package org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.model; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Function; import; import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.model.EMDataSet.Method; import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.util.NetworkUtil; import org.cytoscape.model.CyNetwork; import org.cytoscape.model.CyNetworkManager; import org.cytoscape.service.util.CyServiceRegistrar; import; import; /*** * An Enrichment Map object contains the minimal information needed to build an enrichment map. */ public class EnrichmentMap { private transient CyServiceRegistrar serviceRegistrar; private long networkID; /** Parameters used to create this map */ private final EMCreationParameters params; private Map<String, EMDataSet> dataSets = new HashMap<>(); /** The set of genes defined in the Enrichment map. */ private BiMap<Integer, String> genes = HashBiMap.create(); /** Post analysis signature genesets associated with this map.*/ private Map<String, EMSignatureDataSet> signatureDataSets = new HashMap<>(); private int NumberOfGenes = 0; private boolean isLegacy = false; private boolean isDistinctExpressionSets = false; private final Object lock = new Object(); /** * Class Constructor Given - EnrichmentnMapParameters create a new * enrichment map. The parameters contain all cut-offs and file names for the analysis */ public EnrichmentMap(EMCreationParameters params, CyServiceRegistrar serviceRegistrar) { this.params = params; this.serviceRegistrar = serviceRegistrar; } public EMDataSet createDataSet(String name, Method method, DataSetFiles files) { if (dataSets.containsKey(name)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("DataSet with name " + name + " already exists in this enrichment map"); if (isNullOrEmpty(files.getEnrichmentFileName1()) && isNullOrEmpty(files.getGMTFileName()) && isNullOrEmpty(files.getExpressionFileName())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("At least one of the required files must be given"); EMDataSet ds = new EMDataSet(this, name, method, files); dataSets.put(name, ds); initializeFiles(ds); return ds; } /** * Method to transfer files specified in the parameters to the objects they correspond to. */ private void initializeFiles(EMDataSet ds) { DataSetFiles files = ds.getDataSetFiles(); if (!isNullOrEmpty(files.getGMTFileName())) ds.getSetOfGeneSets().setFilename(files.getGMTFileName()); // expression files if (!isNullOrEmpty(files.getExpressionFileName())) ds.getExpressionSets().setFilename(files.getExpressionFileName()); // enrichment results files if (!isNullOrEmpty(files.getEnrichmentFileName1())) ds.getEnrichments().setFilename1(files.getEnrichmentFileName1()); if (files.getEnrichmentFileName2() != null && !files.getEnrichmentFileName2().isEmpty()) ds.getEnrichments().setFilename2(files.getEnrichmentFileName2()); //phenotypes if (!isNullOrEmpty(files.getPhenotype1())) ds.getEnrichments().setPhenotype1(files.getPhenotype1()); if (!isNullOrEmpty(files.getPhenotype2())) ds.getEnrichments().setPhenotype2(files.getPhenotype2()); //rank files - dataset1 if (!isNullOrEmpty(files.getRankedFile())) { if (ds.getMethod() == Method.GSEA) { ds.getExpressionSets().createNewRanking(Ranking.GSEARanking); ds.getExpressionSets().getRanksByName(Ranking.GSEARanking).setFilename(files.getRankedFile()); } else { ds.getExpressionSets().createNewRanking(ds.getName()); ds.getExpressionSets().getRanksByName(ds.getName()).setFilename(files.getRankedFile()); } } } public void setServiceRegistrar(CyServiceRegistrar registrar) { this.serviceRegistrar = registrar; } public boolean containsGene(String gene) { return genes.containsValue(gene); } public String getGeneFromHashKey(Integer hash) { return genes.get(hash); } public Integer getHashFromGene(String gene) { // MKTOD should I toUpperCase? return genes.inverse().get(gene); } public Collection<String> getAllGenes() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(genes.values()); } public Optional<Integer> addGene(String gene) { gene = gene.toUpperCase(); Map<String,Integer> geneToHash = genes.inverse(); Integer hash = geneToHash.get(gene); if(hash != null) return Optional.of(hash); Integer newHash = ++NumberOfGenes; genes.put(newHash, gene); return Optional.of(newHash); } @Deprecated // this is here to support legacy session loading public void addGene(String gene, int id) { genes.put(id, gene); if(id > NumberOfGenes) NumberOfGenes = id; } public int getNumberOfGenes() { return NumberOfGenes; } public void setNumberOfGenes(int numberOfGenes) { NumberOfGenes = numberOfGenes; } /** * Given a set of genesets Go through the genesets and extract all the genes * Return - hashmap of genes to hash keys (used to create an expression file * when it is not present so user can use expression viewer to navigate * genes in a geneset without have to generate their own dummy expression file) */ public Map<String, Integer> getGeneSetsGenes(Collection<GeneSet> currentGeneSets) { Map<String, Integer> geneSetsGenes = new HashMap<>(); for (GeneSet geneSet : currentGeneSets) { // Compare the HashSet of dataset genes to the HashSet of the current Geneset // only keep the genes from the geneset that are in the dataset genes for (Integer geneKey : geneSet.getGenes()) { // Get the current geneName if (genes.containsKey(geneKey)) { String name = genes.get(geneKey); geneSetsGenes.put(name, geneKey); } } } return geneSetsGenes; } /** * Filter all the genesets by the dataset genes If there are multiple sets * of genesets make sure to filter by the specific dataset genes */ public void filterGenesets() { for (EMDataSet ds : dataSets.values()) { // only filter the genesets if dataset genes are not null or empty if (ds.getDataSetGenes() != null && !ds.getDataSetGenes().isEmpty()) { ds.getSetOfGeneSets().filterGeneSets(ds.getDataSetGenes()); } } } public String getName() { final String undefined = "-- UNDEFINED --"; if(serviceRegistrar == null) return undefined; CyNetworkManager networkManager = serviceRegistrar.getService(CyNetworkManager.class); if(networkManager == null) return undefined; CyNetwork net = networkManager.getNetwork(networkID); if(net == null) return undefined; return NetworkUtil.getName(net); } /* * Return a hash of all the genesets in the set of genesets regardless of which dataset it comes from. */ @Deprecated public Map<String, GeneSet> getAllGeneSets() { // Go through each dataset and get the genesets from each Map<String, GeneSet> allGeneSets = new HashMap<>(); synchronized (lock) { // If a GeneSet appears in more than one DataSet, then its totally arbitrary which version of it gets picked // If a GeneSet appears in an enrichment file it will override the one with the same name in the global GMT file for (EMDataSet ds : dataSets.values()) { allGeneSets.putAll(ds.getSetOfGeneSets().getGeneSets()); } if (signatureDataSets != null) { for (EMSignatureDataSet sds : signatureDataSets.values()) allGeneSets.putAll(sds.getGeneSetsOfInterest().getGeneSets()); } } return allGeneSets; } /* * Return a hash of all the genesets but not inlcuding the signature genesets. */ @Deprecated public Map<String, GeneSet> getEnrichmentGenesets() { //go through each dataset and get the genesets from each Map<String, GeneSet> allGeneSets = new HashMap<>(); for (EMDataSet ds : dataSets.values()) { Map<String, GeneSet> geneSets = ds.getSetOfGeneSets().getGeneSets(); allGeneSets.putAll(geneSets); } return allGeneSets; } @Deprecated public Map<String, GeneSet> getAllGeneSetsOfInterest() { //go through each dataset and get the genesets from each Map<String, GeneSet> allGeneSets = new HashMap<>(); for (EMDataSet ds : dataSets.values()) allGeneSets.putAll(ds.getGeneSetsOfInterest().getGeneSets()); // if there are post analysis genesets, add them to the set of all genesets if (signatureDataSets != null) { for (EMSignatureDataSet sds : signatureDataSets.values()) allGeneSets.putAll(sds.getGeneSetsOfInterest().getGeneSets()); } return allGeneSets; } // MKTODO write a JUnit public Map<String, Set<Integer>> unionAllGeneSetsOfInterest() { Map<String, Set<Integer>> allGeneSets = new HashMap<>(); for (EMDataSet ds : getDataSetList()) { Map<String, GeneSet> geneSets = ds.getGeneSetsOfInterest().getGeneSets(); geneSets.forEach((name, gs) -> { allGeneSets.computeIfAbsent(name, k -> new HashSet<>()).addAll(gs.getGenes()); }); } return allGeneSets; } // MKTODO write a JUnit public Set<String> getAllGeneSetOfInterestNames() { Set<String> names = new HashSet<>(); for (EMDataSet ds : getDataSetList()) { Map<String, GeneSet> geneSets = ds.getGeneSetsOfInterest().getGeneSets(); names.addAll(geneSets.keySet()); } return names; } public String findGeneSetDescription(String genesetName) { for(EMDataSet ds : dataSets.values()) { GeneSet gs = ds.getGeneSetsOfInterest().getGeneSets().get(genesetName); if(gs != null) return gs.getDescription(); } return null; } public Map<String, EMDataSet> getDataSets() { return dataSets; } /** * Returns all the DataSets in a predictable order. */ public List<EMDataSet> getDataSetList() { List<EMDataSet> list = new ArrayList<>(dataSets.values()); list.sort(Comparator.naturalOrder()); return list; } public void setDataSets(Map<String, EMDataSet> dataSets) { this.dataSets = dataSets; } public int getDataSetCount() { return dataSets.size(); } public EMDataSet getDataSet(String dataSetName) { return dataSets.get(dataSetName); } /** * Returns all the DataSet names in a predictable order. */ public List<String> getDataSetNames() { return getDataSetList().stream().map(EMDataSet::getName).collect(Collectors.toList()); } public EMCreationParameters getParams() { return params; } public long getNetworkID() { return networkID; } public void setNetworkID(long networkID) { this.networkID = networkID; } public static Set<Long> getNodesUnion(Collection<AbstractDataSet> dataSets) { return getUnion(dataSets, AbstractDataSet::getNodeSuids); } public static Set<Long> getNodesIntersection(Collection<? extends AbstractDataSet> dataSets) { return getIntersection(dataSets, AbstractDataSet::getNodeSuids); } /** * Returns the SUIDs for all the