package; /** * Defines the possible status values of the bulk upload. */ public enum UploadStatus { /** * The upload completed with one or more errors. */ COMPLETED("Completed"), /** * The upload completed with one or more errors. While the overall upload * was successful, one or more add or update errors could have occurred. As * a best practice you should request error information via the * {@link ResponseMode} element when calling the upload service and check * the result file for any errors. */ COMPLETED_WITH_ERRORS("CompletedWithErrors"), /** * The entire upload failed due to an unexpected error. You may submit a new * upload with fewer entities or try again to submit the same upload later. */ FAILED("Failed"), /** * The upload request has been received and is in the queue for processing. */ FILE_UPLOADED("FileUploaded"), /** * The upload file has been accepted and the upload is in progress. */ IN_PROGRESS("InProgress"), /** * The upload file has not been received for the corresponding RequestId. */ PENDING_FILE_UPLOAD("PendingFileUpload"), /** * Reserved for future use. */ ABORTED("Aborted"), /** * Reserved for future use. */ EXPIRED("Expired"); private final String value; UploadStatus(String v) { value = v; } public String value() { return value; } public static UploadStatus fromValue(String v) { for (UploadStatus c : UploadStatus.values()) { if (c.value.equals(v)) { return c; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(v); } }