* Copyright (c) 2010, Frederik Vanhoutte This library is free software; you can
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
* 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/ This library is distributed in
* the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
* the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have
* received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
* library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St,
* Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package wblut.geom;
import wblut.WB_Epsilon;
import wblut.math.WB_M33;
import wblut.math.WB_M44;
// TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc
* Generic transform class in homogeneous coordinates.
public class WB_Transform {
/** Transform matrix. */
private WB_M44 T;
/** Inverse transform matrix. */
private WB_M44 invT;
* Instantiates a new WB_Transfrom.
public WB_Transform() {
T = new WB_M44(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
invT = new WB_M44(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
public WB_Transform(WB_M44 T, WB_M44 invT) {
this.T = T.get();
this.invT = invT.get();
public WB_Transform get() {
return new WB_Transform(T, invT);
* Add translation to transform.
* @param v
* vector
* @return self
public WB_Transform addTranslate(final WB_Point3d v) {
T = new WB_M44(1, 0, 0, v.x, 0, 1, 0, v.y, 0, 0, 1, v.z, 0, 0, 0, 1)
invT = invT.mult(new WB_M44(1, 0, 0, -v.x, 0, 1, 0, -v.y, 0, 0, 1,
-v.z, 0, 0, 0, 1));
return this;
* Add non-uniform scale to transform.
* @param s
* scaling vector
* @return self
public WB_Transform addScale(final WB_Point3d s) {
T = new WB_M44(s.x, 0, 0, 0, 0, s.y, 0, 0, 0, 0, s.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
invT = invT.mult(new WB_M44(1.0 / s.x, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0 / s.y, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1.0 / s.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));
return this;
* Add non-uniform scale to transform.
* @param sx
* scaling vector
* @param sy
* scaling vector
* @param sz
* scaling vector
* @return self
public WB_Transform addScale(final double sx, final double sy,
final double sz) {
T = new WB_M44(sx, 0, 0, 0, 0, sy, 0, 0, 0, 0, sz, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
invT = invT.mult(new WB_M44(1.0 / sx, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0 / sy, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1.0 / sz, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));
return this;
* Add uniform scale to transform.
* @param s
* scaling point
* @return self
public WB_Transform addScale(final double s) {
T = new WB_M44(s, 0, 0, 0, 0, s, 0, 0, 0, 0, s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1).mult(T);
invT = invT.mult(new WB_M44(1 / s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 / s, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1 / s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1));
return this;
* Add rotation about X-axis.
* @param angle
* angle in radians
* @return self
public WB_Transform addRotateX(final double angle) {
final double s = Math.sin(angle);
final double c = Math.cos(angle);
final WB_M44 tmp = new WB_M44(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, c, -s, 0, 0, s, c, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1);
T = tmp.mult(T);
invT = invT.mult(tmp.getTranspose());
return this;
* Add rotation about Y-axis.
* @param angle
* angle in radians
* @return self
public WB_Transform addRotateY(final double angle) {
final double s = Math.sin(angle);
final double c = Math.cos(angle);
final WB_M44 tmp = new WB_M44(c, 0, s, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -s, 0, c, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1);
T = tmp.mult(T);
invT = invT.mult(tmp.getTranspose());
return this;
* Add rotation about Z-axis.
* @param angle
* angle in radians
* @return self
public WB_Transform addRotateZ(final double angle) {
final double s = Math.sin(angle);
final double c = Math.cos(angle);
final WB_M44 tmp = new WB_M44(c, -s, 0, 0, s, c, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1);
T = tmp.mult(T);
invT = invT.mult(tmp.getTranspose());
return this;
* Add rotation about arbitrary axis in origin.
* @param angle
* angle in radians
* @param axis
* WB_Vector
* @return self
public WB_Transform addRotateAboutOrigin(final double angle,
final WB_Vector3d axis) {
final WB_Vector3d a = new WB_Vector3d();
final double s = Math.sin(angle);
final double c = Math.cos(angle);
final WB_M44 tmp = new WB_M44(a.x * a.x + (1.f - a.x * a.x) * c, a.x
* a.y * (1.f - c) - a.z * s, a.x * a.z * (1.f - c) + a.y * s,
a.x * a.y * (1.f - c) + a.z * s, a.y * a.y + (1.f - a.y * a.y)
* c, a.y * a.z * (1.f - c) - a.x * s, 0,
a.x * a.z * (1.f - c) - a.y * s, a.y * a.z * (1.f - c) + a.x
* s, a.z * a.z + (1.f - a.z * a.z) * c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
T = tmp.mult(T);
invT = invT.mult(tmp.getTranspose());
return this;
* Add rotation about arbitrary axis in origin.
