package net.glowstone.inventory; import; import net.glowstone.GlowServer; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration; import org.bukkit.inventory.*; import; import java.util.*; /** * Manager for crafting and smelting recipes */ public final class CraftingManager implements Iterable<Recipe> { private final ArrayList<ShapedRecipe> shapedRecipes = new ArrayList<>(); private final ArrayList<ShapelessRecipe> shapelessRecipes = new ArrayList<>(); private final ArrayList<FurnaceRecipe> furnaceRecipes = new ArrayList<>(); private final Map<Material, Integer> furnaceFuels = new HashMap<>(); public void initialize() { resetRecipes(); // Report stats"Recipes: " + shapedRecipes.size() + " shaped, " + shapelessRecipes.size() + " shapeless, " + furnaceRecipes.size() + " furnace, " + furnaceFuels.size() + " fuels."); } /** * Adds a recipe to the crafting manager. * @param recipe The recipe to add. * @return Whether adding the recipe was successful. */ public boolean addRecipe(Recipe recipe) { if (recipe instanceof ShapedRecipe) { shapedRecipes.add((ShapedRecipe) recipe); return true; } else if (recipe instanceof ShapelessRecipe) { shapelessRecipes.add((ShapelessRecipe) recipe); return true; } else if (recipe instanceof FurnaceRecipe) { furnaceRecipes.add((FurnaceRecipe) recipe); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Get a furnace recipe from the crafting manager. * @param input The furnace input. * @return The FurnaceRecipe, or null if none is found. */ public FurnaceRecipe getFurnaceRecipe(ItemStack input) { for (FurnaceRecipe recipe : furnaceRecipes) { if (matchesWildcard(recipe.getInput(), input)) { return recipe; } } return null; } /** * Get how long a given fuel material will burn for. * @param material The fuel material. * @return The time in ticks, or 0 if that material does not burn. */ public int getFuelTime(Material material) { if (furnaceFuels.containsKey(material)) { return furnaceFuels.get(material); } else { return 0; } } /** * Remove enough items from the given item list to form the given recipe. * @param items The items to remove the ingredients from. * @param recipe A recipe known to match the items. */ public void removeItems(ItemStack[] items, Recipe recipe) { // todo } /** * Get a shaped or shapeless recipe from the crafting manager. * @param items An array of items with null being empty slots. Length should be a perfect square. * @return The ShapedRecipe or ShapelessRecipe that matches the input, or null if none match. */ public Recipe getCraftingRecipe(ItemStack[] items) { int size = (int) Math.sqrt(items.length); if (size * size != items.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ItemStack list was not square (was " + items.length + ")"); } ShapedRecipe result = getShapedRecipe(size, items); if (result != null) { return result; } ItemStack[] reversedItems = new ItemStack[items.length]; for (int row = 0; row < size; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < size; ++col) { int col2 = size - 1 - col; reversedItems[row * size + col] = items[row * size + col2]; } } // this check saves the trouble of iterating through all the recipes again if (!Arrays.equals(items, reversedItems)) { result = getShapedRecipe(size, reversedItems); if (result != null) { return result; } } return getShapelessRecipe(items); } private ShapedRecipe getShapedRecipe(int size, ItemStack[] items) { for (ShapedRecipe recipe : shapedRecipes) { Map<Character, ItemStack> ingredients = recipe.getIngredientMap(); String[] shape = recipe.getShape(); int rows = shape.length, cols = 0; for (String row : shape) { if (row.length() > cols) { cols = row.length(); } } if (rows == 0 || cols == 0) continue; // outer loop: try at each possible starting position for (int rStart = 0; rStart <= size - rows; ++rStart) { position: for (int cStart = 0; cStart <= size - cols; ++cStart) { // inner loop: verify recipe against this position for (int row = 0; row < rows; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < cols; ++col) { ItemStack given = items[(rStart + row) * size + cStart + col]; char ingredientChar = shape[row].length() > col ? shape[row].charAt(col) : ' '; ItemStack expected = ingredients.get(ingredientChar); // check for mismatch in presence of an item in that slot at all if (expected == null) { if (given != null) { continue position; } else { continue; // good match } } else if (given == null) { continue position; } // check for type and data match if (!matchesWildcard(expected, given)) { continue position; } } } // also check that no items outside the recipe size are present for (int row = 0; row < size; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < size; col++) { // if this position is outside the recipe and non-null, fail if ((row < rStart || row >= rStart + rows || col < cStart || col >= cStart + cols) && items[row * size + col] != null) { continue position; } } } // recipe matches and zero items outside the recipe part. return recipe; } } // end position