package org.baderlab.csplugins.brainlib;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.TreeSet;
* Copyright (c) 2005 Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
* *
* * Code written by: Gary Bader
* * Authors: Gary Bader, Chris Sander
* *
* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
* * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
* * any later version.
* *
* * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* * documentation provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and
* * Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
* * has no obligations to provide maintenance, support,
* * updates, enhancements or modifications. In no event shall the
* * Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
* * be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special,
* * incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising
* * out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if
* * Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
* * has been advised of the possibility of such damage. See
* * the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* *
* * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* * Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
* *
* * User: GaryBader
* * Date: Aug 4, 2005
* * Time: 5:59:00 PM
* Implements average linkage hierarchical clustering
public class AvgLinkHierarchicalClustering {
* result: The clustering solution. Each row in the matrix describes one linking event,
* with the two columns containing the integer identifier of the nodes that were joined.
* The original elements are numbered 0..nelements-1, nodes are numbered
* -1..-(nelements-1).
protected int[][] result = null;
* linkDistance: For each node, the distance between the two subnodes that were joined. The
* number of nodes is equal to the number of items clustered minus one.
protected double[] linkDistance = null;
protected DistanceMatrix distanceMatrix = null;
protected int nelements = 0; //number of elements in the distance matrix
protected int[] leafOrder; //stores the order of the final output of the matrix - filled during clustering
protected boolean optimalLeafOrdering = true; //by default, use optimal leaf ordering (otherwise heuristic is used)
protected boolean singleLinkage = false; //by default, use average linkage clustering
protected ArrayList labelHighlight; //a list of LabelColorPair objects
public final static String LEAF_ORDERING_BARJOSEPH2003 = "Bar-Joseph";
* linkedLeaves: pairs of leaves linked at each node of the result. Each row in this matrix
* describes one linking event, with the 2 columns containing the integer identifier of the leaves
* that were joined.
protected int[][] linkedLeaves = null;
* @param distanceMatrix The distance matrix, with zeros along the diagonal.
* The distance matrix is a ragged array containing the distances
* As the distance matrix is symmetric, with zeros on the diagonal, only the
* lower triangular half of the distance matrix is saved.
* Distances must be normalized to 0..1 since these methods
* need to convert from distances to similarities occasionally.
public AvgLinkHierarchicalClustering(DistanceMatrix distanceMatrix) {
this.distanceMatrix = distanceMatrix;
nelements = distanceMatrix.getMatrixDimension();
result = new int[nelements - 1][2];
linkedLeaves = new int[nelements - 1][2];
linkDistance = new double[nelements];
leafOrder = new int[nelements];
* Get the String label of the clustered element at original index 'elementIndex'
* @param elementIndex The index of the element in the original distance matrix used to create the clustering
* @return The String element label
public String getLabel(int elementIndex) {
String elementLabel = (String) distanceMatrix.getLabels().get(elementIndex);
return elementLabel;
* Private class to hold a pair of integers for distance matrix lookup
private class Pair {
public int i, j;
public Pair() {
this.i = 0;
this.j = 0;
* This function searches the distance matrix to find the pair with the shortest
* distance between them. The indices of the pair are returned in pair; the
* distance itself is returned by the function.
* @param pair index i and j of the pair stored in a Pair object
* @return The shortest distance found
private double findClosestPair(int nNodes, Pair pair, DistanceMatrix dmInternal) {
double distance = dmInternal.getValue(1, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodes; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
if (dmInternal.getValue(i, j) < distance) {
distance = dmInternal.getValue(i, j);
pair.i = i;
pair.j = j;
//if closest pair not found in loop, the 1,0 is the closest pair and this should be captured outside of this call
return distance;
* Performs hierarchical clustering using the distance matrix provided in the constructor
* (average linkage clustering)
* This clustering code ported to Java from Michiel de Hoon's open source clustering library
public void run() {
/* Keep track of the number of elements in each cluster
* (needed to calculate the average) */
int[] number = new int[nelements];
