package; import; import; import; import java.util.List; public class MappingHelpers { /** * Runs a series of mappings to populate an entity from CSV data * * @param values Incoming row values * @param mappings The mappings for that type * @param entity Bulk Entity to be populated */ public static <T> void convertToEntity(RowValues values, List<BulkMapping<T>> mappings, T entity) { for (BulkMapping<T> mapping : mappings) { try { mapping.convertToEntity(values, entity); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { throw createEntityReadException(values, mapping, ex, entity.getClass()); } catch (UncheckedParseException ex) { throw createEntityReadException(values, mapping, ex, entity.getClass()); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { throw createEntityReadException(values, mapping, ex, entity.getClass()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw createEntityReadException(values, mapping, ex, entity.getClass()); } } } /** * Runs a series of mappings to populate CSV data from an entity * * @param entity Bulk Entity to pull values from * @param values CSV row to be filled with data from entity * @param mappings The mappings between fields */ public static <T> void convertToValues(T entity, RowValues values, List<BulkMapping<T>> mappings) { for (BulkMapping<T> mapping : mappings) { try { mapping.convertToCsv(entity, values); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { throw createEntityWriteException(mapping, ex, entity.getClass()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw createEntityWriteException(mapping, ex, entity.getClass()); } } } private static EntityReadException createEntityReadException(RowValues values, BulkMapping mapping, Throwable exception, Class classOfT) { String entityType = classOfT.getSimpleName(); String message; if (mapping instanceof SimpleBulkMapping) { SimpleBulkMapping simpleMapping = (SimpleBulkMapping)mapping; message = String.format("Couldn't parse column %s of %s entity: %s", simpleMapping.getHeader(null), //TODO: refactor mappings so that it doesn't require to pass an entity entityType, exception.getMessage()); } else { message = String.format("Couldn't parse %s entity: %s", entityType, exception.getMessage()); } message += ". See ColumnValues for detailed row information and cause for error details."; return new EntityReadException(message, values.toDebugString(), exception); } private static EntityWriteException createEntityWriteException(BulkMapping mapping, Throwable exception, Class classOfT) { String entityType = classOfT.getSimpleName(); String message; if (mapping instanceof SimpleBulkMapping) { SimpleBulkMapping simpleMapping = (SimpleBulkMapping)mapping; message = String.format("Couldn't write column %s of %s entity: %s", simpleMapping.getHeader(null), //TODO: refactor mappings so that it doesn't require to pass an entity entityType, exception.getMessage()); } else { message = String.format("Couldn't write %s entity: %s", entityType, exception.getMessage()); } message += ". See cause for error details."; return new EntityWriteException(message, exception); } }