package; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import net.pms.PMS; import static; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import net.pms.dlna.protocolinfo.DeviceProtocolInfo; import net.pms.dlna.protocolinfo.PanasonicDmpProfiles; import net.pms.util.BasicPlayer; import net.pms.util.StringUtil; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.fourthline.cling.DefaultUpnpServiceConfiguration; import org.fourthline.cling.UpnpService; import org.fourthline.cling.UpnpServiceImpl; import org.fourthline.cling.controlpoint.ActionCallback; import org.fourthline.cling.controlpoint.SubscriptionCallback; import org.fourthline.cling.model.ServerClientTokens; import org.fourthline.cling.model.action.*; import org.fourthline.cling.model.gena.*; import org.fourthline.cling.model.message.UpnpHeaders; import org.fourthline.cling.model.message.UpnpResponse; import org.fourthline.cling.model.message.header.DeviceTypeHeader; import org.fourthline.cling.model.message.header.UpnpHeader; import org.fourthline.cling.model.meta.*; import org.fourthline.cling.model.types.DeviceType; import org.fourthline.cling.model.types.ServiceId; import org.fourthline.cling.model.types.UDADeviceType; import org.fourthline.cling.model.types.UDN; import org.fourthline.cling.registry.DefaultRegistryListener; import org.fourthline.cling.registry.Registry; import org.fourthline.cling.registry.RegistryListener; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; public class UPNPControl { // Logger ids to write messages to the logs. private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UPNPControl.class); public static final DeviceType[] mediaRendererTypes = new DeviceType[] { new UDADeviceType("MediaRenderer", 1), // Older Sony Blurays provide only 'Basic' service new UDADeviceType("Basic", 1) }; private static UpnpService upnpService; private static UpnpHeaders UMSHeaders; private static DocumentBuilder db; public static final int ACTIVE = 0; public static final int CONTROLS = 1; public static final int RENEW = 2; public static final int AVT = BasicPlayer.PLAYCONTROL; public static final int RC = BasicPlayer.VOLUMECONTROL; public static final int ANY = 0xff; private static final boolean DEBUG = true; // log upnp state vars protected static Map<String, Renderer> socketMap = new HashMap<>(); public static class DeviceMap<T extends Renderer> extends HashMap<String, HashMap<String, T>> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1510675619549915489L; private Class<T> TClass; public DeviceMap(Class<T> t) { TClass = t; } public T get(String uuid, String id) { if (!containsKey(uuid)) { put(uuid, new HashMap<String, T>()); } HashMap<String, T> m = get(uuid); if (!m.containsKey(id)) { try { T newitem = TClass.newInstance(); newitem.uuid = uuid; m.put(id, newitem); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error instantiating item {}[{}]: {}", uuid, id, e.getMessage()); LOGGER.trace("", e); } } return m.get(id); } public String get(String uuid, String id, String key) { return get(uuid, id).data.get(key); } public boolean containsKey(String uuid, String id) { return containsKey(uuid) && get(uuid).containsKey(id); } public HashMap<String, String> getData(String uuid, String id) { if (containsKey(uuid, id)) { return get(uuid, id).data; } return null; } public T put(String uuid, String id, T item) { item.uuid = uuid; if (!containsKey(uuid)) { get(uuid, "0"); } return get(uuid).put(id, item); } public String put(String uuid, String id, String key, String value) { return get(uuid, id).data.put(key, value); } public void mark(String uuid, int property, Object value) { HashMap<String, T> m = get(uuid); if (m != null) { for (T i : m.values()) { switch (property) { case ACTIVE: i.setActive((boolean) value); break; case RENEW: i.renew = (boolean) value; break; case CONTROLS: i.controls = (int) value; break; default: break; } } } } } protected static DeviceMap rendererMap; public static class Renderer { public int controls; protected ActionEvent event; public String uuid; public String instanceID = "0"; // FIXME: unclear in what precise context a media renderer's instanceID != 0 public final HashMap<String, String> data; public Map<String, String> details; public