** EnrichmentMap Cytoscape Plugin
** Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Bader Lab, Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Biomolecular
** Research, University of Toronto
** Contact: http://www.baderlab.org
** Code written by: Ruth Isserlin
** Authors: Daniele Merico, Ruth Isserlin, Oliver Stueker, Gary D. Bader
** This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
** under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
** by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
** documentation provided hereunder is on an "as is" basis, and
** University of Toronto
** has no obligations to provide maintenance, support, updates,
** enhancements or modifications. In no event shall the
** University of Toronto
** be liable to any party for direct, indirect, special,
** incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits, arising
** out of the use of this software and its documentation, even if
** University of Toronto
** has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
** See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
** along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
** Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
// $Id: BuildEnrichmentMapTask.java 383 2009-10-08 20:06:35Z risserlin $
// $LastChangedDate: 2009-10-08 16:06:35 -0400 (Thu, 08 Oct 2009) $
// $LastChangedRevision: 383 $
// $LastChangedBy: risserlin $
// $HeadURL: svn+ssh://risserlin@server1.baderlab.med.utoronto.ca/svn/EnrichmentMap/trunk/EnrichmentMapPlugin/src/org/baderlab/csplugins/enrichmentmap/BuildEnrichmentMapTask.java $
package org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.commands;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.PropertyManager;
import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.model.DataSetFiles;
import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.model.EMCreationParameters;
import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.model.EMCreationParameters.SimilarityMetric;
import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.model.EMDataSet.Method;
import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.model.EnrichmentMapManager;
import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.model.EnrichmentMapParameters;
import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.model.EnrichmentResultFilterParams.NESFilter;
import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.model.LegacySupport;
import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.resolver.DataSetParameters;
import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.task.CreateEnrichmentMapTaskFactory;
import org.cytoscape.work.AbstractTask;
import org.cytoscape.work.TaskMonitor;
import org.cytoscape.work.Tunable;
import org.cytoscape.work.util.ListSingleSelection;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
* This class builds an Enrichment map from GSEA (Gene set Enrichment analysis)
* or Generic input. There are two distinct ways to build an enrichment map,
* from generic input or from GSEA input. GSEA input has specific files that
* were created by a run of GSEA, including two files specifying the enriched
* results (one file for phenotype 1 and one file for phenotype 2) - the generic
* version the enrichment results can be specified in one file. The files also
* contain additional parameters that would not be available to a generic
* enrichment analysis including an Enrichment score (ES), normalized Enrichment
* score(NES).
* This command is maintained for backwards compatibility, it has been replaced with the Resolver command.
public class EMBuildCommandTask extends AbstractTask {
@Tunable(description = "Analysis Type", groups = { "Analysis Type" }, gravity = 1.0)
public ListSingleSelection<String> analysisType;
@Tunable(description = "GMT", groups = { "User Input", "Gene Sets" }, gravity = 2.0, dependsOn = "analysisType=" + EnrichmentMapParameters.method_generic,
params = "fileCategory=table;input=true", tooltip = "File specifying gene sets.\nFormat: geneset name <tab> description <tab> gene ...")
public File gmtFile;
//Dataset 1 Tunables
@Tunable(description = "Expression", groups = { "User Input", "Datasets", "Dataset 1" }, gravity = 3.0, params = "fileCategory=table;input=true",
tooltip = "File with gene expression values.\nFormat: gene <tab> description <tab> expression value <tab> ...")
public File expressionDataset1;
@Tunable(description = "Enrichments", groups = { "User Input", "Datasets", "Dataset 1" }, gravity = 4.0,
dependsOn = "analysisType=" + EnrichmentMapParameters.method_generic, params = "fileCategory=table;input=true", tooltip = "File specifying enrichment results.\n")
public File enrichmentsDataset1;
@Tunable(description = "Enrichments 2", groups = { "User Input", "Datasets", "Dataset 1" }, gravity = 5.0,
dependsOn = "analysisType=" + EnrichmentMapParameters.method_GSEA, params = "fileCategory=table;input=true", tooltip = "File specifying enrichment results.\n")
public File enrichments2Dataset1;
@Tunable(description = "Ranks", groups = { "User Input", "Datasets", "Dataset 1", "Advanced" }, gravity = 6.0, params = "fileCategory=table;input=true",
tooltip = "File specifying ranked genes.\nFormat: gene <tab> score or statistic")
public File ranksDataset1;
@Tunable(description = "Classes", groups = { "User Input", "Datasets", "Dataset 1", "Advanced" }, gravity = 7.0, params = "fileCategory=table;input=true",
tooltip = "File specifying the classes of each sample in expression file.\nformat: see GSEA website")
public File classDataset1;
@Tunable(description = "Phenotype1", groups = { "User Input", "Datasets", "Dataset 1", "Advanced" }, gravity = 8.0, tooltip = "Dataset1 phenotype/class")
public String phenotype1Dataset1;
@Tunable(description = "Phenotype2", groups = { "User Input", "Datasets", "Dataset 1", "Advanced" }, gravity = 9.0, tooltip = "Dataset1 phenotype/class")
public String phenotype2Dataset1;
//Dataset 2 Tunables
@Tunable(description = "Expression", groups = { "User Input", "Datasets", "Dataset 2" }, gravity = 10.0,
params = "fileCategory=table;input=true;displayState=callapsed", tooltip = "File with gene expression values.\nFormat: gene <tab> description <tab> expression value <tab> ...")