* @param angle
* angle in radians
* @param axis
* WB_Normal
* @return self
public WB_Transform addRotateAboutOrigin(final double angle,
final WB_Normal3d axis) {
final WB_Vector3d a = new WB_Vector3d(axis);
final double s = Math.sin(angle);
final double c = Math.cos(angle);
final WB_M44 tmp = new WB_M44(a.x * a.x + (1.f - a.x * a.x) * c, a.x
* a.y * (1.f - c) - a.z * s, a.x * a.z * (1.f - c) + a.y * s,
a.x * a.y * (1.f - c) + a.z * s, a.y * a.y + (1.f - a.y * a.y)
* c, a.y * a.z * (1.f - c) - a.x * s, 0,
a.x * a.z * (1.f - c) - a.y * s, a.y * a.z * (1.f - c) + a.x
* s, a.z * a.z + (1.f - a.z * a.z) * c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
T = tmp.mult(T);
invT = invT.mult(tmp.getTranspose());
return this;
* Add rotation about arbitrary axis in point.
* @param angle
* angle in radians
* @param p
* point
* @param axis
* WB_Vector
* @return self
public WB_Transform addRotateAboutAxis(final double angle,
final WB_Point3d p, final WB_Vector3d axis) {
addRotateAboutOrigin(angle, axis);
return this;
* Add rotation about arbitrary axis in point.
* @param angle
* angle in radians
* @param p
* point
* @param axis
* WB_Normal
* @return self
public WB_Transform addRotateAboutAxis(final double angle,
final WB_Point3d p, final WB_Normal3d axis) {
addRotateAboutOrigin(angle, axis);
return this;
* Add a object-to-world transform.
* @param origin
* object origin in world coordinates
* @param up
* object up direction in world coordinates
* @param front
* object front direction in world coordinates
* @return self
public WB_Transform addObjectToWorld(final WB_Point3d origin,
final WB_Point3d up, final WB_Point3d front) {
final WB_Vector3d dir = front.subToVector(origin);
final WB_Vector3d tup = up.subToVector(origin);
final WB_Vector3d right = dir.cross(tup);
final WB_Vector3d newUp = right.cross(dir);
final WB_M44 tmp = new WB_M44(right.x, dir.x, newUp.x, origin.x,
right.y, dir.y, newUp.y, origin.y, right.z, dir.z, newUp.z,
origin.z, 0, 0, 0, 1);
T = tmp.mult(T);
invT = invT.mult(tmp.inverse());
return this;
* Adds the reflect x.
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addReflectX() {
addScale(-1, 1, 1);
return this;
* Adds the reflect y.
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addReflectY() {
addScale(1, -1, 1);
return this;
* Adds the reflect z.
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addReflectZ() {
addScale(1, 1, -1);
return this;
* Adds the invert.
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addInvert() {
addScale(-1, -1, -1);
return this;
* Adds the reflect x.
* @param p
* the p
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addReflectX(final WB_Point3d p) {
addScale(-1, 1, 1);
return this;
* Adds the reflect y.
* @param p
* the p
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addReflectY(final WB_Point3d p) {
addScale(1, -1, 1);
return this;
* Adds the reflect z.
* @param p
* the p
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addReflectZ(final WB_Point3d p) {
addScale(1, 1, -1);
return this;
* Adds the invert.
* @param p
* the p
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addInvert(final WB_Point3d p) {
addScale(-1, -1, -1);
return this;
* Adds the reflect.