LinkedHashSet<ActionListener> listeners; private Thread monitor; public volatile boolean active, renew; public final DeviceProtocolInfo deviceProtocolInfo = new DeviceProtocolInfo(); public volatile PanasonicDmpProfiles panasonicDmpProfiles; public Renderer(String uuid) { this(); this.uuid = uuid; } public Renderer() { controls = 0; active = false; data = new HashMap<>(); details = null; listeners = new LinkedHashSet<>(); event = new ActionEvent(this, 0, null); monitor = null; renew = false; data.put("TransportState", "STOPPED"); } public void alert() { if (isUpnpDevice(uuid) && (monitor == null || !monitor.isAlive()) && !"STOPPED".equals(data.get("TransportState"))) { monitor(); } for (ActionListener l : listeners) { l.actionPerformed(event); } } public Map<String, String> connect(ActionListener listener) { listeners.add(listener); return data; } public void disconnect(ActionListener listener) { listeners.remove(listener); } public void monitor() { final Device d = getDevice(uuid); monitor = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String id = data.get("InstanceID"); while (active && !"STOPPED".equals(data.get("TransportState"))) { sleep(1000); // if (DEBUG) LOGGER.debug("InstanceID: " + id); for (ActionArgumentValue o : getPositionInfo(d, id)) { data.put(o.getArgument().getName(), o.toString()); // if (DEBUG) LOGGER.debug(o.getArgument().getName() + ": " + o.toString()); } alert(); } if (!active) { data.put("TransportState", "STOPPED"); alert(); } } }, "UPNP-" + d.getDetails().getFriendlyName()); monitor.start(); } public boolean hasPlayControls() { return (controls & BasicPlayer.PLAYCONTROL) != 0; } public boolean hasVolumeControls() { return (controls & BasicPlayer.VOLUMECONTROL) != 0; } public boolean isActive() { return active; } public void setActive(boolean b) { active = b; } public boolean needsRenewal() { return !active || renew; } } public static Device getDevice(String uuid) { return uuid != null && upnpService != null ? upnpService.getRegistry().getDevice(UDN.valueOf(uuid), false) : null; } public static synchronized void xml2d(String uuid, String xml, Renderer item) { try { Document doc = db.parse(new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes())); // doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); NodeList ids = doc.getElementsByTagName("InstanceID"); for (int i = 0; i < ids.getLength(); i++) { NodeList c = ids.item(i).getChildNodes(); String id = ((Element) ids.item(i)).getAttribute("val"); // if (DEBUG) LOGGER.debug("InstanceID: " + id); if (item == null) { item = rendererMap.get(uuid, id); }"InstanceID", id); for (int n = 0; n < c.getLength(); n++) { if (c.item(n).getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { // LOGGER.debug("skip this " + c.item(n)); continue; } Element e = (Element) c.item(n); String name = e.getTagName(); String val = e.getAttribute("val"); if (DEBUG) { LOGGER.debug(name + ": " + val); }, val); } item.alert(); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug("Error parsing xml: " + e); } } public UPNPControl() { rendererMap = new DeviceMap<>(Renderer.class); } public void init() { try { db = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); UMSHeaders = new UpnpHeaders(); UMSHeaders.add(UpnpHeader.Type.USER_AGENT.getHttpName(), "UMS/" + PMS.getVersion() + " " + new ServerClientTokens()); DefaultUpnpServiceConfiguration sc = new DefaultUpnpServiceConfiguration() { @Override public UpnpHeaders getDescriptorRetrievalHeaders(RemoteDeviceIdentity identity) { return UMSHeaders; } }; RegistryListener rl = new DefaultRegistryListener() { @Override public void remoteDeviceAdded(Registry registry, RemoteDevice device) { super.remoteDeviceAdded(registry, device); if (isBlocked(getUUID(device)) || !addRenderer(device)) { LOGGER.trace("Ignoring remote device: {} {}", device.getType().getType(), device); } // This may be unnecessary, but we might as well be thorough if (device.hasEmbeddedDevices()) { for (Device<?, RemoteDevice, ?