public File expressionDataset2;
@Tunable(description = "Enrichments", groups = { "User Input", "Datasets", "Dataset 2" }, gravity = 11.0,
dependsOn = "analysisType=" + EnrichmentMapParameters.method_generic, params = "fileCategory=table;input=true;displayState=callapsed", tooltip = "File specifying enrichment results.\n")
public File enrichmentsDataset2;
@Tunable(description = "Enrichments 2", groups = { "User Input", "Datasets", "Dataset 2" }, gravity = 12.0,
dependsOn = "analysisType=" + EnrichmentMapParameters.method_GSEA, params = "fileCategory=table;input=true;displayState=callapsed", tooltip = "File specifying enrichment results.\n")
public File enrichments2Dataset2;
@Tunable(description = "Ranks", groups = { "User Input", "Datasets", "Dataset 2", "Advanced" }, gravity = 13.0,
params = "fileCategory=table;input=true;displayState=callapsed", tooltip = "File specifying ranked genes.\nFormat: gene <tab> score or statistic")
public File ranksDataset2;
@Tunable(description = "Classes", groups = { "User Input", "Datasets", "Dataset 2", "Advanced" }, gravity = 14.0,
params = "fileCategory=table;input=true;displayState=callapsed", tooltip = "File specifying the classes of each sample in expression file.\nformat: see GSEA website")
public File classDataset2;
@Tunable(description = "Phenotype1", groups = { "User Input", "Datasets", "Dataset 2", "Advanced" }, gravity = 15.0, params = "displayState=callapsed", tooltip = "Dataset2 phenotype/class")
public String phenotype1Dataset2;
@Tunable(description = "Phenotype2", groups = { "User Input", "Datasets", "Dataset 2", "Advanced" }, gravity = 16.0, params = "displayState=callapsed", tooltip = "Dataset2 phenotype/class")
public String phenotype2Dataset2;
//Parameter Tuneables
@Tunable(description = "P-value Cutoff", groups = { "User Input", "Parameters" }, gravity = 17.0, tooltip = "P-value between 0 and 1.")
public Double pvalue = 0.005;
@Tunable(description = "FDR Q-value Cutoff", groups = { "User Input", "Parameters" }, gravity = 18.0, tooltip = "FDR Q-value between 0 and 1.")
public Double qvalue = 0.1;
@Tunable(description = "Similarity Cutoff", groups = { "User Input", "Parameters" }, gravity = 19.0, tooltip = "coeffecient between 0 and 1.")
public Double similaritycutoff = 0.25;
@Tunable(description = "Similarity Coeffecient", groups = { "User Input", "Parameters" }, gravity = 20.0, tooltip = "coeffecient between 0 and 1.")
public ListSingleSelection<String> coeffecients;
@Inject private EnrichmentMapManager emManager;
@Inject private CreateEnrichmentMapTaskFactory.Factory taskFactoryFactory;
@Inject private LegacySupport legacySupport;
@Inject private PropertyManager propertyManager;
public EMBuildCommandTask() {
analysisType = new ListSingleSelection<String>(EnrichmentMapParameters.method_GSEA,
EnrichmentMapParameters.method_generic, EnrichmentMapParameters.method_Specialized);
coeffecients = new ListSingleSelection<String>(EnrichmentMapParameters.SM_OVERLAP,
EnrichmentMapParameters.SM_JACCARD, EnrichmentMapParameters.SM_COMBINED);
* buildEnrichmentMap - parses all GSEA input files and creates an enrichment map
public void buildEnrichmentMap() {
// Note we must continue to use the old constants from EnrichmentMapParameters for backwards compatibility
Method method = EnrichmentMapParameters.stringToMethod(analysisType.getSelectedValue());
SimilarityMetric metric = EnrichmentMapParameters.stringToSimilarityMetric(coeffecients.getSelectedValue());
//Set Dataset1 Files
DataSetFiles dataset1files = new DataSetFiles();
if(gmtFile != null)
if(enrichmentsDataset1 != null)
if(enrichments2Dataset1 != null)
if(ranksDataset1 != null)
if(classDataset1 != null)
if(phenotype1Dataset1 != null)
if(phenotype2Dataset1 != null)
//Set Dataset2 Files
DataSetFiles dataset2files = new DataSetFiles();
if(enrichmentsDataset2 != null)
if(enrichments2Dataset2 != null)
if(ranksDataset2 != null)
if(classDataset2 != null)
if(phenotype1Dataset2 != null)
if(phenotype2Dataset2 != null)
List<DataSetParameters> dataSets = new ArrayList<>(2);
dataSets.add(new DataSetParameters(LegacySupport.DATASET1, method, dataset1files));
if(!dataset2files.isEmpty()) {
dataSets.add(new DataSetParameters(LegacySupport.DATASET2, method, dataset2files));
String prefix = legacySupport.getNextAttributePrefix();
EMCreationParameters creationParams =
new EMCreationParameters(prefix, pvalue, qvalue, NESFilter.ALL, Optional.empty(),
metric, similaritycutoff, propertyManager.getDefaultCombinedConstant());
CreateEnrichmentMapTaskFactory taskFactory = taskFactoryFactory.create(creationParams, dataSets);
public String getTitle() {
return "Enrichment Map Tuneable build";
public boolean isReady() {
return true;
public void run(TaskMonitor arg0) {