* @param P
* the p
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addReflect(final WB_Plane P) {
final WB_M33 tmp = P.getNormal().tensor(P.getNormal());
final double Qn = P.getOrigin().dot(P.getNormal());
final WB_M44 Tr = new WB_M44(1 - 2 * tmp.m11, -2 * tmp.m12, -2
* tmp.m13, 0, -2 * tmp.m21, 1 - 2 * tmp.m22, -2 * tmp.m23, 0,
-2 * tmp.m31, -2 * tmp.m32, 1 - 2 * tmp.m33, 0, 2 * Qn
* P.getNormal().x, 2 * Qn * P.getNormal().y, 2 * Qn
* P.getNormal().z, 1);
T = Tr.mult(T);
invT = invT.mult(Tr);
return this;
* Adds the shear.
* @param P
* the p
* @param v
* the v
* @param angle
* the angle
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addShear(final WB_Plane P, final WB_Vector3d v,
final double angle) {
final WB_Vector3d lv = v.get();
double tana = Math.tan(angle);
final WB_M33 tmp = P.getNormal().tensor(lv);
final double Qn = P.getOrigin().dot(P.getNormal());
WB_M44 Tr = new WB_M44(1 + tana * tmp.m11, tana * tmp.m12, tana
* tmp.m13, 0, tana * tmp.m21, 1 + tana * tmp.m22, tana
* tmp.m23, 0, tana * tmp.m31, tana * tmp.m32, 1 + tana
* tmp.m33, 0, -Qn * lv.x, -Qn * lv.y, -Qn * lv.z, 1);
T = Tr.mult(T);
tana *= -1;
Tr = new WB_M44(1 + tana * tmp.m11, tana * tmp.m12, tana * tmp.m13, 0,
tana * tmp.m21, 1 + tana * tmp.m22, tana * tmp.m23, 0, tana
* tmp.m31, tana * tmp.m32, 1 + tana * tmp.m33, 0, -Qn
* lv.x, -Qn * lv.y, -Qn * lv.z, 1);
invT = invT.mult(Tr);
return this;
* Apply transform to point.
* @param p
* point
* @return new WB_XYZ
public WB_Point3d apply(final WB_Point3d p) {
final double xp = T.m11 * p.x + T.m12 * p.y + T.m13 * p.z + T.m14;
final double yp = T.m21 * p.x + T.m22 * p.y + T.m23 * p.z + T.m24;
final double zp = T.m31 * p.x + T.m32 * p.y + T.m33 * p.z + T.m34;
double wp = T.m41 * p.x + T.m42 * p.y + T.m43 * p.z + T.m44;
if (WB_Epsilon.isZero(wp)) {
return new WB_Point3d(xp, yp, zp);
wp = 1.0 / wp;
return new WB_Point3d(xp * wp, yp * wp, zp * wp);
* Apply transform to point.
* @param p
* point
* @param result
* WB_XYZ to store result
public void applyInto(final WB_Point3d p, final WB_Point3d result) {
final double x = (T.m11 * p.x + T.m12 * p.y + T.m13 * p.z + T.m14);
final double y = (T.m21 * p.x + T.m22 * p.y + T.m23 * p.z + T.m24);
final double z = (T.m31 * p.x + T.m32 * p.y + T.m33 * p.z + T.m34);
double wp = (T.m41 * p.x + T.m42 * p.y + T.m43 * p.z + T.m44);
wp = 1.0 / wp;
result.set(x * wp, y * wp, z * wp);
* Apply transform to point.
* @param p
* point
public void applySelf(final WB_Point3d p) {
final double x = (T.m11 * p.x + T.m12 * p.y + T.m13 * p.z + T.m14);
final double y = (T.m21 * p.x + T.m22 * p.y + T.m23 * p.z + T.m24);
final double z = (T.m31 * p.x + T.m32 * p.y + T.m33 * p.z + T.m34);
double wp = (T.m41 * p.x + T.m42 * p.y + T.m43 * p.z + T.m44);
wp = 1.0 / wp;
p.set(x * wp, y * wp, z * wp);
* Apply transform to vector.
* @param p
* vector
* @return new WB_Vector
public WB_Vector3d apply(final WB_Vector3d p) {
final double xp = (T.m11 * p.x + T.m12 * p.y + T.m13 * p.z);
final double yp = (T.m21 * p.x + T.m22 * p.y + T.m23 * p.z);
final double zp = (T.m31 * p.x + T.m32 * p.y + T.m33 * p.z);
return new WB_Vector3d(xp, yp, zp);
* Apply transform to vector.
