package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Future; /** * Reserved for internal use. * * The abstract base class that can be derived to represent a bulk operation requested by a user. You can use either the {@link BulkDownloadOperation} or {@link BulkUploadOperation} derived class to poll for the operation status, and then download the results file when available. * * @param <TStatus> type of bulk operation status is being tracked */ public abstract class BulkOperation<TStatus> { /** * Represents a user who intends to access the corresponding customer and account. */ private AuthorizationData authorizationData; /** * The request identifier corresponding to the bulk upload or download, depending on the derived type. */ private String requestId; /** * The identifier of the log entry that contains the details of the upload or download request. */ private String trackingId; /** * The amount of time in milliseconds that the upload and download operations should wait before polling the Bulk service for status. */ private int statusPollIntervalInMilliseconds; /** * The timeout in milliseconds of HttpClient download operation. */ private int downloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds; BulkOperationStatusProvider<TStatus> statusProvider; private HttpFileService httpFileService; private ZipExtractor zipExtractor; private ServiceClient<IBulkService> serviceClient; private BulkOperationStatus<TStatus> finalStatus; BulkOperation(String requestId, AuthorizationData authorizationData) { this(requestId, authorizationData, null, null, null); } BulkOperation(String requestId, AuthorizationData authorizationData, ApiEnvironment apiEnvironment) { this(requestId, authorizationData, null, null, apiEnvironment); } BulkOperation(String requestId, AuthorizationData authorizationData, BulkOperationStatusProvider<TStatus> statusProvider) { this(requestId, authorizationData, statusProvider, null, null); } BulkOperation(String requestId, AuthorizationData authorizationData, BulkOperationStatusProvider<TStatus> statusProvider, String trackingId) { this(requestId, authorizationData, statusProvider, trackingId, null); } BulkOperation(String requestId, AuthorizationData authorizationData, BulkOperationStatusProvider<TStatus> statusProvider, String trackingId, ApiEnvironment apiEnvironment) { this.statusProvider = statusProvider; this.requestId = requestId; this.authorizationData = authorizationData; this.trackingId = trackingId; statusPollIntervalInMilliseconds = Config.DEFAULT_STATUS_CHECK_INTERVAL_IN_MS; downloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds = Config.DEFAULT_HTTPCLIENT_TIMEOUT_IN_MS; this.serviceClient = new ServiceClient<IBulkService>(authorizationData, apiEnvironment, IBulkService.class); zipExtractor = new SimpleZipExtractor(); httpFileService = new HttpClientHttpFileService(); } /** * Runs asynchronously until the bulk service has finished processing the bulk operation. * * @param callback A handler that will be called with the BulkOperation when it has completed * * @return a Future that will be completed when the result file is available */ public Future<BulkOperationStatus<TStatus>> trackAsync(AsyncCallback<BulkOperationStatus<TStatus>> callback) { return trackAsync(null, callback); } /** * Runs asynchronously until the bulk service has finished processing the bulk operation. * * @param progress An object to be updated with the progress of the operation * @param callback A handler that will be called with the BulkOperation when it has completed * * @return a Future that will be completed when the result file is available */ public Future<BulkOperationStatus<TStatus>> trackAsync(Progress<BulkOperationProgressInfo> progress, AsyncCallback<BulkOperationStatus<TStatus>> callback) { BulkOperationTracker<TStatus> tracker = generateTracker(progress); final ResultFuture<BulkOperationStatus<TStatus>> resultFuture = new ResultFuture<BulkOperationStatus<TStatus>>(callback); tracker.trackResultFileAsync(new ParentCallback<BulkOperationStatus<TStatus>>(resultFuture) { @Override public void onSuccess(BulkOperationStatus<TStatus> status) { finalStatus = status; resultFuture.setResult(finalStatus); } }); return resultFuture; } private BulkOperationTracker<TStatus> generateTracker(Progress<BulkOperationProgressInfo> progress) { BulkOperationTracker<TStatus> tracker; tracker = new PollingBulkOperationTracker<TStatus>(statusProvider, this.serviceClient, progress, this.statusPollIntervalInMilliseconds); return tracker; } /** * Gets the status of the bulk operation. * * @return the current status of the bulk operation */ public Future<BulkOperationStatus<TStatus>> getStatusAsync(AsyncCallback<BulkOperationStatus<TStatus>> callback) { final ResultFuture<BulkOperationStatus<TStatus>> resultFuture = new ResultFuture<BulkOperationStatus<TStatus>>(callback); if (finalStatus != null) { resultFuture.setResult(this.finalStatus); return resultFuture; } statusProvider.getCurrentStatus(this.serviceClient, new ParentCallback<BulkOperationStatus<TStatus>>(resultFuture) { @Override public void onSuccess(BulkOperationStatus<TStatus> currentStatus) { if (statusProvider.isFinalStatus(currentStatus)) { finalStatus = currentStatus; } resultFuture.setResult(currentStatus); } }); return resultFuture; } public AuthorizationData getAuthorizationData() { return authorizationData; } public String getRequestId() { return requestId; } public String getTrackingId() { return trackingId; } BulkOperationStatusProvider<TStatus> getStatusProvider() { return statusProvider; } void setRequestId(String requestId) { this.requestId = requestId; } void setTrackingId(String trackingId) { this.trackingId = trackingId; } void