loop } // end recipe loop return null; } private ShapelessRecipe getShapelessRecipe(ItemStack[] items) { recipe: for (ShapelessRecipe recipe : shapelessRecipes) { boolean[] accountedFor = new boolean[items.length]; // Mark empty item slots accounted for for (int i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) { accountedFor[i] = items[i] == null; } // Make sure each ingredient in the recipe exists in the inventory ingredient: for (ItemStack ingredient : recipe.getIngredientList()) { for (int i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) { // if this item is not already used and it matches this ingredient... if (!accountedFor[i] && matchesWildcard(ingredient, items[i])) { // ... this item is accounted for and this ingredient is found. accountedFor[i] = true; continue ingredient; } } // no item matched this ingredient, so the recipe fails continue recipe; } // Make sure inventory has no leftover items for (int i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) { if (!accountedFor[i]) { continue recipe; } } return recipe; } return null; } @Override public Iterator<Recipe> iterator() { return Iterators.concat(shapedRecipes.iterator(), shapelessRecipes.iterator(), furnaceRecipes.iterator()); } private boolean isWildcard(short data) { // old-style wildcards (byte -1) not supported return data == Short.MAX_VALUE; } private boolean matchesWildcard(ItemStack expected, ItemStack actual) { return expected.getType() == actual.getType() && (isWildcard(expected.getDurability()) || expected.getDurability() == actual.getDurability()); } /** * Get a list of all recipes for a given item. The stack size is ignored * in comparisons. If the durability is -1, it will match any data value. * @param result The item whose recipes you want * @return The list of recipes */ public List<Recipe> getRecipesFor(ItemStack result) { // handling for old-style wildcards if (result.getDurability() == -1) { result = result.clone(); result.setDurability(Short.MAX_VALUE); } List<Recipe> recipes = new LinkedList<>(); for (Recipe recipe : this) { if (matchesWildcard(result, recipe.getResult())) { recipes.add(recipe); } } return recipes; } /** * Clear all recipes. */ public void clearRecipes() { shapedRecipes.clear(); shapelessRecipes.clear(); furnaceRecipes.clear(); furnaceFuels.clear(); } /** * Reset the crafting recipe lists to their default states. */ public void resetRecipes() { clearRecipes(); loadRecipes(); // Smelting fuels (time is in ticks) furnaceFuels.put(Material.COAL, 1600); furnaceFuels.put(Material.WOOD, 300); furnaceFuels.put(Material.SAPLING, 100); furnaceFuels.put(Material.STICK, 100); furnaceFuels.put(Material.FENCE, 300); furnaceFuels.put(Material.WOOD_STAIRS, 400); furnaceFuels.put(Material.TRAP_DOOR, 300); furnaceFuels.put(Material.LOG, 300); furnaceFuels.put(Material.WORKBENCH, 300); furnaceFuels.put(Material.BOOKSHELF, 300); furnaceFuels.put(Material.CHEST, 300); furnaceFuels.put(Material.JUKEBOX, 300); furnaceFuels.put(Material.NOTE_BLOCK, 300); furnaceFuels.put(Material.LOCKED_CHEST, 300); furnaceFuels.put(Material.LAVA_BUCKET, 20000); } /** * Load default recipes from built-in recipes.yml file. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void loadRecipes() { // Load recipes from recipes.yml file InputStream in = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("builtin/recipes.yml"); if (in == null) { GlowServer.logger.warning("Could not find default recipes on classpath"); return; } ConfigurationSection config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(in); // shaped for (Map<?, ?> data : config.getMapList("shaped")) { ItemStack resultStack = ItemStack.deserialize((Map<String, Object>) data.get("result")); ShapedRecipe recipe = new ShapedRecipe(resultStack); List<String> shape = (List<String>) data.get("shape"); recipe.shape(shape.toArray(new String[shape.size()])); Map<String, Map<String, Object>> ingreds = (Map<String, Map<String, Object>>) data.get("ingredients"); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Object>> entry : ingreds.entrySet()) { ItemStack stack = ItemStack.deserialize(entry.getValue()); recipe.setIngredient(entry.getKey().charAt(0), stack.getData()); } shapedRecipes.add(recipe); } // shapeless for (Map<?, ?> data : config.getMapList("shapeless")) { ItemStack resultStack = ItemStack.deserialize((Map<String, Object>) data.get("result")); ShapelessRecipe recipe = new ShapelessRecipe(resultStack); List<Map<String, Object>> ingreds = (List<Map<String, Object>>) data.get("ingredients"); for (Map<String, Object> entry : ingreds) { recipe.addIngredient(ItemStack.deserialize(entry).getData()); } shapelessRecipes.add(recipe); } // furnace for (Map<?, ?> data : config.getMapList("furnace")) { ItemStack inputStack = ItemStack.deserialize((Map<String, Object>) data.get("input")); ItemStack resultStack = ItemStack.deserialize((Map<String, Object>) data.get("result")); furnaceRecipes.add(new FurnaceRecipe(resultStack, inputStack.getData())); } } }