAThumbnail.toThumbnail( inputStream, width, height, scaleType, outputFormat, padToSize ); return thumbnail != null ? new DLNAThumbnailInputStream(thumbnail) : null; } /** * Creates a {@link DLNAThumbnailInputStream} where it uses * {@code thumbnail}'s buffer as its buffer array. The buffer array is * not copied. * * @param thumbnail the input thumbnail. * @return The populated {@link DLNAThumbnailInputStream} or {@code null} * if the source thumbnail is {@code null}. */ public static DLNAThumbnailInputStream toThumbnailInputStream(DLNAThumbnail thumbnail) { return thumbnail != null ? new DLNAThumbnailInputStream(thumbnail) : null; } /** * Don't call this from outside this class or subclass, use * {@link DLNAThumbnailInputStream#toThumbnailInputStream(DLNAThumbnail)} * which handles {@code null} input. * * @param thumbnail the input thumbnail * * @throws NullPointerException if {@code thumbnail} is {@code null}. */ protected DLNAThumbnailInputStream(DLNAThumbnail thumbnail) { super(thumbnail.getBytes(false)); this.imageInfo = thumbnail.getImageInfo(); this.profile = thumbnail.getDLNAImageProfile(); } /** * Converts and scales a thumbnail according to the given * {@link DLNAImageProfile}. Preserves aspect ratio. Format support is * limited to that of {@link ImageIO}. * * @param outputProfile the DLNA media profile to adhere to for the output. * @param padToSize Whether padding should be used if source aspect doesn't * match target aspect. * @return The scaled and/or converted thumbnail, {@code null} if the * source is {@code null}. * @exception IOException if the operation fails. */ public DLNAThumbnailInputStream transcode( DLNAImageProfile outputProfile, boolean padToSize ) throws IOException { DLNAThumbnail thumbnail; thumbnail = (DLNAThumbnail) ImagesUtil.transcodeImage( this.getBytes(false), outputProfile, true, padToSize); return thumbnail != null ? new DLNAThumbnailInputStream(thumbnail) : null; } /** * @return The bytes of this thumbnail. */ @SuppressFBWarnings("EI_EXPOSE_REP") public byte[] getBytes(boolean copy) { if (copy) { byte[] result = new byte[buf.length]; System.arraycopy(buf, 0, result, 0, buf.length); return result; } else { return buf; } } /** * @return A {@link DLNAThumbnail} sharing the the underlying buffer. * @throws DLNAProfileException */ public DLNAThumbnail getThumbnail() throws DLNAProfileException { return new DLNAThumbnail(buf, imageInfo, profile, false); } /** * @return The {@link ImageInfo} for this thumbnail. */ public ImageInfo getImageInfo() { return imageInfo; } /** * @return The width of this thumbnail. */ public int getWidth() { return imageInfo != null ? imageInfo.getWidth() : -1; } /** * @return The height of this thumbnail. */ public int getHeight() { return imageInfo != null ? imageInfo.getHeight() : -1; } /** * @return The {@link ImageFormat} for this thumbnail. */ public ImageFormat getFormat() { return imageInfo != null ? imageInfo.getFormat() : null; } /** * @return the size of this thumbnail in bytes. */ public long getSize() { return buf != null ? buf.length : 0; } /** * @return The {@link ColorSpace} for this thumbnail. */ public ColorSpace getColorSpace() { return imageInfo != null ? imageInfo.getColorSpace() : null; } /** * @return The {@link ColorSpaceType} for this thumbnail. */ public ColorSpaceType getColorSpaceType() { return imageInfo != null ? imageInfo.getColorSpaceType() : null; } /** * @return The bits per pixel for this thumbnail. * * @see #getBitDepth() */ public int getBitPerPixel() { return imageInfo != null ? imageInfo.getBitsPerPixel() : -1; } /** * The number of components describe how many "channels" the color model * has. A grayscale image without alpha has 1, a RGB image without alpha * has 3, a RGP image with alpha has 4 etc. * * @return The number of components for this thumbnail. */ public int getNumComponents() { return imageInfo != null ? imageInfo.getNumComponents() : -1; } /** * @return The number of bits per color "channel" for this thumbnail. * * @see #getBitPerPixel() * @see #getNumColorComponents() */ public int getBitDepth() { return imageInfo != null ? imageInfo.getBitDepth() : -1; } /** * @return Whether or not {@link ImageIO} can read/parse this thumbnail. */ public boolean isImageIOSupported() { return imageInfo != null ? imageInfo.isImageIOSupported() : false; } /** * @return The {@link DLNAImageProfile} this thumbnail adheres to. */ public DLNAImageProfile getDLNAImageProfile() { return profile; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(90); sb.append("DLNAThumbnailInputStream: Format = ").append(imageInfo.getFormat()) .append(", Width = ").append(imageInfo.getWidth()) .append(", Height = ").append(imageInfo.getHeight()) .append(", Size = ").append(buf != null ? buf.length : 0); return sb.toString(); } /** * Resets the buffer to the start position and clears any marks. */ public synchronized void fullReset() { pos = 0; mark = 0; } }