package org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.resolver;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.model.DataSetFiles;
import org.baderlab.csplugins.enrichmentmap.model.EMDataSet.Method;
public class GSEAResolver {
* Attempts to create a DataSetParameters object from a GSEA results folder.
public static Optional<DataSetParameters> resolveGSEAResultsFolder(Path gseaFolder) {
try {
Optional<DataSetParameters> rpt = resolveRPTFromGSEAFolder(gseaFolder);
return rpt;
Optional<DataSetParameters> edb = resolveEDBFromGSEAFolder(gseaFolder);
return edb;
} catch(IOException e) {
return Optional.empty();
public static Optional<DataSetParameters> resolveRPTFromGSEAFolder(Path gseaFolder) throws IOException {
Optional<Path> rptFileOpt = getFileEndingWith(gseaFolder, ".rpt");
return Optional.empty();
return resolveRPT(gseaFolder, rptFileOpt.get());
public static Optional<DataSetParameters> resolveRPTFile(Path rptFile) throws IOException {
Path gseaFolder = rptFile.getParent();
return resolveRPT(gseaFolder, rptFile);
private static Optional<DataSetParameters> resolveRPT(Path gseaFolder, Path rptFile) {
Optional<Map<String,String>> optParams = parseRPTParameters(rptFile);
return Optional.empty();
Map<String,String> params = optParams.get();
// Attempt to resolve the files from the RPT
Optional<Path> gmtPath = getRptGmt(gseaFolder, params);
String[] phenotypes = getRptPhenotypes(params);
Optional<Path> classes = getRptClassFile(params);
String timestamp = params.get("producer_timestamp");
String results1FileName = "gsea_report_for_" + phenotypes[0] + "_" + timestamp + ".xls";
String results2FileName = "gsea_report_for_" + phenotypes[1] + "_" + timestamp + ".xls";
String rnkFileName = "ranked_gene_list_" + phenotypes[0] + "_versus_" + phenotypes[1] +"_" + timestamp + ".xls";
Optional<Path> results1 = getRptResultsFile(gseaFolder, results1FileName, params);
Optional<Path> results2 = getRptResultsFile(gseaFolder, results2FileName, params);
Optional<Path> rnk = getRptResultsFile(gseaFolder, rnkFileName, params);
Optional<Path> expr = getRptExpressionFile(params);
if(!gmtPath.isPresent() && !results1.isPresent() && !results2.isPresent() && !rnk.isPresent() && !expr.isPresent())
return Optional.empty();
DataSetFiles files = new DataSetFiles();
gmtPath.ifPresent(path -> files.setGMTFileName(path.toString()));
results1.ifPresent(path -> files.setEnrichmentFileName1(path.toString()));
results2.ifPresent(path -> files.setEnrichmentFileName2(path.toString()));
rnk.ifPresent(path -> files.setRankedFile(path.toString()));
expr.ifPresent(path -> files.setExpressionFileName(path.toString()));
classes.ifPresent(path -> files.setClassFile(path.toString()));
return Optional.of(new DataSetParameters(getDatasetNameGSEA(gseaFolder), Method.GSEA, files));
private static Optional<Path> getRptExpressionFile(Map<String,String> params) {
String method = params.get("producer_class").split("\\p{Punct}")[2]; // Gsea or GseaPreranked
String data;
if(method.equalsIgnoreCase("Gsea")) {
data = params.get("param res");
} else if(method.equalsIgnoreCase("GseaPreranked")) {
data = params.get("param rnk");
if(params.containsKey("param expressionMatrix")) {
data = params.get("param expressionMatrix");
} else {
return Optional.empty();
try {
Path exprfile = Paths.get(data);
return Optional.of(exprfile);
} catch(InvalidPathException e) {
return Optional.empty();
private static Optional<Path> getRptResultsFile(Path root, String fileName, Map<String,String> params) {
// RPT files contain absolute paths from the machine where the GSEA analysis was run.
// If the user moves the GSEA folder somewhere else then the paths won't resolve.
// We can still attempt to find the files in the same folder where the RPT file is located.