/* Setup a list specifying to which cluster a gene belongs */
int[] clusterid = new int[nelements];
for (int j = 0; j < nelements; j++) {
number[j] = 1;
clusterid[j] = j;
//copy the distance matrix so that the original matrix is not affected by this method
DistanceMatrix dmInternal = distanceMatrix.copy();
//hierarchical clustering step
Pair pair = new Pair();
for (int nNodes = nelements; nNodes > 1; nNodes--) {
pair.i = 1; //set to start coordinates of the search in findClosestPair
pair.j = 0;
linkDistance[nelements - nNodes] = findClosestPair(nNodes, pair, dmInternal);
int isaved = pair.i;
int jsaved = pair.j;
int sum = 0;
/* Save linked leaves from the closest pair */
linkedLeaves[nelements - nNodes][0] = pair.i;
linkedLeaves[nelements - nNodes][1] = pair.j;
/* Save result */
result[nelements - nNodes][0] = clusterid[isaved];
result[nelements - nNodes][1] = clusterid[jsaved];
if (!singleLinkage) {
/* Update the distances - average linkage */
sum = number[isaved] + number[jsaved];
for (int j = 0; j < jsaved; j++) {
dmInternal.setValue(jsaved, j, dmInternal.getValue(isaved, j) * number[isaved]
+ dmInternal.getValue(jsaved, j) * number[jsaved]);
dmInternal.setValue(jsaved, j, dmInternal.getValue(jsaved, j) / sum);
for (int j = jsaved + 1; j < isaved; j++) {
dmInternal.setValue(j, jsaved, dmInternal.getValue(isaved, j) * number[isaved]
+ dmInternal.getValue(j, jsaved) * number[jsaved]);
dmInternal.setValue(j, jsaved, dmInternal.getValue(j, jsaved) / sum);
for (int j = isaved + 1; j < nNodes; j++) {
dmInternal.setValue(j, jsaved, dmInternal.getValue(j, isaved) * number[isaved]
+ dmInternal.getValue(j, jsaved) * number[jsaved]);
dmInternal.setValue(j, jsaved, dmInternal.getValue(j, jsaved) / sum);
for (int j = 0; j < isaved; j++)
dmInternal.setValue(isaved, j, dmInternal.getValue(nNodes - 1, j));
for (int j = isaved + 1; j < nNodes - 1; j++)
dmInternal.setValue(j, isaved, dmInternal.getValue(nNodes - 1, j));
/* Update number of elements in the clusters */
number[jsaved] = sum;
number[isaved] = number[nNodes - 1];
/* Update clusterids */
clusterid[jsaved] = nNodes - nelements - 1;
clusterid[isaved] = clusterid[nNodes - 1];
dmInternal = null; //free this potentially large matrix
//Create an ordering for the leaves
if (optimalLeafOrdering) {
orderLeavesBarJoseph2003(result, distanceMatrix, leafOrder);
} else {
public void old_run() {
/* Keep track of the number of elements in each cluster
* (needed to calculate the average) */
int[] number = new int[nelements];
/* Setup a list specifying to which cluster a gene belongs */
int[] clusterid = new int[nelements];
for (int j = 0; j < nelements; j++) {
number[j] = 1;
clusterid[j] = j;
//copy the distance matrix so that the original matrix is not affected by this method
DistanceMatrix dmInternal = distanceMatrix.copy();
//hierarchical clustering step
Pair pair = new Pair();
for (int nNodes = nelements; nNodes > 1; nNodes--) {
pair.i = 1; //set to start coordinates of the search in findClosestPair
pair.j = 0;
linkDistance[nelements - nNodes] = findClosestPair(nNodes, pair, dmInternal);
int isaved = pair.i;
int jsaved = pair.j;
int sum = 0;
/* Save result */
result[nelements - nNodes][0] = clusterid[isaved];
result[nelements - nNodes][1] = clusterid[jsaved];
/* Update the distances - average linkage */
sum = number[isaved] + number[jsaved];
for (int j = 0; j < jsaved; j++) {
dmInternal.setValue(jsaved, j, dmInternal.getValue(isaved, j) * number[isaved]
+ dmInternal.getValue(jsaved, j) * number[jsaved]);
dmInternal.setValue(jsaved, j, dmInternal.getValue(jsaved, j) / sum);
for (int j = jsaved + 1; j < isaved; j++) {
dmInternal.setValue(j, jsaved, dmInternal.getValue(isaved, j) * number[isaved]
+ dmInternal.getValue(j, jsaved) * number[jsaved]);
dmInternal.setValue(j, jsaved, dmInternal.getValue(j, jsaved) / sum);
for (int j = isaved + 1; j < nNodes; j++) {
dmInternal.setValue(j, jsaved, dmInternal.getValue(j, isaved) * number[isaved]
+ dmInternal.getValue(j, jsaved) * number[jsaved]);
dmInternal.setValue(j, jsaved, dmInternal.getValue(j, jsaved) / sum);
for (int j = 0; j < isaved; j++)
dmInternal.setValue(isaved, j, dmInternal.getValue(nNodes - 1, j));
for (int j = isaved + 1; j < nNodes - 1; j++)
dmInternal.setValue(j, isaved, dmInternal.getValue(nNodes - 1, j));
/* Update number of elements in the clusters */
number[jsaved] = sum;
number[isaved] = number[nNodes - 1];
/* Update clusterids */
clusterid[jsaved] = nNodes - nelements - 1;
clusterid[isaved] = clusterid[nNodes - 1];
dmInternal = null; //free this potentially large matrix
//Create an ordering for the leaves
if (optimalLeafOrdering) {
orderLeavesBarJoseph2003(result, distanceMatrix, leafOrder);
} else {
* Takes hierarchical clustering output and divides the elements in the tree structure
* into clusters. The number of clusters is specified by the user.
* <p/>
* This clustering code ported to Java from Michiel de Hoon's open source clustering library
* @param nclusters The number of clusters to be formed. Ranges from 1..nelements.
* @return int[nelements] - The number of the cluster to which each element was assigned.