setStatusProvider(BulkOperationStatusProvider<TStatus> statusProvider) { this.statusProvider = statusProvider; } HttpFileService getHttpFileService() { return httpFileService; } void setHttpFileService(HttpFileService httpFileService) { this.httpFileService = httpFileService; } ZipExtractor getZipExtractor() { return zipExtractor; } void setZipExtractor(ZipExtractor zipExtractor) { this.zipExtractor = zipExtractor; } /** * Gets the time interval in milliseconds between two status polling attempts. The default value is 1000 (1 second). */ public int getStatusPollIntervalInMilliseconds() { return statusPollIntervalInMilliseconds; } /** * Sets the time interval in milliseconds between two status polling attempts. The default value is 1000 (1 second). */ public void setStatusPollIntervalInMilliseconds(int statusPollIntervalInMilliseconds) { this.statusPollIntervalInMilliseconds = statusPollIntervalInMilliseconds; } /** * Gets the timeout of HttpClient download operation. The default value is 100000(100s). */ public int getDownloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds() { return downloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds; } /** * Sets the timeout of HttpClient download operation. The default value is 100000(100s). */ public void setDownloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds(int downloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds) { this.downloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds = downloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds; } /** * Downloads and optionally decompress the result file from the bulk operation * @param localResultDirectoryName the directory to place the result file in * @param localResultFileName the name to use for final result file * @param decompress indicates whether the result file should be unzipped * @param callback {@link AsyncCallback} object with {@link File} * * @return a {@link File} object pointing to the result file wrapped in Future * * @throws IOException * @throws URISyntaxException */ public Future<File> downloadResultFileAsync(File localResultDirectoryName, String localResultFileName, boolean decompress, AsyncCallback<File> callback) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { return downloadResultFileAsync(localResultDirectoryName, localResultFileName, decompress, false, callback); } /** * Downloads and optionally decompress the result file from the bulk operation, allows to overwrite the local result file. * * @param localResultDirectoryName the directory to place the result file in * @param localResultFileName the name to use for final result file * @param decompress indicates whether the result file should be unzipped * @param overwrite indicates whether can overwrite if target file exists * @param callback {@link AsyncCallback} object with {@link File} * * @return a {@link File} object pointing to the result file wrapped in Future */ public Future<File> downloadResultFileAsync(File localResultDirectoryName, String localResultFileName, boolean decompress, boolean overwrite, AsyncCallback<File> callback) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { return downloadResultFileAsyncImpl(localResultDirectoryName, localResultFileName, decompress, overwrite, callback); } abstract RuntimeException getOperationCouldNotBeCompletedException(List<OperationError> errors, TStatus status); private Future<File> downloadResultFileAsyncImpl(final File localResultDirectoryName, final String localResultFileName, final boolean decompress, final boolean overwrite, AsyncCallback<File> callback) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { final ResultFuture<File> resultFuture = new ResultFuture<File>(callback); if (finalStatus == null) { getStatusAsync(new ParentCallback<BulkOperationStatus<TStatus>>(resultFuture) { @Override public void onSuccess(BulkOperationStatus<TStatus> result) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { if (finalStatus == null) { resultFuture.setException(new BulkOperationInProgressException()); return; } File resultFile = downloadFileWithFinalStatus(localResultDirectoryName, localResultFileName, decompress, overwrite); resultFuture.setResult(resultFile); } }); } else { File resultFile = downloadFileWithFinalStatus(localResultDirectoryName, localResultFileName, decompress, overwrite); resultFuture.setResult(resultFile); } return resultFuture; } private File downloadFileWithFinalStatus(File localResultDirectoryName, String localResultFileName, final boolean decompress, final boolean overwrite) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { if (!statusProvider.isSuccessStatus(finalStatus.getStatus())) { List<OperationError> errors = finalStatus.getErrors(); throw getOperationCouldNotBeCompletedException(errors, finalStatus.getStatus()); } String effectiveFileName; if (localResultFileName == null) { effectiveFileName = requestId; } else { effectiveFileName = localResultFileName; } final File fullPath = new File(localResultDirectoryName, effectiveFileName); final File zipResultPath = new File(localResultDirectoryName, effectiveFileName + ".zip"); downloadResultFileZip(finalStatus.getResultFileUrl(), zipResultPath, overwrite); if (!decompress) { return zipResultPath; } File extractedFile = zipExtractor.extractFirstEntryToFile(zipResultPath, fullPath, localResultFileName == null, overwrite); zipResultPath.delete(); return extractedFile; } private File downloadResultFileZip(String url, File tempZipFile, boolean overwrite) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { if (httpFileService == null) { httpFileService = new HttpClientHttpFileService(); } httpFileService.downloadFile(url, tempZipFile, overwrite, downloadHttpTimeoutInMilliseconds); return tempZipFile; } }