package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * This abstract base class provides properties that are shared by all bulk entities mapped to the API LocationTarget2 object. * * @param <TBid> see {@link BulkTargetBid} */ abstract class BulkTargetWithLocation<TBid extends BulkTargetBid> extends BulkSubTarget<TBid> { protected LocationTarget location; public BulkTargetWithLocation(Class<TBid> classOfTBid) { super(classOfTBid); } protected <TApiBid, TTarget> void reconstructApiBids(List<TBid> bulkBids, Function<TBid, TApiBid> createBid, Supplier<TTarget> getTarget, Supplier<TTarget> createNewTarget, Consumer<TTarget> setTarget, Supplier<List<TApiBid>> getBids, Consumer<List<TApiBid>> setBids) { List<TApiBid> apiBidsFromFile = new ArrayList<TApiBid>(); for (TBid bulkBid : bulkBids) { apiBidsFromFile.add(createBid.apply(bulkBid)); } if (apiBidsFromFile.isEmpty()) { return; } if (getTarget.get() == null) { setTarget.accept(createNewTarget.get()); setBids.accept(new ArrayList<TApiBid>()); } List<TApiBid> targetBids = getBids.get(); for (TApiBid apiBid : apiBidsFromFile) { targetBids.add(apiBid); } } protected <T, TTarget> void convertBidsFromApi(List<TBid> bids, Supplier<TTarget> getTarget, Function<TTarget, List<T>> getBids, final BiConsumer<TBid, T> setAdditionalBidProperties, Function<T, Boolean> shouldConvertBid ) { TTarget target = getTarget.get(); if (target == null) { return; } List<T> rawBids = getBids.apply(target); if (rawBids == null) { return; } for (final T rawBid : rawBids) { if (shouldConvertBid.apply(rawBid)) { TBid bid = createAndPopulateBid(new Consumer<TBid>() { @Override public void accept(TBid t) { setAdditionalBidProperties.accept(t, rawBid); } }); bids.add(bid); } } } protected <T> T getLocationProperty(Function<LocationTarget, T> getFunc) { if (getLocation() == null) { return null; } return getFunc.apply(getLocation()); } protected void setLocationProperty(Consumer<LocationTarget> setAction) { if (getLocation() == null) { setLocation(new LocationTarget()); } setAction.accept(getLocation()); } public LocationTarget getLocation() { return location; } public void setLocation(LocationTarget location) { this.location = location; } }