> embedded : device.getEmbeddedDevices()) { if (isBlocked(getUUID(embedded)) || !addRenderer(embedded)) { LOGGER.debug("Ignoring embedded device: {} {}", embedded.getType(), embedded.toString()); } } } } @Override public void remoteDeviceRemoved(Registry registry, RemoteDevice d) { super.remoteDeviceRemoved(registry, d); String uuid = getUUID(d); if (rendererMap.containsKey(uuid)) { rendererMap.mark(uuid, ACTIVE, false); rendererRemoved(d); } } @Override public void remoteDeviceUpdated(Registry registry, RemoteDevice d) { super.remoteDeviceUpdated(registry, d); rendererUpdated(d); } }; upnpService = new UpnpServiceImpl(sc, rl); for (DeviceType t : mediaRendererTypes) { upnpService.getControlPoint().search(new DeviceTypeHeader(t)); } LOGGER.debug("UPNP Services are online, listening for media renderers"); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.debug("UPNP startup Error", ex); } } public void shutdown() { new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (upnpService != null) { LOGGER.debug("Stopping UPNP Services..."); upnpService.shutdown(); } } }).start(); } public static boolean isMediaRenderer(Device d) { String t = d.getType().getType(); for (DeviceType r : mediaRendererTypes) { if (r.getType().equals(t)) { return true; } } return false; } public static boolean isUpnpDevice(String uuid) { return getDevice(uuid) != null; } public static boolean isActive(String uuid, String id) { if (rendererMap.containsKey(uuid, id)) { return rendererMap.get(uuid, id).active; } return false; } public static boolean isUpnpControllable(String uuid) { if (rendererMap.containsKey(uuid)) { return rendererMap.get(uuid, "0").controls != 0; } return false; } public static String getFriendlyName(String uuid) { return getFriendlyName(getDevice(uuid)); } public static String getFriendlyName(Device d) { return d != null ? d.getDetails().getFriendlyName() : null; } public static String getUUID(Device d) { return d.getIdentity().getUdn().toString(); } public static URL getURL(Device d) { return d instanceof RemoteDevice ? ((RemoteDevice) d).getIdentity().getDescriptorURL() : d.getDetails().getBaseURL(); } public static List<String> getServiceNames(Device d) { ArrayList<String> services = new ArrayList<>(); for (Service s : d.getServices()) { services.add(s.getServiceId().getId()); } return services; } public static Map<String, String> getDeviceDetails(Device d) { if (d == null) { return null; } DeviceDetails dev = d.getDetails(); ManufacturerDetails man = dev.getManufacturerDetails(); ModelDetails model = dev.getModelDetails(); LinkedHashMap<String, String> details = new LinkedHashMap<>(); details.put("friendlyName", dev.getFriendlyName()); details.put("address", getURL(d).getHost()); details.put("udn", getUUID(d)); Object detail; if ((detail = man.getManufacturer()) != null) { details.put("manufacturer", (String) detail); } if ((detail = model.getModelName()) != null) { details.put("modelName", (String) detail); } if ((detail = model.getModelNumber()) != null) { details.put("modelNumber", (String) detail); } if ((detail = model.getModelDescription()) != null) { details.put("modelDescription", (String) detail); } if ((detail = man.getManufacturerURI()) != null) { details.put("manufacturerURL", detail.toString()); } if ((detail = model.getModelURI()) != null) { details.put("modelURL", detail.toString()); } return details; } public static String getDeviceDetailsString(Device d) { return StringUtils.join(getDeviceDetails(d).values(), " "); } public static String getDeviceIcon(Renderer r, int maxHeight) { if (isUpnpDevice(r.uuid)) { return getDeviceIcon(getDevice(r.uuid), maxHeight); } return null; } public static String getDeviceIcon(Device d, int maxHeight) { URL base = getURL(d); Icon icon = null; String url = null; int maxH = maxHeight == 0 ? 99999 : maxHeight, height = 0; for (Icon i : d.getIcons()) { int h = i.getHeight(); if (h < maxH && h > height) { icon = i; height = h; } } try { url = icon != null ? new URL(base, icon.getUri().toString()).toString() : null; } catch (Exception e) {} LOGGER.debug("Device icon: " + url); return url; } protected boolean addRenderer(String uuid) { Device device = getDevice(uuid); return device != null ? addRenderer(device) : false; } protected synchronized boolean addRenderer(Device<?, RemoteDevice, ?