* @param p
* vector
* @param result
* WB_Vector to store result
public void applyInto(final WB_Vector3d p, final WB_Vector3d result) {
final double x = (T.m11 * p.x + T.m12 * p.y + T.m13 * p.z);
final double y = (T.m21 * p.x + T.m22 * p.y + T.m23 * p.z);
final double z = (T.m31 * p.x + T.m32 * p.y + T.m33 * p.z);
result.set(x, y, z);
* Apply transform to vector.
* @param p
* vector
public void applySelf(final WB_Vector3d p) {
final double x = (T.m11 * p.x + T.m12 * p.y + T.m13 * p.z);
final double y = (T.m21 * p.x + T.m22 * p.y + T.m23 * p.z);
final double z = (T.m31 * p.x + T.m32 * p.y + T.m33 * p.z);
p.set(x, y, z);
* Apply transform to normal.
* @param n
* normal
* @return new WB_Normal
public WB_Normal3d apply(final WB_Normal3d n) {
final double nx = (invT.m11 * n.x + invT.m21 * n.y + invT.m31 * n.z);
final double ny = (invT.m12 * n.x + invT.m22 * n.y + invT.m32 * n.z);
final double nz = (invT.m13 * n.x + invT.m23 * n.y + invT.m33 * n.z);
return new WB_Normal3d(nx, ny, nz);
* Apply transform to normal.
* @param n
* normal
* @param result
* WB_normal to store result
public void applyInto(final WB_Normal3d n, final WB_Normal3d result) {
final double x = (invT.m11 * n.x + invT.m21 * n.y + invT.m31 * n.z);
final double y = (invT.m12 * n.x + invT.m22 * n.y + invT.m32 * n.z);
final double z = (invT.m13 * n.x + invT.m23 * n.y + invT.m33 * n.z);
result.set(x, y, z);
* Apply transform to normal.
* @param n
* normal
public void applySelf(final WB_Normal3d n) {
final double x = (invT.m11 * n.x + invT.m21 * n.y + invT.m31 * n.z);
final double y = (invT.m12 * n.x + invT.m22 * n.y + invT.m32 * n.z);
final double z = (invT.m13 * n.x + invT.m23 * n.y + invT.m33 * n.z);
n.set(x, y, z);
* Apply transform to line.
* @param L
* line
* @return new WB_line
public WB_Line apply(final WB_Line L) {
return new WB_Line(apply(L.getOrigin()), apply(L.getDirection()));
* Apply transform to line.
* @param L
* line
* @param result
* WB_Line to store result
public void applyInto(final WB_Line L, final WB_Line result) {
result.set(apply(L.getOrigin()), apply(L.getDirection()));
* Apply transform to line.
* @param L
* line
public void applySelf(final WB_Line L) {
L.set(apply(L.getOrigin()), apply(L.getDirection()));
* Apply transform to plane.
* @param P
* plane
* @return new WB_Plane
public WB_Plane apply(final WB_Plane P) {
return new WB_Plane(apply(P.getOrigin()), apply(P.getNormal()));
* Apply transform to plane.
* @param P
* plane
* @param result
* plane to store result
public void applyInto(final WB_Plane P, final WB_Plane result) {
result.set(apply(P.getOrigin()), apply(P.getNormal()));
* Apply transform to plane.
* @param P
* plane
public void applySelf(final WB_Plane P) {
P.set(apply(P.getOrigin()), apply(P.getNormal()));
* Apply transform to ray.
* @param R
* ray
* @return new WB_ray
public WB_Ray apply(final WB_Ray R) {
return new WB_Ray(apply(R.getOrigin()), apply(R.getDirection()));
* Apply transform to ray.
* @param R
* ray
* @param result
* WB_Ray to store result
public void applyInto(final WB_Ray R, final WB_Ray result) {
result.set(apply(R.getOrigin()), apply(R.getDirection()));
* Apply transform to ray.
* @param R
* ray
public void applySelf(final WB_Ray R) {
R.set(apply(R.getOrigin()), apply(R.getDirection()));
* Apply transform to segment.
