package org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.task; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.cytoscape.model.CyEdge; import org.cytoscape.model.CyNetwork; import org.cytoscape.model.CyNode; import org.cytoscape.view.model.CyNetworkView; /** * Contains information about the results of running * {@link CreateDiseaseSignatureTask}. * * @author mkucera */ public class CreateDiseaseSignatureTaskResult { private final Set<CyEdge> existingEdgesFailingCutoff; private final Set<CyEdge> newEdges; private final Set<CyNode> newNodes; private final CyNetwork network; private final CyNetworkView networkView; private final int passedCutoffCount; private final boolean cancelled; private CreateDiseaseSignatureTaskResult(Builder builder) { // Not making copies of the Sets, this is why should only be called once. this.existingEdgesFailingCutoff = builder.existingEdgesFailingCutoff; this.newEdges = builder.newEdges; this.newNodes = builder.newNodes; =; this.networkView = builder.networkView; this.passedCutoffCount = builder.passedCutoffCount; this.cancelled = builder.cancelled; } public Set<CyEdge> getExistingEdgesFailingCutoff() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(existingEdgesFailingCutoff); } public Set<CyEdge> getNewEdges() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(newEdges); } public Set<CyNode> getNewNodes() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(newNodes); } public CyNetwork getNetwork() { return network; } public CyNetworkView getNetworkView() { return networkView; } public int getPassedCutoffCount() { return passedCutoffCount; } public boolean isCancelled() { return cancelled; } /** * Note: This builder is not thread safe and the build() method should only * be called once per builder instance. */ public static class Builder { private Set<CyEdge> existingEdgesFailingCutoff = new HashSet<>(); private Set<CyEdge> newEdges = new HashSet<>(); private Set<CyNode> newNodes = new HashSet<>(); private CyNetwork network; private CyNetworkView networkView; private int passedCutoffCount = 0; private boolean cancelled = false; private CreateDiseaseSignatureTaskResult result = null; public void addExistingEdgeFailsCutoff(CyEdge edge) { if(edge != null) existingEdgesFailingCutoff.add(edge); } public void addNewEdge(CyEdge edge) { if(edge != null) newEdges.add(edge); } public void addNewNode(CyNode node) { if(node != null) newNodes.add(node); } public void incrementPassedCutoffCount() { passedCutoffCount++; } public void setNetwork(CyNetwork network) { = network; } public void setNetworkView(CyNetworkView networkView) { this.networkView = networkView; } public void setCancelled(boolean cancelled) { this.cancelled = cancelled; } public CreateDiseaseSignatureTaskResult build() { if(result == null) { result = new CreateDiseaseSignatureTaskResult(this); } return result; } } }