package; import java.rmi.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import*; import*; public class CustomerSignup extends ExampleBase { static AuthorizationData authorizationData; static ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService> CustomerService; public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) { try { authorizationData = new AuthorizationData(); authorizationData.setDeveloperToken(DeveloperToken); authorizationData.setAuthentication(new PasswordAuthentication(UserName, Password)); CustomerService = new ServiceClient<ICustomerManagementService>( authorizationData, API_ENVIRONMENT, ICustomerManagementService.class); GetUserResponse getUserResponse = getUser(null); User user = getUserResponse.getUser(); // Only a user with the aggregator role (33) can sign up new customers. // If the user does not have the aggregator role, then do not continue. if(!getUserResponse.getRoles().getInts().contains(33)) { outputStatusMessage("Only a user with the aggregator role (33) can sign up new customers."); return; } // For Customer.CustomerAddress and Account.BusinessAddress, you can use the same address // as your aggregator user, although you must set Id and TimeStamp to null. Address userAddress = user.getContactInfo().getAddress(); userAddress.setId(null); userAddress.setTimeStamp(null); Customer customer = new Customer(); // The customer's business address. customer.setCustomerAddress(userAddress); // The list of key and value strings for forward compatibility. This element can be used // to avoid otherwise breaking changes when new elements are added in future releases. // There are currently no forward compatibility changes for the Customer object. customer.setForwardCompatibilityMap(null); // The primary business segment of the customer, for example, automotive, food, or entertainment. customer.setIndustry(Industry.OTHER); // The primary country where the customer operates. This country will be the // default country for ad groups in the customer�s campaigns. customer.setMarketCountry("US"); // The primary language that the customer uses. This language will be the // default language for ad groups in the customer�s campaigns. customer.setMarketLanguage(LanguageType.ENGLISH); // The name of the customer. This element can contain a maximum of 100 characters. customer.setName("Child Customer " + System.currentTimeMillis()); AdvertiserAccount account = new AdvertiserAccount(); // The type of account. Bing Ads API only supports the Advertiser account. account.setAccountType(AccountType.ADVERTISER); // The location where your business is legally registered. // The business address is used to determine your tax requirements. // BusinessAddress will be required in a future version of the Bing Ads API. // Please start using it. account.setBusinessAddress(userAddress); // The type of currency that is used to settle the account. The service uses the currency information for billing purposes. account.setCurrencyType(CurrencyType.US_DOLLAR); // Optionally you can set up each account with auto tagging. // The AutoTag key and value pair is an account level setting that determines whether to append or replace // the supported UTM tracking codes within the final URL of ads delivered. The default value is '0', and // Bing Ads will not append any UTM tracking codes to your ad or keyword final URL. ArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring accountFCM = new ArrayOfKeyValuePairOfstringstring(); KeyValuePairOfstringstring autoTag = new KeyValuePairOfstringstring(); autoTag.setKey("AutoTag"); autoTag.setValue("0"); accountFCM.getKeyValuePairOfstringstrings().add(autoTag); // The list of key and value strings for forward compatibility. This element can be used // to avoid otherwise breaking changes when new elements are added in future releases. account.setForwardCompatibilityMap(accountFCM); // The name of the account. The name can contain a maximum of 100 characters and must be unique within the customer. account.setName("Child Account " + System.currentTimeMillis()); // The identifier of the customer that owns the account. In the Bing Ads API operations // that require a customer identifier, this is the identifier that you set the CustomerId SOAP header to. account.setParentCustomerId((long)user.getCustomerId()); // The TaxInformation (VAT identifier) is optional. If specified, The VAT identifier must be valid // in the country that you specified in the BusinessAddress element. Without a VAT registration // number or exemption certificate, taxes might apply based on your business location. account.setTaxInformation(null); // The default time-zone value to use for campaigns in this account. // If not specified, the time zone will be set to PacificTimeUSCanadaTijuana by default. // TimeZone will be required in a future version of the Bing Ads API. // Please start using it. account.setTimeZone(TimeZoneType.PACIFIC_TIME_US_CANADA_TIJUANA); // Signup a new customer and account for the reseller. SignupCustomerResponse signupCustomerResponse = signupCustomer( customer, account, user.getCustomerId()); outputStatusMessage(String.format("New Customer and Account:\n")); // This is the identifier that you will use to set the CustomerId // element in most of the Bing Ads API service operations. outputStatusMessage(String.format("\tCustomerId: %s", signupCustomerResponse.getCustomerId())); // The read-only system-generated customer number that is used in the Bing Ads web application. // The customer number is of the form, Cnnnnnnn, where nnnnnnn is a series of digits. outputStatusMessage(String.format("\tCustomerNumber: %s", signupCustomerResponse.getCustomerNumber())); // This is the identifier that you will use to set the AccountId and CustomerAccountId // elements in most of the Bing Ads API service operations. outputStatusMessage(String.format("\tAccountId: %s", signupCustomerResponse.getAccountId())); // The read-only system generated account number that is used to identify the account in the Bing Ads web application. // The account number has the form xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx is a series of any eight alphanumeric characters. outputStatusMessage(String.format("\tAccountNumber: %s\n", signupCustomerResponse.getAccountNumber())); outputStatusMessage("Program execution completed\n"); // Customer Management service operations can throw AdApiFaultDetail. } catch (AdApiFaultDetail_Exception ex) { outputStatusMessage("The operation failed with the following faults:\n"); for (AdApiError error : ex.getFaultInfo().getErrors().getAdApiErrors()) { outputStatusMessage("AdApiError\n"); outputStatusMessage(String.format("Code: %d\nError Code: %s\nMessage: %s\n\n", error.getCode(), error.getErrorCode(), error.getMessage())); } // Customer Management service operations can throw ApiFault. } catch (ApiFault_Exception ex) { outputStatusMessage("The operation failed with the following faults:\n"); for (OperationError error : ex.getFaultInfo().getOperationErrors().getOperationErrors()) { outputStatusMessage("OperationError\n"); outputStatusMessage(String.format("Code: %d\nMessage: %s\n\n", error.getCode(), error.getMessage())); } } catch (Exception ex) { outputStatusMessage("Error encountered: "); outputStatusMessage(ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } // Gets a Bing Ads user and user roles by the specified Bing Ads user identifier. static GetUserResponse getUser(java.lang.Long userId) throws AdApiFaultDetail_Exception, ApiFault_Exception { GetUserRequest request = new GetUserRequest(); request.setUserId(userId); return CustomerService.getService().getUser(request); } // Creates a new child customer and account that rolls up to the reseller's billing invoice. static SignupCustomerResponse signupCustomer( Customer customer, Account account, java.lang.Long parentCustomerId ) throws AdApiFaultDetail_Exception, ApiFault_Exception { final SignupCustomerRequest signupCustomerRequest = new SignupCustomerRequest(); signupCustomerRequest.setCustomer(customer); signupCustomerRequest.setAccount(account); signupCustomerRequest.setParentCustomerId(parentCustomerId); return CustomerService.getService().signupCustomer(signupCustomerRequest); } }