* @param S
* segment
* @return new WB_Segment
public WB_ExplicitSegment apply(final WB_ExplicitSegment S) {
return new WB_ExplicitSegment(apply(S.getOrigin()), apply(S.getEnd()));
* Apply transform to segment.
* @param S
* segment
* @param result
* WB_Segment to store result
public void applyInto(final WB_ExplicitSegment S,
final WB_ExplicitSegment result) {
result.set(apply(S.getOrigin()), apply(S.getEnd()));
* Apply transform to segment.
* @param S
* segment
public void applySelf(final WB_ExplicitSegment S) {
S.set(apply(S.getOrigin()), apply(S.getEnd()));
* Invert transform.
public void inverse() {
WB_M44 tmp;
tmp = T;
T = invT;
invT = tmp;
* Clear transform.
public void clear() {
T = new WB_M44(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
invT = new WB_M44(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
* Apply transform to point.
* @param p
* point
* @return new WB_XYZ
public WB_Point3d applyAsPoint(final WB_Point3d p) {
final double xp = T.m11 * p.x + T.m12 * p.y + T.m13 * p.z + T.m14;
final double yp = T.m21 * p.x + T.m22 * p.y + T.m23 * p.z + T.m24;
final double zp = T.m31 * p.x + T.m32 * p.y + T.m33 * p.z + T.m34;
double wp = T.m41 * p.x + T.m42 * p.y + T.m43 * p.z + T.m44;
if (WB_Epsilon.isZero(wp)) {
return new WB_Point3d(xp, yp, zp);
wp = 1.0 / wp;
return new WB_Point3d(xp * wp, yp * wp, zp * wp);
* Apply as point.
* @param x
* the x
* @param y
* the y
* @param z
* the z
* @return the w b_ point3d
public WB_Point3d applyAsPoint(final double x, final double y,
final double z) {
final double xp = T.m11 * x + T.m12 * y + T.m13 * z + T.m14;
final double yp = T.m21 * x + T.m22 * y + T.m23 * z + T.m24;
final double zp = T.m31 * x + T.m32 * y + T.m33 * z + T.m34;
double wp = T.m41 * x + T.m42 * y + T.m43 * z + T.m44;
if (WB_Epsilon.isZero(wp)) {
return new WB_Point3d(xp, yp, zp);
wp = 1.0 / wp;
return new WB_Point3d(xp * wp, yp * wp, zp * wp);
* Apply transform to point.
* @param p
* point
public void applySelfAsPoint(final WB_Point3d p) {
final double x = (T.m11 * p.x + T.m12 * p.y + T.m13 * p.z + T.m14);
final double y = (T.m21 * p.x + T.m22 * p.y + T.m23 * p.z + T.m24);
final double z = (T.m31 * p.x + T.m32 * p.y + T.m33 * p.z + T.m34);
double wp = (T.m41 * p.x + T.m42 * p.y + T.m43 * p.z + T.m44);
wp = 1.0 / wp;
p.set(x * wp, y * wp, z * wp);
* Apply transform to vector.
* @param p
* vector
* @return new WB_Vector
public WB_Vector3d applyAsVector(final WB_Vector3d p) {
final double xp = (T.m11 * p.x + T.m12 * p.y + T.m13 * p.z);
final double yp = (T.m21 * p.x + T.m22 * p.y + T.m23 * p.z);
final double zp = (T.m31 * p.x + T.m32 * p.y + T.m33 * p.z);
return new WB_Vector3d(xp, yp, zp);
* Apply as vector.
* @param x
* the x
* @param y
* the y
* @param z
* the z
* @return the w b_ vector3d
public WB_Vector3d applyAsVector(final double x, final double y,
final double z) {
final double xp = (T.m11 * x + T.m12 * y + T.m13 * z);
final double yp = (T.m21 * x + T.m22 * y + T.m23 * z);
final double zp = (T.m31 * x + T.m32 * y + T.m33 * z);
return new WB_Vector3d(xp, yp, zp);
* Apply transform to vector.