public int[] cutTree(int nclusters) {
int i, j, k;
int icluster = 0;
int n = nelements - nclusters; /* number of nodes to join */
int[] nodeid;
int clusterid[] = new int[nelements];
/* Check the tree */
boolean flag = false;
if (nclusters > nelements || nclusters < 1) flag = true;
for (i = 0; i < nelements - 1; i++) {
if (result[i][0] >= nelements || result[i][0] < -i ||
result[i][1] >= nelements || result[i][1] < -i) {
flag = true;
/* Assign all elements to cluster -1 and return if an error is found. */
if (flag) {
for (i = 0; i < nelements; i++) clusterid[i] = -1;
return null;
/* The tree array is safe to use. */
for (i = nelements - 2; i >= n; i--) {
k = result[i][0];
if (k >= 0) {
clusterid[k] = icluster;
k = result[i][1];
if (k >= 0) {
clusterid[k] = icluster;
nodeid = new int[n];
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) nodeid[i] = -1;
for (i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (nodeid[i] < 0) {
j = icluster;
nodeid[i] = j;
} else
j = nodeid[i];
k = result[i][0];
if (k < 0) nodeid[-k - 1] = j;
else clusterid[k] = j;
k = result[i][1];
if (k < 0) nodeid[-k - 1] = j;
else clusterid[k] = j;
return clusterid;
* Checks if optimal leaf ordering is turned on (this is the default)
public boolean isOptimalLeafOrdering() {
return optimalLeafOrdering;
* If true (default), uses Bar-Joseph 2003 optimal leaf ordering
* If false, uses Eisen heuristic leaf ordering
* @param optimalLeafOrdering
public void setOptimalLeafOrdering(boolean optimalLeafOrdering) {
this.optimalLeafOrdering = optimalLeafOrdering;
public void setLeafOrderingMethod(String leafOrderingMethod) {
if (leafOrderingMethod == LEAF_ORDERING_BARJOSEPH2003) {
this.optimalLeafOrdering = true;
else {
this.optimalLeafOrdering = false;
public boolean isSingleLinkage() {
return singleLinkage;
public void setSingleLinkage(boolean flag) {
singleLinkage = flag;
* Returns the clustering solution as a HierarchicalClusteringResultTree object.
* Note: Each time this method is called, a HierarchicalClusteringResultTree
* is created from more efficient internal data structures.
* @return The root of a tree describing the clustering solution
public HierarchicalClusteringResultTree getResult() {
return convertResultTreeToTreeClass(result, linkDistance, leafOrder);
* Convert hierarchical clustering result tree to HierarchicalClusteringResultTree
* Note: converts from the leaves up towards the root
private HierarchicalClusteringResultTree convertResultTreeToTreeClass(int[][] resultTree, double[] linkDistance, int[] leafOrder) {
//save the leaf order list for convenient searching
ArrayList leafOrderList = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < leafOrder.length; i++) {
int index = leafOrder[i];
leafOrderList.add(new Integer(index));
ArrayList clusteredElementLabels = distanceMatrix.getLabels();
* resultTree: Each row in the matrix describes one linking event,
* with the two columns containing the name of the nodes that were joined.
* The original elements are numbered 0..nelements-1, nodes are numbered
* -1..-(nelements-1).
HierarchicalClusteringResultTree t = null; //root
HierarchicalClusteringResultTree[] internalNodeList = new HierarchicalClusteringResultTree[resultTree.length + 1]; //one for each internal node (node index starts at 1)
for (int i = 0; i < resultTree.length; i++) {
HierarchicalClusteringResultTree tleft = null;
HierarchicalClusteringResultTree tright = null;
if (resultTree[i][0] >= 0) { //leaf
tleft = new HierarchicalClusteringResultTree(resultTree[i][0], leafOrderList.indexOf(new Integer(resultTree[i][0])),
(String) clusteredElementLabels.get(resultTree[i][0]));
} else { //node
tleft = internalNodeList[-resultTree[i][0]];
if (resultTree[i][1] >= 0) { //leaf
tright = new HierarchicalClusteringResultTree(resultTree[i][1], leafOrderList.indexOf(new Integer(resultTree[i][1])),
(String) clusteredElementLabels.get(resultTree[i][1]));
} else { //node
tright = internalNodeList[-resultTree[i][1]];
HierarchicalClusteringResultTree leftLeaf = new HierarchicalClusteringResultTree(linkedLeaves[i][0], leafOrderList.indexOf(new Integer(linkedLeaves[i][0])),
(String) clusteredElementLabels.get(linkedLeaves[i][0]));
HierarchicalClusteringResultTree rightLeaf = new HierarchicalClusteringResultTree(linkedLeaves[i][1], leafOrderList.indexOf(new Integer(linkedLeaves[i][1])),
(String) clusteredElementLabels.get(linkedLeaves[i][1]));
t = internalNodeList[i + 1] = new HierarchicalClusteringResultTree(tleft, tright, i + 1, linkDistance[i], leftLeaf, rightLeaf);
return t;
* Gets the number of elements that were clustered
public int getNelements() {
return nelements;
* Return the maximum distance found in the clustering result
public double getMaxDistance() {
double maxDistance = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < linkDistance.length; i++) {
maxDistance = Math.max(maxDistance, linkDistance[i]);
return maxDistance;
* Return the order to output the leaves
* Array values are leaf indices, so i..length provides the order of leaf indices
public int[] getLeafOrder() {
return leafOrder;
* Order the leaves on the tree in a reasonable order. This imposes an ordering on the rows of the
* distance matrix. (Used for the Eisen heuristic leaf ordering)
* @param order Original order of elements
* @param nodeorder Order of nodes
* @param nodecounts Number of elements per node (cluster)
* @param NodeElement Representation of tree - each row represents a node and contains 2 children
* @param leafOrder Will store the output order for the leaves
private void treeSort(double[] order, double[] nodeorder, int[] nodecounts, int NodeElement[][], int[] leafOrder) {
int nNodes = nelements - 1;
double[] neworder = new double[nelements]; /* initialized to 0.0 */
int[] clusterids = new int[nelements];
for (int i = 0; i < nelements; i++) {
clusterids[i] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < nNodes; i++) {
int i1 = NodeElement[i][0];
int i2 = NodeElement[i][1];
double order1 = (i1 < 0) ? nodeorder[-i1 - 1] : order[i1];
double order2 = (i2 < 0) ? nodeorder[-i2 - 1] : order[i2];
int count1 = (i1 < 0) ? nodecounts[-i1 - 1] : 1;
int count2 = (i2 < 0) ? nodecounts[-i2 - 1] : 1;
/* If order1 and order2 are equal, their order is determined by
* the order in which they were clustered */
if (i1 < i2) {
double increase = (order1 < order2) ? count1 : count2;
for (int j = 0; j < nelements; j++) {
int clusterid = clusterids[j];
if (clusterid == i1 && order1 >= order2) neworder[j] += increase;
if (clusterid == i2 && order1 < order2) neworder[j] += increase;
if (clusterid == i1 || clusterid == i2) clusterids[j] = -i - 1;
} else {
double increase = (order1 <= order2) ? count1 : count2;
for (int j = 0; j < nelements; j++) {
int clusterid = clusterids[j];
if (clusterid == i1 && order1 > order2) neworder[j] += increase;
if (clusterid == i2 && order1 <= order2) neworder[j] += increase;
if (clusterid == i1 || clusterid == i2) clusterids[j] = -i - 1;
//keep track of how to output the final matrix so that it is this order
sort(neworder, leafOrder);
* Sets up an index table given the data, such that data[index[]] is in
* increasing order. The array data is unchanged.
