package org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.model; public class DataSetFiles { //Input File names for any DataSet //GMT - gene set definition file private String GMTFileName = null; //Expression files private String expressionFileName = null; //Enrichment results files - data set 1 private String enrichmentFileName1 = null; private String enrichmentFileName2 = null; //Dataset Rank files private String RankedFile = null; //Class files - can only be specified when loading in GSEA results with an rpt //class files are a specific type of file used in an GSEA analysis indicating which class //each column of the expression file belongs to. It is used in the application to //colour the heading on the columns accroding to class or phenotype they belong to. private String classFile = null; //class file designations that were loaded in from a session file. //need a temporary place for these class definition as private String[] temp_class1 = null; //phenotypes associated with this set of files public static final String default_pheno1 = "UP"; public static final String default_pheno2 = "DOWN"; private String phenotype1 = default_pheno1; private String phenotype2 = default_pheno2; private String gseaHtmlReportFile = null; public String getGMTFileName() { return GMTFileName; } public void setGMTFileName(String gMTFileName) { GMTFileName = gMTFileName; } public String getExpressionFileName() { return expressionFileName; } public void setExpressionFileName(String expressionFileName) { this.expressionFileName = expressionFileName; } public String getEnrichmentFileName1() { return enrichmentFileName1; } public void setEnrichmentFileName1(String enrichmentFileName1) { this.enrichmentFileName1 = enrichmentFileName1; } public String getEnrichmentFileName2() { return enrichmentFileName2; } public void setEnrichmentFileName2(String enrichmentFileName2) { this.enrichmentFileName2 = enrichmentFileName2; } public String getRankedFile() { return RankedFile; } public void setRankedFile(String rankedFile) { RankedFile = rankedFile; } public String getClassFile() { return classFile; } public void setClassFile(String classFile) { this.classFile = classFile; } public String[] getTemp_class1() { return temp_class1; } public void setTemp_class1(String[] temp_class1) { this.temp_class1 = temp_class1; } public String getGseaHtmlReportFile() { return gseaHtmlReportFile; } public void setGseaHtmlReportFile(String gseaHtmlReportFile) { this.gseaHtmlReportFile = gseaHtmlReportFile; } public String getPhenotype1() { return phenotype1; } public void setPhenotype1(String phenotype1) { this.phenotype1 = phenotype1; } public String getPhenotype2() { return phenotype2; } public void setPhenotype2(String phenotype2) { this.phenotype2 = phenotype2; } public void copy(DataSetFiles copy) { this.GMTFileName = copy.getGMTFileName(); this.expressionFileName = copy.getExpressionFileName(); this.enrichmentFileName1 = copy.getEnrichmentFileName1(); this.enrichmentFileName2 = copy.getEnrichmentFileName2(); this.classFile = copy.getClassFile(); this.temp_class1 = copy.getTemp_class1(); this.gseaHtmlReportFile = copy.getGseaHtmlReportFile(); this.RankedFile = copy.getRankedFile(); this.phenotype1 = copy.getPhenotype1(); this.phenotype2 = copy.getPhenotype2(); } public boolean isEmpty() { if(this.GMTFileName != null && !this.GMTFileName.equalsIgnoreCase("")) return false; if(this.expressionFileName != null && !this.expressionFileName.equalsIgnoreCase("")) return false; if(this.enrichmentFileName1 != null && !this.enrichmentFileName1.equalsIgnoreCase("")) return false; if(this.enrichmentFileName2 != null && !this.enrichmentFileName2.equalsIgnoreCase("")) return false; return true; } }