package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Represents a keyword that can be read or written in a bulk file. * * This class exposes the {@link #setKeyword} and {@link #getKeyword} methods * that can be used to read and write fields of the Keyword record in a bulk file. * * <p> * Properties of this class and of classes that it is derived from, * correspond to fields of the Keyword record in a bulk file. * For more information, see Keyword at * <a href=""></a>. * </p> * * @see BulkServiceManager * @see BulkOperation * @see BulkFileReader * @see BulkFileWriter */ public class BulkKeyword extends SingleRecordBulkEntity { private Long adGroupId; private Keyword keyword; private String campaignName; private String adGroupName; private PerformanceData performanceData; private QualityScoreData qualityScoreData; private BidSuggestionData bidSuggestions; private static final List<BulkMapping<BulkKeyword>> MAPPINGS; static { List<BulkMapping<BulkKeyword>> m = new ArrayList<BulkMapping<BulkKeyword>>(); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, Long>(StringTable.Id, new Function<BulkKeyword, Long>() { @Override public Long apply(BulkKeyword c) { return c.getKeyword().getId(); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { c.getKeyword().setId(StringExtensions.nullOrLong(v)); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, Long>(StringTable.ParentId, new Function<BulkKeyword, Long>() { @Override public Long apply(BulkKeyword c) { return c.getAdGroupId(); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { c.setAdGroupId(StringExtensions.<Long>parseOptional(v, new Function<String, Long>() { @Override public Long apply(String value) { return Long.parseLong(value); } })); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.Status, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { return c.getKeyword().getStatus() != null ? c.getKeyword().getStatus().value() : null; } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { c.getKeyword().setStatus(StringExtensions.<KeywordStatus>parseOptional(v, new Function<String, KeywordStatus>() { @Override public KeywordStatus apply(String value) { return KeywordStatus.fromValue(value); } })); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.Campaign, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { return c.getCampaignName(); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { c.setCampaignName(v); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.AdGroup, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { return c.getAdGroupName(); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { c.setAdGroupName(v); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.Keyword, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { return c.getKeyword().getText(); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { c.getKeyword().setText(v); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.DestinationUrl, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { return StringExtensions.toOptionalBulkString(c.getKeyword().getDestinationUrl()); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { c.getKeyword().setDestinationUrl(StringExtensions.getValueOrEmptyString(v)); } }, true )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.EditorialStatus, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword t) { return t.getKeyword().getEditorialStatus() != null ? t.getKeyword().getEditorialStatus().value() : null; } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { c.getKeyword().setEditorialStatus(StringExtensions.<KeywordEditorialStatus>parseOptional(v, new Function<String, KeywordEditorialStatus>() { @Override public KeywordEditorialStatus apply(String value) { return KeywordEditorialStatus.fromValue(value); } })); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.MatchType, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { return StringExtensions.toMatchTypeBulkString(c.getKeyword().getMatchType()); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { c.getKeyword().setMatchType(StringExtensions.<MatchType>parseOptional(v, new Function<String, MatchType>() { @Override public MatchType apply(String value) { return MatchType.fromValue(value); } })); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.Bid, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { return StringExtensions.toKeywordBidBulkString(c.getKeyword().getBid()); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { c.getKeyword().setBid(StringExtensions.parseKeywordBid(v)); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.Param1, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { return StringExtensions.toOptionalBulkString(c.getKeyword().getParam1()); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { c.getKeyword().setParam1(StringExtensions.getValueOrEmptyString(v)); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.Param2, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { return StringExtensions.toOptionalBulkString(c.getKeyword().getParam2()); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { c.getKeyword().setParam2(StringExtensions.getValueOrEmptyString(v)); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.Param3, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { return StringExtensions.toOptionalBulkString(c.getKeyword().getParam3()); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { c.getKeyword().setParam3(StringExtensions.getValueOrEmptyString(v)); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.FinalUrl, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { return StringExtensions.writeUrls("; ", c.getKeyword().getFinalUrls()); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { ArrayOfstring urls = new ArrayOfstring(); List<String> urlArray = StringExtensions.parseUrls(v); if(urlArray == null) { urls = null; } else { urls.getStrings().addAll(urlArray); } c.getKeyword().setFinalUrls(urls); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.FinalMobileUrl, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { return StringExtensions.writeUrls("; ", c.getKeyword().getFinalMobileUrls()); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { ArrayOfstring urls = new ArrayOfstring(); List<String> urlArray = StringExtensions.parseUrls(v); if(urlArray == null) { urls = null; } else { urls.getStrings().addAll(urlArray); } c.getKeyword().setFinalMobileUrls(urls); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.TrackingTemplate, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { return StringExtensions.toOptionalBulkString(c.getKeyword().getTrackingUrlTemplate()); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { c.getKeyword().setTrackingUrlTemplate(StringExtensions.getValueOrEmptyString(v)); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.CustomParameter, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { return StringExtensions.toCustomParaBulkString(c.getKeyword().getUrlCustomParameters()); } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { try { c.getKeyword().setUrlCustomParameters(StringExtensions.parseCustomParameters(v)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<BulkKeyword, String>(StringTable.BidStrategyType, new Function<BulkKeyword, String>() { @Override public String apply(BulkKeyword c) { try { return StringExtensions.toBiddingSchemeBulkString(c.getKeyword().getBiddingScheme()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } }, new BiConsumer<String, BulkKeyword>() { @Override public void accept(String v, BulkKeyword c) { try { c.getKeyword().setBiddingScheme(StringExtensions.parseBiddingScheme(v)); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } )); MAPPINGS = Collections.unmodifiableList(m); } @Override public void processMappingsFromRowValues(RowValues values) { this.setKeyword(new Keyword()); MappingHelpers.<BulkKeyword>convertToEntity(values, MAPPINGS, this); qualityScoreData = QualityScoreData.readFromRowValuesOrNull(values); performanceData = PerformanceData.readFromRowValuesOrNull(values); } @Override public void processMappingsToRowValues(RowValues values, boolean excludeReadonlyData) { validatePropertyNotNull(getKeyword(), "Keyword"); MappingHelpers.<BulkKeyword>convertToValues(this, values, MAPPINGS); if (!excludeReadonlyData) { QualityScoreData.writeToRowValuesIfNotNull(qualityScoreData, values); PerformanceData.writeToRowValuesIfNotNull(performanceData, values); } } @Override public void readAdditionalData(BulkStreamReader reader) { TryResult<BulkKeywordBidSuggestion> nextBidSuggestionResult = reader.tryRead(BulkKeywordBidSuggestion.class); while (nextBidSuggestionResult.isSuccessful()) { if (this.bidSuggestions == null) { this.bidSuggestions = new BidSuggestionData(); } BulkKeywordBidSuggestion nextBidSuggestion = nextBidSuggestionResult.getResult(); if (nextBidSuggestion instanceof BulkKeywordBestPositionBid) { this.bidSuggestions.setBestPosition(nextBidSuggestion); } else if (nextBidSuggestion instanceof BulkKeywordMainLineBid) { bidSuggestions.setMainLine(nextBidSuggestion); } else if (nextBidSuggestion instanceof BulkKeywordFirstPageBid) { bidSuggestions.setFirstPage(nextBidSuggestion); } nextBidSuggestionResult = reader.tryRead(BulkKeywordBidSuggestion.class); } } @Override public void writeAdditionalData(BulkObjectWriter writer) throws IOException { if (getBidSuggestions() != null) { BulkKeywordBidSuggestion.writeIfNotNull(getBidSuggestions().getBestPosition(), writer); BulkKeywordBidSuggestion.writeIfNotNull(getBidSuggestions().getMainLine(), writer); BulkKeywordBidSuggestion.writeIfNotNull(getBidSuggestions().getFirstPage(), writer); } } /** * Gets the identifier of the ad group that contains the keyword. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'Parent Id' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public Long getAdGroupId() { return adGroupId; } /** * Sets the identifier of the ad group that contains the keyword. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'Parent Id' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public void setAdGroupId(Long adGroupId) { this.adGroupId = adGroupId; } /** * Gets a keyword within an ad group. */ public Keyword getKeyword() { return keyword; } /** * Sets a keyword within an ad group. */ public void setKeyword(Keyword keyword) { this.keyword = keyword; } /** * Sets the name of the campaign that contains the keyword. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'Campaign' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public void setCampaignName(String campaignName) { this.campaignName = campaignName; } /** * Sets the name of the ad group that contains the keyword. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'Ad Group' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public void setAdGroupName(String adGroupName) { this.adGroupName = adGroupName; } /** * Gets the name of the campaign that contains the keyword. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'Campaign' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public String getCampaignName() { return campaignName; } /** * Gets the name of the ad group that contains the keyword. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'Ad Group' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public String getAdGroupName() { return adGroupName; } /** * Gets the historical performance data for the keyword. */ public PerformanceData getPerformanceData() { return performanceData; } /** * Gets the quality score data for the keyword. */ public QualityScoreData getQualityScoreData() { return qualityScoreData; } /** * Gets the bid suggestion data for the keyword. */ public BidSuggestionData getBidSuggestions() { return bidSuggestions; } }