private void sort(double data[], int index[]) {
/*this is like a 2-column sort in Excel, where one colomn defines the sort and then the other
column contains the order you want*/
class DataIndexPair implements Comparable {
public double data;
public int index;
public DataIndexPair(double data, int index) { = data;
this.index = index;
public int compareTo(Object o) {
DataIndexPair that = (DataIndexPair) o;
return (int) ( -;
TreeSet indexValue = new TreeSet();
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
DataIndexPair dataIndexDataIndexPair = new DataIndexPair(data[i], i);
//values are sorted by keys
Iterator values = indexValue.iterator();
int i = 0;
while (values.hasNext()) {
DataIndexPair dataIndexPair = (DataIndexPair);
index[i] = dataIndexPair.index;
* Orders leaf nodes according to a heuristic
* Note: final ordering highly dependent on input ordering
* <p/>
* Ported from Michael Eisen's Cluster software code
* @param leafOrder
private void orderLeavesEisenHeuristic(int[] leafOrder) {
int nNodes = nelements - 1;
double[] nodeorder = new double[nNodes];
int[] nodecounts = new int[nNodes]; //number of elements in a node(cluster)
//order of elements to cluster - this is just the index of the elements of the DistanceMatrix
double[] origOrder = new double[nelements]; //order of elements in the distance matrix
for (int i = 0; i < origOrder.length; i++) {
origOrder[i] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < nNodes; i++) {
int min1 = result[i][0];
int min2 = result[i][1];
/* min1 and min2 are the elements that are to be joined */
double order1;
double order2;
int counts1;
int counts2;
if (min1 < 0) {
int index1 = -min1 - 1;
order1 = nodeorder[index1];
counts1 = nodecounts[index1];
linkDistance[i] = Math.max(linkDistance[i], linkDistance[index1]);
} else {
order1 = origOrder[min1];
counts1 = 1;
if (min2 < 0) {
int index2 = -min2 - 1;
order2 = nodeorder[index2];
counts2 = nodecounts[index2];
linkDistance[i] = Math.max(linkDistance[i], linkDistance[index2]);
} else {
order2 = origOrder[min2];
counts2 = 1;
nodecounts[i] = counts1 + counts2;
nodeorder[i] = (counts1 * order1 + counts2 * order2)
/ (counts1 + counts2);
/* Now set up order based on the tree structure */
for (int i = 0; i < nelements; i++) {
leafOrder[i] = i; //geneindex should be nelements long - global and filled here
treeSort(origOrder, nodeorder, nodecounts, result, leafOrder);
//following code starting here is for optimal leaf ordering
private final int rightTree = 2;
private final int leftTree = 1;
private final double maxAdd = 2;
private class LeafPair {
private int leftLeaf;
private int rightLeaf;
private LeafPair preLeft;
private LeafPair preRight;
private int n1, n2;
// Pair for best tree construction
public LeafPair(int l, int r, LeafPair pl, LeafPair pr, int t1, int t2) {
leftLeaf = l;
rightLeaf = r;
preLeft = pl;
preRight = pr;
n1 = t1;
n2 = t2;
private class LeafDist implements Comparable {
public int n;
public double dist;
public LeafPair best;
public LeafDist(int to, double d, LeafPair p) {
n = to;
dist = d;
best = p;
public int compareTo(Object o) {
LeafDist ld = (LeafDist) o;
//Changed the comparator. In Java 7 compareTo method throws a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract!
//In Java 7 they changed the implementation of the compareto method cause this thrown exception
//suggestions on web included forcing java to use the old implementation, checking for Nan values or changing the implementation.