> device) { if (device != null) { String uuid = getUUID(device); if (isMediaRenderer(device) && rendererFound(device, uuid) != null) { LOGGER.debug("Adding device: {} {}", device.getType(), device.toString()); subscribeAll(device, uuid); getProtocolInfo(device); rendererMap.mark(uuid, ACTIVE, true); rendererReady(uuid); return true; } } return false; } protected void subscribeAll(Device d, String uuid) { String name = getFriendlyName(d); int ctrl = 0; for (Service s : d.getServices()) { String sid = s.getServiceId().getId(); LOGGER.debug("Subscribing to " + sid + " service on " + name); if (sid.contains("AVTransport")) { ctrl |= AVT; } else if (sid.contains("RenderingControl")) { ctrl |= RC; } upnpService.getControlPoint().execute(new SubscriptionCB(s)); } rendererMap.mark(uuid, RENEW, false); rendererMap.mark(uuid, CONTROLS, ctrl); } protected Renderer rendererFound(Device d, String uuid) { // Create an instance return rendererMap.get(uuid, "0"); } protected void rendererReady(String uuid) { } protected boolean isBlocked(String uuid) { return false; } protected void rendererUpdated(Device d) { String uuid = getUUID(d); if (rendererMap.containsKey(uuid)) { if (rendererMap.get(uuid, "0").needsRenewal()) { LOGGER.debug("Renewing subscriptions to ", getFriendlyName(d)); subscribeAll(d, uuid); } rendererMap.mark(uuid, ACTIVE, true); } } protected void rendererRemoved(Device d) { LOGGER.debug(getFriendlyName(d) + " is now offline."); } public static String getUUID(String addr) { try { return getUUID(InetAddress.getByName(addr)); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } public static String getUUID(InetAddress socket) { Device d = getDevice(socket); if (d != null) { return getUUID(d); } return null; } // Returns the first device regardless of type at the given address, if any public static Device getAnyDevice(InetAddress socket) { if (upnpService != null) { for (Device d : upnpService.getRegistry().getDevices()) { try { InetAddress devsocket = InetAddress.getByName(getURL(d).getHost()); if (devsocket.equals(socket)) { return d; } } catch (Exception e) {} } } return null; } // Returns the first renderer at the given address, if any public static Device getDevice(InetAddress socket) { if (upnpService != null) { for (DeviceType r : mediaRendererTypes) { for (Device d : upnpService.getRegistry().getDevices(r)) { try { InetAddress devsocket = InetAddress.getByName(getURL(d).getHost()); if (devsocket.equals(socket)) { return d; } } catch (Exception e) {} } } } return null; } public static Renderer getRenderer(String uuid) { if (rendererMap.containsKey(uuid)) { return rendererMap.get(uuid, "0"); } return null; } public static boolean isNonRenderer(InetAddress socket) { Device d = getDevice(socket); boolean b = (d != null && !isMediaRenderer(d)); if (b) { LOGGER.debug("Device at {} is {}: {}", socket, d.getType(), d.toString()); } return b; } public static void connect(String uuid, String instanceID, ActionListener listener) { rendererMap.get(uuid, instanceID).connect(listener); } public static Map<String, String> getData(String uuid, String instanceID) { return rendererMap.get(uuid, instanceID).data; } public UpnpService getService() { return upnpService; } public static class SubscriptionCB extends SubscriptionCallback { private String uuid; public SubscriptionCB(Service s) { super(s); uuid = getUUID(s.getDevice()); } @Override public void eventReceived(GENASubscription subscription) { rendererMap.mark(uuid, ACTIVE, true); if (subscription.getCurrentValues().containsKey("LastChange")) { xml2d(uuid, subscription.getCurrentValues().get("LastChange").toString(), null); } } @Override public void established(GENASubscription sub) { LOGGER.debug("Subscription established: " + sub.getService().getServiceId().getId() + " on " + getFriendlyName(uuid)); } @Override public void failed(GENASubscription sub, UpnpResponse response, Exception ex, String defaultMsg) { LOGGER.debug("Subscription failed: " + sub.getService().getServiceId().getId() + " on " + getFriendlyName(uuid) + ": " + defaultMsg.split(": ", 2)[1]); } @Override public void failed(GENASubscription sub, UpnpResponse response, Exception ex) { LOGGER.debug("Subscription failed: " + sub.getService().getServiceId().getId() + " on " + getFriendlyName(uuid) + ": " + createDefaultFailureMessage(response, ex).split(": ", 2)[1]); } @Override public