package; /* ** 2011 January 5 ** ** The author disclaims copyright to this source code. In place of ** a legal notice, here is a blessing: ** ** May you do good and not evil. ** May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others. ** May you share freely, never taking more than you give. **/ /* * 2011 February 16 * * This source code is based on the work of Scaevolus (see notice above). * It has been slightly modified by Mojang AB (constants instead of magic * numbers, a chunk timestamp header, and auto-formatted according to our * formatter template). * */ /* * Later changes made by the Glowstone project. */ // Interfaces with region files on the disk /* Region File Format Concept: The minimum unit of storage on hard drives is 4KB. 90% of Minecraft chunks are smaller than 4KB. 99% are smaller than 8KB. Write a simple container to store chunks in single files in runs of 4KB sectors. Each region file represents a 32x32 group of chunks. The conversion from chunk number to region number is floor(coord / 32): a chunk at (30, -3) would be in region (0, -1), and one at (70, -30) would be at (3, -1). Region files are named "", where x and z are the region coordinates. A region file begins with a 4KB header that describes where chunks are stored in the file. A 4-byte big-endian integer represents sector offsets and sector counts. The chunk offset for a chunk (x, z) begins at byte 4*(x+z*32) in the file. The bottom byte of the chunk offset indicates the number of sectors the chunk takes up, and the top 3 bytes represent the sector number of the chunk. Given a chunk offset o, the chunk data begins at byte 4096*(o/256) and takes up at most 4096*(o%256) bytes. A chunk cannot exceed 1MB in size. If a chunk offset is 0, the corresponding chunk is not stored in the region file. Chunk data begins with a 4-byte big-endian integer representing the chunk data length in bytes, not counting the length field. The length must be smaller than 4096 times the number of sectors. The next byte is a version field, to allow backwards-compatible updates to how chunks are encoded. A version of 1 represents a gzipped NBT file. The gzipped data is the chunk length - 1. A version of 2 represents a deflated (zlib compressed) NBT file. The deflated data is the chunk length - 1. */ import net.glowstone.GlowServer; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; public class RegionFile { private static final int VERSION_GZIP = 1; private static final int VERSION_DEFLATE = 2; private static final int SECTOR_BYTES = 4096; private static final int SECTOR_INTS = SECTOR_BYTES / 4; private static final int CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE = 5; private static final byte[] emptySector = new byte[SECTOR_BYTES]; private RandomAccessFile file; private final int[] offsets; private final int[] chunkTimestamps; private ArrayList<Boolean> sectorFree; private int sizeDelta; private long lastModified = 0; public RegionFile(File path) throws IOException { offsets = new int[SECTOR_INTS]; chunkTimestamps = new int[SECTOR_INTS]; sizeDelta = 0; if (path.exists()) { lastModified = path.lastModified(); } file = new RandomAccessFile(path, "rw"); // seek to the end to prepare size checking; // if the file size is under 8KB, grow it (4K chunk offset table, 4K timestamp table) if (file.length() < 2 * SECTOR_BYTES) { sizeDelta += 2 * SECTOR_BYTES - file.length(); if (lastModified != 0) { // only give a warning if the region file existed beforehand GlowServer.logger.warning("Region \"" + path + "\" under 8K: " + file.length() + " increasing by " + (2 * SECTOR_BYTES - file.length())); } for (long i = file.length(); i < 2 * SECTOR_BYTES; ++i) { file.write(0); } } // if the file size is not a multiple of 4KB, grow it if ((file.length() & 0xfff) != 0) { sizeDelta += SECTOR_BYTES - (file.length() & 0xfff); GlowServer.logger.warning("Region \"" + path + "\" not aligned: " + file.length() + " increasing by " + (SECTOR_BYTES - (file.length() & 0xfff))); for (long i = file.length() & 0xfff; i < SECTOR_BYTES; ++i) { file.write(0); } } // set up the available sector map int nSectors = (int) (file.length() / SECTOR_BYTES); sectorFree = new ArrayList<>(nSectors); for (int i = 0; i < nSectors; ++i) { sectorFree.add(true); } sectorFree.set(0, false); // chunk offset table sectorFree.set(1, false); // for the last modified info // read offsets from offset table; for (int i = 0; i < SECTOR_INTS; ++i) { int offset = file.readInt(); offsets[i] = offset; int startSector = (offset >> 8); int numSectors = (offset & 0xff); if (offset != 0 && startSector >= 0 && startSector + numSectors <= sectorFree.size()) { for (int sectorNum = 0; sectorNum < numSectors; ++sectorNum) { sectorFree.set(startSector + sectorNum, false); } } else if (offset != 0) { GlowServer.logger.warning("Region \"" + path + "\": offsets[" + i + "] = " + offset + " -> " + startSector + "," + numSectors + " does not fit"); } } // read timestamps from timestamp table for (int i = 0; i < SECTOR_INTS; ++i) { chunkTimestamps[i] = file.readInt(); } } /* the modification date of the region file when it was first opened */ public long getLastModified() { return lastModified; } /* gets how much the region file has grown since it was last checked */ public int getSizeDelta() { int ret = sizeDelta; sizeDelta = 0; return ret; } /* * gets an (uncompressed) stream representing the chunk data returns null if * the chunk is not found or an error occurs */ public DataInputStream getChunkDataInputStream(int x, int z) throws IOException { checkBounds(x, z); int offset = getOffset(x, z); if (offset == 0) { // does not exist return null; } int sectorNumber = offset >> 8; int numSectors = offset & 0xFF; if (sectorNumber + numSectors > sectorFree.size()) { throw new IOException("Invalid sector: " + sectorNumber + "+" + numSectors + " > " + sectorFree.size()); } * SECTOR_BYTES); int length = file.readInt(); if (length > SECTOR_BYTES * numSectors) { throw new IOException("Invalid length: " + length + " > " + (SECTOR_BYTES * numSectors)); } byte version = file.readByte(); if (version == VERSION_GZIP) { byte[] data = new byte[length - 1];; return new DataInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data))); } else if (version == VERSION_DEFLATE) { byte[] data = new byte[length - 1];; return new DataInputStream(new InflaterInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data))); } throw new IOException("Unknown version: " + version); } public DataOutputStream getChunkDataOutputStream(int x, int z) { checkBounds(x, z); return new DataOutputStream(new DeflaterOutputStream(new ChunkBuffer(x, z), new Deflater(Deflater.BEST_SPEED))); } /* * lets chunk writing be multithreaded by not locking the whole file as a * chunk is serializing -- only writes when serialization is over */ class ChunkBuffer extends ByteArrayOutputStream { private final int x, z; public ChunkBuffer(int x, int z) { super(8096); // initialize to 8KB this.x = x; this.z = z; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { try { RegionFile.this.write(x, z, buf, count); } finally { super.close(); } } } /* write a chunk at (x,z) with length bytes of data to disk */ protected void write(int x, int z, byte[] data, int length) throws IOException { int offset = getOffset(x, z); int sectorNumber = offset >> 8; int sectorsAllocated = offset & 0xFF; int sectorsNeeded = (length + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE) / SECTOR_BYTES + 1; // maximum chunk size is 1MB if (sectorsNeeded >= 256) { return; } if (sectorNumber != 0 && sectorsAllocated == sectorsNeeded) { /* we can simply overwrite the old sectors */ write(sectorNumber, data, length); } else { /* we need to allocate new sectors */ /* mark the sectors previously used for this chunk as free */ for (int i = 0; i < sectorsAllocated; ++i) { sectorFree.set(sectorNumber + i, true); } /* scan for a free space large enough to store this chunk */ int runStart = sectorFree.indexOf(true); int runLength = 0; if (runStart != -1) { for (int i = runStart; i < sectorFree.size(); ++i) { if (runLength != 0) { if (sectorFree.get(i)) runLength++; else runLength = 0; } else if (sectorFree.get(i)) { runStart = i; runLength = 1; } if (runLength >= sectorsNeeded) { break; } } } if (runLength >= sectorsNeeded) { /* we found a free space large enough */ sectorNumber = runStart; setOffset(x, z, (sectorNumber << 8) | sectorsNeeded); for (int i = 0; i < sectorsNeeded; ++i) { sectorFree.set(sectorNumber + i, false); } write(sectorNumber, data, length); } else { /* * no free space large enough found -- we need to grow the * file */; sectorNumber = sectorFree.size(); for (int i = 0; i < sectorsNeeded; ++i) { file.write(emptySector); sectorFree.add(false); } sizeDelta += SECTOR_BYTES * sectorsNeeded; write(sectorNumber, data, length); setOffset(x, z, (sectorNumber << 8) | sectorsNeeded); } } setTimestamp(x, z, (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000L)); //file.getChannel().force(true); } /* write a chunk data to the region file at specified sector number */ private void write(int sectorNumber, byte[] data, int length) throws IOException { * SECTOR_BYTES); file.writeInt(length + 1); // chunk length file.writeByte(VERSION_DEFLATE); // chunk version number file.write(data, 0, length); // chunk data } /* is this an invalid chunk coordinate? */ private void checkBounds(int x, int z) { if (x < 0 || x >= 32 || z < 0 || z >= 32) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Chunk out of bounds: (" + x + ", " + z + ")"); } } private int getOffset(int x, int z) { return offsets[x + z * 32]; } public boolean hasChunk(int x, int z) { return getOffset(x, z) != 0; } private void setOffset(int x, int z, int offset) throws IOException { offsets[x + z * 32] = offset; + z * 32) * 4); file.writeInt(offset); } private void setTimestamp(int x, int z, int value) throws IOException { chunkTimestamps[x + z * 32] = value; + (x + z * 32) * 4); file.writeInt(value); } public void close() throws IOException { file.getChannel().force(true); file.close(); } }