//Checking for Nan did not solve the problem.
if(this.dist > ld.dist)
return 1;
if(this.dist < ld.dist)
return -1;
return 0;
//return (int) (this.dist - ld.dist);
private class Leaf {
private int index;
private LeafDist[] curDist, newDist;
private double[][] distMat;
private int listSize, newSize;
public double bestNew;
void setSize(int size) {
listSize = size;
int giveSize() {
return listSize;
LeafDist[] giveList() {
return curDist;
void initNewSize(int nSize) {
newDist = new LeafDist[nSize];
void initNewDist() {
newDist = null;
int giveIndex() {
return index;
// Each gene is assigned a leaf, initially it does not have
// any pairing gene.
public Leaf(int num, double[][] mat) {
index = num;
distMat = mat;
LeafPair oneLeaf = new LeafPair(index, -1, null, null, 1, 0);
curDist = new LeafDist[1];
curDist[0] = new LeafDist(index, 0, oneLeaf);
listSize = 1;
newDist = null;
newSize = 0;
bestNew = Double.MAX_VALUE;
// replace previous pair list (from previous subtree) with
// a new one from the current subtree
void replace() {
int i;
// delete previous distance list
for (i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
curDist[i] = null;
curDist = null;
listSize = newSize;
// bestNew becomes the maximum distance that may help in future
// trees.
bestNew += maxAdd;
curDist = new LeafDist[listSize];
for (i = 0; i < newSize; i++) {
curDist[i] = newDist[i];
newDist = null;
newSize = 0;
bestNew = Double.MAX_VALUE;
// Adds corner to list of corners, and finds the best distance
// with corner on the other side.
void addToNew(Leaf[] corner1, Leaf[] corner2, int n1, int n2, int c1, int c2, double max1) {
int fromNum, fromIndex;
LeafDist[] fDist;
Leaf curLeaf;
int i, j;
double[] bestC = new double[nelements + 1];
double curVal, bestD;
double bestPos;
int[] bForC = new int[nelements + 1];
int cForD = 0, dPlace = 0;
double maxAC = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (j = 0; j < c1; j++) {
fromIndex = corner1[j].giveIndex();
bestC[fromIndex] = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
bestPos = curDist[i].dist + max1;
if (bestPos > bestC[fromIndex]) // optimization
i = listSize;
else {
curVal = curDist[i].dist + distMat[curDist[i].n][fromIndex];
if (curVal < bestC[fromIndex]) {
bestC[fromIndex] = curVal;
bForC[fromIndex] = i;
if (bestC[fromIndex] < maxAC)
maxAC = bestC[fromIndex];
for (j = 0; j < c2; j++) {
bestD = Double.MAX_VALUE;
curLeaf = corner2[j];
fromNum = curLeaf.giveSize();
fromIndex = curLeaf.giveIndex();
fDist = curLeaf.giveList();
for (i = 0; i < fromNum; i++) {
bestPos = curLeaf.curDist[i].dist + maxAC;
if (bestPos > bestD)
i = fromNum; // optimization
else {
curVal = bestC[fDist[i].n] + curLeaf.curDist[i].dist;
if (curVal < bestD) {
bestD = curVal;
cForD = curLeaf.curDist[i].n;
dPlace = i;
LeafPair newPair = new LeafPair(index, fromIndex,
curDist[bForC[cForD]].best, fDist[dPlace].best, n1, n2);
newDist[newSize] = new LeafDist(fromIndex, bestD, newPair);
LeafPair cornerPair = new LeafPair(fromIndex, index,
fDist[dPlace].best, curDist[bForC[cForD]].best, n2, n1);
curLeaf.addNewDist(index, bestD, cornerPair);
bForC = null;
bestC = null;
// adds a new pair to the dist list
void addNewDist(int n, double dist, LeafPair p) {
newDist[newSize] = new LeafDist(n, dist, p);
// the optimization for the last two subtrees, no need
// to compute distance to all leaves, the best will suffice (see paper).
int findLast(Leaf[] corner1, Leaf[] corner2, int n1, int n2) {
LeafDist[] myDist;
Leaf curLeaf;
int i, j;
double curVal, best = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double myVal;
int myInd = 0, bestIndl = 0, bestIndr = 0, mBestl = 0, mBestr = 0;
LeafPair lpre = null, rpre = null;
LeafDist[][] fDist = new LeafDist[n2][];
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
fDist[i] = corner2[i].giveList();
for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) {
curLeaf = corner1[j];
myDist = curLeaf.giveList();
myVal = myDist[0].dist;
myInd = curLeaf.giveIndex();
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
curVal = myVal + fDist[i][0].dist + distMat[myInd][corner2[i].giveIndex()];
if (best > curVal) {
best = curVal;
bestIndl = myDist[0].n;
bestIndr = fDist[i][0].n;
mBestl = myInd;
mBestr = corner2[i].giveIndex();
LeafPair newPair;
int place = 0, size;
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
if (corner2[i].giveIndex() == bestIndr) {
size = corner2[i].giveSize();
for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (fDist[i][j].n == mBestr) {
rpre = fDist[i][j].best;
j = size;
i = n2;
for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) {
if (corner1[i].giveIndex() == bestIndl) {
size = corner1[i].giveSize();
myDist = corner1[i].giveList();
for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (myDist[j].n == mBestl) {
lpre = myDist[j].best;
j = size;
newPair = new LeafPair(bestIndl, bestIndr, lpre, rpre, n1, n2);
place = i;
corner1[i].addNewDist(bestIndr, best, newPair);
i = n1;
fDist = null;
return place;
private class Tree {
private Tree left, right;
private int numLeafs;
private Leaf[] allLeafs; //list of Leaf instances
private int nodeNum;
private double[][] mat;
// generate a leaf (tree with only one node)
public Tree(int index, double[][] m) {
mat = m;
nodeNum = index;
allLeafs = new Leaf[1];
Leaf myLeaf = new Leaf(index, mat);
allLeafs[0] = myLeaf;
numLeafs = 1;
left = right = null;
// combine two trees
public Tree(Tree t1, Tree t2, int nNum) {
nodeNum = nNum;
mat = t1.giveMat();
int n1 = t1.giveNumLeafs();
int n2 = t2.giveNumLeafs();
numLeafs = n1 + n2;
allLeafs = new Leaf[numLeafs];
int i;
Leaf[] l = t1.giveLeafs();
for (i = 0; i < n1; i++)
allLeafs[i] = l[i];
l = t2.giveLeafs();
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++)
allLeafs[n1 + i] = l[i];
left = t1;
right = t2;
// compute the optimal order for this tree
int compDist() {
if (numLeafs == 1) { // no nodes to flip
return 0;
int i, j;
left.compDist(); // compute optimal order matrix t subtree
int n1 = left.giveNumLeafs();
int n2 = right.giveNumLeafs();
if (n1 + n2 == nelements) { // last two subtrees
return lastTree(n1, n2);
// this is an optimization which
// reduces the running time by half, see paper for details
if (n1 > 1 && n2 > 1) {
return compDist(n1, n2); // calling another optimization
} else { // one subtree has only one leaf
Leaf[] l1 = left.giveLeafs();
Leaf[] l2 = right.giveLeafs();
for (j = 0; j < n2; j++)
for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) {
// this function actually computes the set of optimal orders
// of leftmost and rightmost leaves in the combined tree.
