package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Represents a subset of the fields available in bulk records * that support historical performance data, for example {@link BulkKeyword}. * * <p> * For more information, see Bulk File Schema at * <a href=""></a>. * </p> */ public class PerformanceData { private Double spend; private Integer impressions; private Integer clicks; private Double clickThroughRate; private Double averageCostPerClick; private Double averageCostPerThousandImpressions; private Double averagePosition; private Integer conversions; private Double costPerConversion; private static final List<BulkMapping<PerformanceData>> MAPPINGS; static { List<BulkMapping<PerformanceData>> m = new ArrayList<BulkMapping<PerformanceData>>(); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<PerformanceData, Double>(StringTable.Spend, new Function<PerformanceData, Double>() { @Override public Double apply(PerformanceData t) { return t.getSpend(); } }, new BiConsumer<String, PerformanceData>() { @Override public void accept(String v, PerformanceData d) { d.setSpend(StringExtensions.nullOrDouble(v)); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<PerformanceData, Integer>(StringTable.Impressions, new Function<PerformanceData, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(PerformanceData t) { return t.getImpressions(); } }, new BiConsumer<String, PerformanceData>() { @Override public void accept(String v, PerformanceData d) { d.setImpressions(StringExtensions.parseOptionalInteger(v)); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<PerformanceData, Integer>(StringTable.Clicks, new Function<PerformanceData, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(PerformanceData t) { return t.getClicks(); } }, new BiConsumer<String, PerformanceData>() { @Override public void accept(String v, PerformanceData d) { d.setClicks(StringExtensions.parseOptionalInteger(v)); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<PerformanceData, Double>(StringTable.CTR, new Function<PerformanceData, Double>() { @Override public Double apply(PerformanceData t) { return t.getClickThroughRate(); } }, new BiConsumer<String, PerformanceData>() { @Override public void accept(String v, PerformanceData d) { d.setClickThroughRate(StringExtensions.nullOrDouble(v)); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<PerformanceData, Double>(StringTable.AvgCPC, new Function<PerformanceData, Double>() { @Override public Double apply(PerformanceData t) { return t.getAverageCostPerClick(); } }, new BiConsumer<String, PerformanceData>() { @Override public void accept(String v, PerformanceData d) { d.setAverageCostPerClick(StringExtensions.nullOrDouble(v)); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<PerformanceData, Double>(StringTable.AvgCPM, new Function<PerformanceData, Double>() { @Override public Double apply(PerformanceData t) { return t.getAverageCostPerThousandImpressions(); } }, new BiConsumer<String, PerformanceData>() { @Override public void accept(String v, PerformanceData d) { d.setAverageCostPerThousandImpressions(StringExtensions.nullOrDouble(v)); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<PerformanceData, Double>(StringTable.AvgPosition, new Function<PerformanceData, Double>() { @Override public Double apply(PerformanceData t) { return t.getAveragePosition(); } }, new BiConsumer<String, PerformanceData>() { @Override public void accept(String v, PerformanceData d) { d.setAveragePosition(StringExtensions.nullOrDouble(v)); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<PerformanceData, Integer>(StringTable.Conversions, new Function<PerformanceData, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(PerformanceData t) { return t.getConversions(); } }, new BiConsumer<String, PerformanceData>() { @Override public void accept(String v, PerformanceData d) { d.setConversions(StringExtensions.parseOptionalInteger(v)); } } )); m.add(new SimpleBulkMapping<PerformanceData, Double>(StringTable.CPA, new Function<PerformanceData, Double>() { @Override public Double apply(PerformanceData t) { return t.getCostPerConversion(); } }, new BiConsumer<String, PerformanceData>() { @Override public void accept(String v, PerformanceData d) { d.setCostPerConversion(StringExtensions.nullOrDouble(v)); } } )); MAPPINGS = Collections.unmodifiableList(m); } static PerformanceData readFromRowValuesOrNull(RowValues values) { PerformanceData performanceData = new PerformanceData(); performanceData.readFromRowValues(values); return performanceData.hasAnyValues() ? performanceData : null; } static void writeToRowValuesIfNotNull(PerformanceData performanceData, RowValues values) { if (performanceData != null) { performanceData.writeToRowValues(values); } } /** * Gets the spend. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'Spend' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public Double getSpend() { return spend; } /** * Gets the impressions. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'Impressions' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public Integer getImpressions() { return impressions; } /** * Gets the clicks. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'Clicks' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public Integer getClicks() { return clicks; } /** * Gets the click through rate. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'CTR' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public Double getClickThroughRate() { return clickThroughRate; } /** * Gets the average cost per click. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'Avg CPC' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public Double getAverageCostPerClick() { return averageCostPerClick; } /** * Gets the average cost per thousand impressions. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'Avg CPM' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public Double getAverageCostPerThousandImpressions() { return averageCostPerThousandImpressions; } /** * Gets the average position. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'Avg position' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public Double getAveragePosition() { return averagePosition; } /** * Gets the conversions. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'Conversions' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public Integer getConversions() { return conversions; } /** * Gets the cost per conversion. * * <p> * Corresponds to the 'CPA' field in the bulk file. * </p> */ public Double getCostPerConversion() { return costPerConversion; } void readFromRowValues(RowValues values) { MappingHelpers.<PerformanceData>convertToEntity(values, MAPPINGS, this); } void writeToRowValues(RowValues values) { MappingHelpers.convertToValues(this, values, MAPPINGS); } private boolean hasAnyValues() { return spend != null || impressions != null || clicks != null || clickThroughRate != null || averageCostPerClick != null || averageCostPerThousandImpressions != null || averagePosition != null || conversions != null || costPerConversion != null; } private void setSpend(Double spend) { this.spend = spend; } private void setImpressions(Integer impressions) { this.impressions = impressions; } private void setClicks(Integer clicks) { this.clicks = clicks; } private void setClickThroughRate(Double clickThroughRate) { this.clickThroughRate = clickThroughRate; } private void setAverageCostPerClick(Double averageCostPerClick) { this.averageCostPerClick = averageCostPerClick; } private void setAverageCostPerThousandImpressions( Double averageCostPerThousandImpressions) { this.averageCostPerThousandImpressions = averageCostPerThousandImpressions; } private void setAveragePosition(Double averagePosition) { this.averagePosition = averagePosition; } private void setConversions(Integer conversions) { this.conversions = conversions; } private void setCostPerConversion(Double costPerConversion) { this.costPerConversion = costPerConversion; } }