* @param p
* vector
public void applySelfAsVector(final WB_Vector3d p) {
final double x = (T.m11 * p.x + T.m12 * p.y + T.m13 * p.z);
final double y = (T.m21 * p.x + T.m22 * p.y + T.m23 * p.z);
final double z = (T.m31 * p.x + T.m32 * p.y + T.m33 * p.z);
p.set(x, y, z);
* Apply as normal.
* @param p
* the p
* @return the w b_ vector3d
public WB_Vector3d applyAsNormal(final WB_Vector3d p) {
final double nx = (invT.m11 * p.x + invT.m21 * p.y + invT.m31 * p.z);
final double ny = (invT.m12 * p.x + invT.m22 * p.y + invT.m32 * p.z);
final double nz = (invT.m13 * p.x + invT.m23 * p.y + invT.m33 * p.z);
return new WB_Vector3d(nx, ny, nz);
* Apply as normal.
* @param x
* the x
* @param y
* the y
* @param z
* the z
* @return the w b_ vector3d
public WB_Vector3d applyAsNormal(final double x, final double y,
final double z) {
final double nx = (invT.m11 * x + invT.m21 * y + invT.m31 * z);
final double ny = (invT.m12 * x + invT.m22 * y + invT.m32 * z);
final double nz = (invT.m13 * x + invT.m23 * y + invT.m33 * z);
return new WB_Vector3d(nx, ny, nz);
* Apply transform to normal.
* @param n
* normal
public void applySelfAsNormal(final WB_Vector3d n) {
final double x = (invT.m11 * n.x + invT.m21 * n.y + invT.m31 * n.z);
final double y = (invT.m12 * n.x + invT.m22 * n.y + invT.m32 * n.z);
final double z = (invT.m13 * n.x + invT.m23 * n.y + invT.m33 * n.z);
n.set(x, y, z);
* Adds the from cs to cs.
* @param CS1
* the c s1
* @param CS2
* the c s2
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addFromCSToCS(final WB_CoordinateSystem3D CS1,
final WB_CoordinateSystem3D CS2) {
return this;
* Adds the from cs to world.
* @param CS
* the cs
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addFromCSToWorld(final WB_CoordinateSystem3D CS) {
WB_CoordinateSystem3D current = CS;
while (!current.isWorld()) {
current = current.getParent();
return this;
* Adds the from world to cs.
* @param CS
* the cs
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addFromWorldToCS(final WB_CoordinateSystem3D CS) {
WB_Transform tmp = new WB_Transform();
T = tmp.invT.mult(T);
invT = invT.mult(tmp.T);
return this;
* Adds the from cs to parent.
* @param CS
* the cs
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addFromCSToParent(final WB_CoordinateSystem3D CS) {
WB_CoordinateSystem3D WCS = WB_CoordinateSystem3D.WORLD();
if (CS.isWorld()) {
return this;
final WB_Vector3d ex1 = CS.getX(), ey1 = CS.getY(), ez1 = CS.getZ();
final WB_Point3d o1 = CS.getOrigin();
final WB_Vector3d ex2 = WCS.getX(), ey2 = WCS.getY(), ez2 = WCS.getZ();
final WB_Point3d o2 = WCS.getOrigin();
final double xx = ex2.dot(ex1);
final double xy = ex2.dot(ey1);
final double xz = ex2.dot(ez1);
final double yx = ey2.dot(ex1);
final double yy = ey2.dot(ey1);
final double yz = ey2.dot(ez1);
final double zx = ez2.dot(ex1);
final double zy = ez2.dot(ey1);
final double zz = ez2.dot(ez1);
final WB_M44 tmp = new WB_M44(xx, xy, xz, 0, yx, yy, yz, 0, zx, zy, zz,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
final WB_M44 invtmp = new WB_M44(xx, yx, zx, 0, xy, yy, zy, 0, xz, yz,
zz, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
T = tmp.mult(T);
invT = invT.mult(invtmp);
return this;
* Adds the from parent to cs.
* @param CS
* the cs
* @return the w b_ transform
public WB_Transform addFromParentToCS(final WB_CoordinateSystem3D CS) {
if (CS.isWorld()) {
return this;
WB_Transform tmp = new WB_Transform();
T = tmp.invT.mult(T);
invT = invT.mult(tmp.T);
return this;