l1[i].addToNew(l2, l2, n1, n2, n2, n2, Double.MIN_VALUE);
for (j = 0; j < n2; j++)
return 0;
// optimization, perfromed for combining the last two subtrees
int lastTree(int n1, int n2) {
Leaf[] l1 = left.giveLeafs();
Leaf[] l2 = right.giveLeafs();
int res = l1[0].findLast(l1, l2, n1, n2);
return res;
// optimization which allows for early termination of the search
// see paper for details
int compDist(int tot1, int tot2) {
Tree t1 = left;
Tree t2 = right;
Tree t1l = t1.left;
Tree t1r = t1.right;
Tree t2l = t2.left;
Tree t2r = t2.right;
int n1 = t1l.giveNumLeafs();
int n2 = t1r.giveNumLeafs();
int n3 = t2l.giveNumLeafs();
int n4 = t2r.giveNumLeafs();
Leaf[] l1 = t1l.giveLeafs();
Leaf[] l2 = t1r.giveLeafs();
Leaf[] l3 = t2l.giveLeafs();
Leaf[] l4 = t2r.giveLeafs();
Leaf[] c2 = t2.giveLeafs();
double mint1lt2l, mint1lt2r, mint1rt2l, mint1rt2r;
mint1lt2l = mint1lt2r = mint1rt2l = mint1rt2r = 1;
int i, j, i1, i2, j3, j4;
// compute minimum similarity between genes in these
// two subtrees
for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) {
i1 = l1[i].giveIndex();
for (j = 0; j < n3; j++) {
j3 = l3[j].giveIndex();
if (mat[i1][j3] < mint1rt2r) {
mint1rt2r = mat[i1][j3];
for (j = 0; j < n4; j++) {
j4 = l4[j].giveIndex();
if (mat[i1][j4] < mint1rt2l) {
mint1rt2l = mat[i1][j4];
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
i2 = l2[i].giveIndex();
for (j = 0; j < n3; j++) {
j3 = l3[j].giveIndex();
if (mat[i2][j3] < mint1lt2r) {
mint1lt2r = mat[i2][j3];
for (j = 0; j < n4; j++) {
j4 = l4[j].giveIndex();
if (mat[i2][j4] < mint1lt2l) {
mint1lt2l = mat[i2][j4];
for (j = 0; j < tot2; j++)
for (i = 0; i < n1; i++) {
// use precomputed minimums to terminate the search early
l1[i].addToNew(l4, l3, tot1, tot2, n4, n3, mint1lt2l);
l1[i].addToNew(l3, l4, tot1, tot2, n3, n4, mint1lt2r);
for (i = 0; i < n2; i++) {
l2[i].addToNew(l4, l3, tot1, tot2, n4, n3, mint1rt2l);
l2[i].addToNew(l3, l4, tot1, tot2, n3, n4, mint1rt2r);
for (j = 0; j < tot2; j++)
return 0;
// called by the main program to return the optimal order
// of the tree leaves
Object[] returnOrder() {
int start = compDist();
LeafDist[] myDist = allLeafs[start].giveList();
Double bestDist = new Double(myDist[0].dist);
LeafPair best = myDist[0].best;
int[] res = new int[numLeafs];
// used to find the correct order of the leaves
// of the tree
compTree(best.preLeft, res, 0, best.n1 - 1, leftTree);
compTree(best.preRight, res, best.n1, numLeafs - 1, rightTree);
Object[] ret = new Object[2];
ret[0] = res;
ret[1] = bestDist;
return ret;
// computes the new order of the leaves, based on the optimal
// ordering computation (using the 'best' struct).