void ended(GENASubscription sub, CancelReason reason, UpnpResponse response) { // Reason should be null, or it didn't end regularly if (reason != null) { LOGGER.debug("Subscription cancelled: " + sub.getService().getServiceId().getId() + " on " + uuid + ": " + reason); } rendererMap.mark(uuid, RENEW, true); } @Override public void eventsMissed(GENASubscription sub, int numberOfMissedEvents) { LOGGER.debug("Missed events: " + numberOfMissedEvents + " for subscription " + sub.getService().getServiceId().getId() + " on " + getFriendlyName(uuid)); } } // Convenience functions for sending various upnp service requests public static ActionInvocation send(final Device dev, String instanceID, String service, String action, String... args) { Service svc = dev.findService(ServiceId.valueOf("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:" + service)); final String uuid = getUUID(dev); if (svc != null) { Action x = svc.getAction(action); String name = getFriendlyName(dev); boolean log = !action.equals("GetPositionInfo"); if (x != null) { ActionInvocation a = new ActionInvocation(x); a.setInput("InstanceID", instanceID); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) { a.setInput(args[i], args[i + 1]); } if (log) { LOGGER.debug("Sending upnp {}.{} {} to {}[{}]", service, action, args, name, instanceID); } new ActionCallback(a, upnpService.getControlPoint()) { @Override public void success(ActionInvocation invocation) { rendererMap.mark(uuid, ACTIVE, true); } @Override public void failure(ActionInvocation invocation, UpnpResponse operation, String defaultMsg) { LOGGER.debug("Action failed: {}", defaultMsg); rendererMap.mark(uuid, ACTIVE, false); } }.run(); if (log) { for (ActionArgumentValue arg : a.getOutput()) { LOGGER.debug("Received from {}[{}]: {}={}", name, instanceID, arg.getArgument().getName(), arg.toString()); } } return a; } } return null; } // ConnectionManager public static void getProtocolInfo(Device<?, RemoteDevice, ?> device) { Service<RemoteDevice, RemoteService> connectionManager = device.findService(ServiceId.valueOf("ConnectionManager")); if (connectionManager != null) { Action<RemoteService> action = connectionManager.getAction("GetProtocolInfo"); final String name = getFriendlyName(device); if (action != null) { final String uuid = getUUID(device); ActionInvocation<RemoteService> actionInvocation = new ActionInvocation<>(action); new ActionCallback(actionInvocation, upnpService.getControlPoint()) { @Override public void success(ActionInvocation invocation) { String sink = invocation.getOutput("Sink").toString(); rendererMap.get(uuid, "0").deviceProtocolInfo.add(DeviceProtocolInfo.GET_PROTOCOLINFO_SINK, sink); if (LOGGER.isTraceEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Object element : invocation.getOutputMap().entrySet()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Entry<String, ActionArgumentValue<?>> entry = (Entry<String, ActionArgumentValue<?>>) element; if (entry.getValue() != null) { String value = entry.getValue().toString(); if (isNotBlank(value)) { sb.append("\n").append(entry.getKey()).append(":\n "); sb.append(value.replaceAll(",", "\n ")); } } } if (sb.length() > 0) { LOGGER.trace("Received GetProtocolInfo from \"{}\": {}", name, sb.toString()); } else { LOGGER.trace("Received empty reply to GetProtocolInfo from \"{}\"", name); } } } @Override public void failure(ActionInvocation invocation, UpnpResponse operation, String defaultMsg) { LOGGER.debug( "GetProtocolInfo from \"{}\" failed with status code {}: {} ({})", name, operation.getStatusCode(), operation.getStatusMessage(), defaultMsg ); } }.run(); } } } // AVTransport // Play modes public final static String NORMAL = "NORMAL"; public final static String REPEAT_ONE = "REPEAT_ONE"; public final static String REPEAT_ALL = "REPEAT_ALL"; public final static String RANDOM = "RANDOM"; // Seek modes public final static String REL_BYTE = "X_DLNA_REL_BYTE"; public final static String REL_TIME = "REL_TIME"; public final static String TRACK_NR = "TRACK_NR"; public static void play(Device dev, String instanceID) { send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "Play", "Speed", "1"); } public static void pause(Device dev, String