gene-sets in the given collection of DataSets. * Each returned gene-set is contained in at least one of the given DataSets. * * Note, this will only return distinct edges, not compound edges. */ public static Set<Long> getEdgesUnion(Collection<AbstractDataSet> dataSets) { return getUnion(dataSets, AbstractDataSet::getEdgeSuids); } /** * Returns the SUIDs for all the gene-sets in the given collection of DataSets. * Each returned gene-set is contained all of the given DataSets. * * Note, this will only return distinct edges, not compound edges. */ public static Set<Long> getEdgesIntersection(Collection<? extends AbstractDataSet> dataSets) { return getIntersection(dataSets, AbstractDataSet::getEdgeSuids); } private static Set<Long> getUnion(Collection<? extends AbstractDataSet> dataSets, Function<AbstractDataSet,Set<Long>> suidSupplier) { if (dataSets.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptySet(); Set<Long> suids = new HashSet<>(); for (AbstractDataSet ds : dataSets) { suids.addAll(suidSupplier.apply(ds)); } return suids; } private static Set<Long> getIntersection(Collection<? extends AbstractDataSet> dataSets, Function<AbstractDataSet,Set<Long>> suidSupplier) { if (dataSets.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptySet(); Iterator<? extends AbstractDataSet> iter = dataSets.iterator(); AbstractDataSet first =; Set<Long> suids = new HashSet<>(suidSupplier.apply(first)); while (iter.hasNext()) { AbstractDataSet dataset =; suids.retainAll(suidSupplier.apply(dataset)); } return suids; } public Set<String> getAllRankNames() { Set<String> allRankNames = new HashSet<>(); //go through each Dataset for (EMDataSet ds : dataSets.values()) { // there could be duplicate ranking names for two different datasets. Add the dataset to the ranks name Set<String> allNames = ds.getExpressionSets().getAllRanksNames(); for (String name : allNames) allRankNames.add(name + "-" + ds.getName()); } return allRankNames; } public Map<String, Ranking> getAllRanks() { Map<String, Ranking> allranks = new HashMap<>(); for (EMDataSet dataset : dataSets.values()) allranks.putAll(dataset.getExpressionSets().getRanks()); return allranks; } /** * Returns true if every data set contains exactly one Ranks object. */ public boolean isSingleRanksPerDataset() { for(EMDataSet dataset : dataSets.values()) { if(dataset.getExpressionSets().getRanks().size() != 1) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns the total number of expressions in the map. */ public int totalExpressionCount() { int count = 0; for(EMDataSet dataset : dataSets.values()) { count += dataset.getExpressionSets().getNumConditions() - 2; } return count; } public Ranking getRanksByName(String ranksName) { // break the ranks file up by "-" // check to see if the rank file is dataset specific // needed for encoding the same ranking file name from two different dataset in the interface String ds = ""; String rank = ""; if (ranksName.split("-").length == 2) { ds = ranksName.split("-")[1]; rank = ranksName.split("-")[0]; } for (Iterator<String> k = dataSets.keySet().iterator(); k.hasNext();) { String nextDs =; if (!ds.equalsIgnoreCase("") && !rank.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { // check that this is the right dataset if (ds.equalsIgnoreCase(nextDs) && (dataSets.get(nextDs)).getExpressionSets().getAllRanksNames().contains(rank)) return dataSets.get(nextDs).getExpressionSets().getRanksByName(rank); } else if ((dataSets.get(nextDs)).getExpressionSets().getAllRanksNames().contains(ranksName)) { return dataSets.get(nextDs).getExpressionSets().getRanksByName(ranksName); } } return null; } public EMSignatureDataSet getSignatureDataSet(String name) { return signatureDataSets.get(name); } public void setSignatureDataSets(Collection<EMSignatureDataSet> newValue) { synchronized (lock) { signatureDataSets.clear(); if (newValue != null && !newValue.isEmpty()) { for (EMSignatureDataSet sigDataSet: newValue) addSignatureDataSet(sigDataSet); } } } public Map<String, EMSignatureDataSet> getSignatureDataSets() { return new HashMap<>(signatureDataSets); } public boolean hasSignatureDataSets() { return !signatureDataSets.isEmpty(); } public List<EMSignatureDataSet> getSignatureSetList() { List<EMSignatureDataSet> list = new ArrayList<>(signatureDataSets.values()); list.sort(Comparator.naturalOrder()); return list; } public void addSignatureDataSet(EMSignatureDataSet sigDataSet) { synchronized (lock) { signatureDataSets.put(sigDataSet.getName(), sigDataSet); } } public void removeSignatureDataSet(EMSignatureDataSet sigDataSet) { synchronized (lock) { signatureDataSets.remove(sigDataSet.getName()); } } public void setDistinctExpressionSets(boolean d) { this.isDistinctExpressionSets = d; } public boolean isDistinctExpressionSets() { return isDistinctExpressionSets; } public void setLegacy(boolean legacy) { this.isLegacy = legacy; } /** * Files loaded by LegacySessionLoader should set this flag to true */ public boolean isLegacy() { return isLegacy; } @Override public String toString() { return getName(); } }