String label = params.get("param rpt_label");
String method = params.get("producer_class").split("\\p{Punct}")[2]; // Gsea or GseaPreranked
String timestamp = params.get("producer_timestamp");
String out_dir = params.get("param out");
String job_dir_name = label + "." + method + "." + timestamp;
// attempt to find the file using the path in the RPT file
try {
Path abs = Paths.get(out_dir, job_dir_name, fileName);
if(Files.exists(abs)) {
return Optional.of(abs);
} catch(InvalidPathException e) {
try {
// attempt to find the file under the folder containing the RPT file
Path rel = root.resolve(fileName);
if(Files.exists(rel)) {
return Optional.of(rel);
} catch(InvalidPathException e) {
return Optional.empty();
private static Optional<Map<String,String>> parseRPTParameters(Path rptFile) {
try(Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(rptFile)) {
Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<>();
for(String line : (Iterable<String>)stream::iterator) {
String[] tokens = line.split("\t");
if(tokens.length == 2)
params.put(tokens[0] ,tokens[1]);
else if(tokens.length == 3)
params.put(tokens[0] + " " + tokens[1], tokens[2]);
return Optional.of(params);
} catch (IOException e) {
return Optional.empty();
private static Optional<Path> getRptGmt(Path root, Map<String,String> params) {
// Use the original gmt if we can find it.
// If we can't find it resort to using the the one from edb directory.
String gmtParam = params.get("param gmx");
try {
Path rptGmtPath = Paths.get(gmtParam);
return Optional.of(rptGmtPath);
} catch(InvalidPathException e) {
try {
Path edbGmtPath = root.resolve("edb/gene_sets.gmt");
return Optional.of(edbGmtPath);
catch(InvalidPathException e) {
return Optional.empty();
private static String[] getRptPhenotypes(Map<String, String> params) {
String classes = params.get("param cls");
String method = params.get("producer_class").split("\\p{Punct}")[2]; // Gsea or GseaPreranked
String phenotype1 = "na";
String phenotype2 = "na";
if (classes != null && method.equalsIgnoreCase("Gsea")) {
String[] classes_split = classes.split("#");
// only and try parse classes out of label if they are there
if (classes_split.length >= 2) {
String phenotypes = classes_split[1];
String[] phenotypes_split = phenotypes.split("_versus_");
if (phenotypes_split.length >= 2) {
phenotype1 = phenotypes_split[0];
phenotype2 = phenotypes_split[1];
} else if (method.equalsIgnoreCase("GseaPreranked")) {
phenotype1 = "na_pos";
phenotype2 = "na_neg";
if (params.containsKey("param phenotypes")) {
String phenotypes = params.get("param phenotypes");
String[] phenotypes_split = phenotypes.split("_versus_");
if (phenotypes_split.length >= 2) {
phenotype1 = phenotypes_split[0];
phenotype2 = phenotypes_split[1];
return new String[] {phenotype1, phenotype2};
private static Optional<Path> getRptClassFile(Map<String, String> params) {
String classes = params.get("param cls");
String method = params.get("producer_class").split("\\p{Punct}")[2]; // Gsea or GseaPreranked
if (classes != null && method.equalsIgnoreCase("Gsea")) {
String[] classes_split = classes.split("#");
try {
Path path = Paths.get(classes_split[0]);
if(Files.exists(path)) {
return Optional.of(path);
} catch(InvalidPathException e) {
return Optional.empty();
private static Optional<DataSetParameters> resolveEDBFromGSEAFolder(Path root) {
return Optional.of(toDataSetParametersEDB(root));
return Optional.empty();
private static boolean hasEdbData(Path p) {
Path edbPath = p.resolve("edb");
try {
return Files.exists(edbPath)
&& containsFileEndingWith(edbPath, ".rnk")
&& containsFileEndingWith(edbPath, ".gmt")
&& containsFileEndingWith(edbPath, ".edb");
} catch(IOException e) {
return false;
public static boolean isGSEAResultsFolder(Path p) {
return hasEdbData(p);
public static DataSetFiles toDataSetFilesEDB(Path path) {
DataSetFiles files = new DataSetFiles();
return files;
public static DataSetParameters toDataSetParametersEDB(Path root) {
return new DataSetParameters(getDatasetNameGSEA(root), Method.GSEA, toDataSetFilesEDB(root));
public static String getDatasetNameGSEA(Path folder) {
String folderName = folder.getFileName().toString();
int dotIndex = folderName.indexOf('.');
if(dotIndex == -1)
return folderName;
return folderName.substring(0, dotIndex);
private static boolean containsFileEndingWith(Path p, String suffix) throws IOException {
return getFileEndingWith(p, suffix).isPresent();
private static Optional<Path> getFileEndingWith(Path p, String suffix) throws IOException {
return Files.find(p, 1, (path, attrs) ->
endsWithIgnoreCase(path.getFileName().toString(), suffix)
private static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String s, String suffix) {
return s.regionMatches(true, s.length()-suffix.length(), suffix, 0, suffix.length());