package org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.integration;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import org.cytoscape.model.CyColumn;
import org.cytoscape.model.CyNetwork;
import org.cytoscape.model.CyNetworkManager;
import org.cytoscape.model.CyRow;
import org.cytoscape.model.CyTable;
import org.cytoscape.model.subnetwork.CyRootNetwork;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.ops4j.pax.exam.junit.PaxExam;
* Most of this was copied from the gui-distribution/integration-test project.
public abstract class BaseIntegrationTest extends PaxExamConfiguration {
@Inject private LoadNetworkFileTaskFactory loadNetworkFileTaskFactory;
@Inject private CyNetworkManager networkManager;
protected CyNetwork importNetworkFromFile(String path, String fileName) throws IOException {
Set<CyNetwork> existingNetworks = networkManager.getNetworkSet();
// import the network
File file = TestUtils.createTempFile(path, fileName);
TaskIterator taskIterator = loadNetworkFileTaskFactory.createTaskIterator(file);
SerialTestTaskManager taskManager = new SerialTestTaskManager();
// get a reference to the imported network
Set<CyNetwork> networksAfterImport = networkManager.getNetworkSet();
assertEquals(1, networksAfterImport.size());
return networksAfterImport.iterator().next();
* If there is only one network it will be returned, otherwise the test will fail.
protected CyNetwork assertAndGetOnlyNetwork() {
Set<CyNetwork> networks = networkManager.getNetworkSet();
assertEquals(1, networks.size());
return networks.iterator().next();
public void assertNetworksEqual(CyNetwork expectedNetwork, CyNetwork actualNetwork, Set<String> columnsToIgnore) {
columnsToIgnore = columnsToIgnore == null ? Collections.emptySet() : columnsToIgnore;
assertTablesEqual(expectedNetwork.getDefaultNodeTable(), actualNetwork.getDefaultNodeTable(), false, columnsToIgnore);
assertTablesEqual(expectedNetwork.getDefaultEdgeTable(), actualNetwork.getDefaultEdgeTable(), true, columnsToIgnore);
public void assertTablesEqual(CyTable expectedTable, CyTable actualTable, boolean edgeTable, Set<String> columnsToIgnore) {
List<CyColumn> expectedColumns = new ArrayList<>(expectedTable.getColumns());
// Remove columns to ignore
expectedColumns =
.filter(c -> !columnsToIgnore.contains(c.getName()))
.filter(c -> !CyNetwork.SUID.equals(c.getName()))
// Note if the two networks are in the same collection they will probably have the same columns.
// Test columns are the same
for(CyColumn expectedColumn : expectedColumns) {
String name = expectedColumn.getName();
// if(!CyNetwork.SUID.equals(name)) {
CyColumn actualColumn = actualTable.getColumn(name);
assertNotNull("Column '" + name + "' does not exist", actualColumn);
assertEquals ("Column '" + name + "' is wrong type", expectedColumn.getType(), actualColumn.getType());
// }
List<CyRow> expectedRows = expectedTable.getAllRows();
List<CyRow> actualRows = actualTable.getAllRows();
assertEquals("Tables are not the same size", expectedRows.size(), actualRows.size());
if(edgeTable) {
assertEdgeTableRowsEqual(expectedColumns, expectedRows, actualRows);
else { // node table or other table
// need to sort both Lists
sort(expectedColumns, expectedRows);
sort(expectedColumns, actualRows);
for(int i = 0; i < expectedRows.size(); i++) {
CyRow expectedRow = expectedRows.get(i);
CyRow actualRow = actualRows.get(i);
assertAttributesEqual(expectedColumns, expectedRow, actualRow);
* For edges we need to ignore the directionality.
private void assertEdgeTableRowsEqual(List<CyColumn> expectedColumns, List<CyRow> expectedRows, List<CyRow> actualRows) {
Set<String> columnsToIgnore = ImmutableSet.of(CyNetwork.NAME, CyRootNetwork.SHARED_NAME);
List<CyColumn> columnsToTest =>!columnsToIgnore.contains(c.getName())).collect(Collectors.toList());
Map<SimilarityKey, CyRow> expectedRowsByKey = new HashMap<>();
for(CyRow row : expectedRows) {
SimilarityKey key = SimilarityKey.parse(row.get(CyNetwork.NAME, String.class));
expectedRowsByKey.put(key, row);
for(CyRow actual : actualRows) {
SimilarityKey key = SimilarityKey.parse(actual.get(CyNetwork.NAME, String.class));
CyRow expected = expectedRowsByKey.remove(key);
assertNotNull(key.toString(), expected);
assertAttributesEqual(columnsToTest, expected, actual);
private void assertAttributesEqual(List<CyColumn> columnsToTest, CyRow expected, CyRow actual) {
for(CyColumn column : columnsToTest) {
String name = column.getName();
Class<?> type = column.getType();
// if(!CyNetwork.SUID.equals(name)) {
Object expectedValue = expected.get(name, type);
Object actualValue = actual.get(name, type);
String message = "Col: " + name + ",";
if(type.equals(List.class)) { // because CyListImpl doesn't implement equals()
assertArrayEquals(message, ((List<?>)expectedValue).toArray(), ((List<?>)actualValue).toArray() );
else {
assertEquals(message, expectedValue, actualValue);
// }
* I don't need to actually sort the rows in a meaningful way, just make it deterministic.
public void sort(List<CyColumn> columns, List<CyRow> rows) {
Comparator<CyRow> rowComparator = null;
for(CyColumn column : columns) {
// if(!CyNetwork.SUID.equals(column.getName())) {
Comparator<CyRow> c = Comparator.comparing((CyRow row) -> row.get(column.getName(), column.getType()).toString());
rowComparator = rowComparator == null ? c : rowComparator.thenComparing(c);
// }
Collections.sort(rows, rowComparator);
* This method exists because:
* - The JUnit 4.11 version of assertArrayEquals actually has a bug in it.
* - Need to sort the arrays.
private static void assertArrayEquals(String message, Object[] expected, Object[] actual) {
assertTrue(message, Arrays.equals(expected, actual));
public void printList(List<CyRow> xs) { -> System.out.println(row.getAllValues()));