instanceID) { send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "Pause"); } public static void next(Device dev, String instanceID) { send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "Next"); } public static void previous(Device dev, String instanceID) { send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "Previous"); } public static void seek(Device dev, String instanceID, String mode, String target) { // REL_TIME target format is "hh:mm:ss" send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "Seek", "Unit", mode, "Target", target); } public static void stop(Device dev, String instanceID) { send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "Stop"); } public static String getCurrentTransportState(Device dev, String instanceID) { return send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "GetTransportInfo") .getOutput("CurrentTransportState").toString(); } public static String getCurrentTransportActions(Device dev, String instanceID) { return send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "GetCurrentTransportActions") .getOutput("CurrentTransportActions").toString(); } public static String getDeviceCapabilities(Device dev, String instanceID) { return send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "GetDeviceCapabilities") .getOutput("DeviceCapabilities").toString(); } public static String getMediaInfo(Device dev, String instanceID) { return send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "GetMediaInfo") .getOutput("MediaInfo").toString(); } public static ActionArgumentValue[] getPositionInfo(Device dev, String instanceID) { return send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "GetPositionInfo").getOutput(); } public static String getTransportInfo(Device dev, String instanceID) { return send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "GetTransportInfo") .getOutput("TransportInfo").toString(); } public static String getTransportSettings(Device dev, String instanceID) { return send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "GetTransportSettings") .getOutput("TransportSettings").toString(); } public static void setAVTransportURI(Device dev, String instanceID, String uri, String metaData) { send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "SetAVTransportURI", "CurrentURI", uri, "CurrentURIMetaData", metaData != null ? StringUtil.unEncodeXML(metaData) : null); } public static void setPlayMode(Device dev, String instanceID, String mode) { send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "SetPlayMode", "NewPlayMode", mode); } public static String X_DLNA_GetBytePositionInfo(Device dev, String instanceID, String trackSize) { return send(dev, instanceID, "AVTransport", "X_DLNA_GetBytePositionInfo", "TrackSize", trackSize) .getOutput("BytePositionInfo").toString(); } // RenderingControl // Audio channels public final static String MASTER = "Master"; public final static String LF = "LF"; public final static String RF = "RF"; public static String getMute(Device dev, String instanceID) { return getMute(dev, instanceID, MASTER); } public static String getMute(Device dev, String instanceID, String channel) { return send(dev, instanceID, "RenderingControl", "GetMute", "Channel", channel) .getOutput("Mute").toString(); } public static String getVolume(Device dev, String instanceID) { return getVolume(dev, instanceID, MASTER); } public static String getVolume(Device dev, String instanceID, String channel) { return send(dev, instanceID, "RenderingControl", "GetVolume", "Channel", channel) .getOutput("Volume").toString(); } public static void setMute(Device dev, String instanceID, boolean on) { setMute(dev, instanceID, on, MASTER); } public static void setMute(Device dev, String instanceID, boolean on, String channel) { send(dev, instanceID, "RenderingControl", "SetMute", "DesiredMute", on ? "1" : "0", "Channel", channel); } public static void setVolume(Device dev, String instanceID, int volume) { setVolume(dev, instanceID, volume, MASTER); } public static void setVolume(Device dev, String instanceID, int volume, String channel) { // volume = 1 to 100 send(dev, instanceID, "RenderingControl", "SetVolume", "DesiredVolume", String.valueOf(volume), "Channel", channel); } }