package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import; import; /** * Provides high level methods for downloading reporting using the Reporting API functionality. Also provides methods for submitting download operations. * * <p> * Example: {@link ReportingServiceManager#downloadFileAsync} will submit the download request to the reporting service, * poll until the status is completed (or returns an error), and downloads the file locally. * If instead you want to manage the low level details you would first call {@link ReportingServiceManager#submitDownloadAsync}, * wait for the results file to be prepared using either {@link ReportingDownloadOperation#getStatusAsync} * or {@link ReportingDownloadOperation#trackAsync}, and then download the file with the * {@link ReportingDownloadOperation#downloadResultFileAsync} method. * * </p> * */ public class ReportingServiceManager { private AuthorizationData authorizationData; private HttpFileService httpFileService; private ZipExtractor zipExtractor; private ApiEnvironment apiEnvironment; /** * The time interval in milliseconds between two status polling attempts. * */ private int statusPollIntervalInMilliseconds; /** * The timeout in milliseconds of HttpClient download operation. */ private int downloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds; private final ServiceClient<IReportingService> serviceClient; private File workingDirectory; /** * Initializes a new instance of this class with the specified {@link AuthorizationData}. * * @param authorizationData Represents a user who intends to access the corresponding customer and account */ public ReportingServiceManager(AuthorizationData authorizationData) { this(authorizationData, null); } public ReportingServiceManager(AuthorizationData authorizationData, ApiEnvironment apiEnvironment) { this(authorizationData, new HttpClientHttpFileService(), new SimpleZipExtractor(), apiEnvironment); } private ReportingServiceManager(AuthorizationData authorizationData, HttpFileService httpFileService, ZipExtractor zipExtractor, ApiEnvironment apiEnvironment) { this.authorizationData = authorizationData; this.httpFileService = httpFileService; this.zipExtractor = zipExtractor; this.apiEnvironment = apiEnvironment; serviceClient = new ServiceClient<IReportingService>(this.authorizationData, apiEnvironment, IReportingService.class); workingDirectory = new File(System.getProperty(""), "BingAdsSDK"); statusPollIntervalInMilliseconds = ReportingConfig.DEFAULT_STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL_IN_MS; downloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds = ReportingConfig.DEFAULT_HTTPCLIENT_TIMEOUT_IN_MS; } /** * Gets the authorization data for the user performing the operation. */ public AuthorizationData getAuthorizationData() { return authorizationData; } private void validateSubmitReportingDownloadParameters(ReportRequest reportRequest) { if (reportRequest == null) { throw new NullPointerException("parameters must not be null"); } } /** * Downloads the reporting file to a local file. * * @param parameters Determines the download request and file path. * @param callback a callback which is called with the file path when the file is downloaded and available * * @return a {@link Future} that will indicate completion of the operation */ public Future<File> downloadFileAsync(ReportingDownloadParameters parameters, AsyncCallback<File> callback) { validateUserData(); validateSubmitReportingDownloadParameters(parameters.getReportRequest()); return downloadFileAsyncImpl(parameters,callback); } private Future<File> downloadFileAsyncImpl(final ReportingDownloadParameters parameters, AsyncCallback<File> callback) { final ResultFuture<File> resultFuture = new ResultFuture<File>(callback); workingDirectory.mkdirs(); this.submitDownloadAsync(parameters.getReportRequest(), new ParentCallback<ReportingDownloadOperation>(resultFuture) { @Override public void onSuccess(final ReportingDownloadOperation operation) { operation.trackAsync(new ParentCallback<ReportingOperationStatus>(resultFuture) { @Override public void onSuccess(ReportingOperationStatus status) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { downloadReportingFileAsync(parameters.getResultFileDirectory(), parameters.getResultFileName(), parameters.getOverwriteResultFile(), operation, new ParentCallback<File>(resultFuture) { @Override public void onSuccess(File localFile) { resultFuture.setResult(localFile); } }); } }); } }); return resultFuture; } private <T> Future<File> downloadReportingFileAsync(File resultFileDirectory, String resultFileName, boolean overwriteResultFile, ReportingDownloadOperation operation, AsyncCallback<File> callback) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { operation.setHttpFileService(this.httpFileService); operation.setZipExtractor(this.zipExtractor); final ResultFuture<File> resultFuture = new ResultFuture<File>(callback); File effectiveResultFileDirectory = resultFileDirectory; if (effectiveResultFileDirectory == null) { effectiveResultFileDirectory = workingDirectory; } operation.downloadResultFileAsync(effectiveResultFileDirectory, resultFileName, true, overwriteResultFile, new ParentCallback<File>(resultFuture) { @Override public void onSuccess(File file) { resultFuture.setResult(file); } }); return resultFuture; } private void validateUserData() { authorizationData.validate(); } /** * Submits a download request to the Bing Ads reporting service with the specified parameters. * * <p> * The {@link ReportingDownloadParameters#getResultFileDirectory } and {@link ReportingDownloadParameters#getResultFileName * } properties are ignored by this method. * When the file is ready for download, specify the result file path and name as parameters of the * {@link ReportingDownloadOperation#downloadResultFileAsync} method. * </p> * * @param reportRequest Describes the type of entities and data scope that you want to download * @param callback a callback will be called when the {@link ReportingDownloadOperation} has been created * * @return a {@link Future} that will indicate completion of the operation */ public Future<ReportingDownloadOperation> submitDownloadAsync(ReportRequest reportRequest, AsyncCallback<ReportingDownloadOperation> callback) { Authentication auth = authorizationData.getAuthentication(); if (auth == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing authentication"); } final ResultFuture<ReportingDownloadOperation> resultFuture = new ResultFuture<ReportingDownloadOperation>(callback); final IReportingService service = serviceClient.getService(); SubmitGenerateReportRequest submitRequest = new SubmitGenerateReportRequest(); submitRequest.setReportRequest(reportRequest); service.submitGenerateReportAsync(submitRequest, new AsyncHandler<SubmitGenerateReportResponse>() { @Override public void handleResponse(Response<SubmitGenerateReportResponse> res) { try { SubmitGenerateReportResponse response; response = res.get(); String trackingId = ServiceUtils.GetTrackingId(res); ReportingDownloadOperation operation = new ReportingDownloadOperation(response.getReportRequestId(), authorizationData, trackingId, apiEnvironment); operation.setStatusPollIntervalInMilliseconds(statusPollIntervalInMilliseconds); operation.setDownloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds(downloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds); resultFuture.setResult(operation); } catch (InterruptedException e) { resultFuture.setException(new CouldNotSubmitReportingDownloadException(e)); } catch (ExecutionException e) { resultFuture.setException(new CouldNotSubmitReportingDownloadException(e)); } } }); return resultFuture; } /** * Reserved for internal use. */ public HttpFileService getHttpFileService() { return httpFileService; } /** * Reserved for internal use. */ public void setHttpFileService(HttpFileService httpFileService) { this.httpFileService = httpFileService; } /** * Reserved for internal use. */ public ZipExtractor getZipExtractor() { return zipExtractor; } /** * Reserved for internal use. */ public void setZipExtractor(ZipExtractor zipExtractor) { this.zipExtractor = zipExtractor; } /** * Gets the directory for storing temporary files needed for some operations. */ public File getWorkingDirectory() { return workingDirectory; } /** * Sets the directory for storing temporary files needed for some operations. */ public void setWorkingDirectory(File value) { this.workingDirectory = value; } /** * Gets the time interval in milliseconds between two status polling attempts. The default value is 1000 (1 second). */ public int getStatusPollIntervalInMilliseconds() { return statusPollIntervalInMilliseconds; } /** * Sets the time interval in milliseconds between two status polling attempts. The default value is 1000 (1 second). */ public void setStatusPollIntervalInMilliseconds(int statusPollIntervalInMilliseconds) { this.statusPollIntervalInMilliseconds = statusPollIntervalInMilliseconds; } /** * Gets the timeout of HttpClient download operation. The default value is 100000(100s). */ public int getDownloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds() { return downloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds; } /** * Sets the timeout of HttpClient download operation. The default value is 100000(100s). */ public void setDownloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds(int downloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds) { this.downloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds = downloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds; } }