package wblut; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class WB_Disclaimer. */ public class WB_Disclaimer { /** The Constant CURRENT_DISCLAIMER. */ public static final WB_Disclaimer CURRENT_DISCLAIMER = new WB_Disclaimer(); /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ public String toString() { String dis = "All code by Frederik Vanhoutte, W:Blut, unless noted otherwise."; dis += System.getProperty("line.separator"); dis += "Attributed code should be handled by its own license. All"; dis += System.getProperty("line.separator"); dis += "W:Blut code is free Aleister-ware. You can redistribute it and"; dis += System.getProperty("line.separator"); dis += "modify it, non-commercialy and commercially. Attribution is"; dis += System.getProperty("line.separator"); dis += "encouraged en appreciated. But don't bother if it's a hassle..."; dis += System.getProperty("line.separator"); dis += System.getProperty("line.separator"); dis += "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law"; dis += System.getProperty("line.separator"); dis += System.getProperty("line.separator"); dis += "Cheers!"; return dis; } }