package net.glowstone.inventory; import net.glowstone.util.nbt.CompoundTag; import org.bukkit.Color; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemFactory; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta; /** * An implementation of {@link ItemFactory} responsible for creating ItemMetas. */ public final class GlowItemFactory implements ItemFactory { private static final GlowItemFactory instance = new GlowItemFactory(); private static final Color LEATHER_COLOR = Color.fromRGB(0xA06540); private GlowItemFactory() { } @Override public ItemMeta getItemMeta(Material material) { return makeMeta(material, null); } @Override public boolean isApplicable(ItemMeta meta, ItemStack stack) throws IllegalArgumentException { return isApplicable(meta, stack.getType()); } @Override public boolean isApplicable(ItemMeta meta, Material material) throws IllegalArgumentException { return meta != null && material != null && toGlowMeta(meta).isApplicable(material); } @Override public boolean equals(ItemMeta meta1, ItemMeta meta2) throws IllegalArgumentException { // todo: be nicer about comparisons without involving serialization // and the extra new objects for null arguments GlowMetaItem glow1, glow2; if (meta1 == null) { glow1 = new GlowMetaItem(null); } else { glow1 = toGlowMeta(meta1); } if (meta2 == null) { glow2 = new GlowMetaItem(null); } else { glow2 = toGlowMeta(meta2); } return glow1.serialize().equals(glow2.serialize()); } @Override public ItemMeta asMetaFor(ItemMeta meta, ItemStack stack) throws IllegalArgumentException { return makeMeta(stack.getType(), toGlowMeta(meta)); } @Override public ItemMeta asMetaFor(ItemMeta meta, Material material) throws IllegalArgumentException { return makeMeta(material, toGlowMeta(meta)); } @Override public Color getDefaultLeatherColor() { return LEATHER_COLOR; } public CompoundTag writeNbt(ItemMeta meta) { CompoundTag result = new CompoundTag(); toGlowMeta(meta).writeNbt(result); return result.isEmpty() ? null : result; } public ItemMeta readNbt(Material material, CompoundTag tag) { if (tag == null) return null; GlowMetaItem meta = makeMeta(material, null); if (meta == null) return null; meta.readNbt(tag); return meta; } /** * Get the static GlowItemFactory instance. * @return The instance. */ public static GlowItemFactory instance() { return instance; } /** * Throw a descriptive error if the given ItemMeta does not belong to this factory. * @param meta The ItemMeta. * @return The GlowMetaItem. */ private GlowMetaItem toGlowMeta(ItemMeta meta) { if (meta instanceof GlowMetaItem) { return (GlowMetaItem) meta; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Item meta " + meta + " was not created by GlowItemFactory"); } /** * Get a suitable ItemMeta for the material, reusing the provided meta if non-null and possible. */ private GlowMetaItem makeMeta(Material material, GlowMetaItem meta) { // todo: more specific metas switch (material) { case AIR: return null; case BOOK_AND_QUILL: case WRITTEN_BOOK: return new GlowMetaBook(meta); case SKULL_ITEM: return new GlowMetaSkull(meta); case BANNER: return new GlowMetaBanner(meta); case LEATHER_HELMET: case LEATHER_CHESTPLATE: case LEATHER_LEGGINGS: case LEATHER_BOOTS: return new GlowMetaLeatherArmor(meta); case FIREWORK: return new GlowMetaFirework(meta); case FIREWORK_CHARGE: return new GlowMetaFireworkEffect(meta); default: return new GlowMetaItem(meta); } } }