void compTree(LeafPair best, int[] res, int start, int last, int l) {
if (start == last) {
res[start] = best.leftLeaf;
if (l == leftTree) {
compTree(best.preLeft, res, start, start + best.n1 - 1, leftTree);
compTree(best.preRight, res, start + best.n1, last, rightTree);
if (l == rightTree) {
compTree(best.preLeft, res, start + best.n2, last, rightTree);
compTree(best.preRight, res, start, start + best.n2 - 1, leftTree);
// computes the sum of similarities in the current order
// of the tree leaves
double curDist(double[][] m) {
if (numLeafs == 1)
return 0;
double d1 = left.curDist(m);
double d2 = right.curDist(m);
int lCorner = left.findRight();
int rCorner = right.findLeft();
return (d1 + d2 + m[lCorner][rCorner]);
// find the rightmost leaf
int findRight() {
if (numLeafs == 1)
return allLeafs[0].giveIndex();
return right.findRight();
int findLeft() {
if (numLeafs == 1)
return allLeafs[0].giveIndex();
return left.findLeft();
// finds the initial order of the tree leaves
int[] initOrder() {
int[] res = new int[numLeafs + 1];
fillArray(res, 0, numLeafs - 1);
return res;
void fillArray(int[] array, int s, int l) {
if (numLeafs == 1) {
array[s] = allLeafs[0].giveIndex();
int n1 = left.giveNumLeafs();
left.fillArray(array, s, s + n1 - 1);
right.fillArray(array, s + n1, l);
boolean isLeaf() {
return (numLeafs == 1);
int giveIndex() {
return nodeNum;
double[][] giveMat() {
return mat;
int giveNumLeafs() {
return numLeafs;
Leaf[] giveLeafs() {
return allLeafs;
//TODO: reimplement similarity matrix for efficiency purposes
* Find an optimal leaf ordering
* Note: exact ordering still depends on input order, but much less than heuristic ordering
* <p/>
* This code is ported from Ziv Bar-Joseph's optimal leaf ordering code available here:
* and as described in the following papers:
* <p/>
* Bar-Joseph Z, Gifford DK, Jaakkola TS
* Fast optimal leaf ordering for hierarchical clustering
* Bioinformatics. 2001;17 Suppl 1:S22-9
* <p/>
* Bar-Joseph Z, Demaine ED, Gifford DK, Srebro N, Hamel AM, Jaakkola TS
* K-ary clustering with optimal leaf ordering for gene expression data
* Bioinformatics. 2003 Jun 12;19(9):1070-8
* @param resultTree The result of hierarchical clustering
* @param dm The distance matrix used to cluster
private void orderLeavesBarJoseph2003(int[][] resultTree, DistanceMatrix dm, int[] leafOrder) {
//convert dm to double matrix for this code - all indices in this code start from 1
double[][] mat = new double[dm.getMatrixDimension() + 1][dm.getMatrixDimension() + 1];
for (int i = 1; i < dm.getMatrixDimension() + 1; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j < dm.getMatrixDimension() + 1; j++) {
mat[i][j] = (double) (dm.getValue(i - 1, j - 1) - 1.0f); //convert to negative similarity matrix - assumes dm is normalized
//convert resultTree to Tree
Tree t = convertResultTreeToTreeClass(resultTree, mat);
//t = barJosephClustering(mat);
//double init = -1 * t.curDist(mat); // initial ordering score
//System.out.println("Initial sum of similarities: " + init);
Object[] ret = t.returnOrder(); // the optimal leaf algorithm call
int[] arr = (int[]) ret[0];
//move optimal ordering to leafOrder
for (int i = 0; i < nelements; i++) {
leafOrder[i] = arr[i] - 1;
//double min = -1 * ((Double) ret[1]).doubleValue();
//System.out.println("Optimal sum of similarities: " + min);
//System.out.println("Improvement: " + ((min - init) / (init) * 100) + "%");
* Convert hierarchical clustering result tree to Tree
private Tree convertResultTreeToTreeClass(int[][] resultTree, double[][] mat) {
Tree t = null; //root
Tree[] tlist = new Tree[nelements]; //one for each internal node
for (int i = 0; i < nelements - 1; i++) {
Tree tleft = null;
Tree tright = null;
if (resultTree[i][0] >= 0) { //leaf
tleft = new Tree(resultTree[i][0] + 1, mat); //convert to 1..nelements
} else { //node
tleft = tlist[-resultTree[i][0]];
if (resultTree[i][1] >= 0) { //leaf
tright = new Tree(resultTree[i][1] + 1, mat); //convert to 1..nelements
} else { //node
tright = tlist[-resultTree[i][1]];
t = tlist[i + 1] = new Tree(tright, tleft, i + 1); //right/left is reversed here in bar joseph code (not very important)
return t;
//from original bar joseph code - only here for debug purposes
private Tree barJosephClustering(double[][] m) {
int i, j, k;
int num = nelements;
double[][] newM = new double[num + 1][];
Tree[] allTrees = new Tree[num + 1];
// copy similarity matrix
for (i = 1; i < num + 1; i++) {
newM[i] = new double[num + 1];
for (j = 1; j < num + 1; j++) {
newM[i][j] = m[i][j];
// initially each gene is assigned to its own cluster
for (i = 1; i < num + 1; i++) {
allTrees[i] = new Tree(i, m);
double max;
int r = 0, l = 0;
double lSize, rSize;
Tree temp;
for (i = 1; i < num; i++) {
max = Double.MIN_VALUE;
// find minimum entry in (converted) similarity matrix
for (k = 1; k < num; k++) {
if (allTrees[k] != null) {
for (j = k + 1; j < num + 1; j++) {
if (allTrees[j] != null) {
if (max < (-1 * newM[j][k])) {
max = (-1 * newM[j][k]);
l = k;
r = j;
rSize = allTrees[r].giveNumLeafs();
lSize = allTrees[l].giveNumLeafs();
System.out.print("NODE" + i + "X" + '\t');
if (allTrees[l].isLeaf())
System.out.print("GENE" + allTrees[l].giveIndex() + "X\t");
System.out.print("NODE" + allTrees[l].giveIndex() + "X\t");
if (allTrees[r].isLeaf())
System.out.print("GENE" + allTrees[r].giveIndex() + "X\t");
System.out.print("NODE" + allTrees[r].giveIndex() + "X\t");
temp = allTrees[l];
allTrees[l] = null;
// combine the two clusters
allTrees[l] = new Tree(temp, allTrees[r], i);
allTrees[r] = null;
// update similarity matrix
for (j = 1; j < num + 1; j++) {
if (allTrees[j] != null && j != l) {
newM[j][l] = (lSize * newM[j][l] + rSize * newM[j][r]) / (lSize + rSize);
newM[l][j] = newM[j][l];
Tree res = null;
// find root of the tree
for (i = 1; i < num + 1; i++) {
if (allTrees[i] != null) {
res = allTrees[i];
return res;
* Write the distance matrix out as a Cytoscape SIF file (stores the connections) and an EA file (stores the
* distance measure of each connection)
* @param sifFileName The SIF filename
* @param edgeAttributeFileName The edge attribute filename
* @param distanceCutoff Don't output connections above this cutoff
* @throws IOException If there is a problem writing either file
* TODO: move this and other format writer methods into a utility class. Also create a method to copy this
* TODO: information directly into Cytoscape from a Cytoscape plugin
public void writeResultsToCytoscapeFormat(File sifFileName, File edgeAttributeFileName, double distanceCutoff) throws IOException {
ArrayList labels = distanceMatrix.getLabels();
BufferedWriter brSIF = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(sifFileName));
BufferedWriter brEA = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(edgeAttributeFileName));
//create EA file header
//convert distance matrix to Cytoscape format
for (int i = 0; i < nelements; i++) {
for (int j = i; j < nelements; j++) {
if ((distanceMatrix.getValue(i, j) <= distanceCutoff) && (distanceMatrix.getValue(i, j) != 0.0)) {
//create SIF file
brSIF.write(labels.get(i) + "\tcl\t" + labels.get(j));
//create EA file
brEA.write(labels.get(i) + " (cl) " + labels.get(j) + " = " + distanceMatrix.getValue(i, j));
* Saves the clustering results to GTR format for loading up into e.g Java Treeview
* Column 1: NodeIdentifier
* Column 2: Left child of node
* Column 3: Right child of node
* Column 4: Correlation between the left and right child
public String writeResultsToGTRFormat() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
//node identifier
sb.append("NODE" + (i + 1) + "X" + "\t");
//left child
sb.append((result[i][0] >= 0 ? "GENE" + Math.abs(result[i][0]) : "NODE" + Math.abs(result[i][0])) + "X" + "\t");
//right child
sb.append(((result[i][1] >= 0) ? "GENE" + Math.abs(result[i][1]) : "NODE" + Math.abs(result[i][1])) + "X" + "\t");
sb.append((1 - linkDistance[i]) + lineSep);
return sb.toString();
* Used to store label list / color pairs for highlighting output of CDT files
private class LabelColorPair {
private String color;
private ArrayList labels;
public LabelColorPair(String color, ArrayList labels) {
this.color = color;
this.labels = labels;
public String getColor() {
return color;
public void setColor(String color) {
this.color = color;
public ArrayList getLabels() {
return labels;
public void setLabels(ArrayList labels) {
this.labels = labels;
* Set a list of labels to highlight in the CDT file output
* Labels should not overlap previously set labels
* If a single label name is set to be highlighted in two or more colors, the behavior is undefined.
* @param labelsToHighlight The list of label Strings to highlight
* @param color The color to highlight in the typical HTML format e.g. #FFFFFF=white, #FFFF00=yellow
* Background color will always be white.
public void setLabelHighlightInCDTOutput(ArrayList labelsToHighlight, String color) {
if (labelHighlight == null) {
labelHighlight = new ArrayList();
LabelColorPair lcp = new LabelColorPair(color, labelsToHighlight);
* Saves the distance matrix as a CDT file suitable for loading into a tree/cluster viewing program like jtreeview
* Elements are highlighted in according to colors set by the setLabelHighlightInCDTOutput method
public String toCDTString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");
//header line 1
if (labelHighlight != null) {
} else {
ArrayList labels = distanceMatrix.getLabels();
for (int i = 0; i < labels.size(); i++) {
int indexi = leafOrder[i];
sb.append("\t" + (String) labels.get(indexi));
//header line 2
for (int i = 0; i < nelements; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < nelements; i++) {
int indexi = leafOrder[i];
sb.append("GENE" + indexi + "X\t" + labels.get(indexi) + "\t" + labels.get(indexi) + "\t");
if (labelHighlight != null) {
//go through labelHighlight list to check for a label highlight color
boolean found = false;
for (int j = 0; j < labelHighlight.size(); j++) {
LabelColorPair labelColorPair = (LabelColorPair) labelHighlight.get(j);
ArrayList labelsToHighlight = labelColorPair.getLabels();
if (labelsToHighlight.contains(labels.get(indexi))) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
//output the default
for (int j = 0; j < nelements; j++) {
int indexj = leafOrder[j];
sb.append("\t" + distanceMatrix.getValue(indexi, indexj));
return sb.toString();