package net.sf.egonet.web.panel; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; import; import net.sf.egonet.model.Alter; import net.sf.egonet.model.Answer; import net.sf.egonet.model.Question; import net.sf.egonet.model.Answer.SkipReason; import net.sf.egonet.web.component.FocusOnLoadBehavior; import net.sf.egonet.web.component.TextField; public class TimeSpanAnswerFormFieldPanel extends AnswerFormFieldPanel { public static final int BIT_YEAR = 0x01; public static final int BIT_MONTH = 0x02; public static final int BIT_WEEK = 0x04; public static final int BIT_DAY = 0x08; public static final int BIT_HOUR = 0x10; public static final int BIT_MINUTE = 0x20; private boolean useYears; private boolean useMonths; private boolean useWeeks; private boolean useDays; private boolean useHours; private boolean useMinutes; private String years; private String months; private String weeks; private String days; private String hours; private String minutes; private int yearsValue; private int monthsValue; private int weeksValue; private int daysValue; private int hoursValue; private int minutesValue; private TextField inputYears; private TextField inputMonths; private TextField inputWeeks; private TextField inputDays; private TextField inputHours; private TextField inputMinutes; private Label lblYears; private Label lblMonths; private Label lblWeeks; private Label lblDays; private Label lblHours; private Label lblMinutes; private CheckboxesPanel<String> refDKCheck; public TimeSpanAnswerFormFieldPanel(String id, Question question, ArrayList<Alter> alters, Long interviewId) { super(id,question,Answer.SkipReason.NONE,alters, interviewId); stringToTimeSpan(""); build(""); } public TimeSpanAnswerFormFieldPanel(String id, Question question, String answer, Answer.SkipReason skipReason, ArrayList<Alter> alters, Long interviewId) { super(id,question,skipReason,alters,interviewId); stringToTimeSpan(answer); build(answer); } /** * Time Spans will be kept in a string of the format * "(YY) years (MM) months (WW) weeks (dd) days (hh) hours (mm) minutes * where the (YY)... are integer values * @param strTimeSpan - a string that contains the time span * @return false if any errors are encountered, true otherwise */ private boolean stringToTimeSpan( String strTimeSpan ) { boolean okay = true; String[] strWords; String strValue = ""; years = ""; months = ""; weeks = ""; days = ""; hours = ""; minutes = ""; strTimeSpan = strTimeSpan.trim(); if ( strTimeSpan==null || strTimeSpan.length()==0 ) return(okay); strWords = strTimeSpan.split(" "); for ( String str : strWords ) { if ( str.equalsIgnoreCase("years")) { years = strValue; strValue = ""; } else if ( str.equalsIgnoreCase("months")) { months = strValue; strValue = ""; } else if ( str.equalsIgnoreCase("weeks")) { weeks = strValue; strValue = ""; } else if ( str.equalsIgnoreCase("days")) { days = strValue; strValue = ""; } else if ( str.equalsIgnoreCase("hours")) { hours = strValue; strValue = ""; } else if ( str.equalsIgnoreCase("minutes")) { minutes = strValue; strValue = ""; } else { strValue = str; } } return(okay); } /** * creates a human-readable string with the results of the * various text entry fields. * @return human-readable string */ private String timeSpanToString() { String strResult = ""; if ( useYears && years!=null && !years.isEmpty()) strResult += " " + years + " years"; if ( useMonths && months!=null && !months.isEmpty()) strResult += " " + months + " months"; if ( useWeeks && weeks!=null && !weeks.isEmpty()) strResult += " " + weeks + " weeks"; if ( useDays && days!=null && !days.isEmpty()) strResult += " " + days + " days"; if ( useHours && hours!=null && !hours.isEmpty()) strResult += " " + hours + " hours"; if ( useMinutes && minutes!=null && !minutes.isEmpty()) strResult += " " + minutes + " minutes"; if ( !strResult.isEmpty()) strResult += " "; return(strResult); } private void build(String answer) { int iTimeUnits = question.getTimeUnits(); useYears = ((iTimeUnits & BIT_YEAR)>0 ) ? true : false; useMonths = ((iTimeUnits & BIT_MONTH)>0 ) ? true : false; useWeeks = ((iTimeUnits & BIT_WEEK)>0 ) ? true : false; useDays = ((iTimeUnits & BIT_DAY)>0 ) ? true : false; useHours = ((iTimeUnits & BIT_HOUR)>0 ) ? true : false; useMinutes = ((iTimeUnits & BIT_MINUTE)>0 ) ? true : false; inputYears = new TextField("Years", new PropertyModel(this,"years"), String.class); inputMonths = new TextField("Months", new PropertyModel(this,"months"), String.class); inputWeeks = new TextField("Weeks", new PropertyModel(this,"weeks"), String.class); inputDays = new TextField("Days", new PropertyModel(this,"days"), String.class); inputHours = new TextField("Hours", new PropertyModel(this,"hours"), String.class); inputMinutes = new TextField("Minutes", new PropertyModel(this,"minutes"), String.class); add(inputMinutes); add(inputHours); add(inputDays); add(inputWeeks); add(inputMonths); add(inputYears); lblYears = new Label("lblYears", "Years"); lblMonths = new Label("lblMonths", "Months"); lblWeeks = new Label("lblWeeks", "Weeks"); lblDays = new Label("lblDays", "Days"); lblHours = new Label("lblHours", "Hours"); lblMinutes = new Label("lblMinutes", "Minutes"); add(lblYears); add(lblMonths); add(lblWeeks); add(lblDays); add(lblHours); add(lblMinutes); // check against everything being disallowed if ( !useYears && !useMonths && !useDays && !useHours && !useMinutes ) useWeeks = true; inputYears.setVisible(useYears); lblYears.setVisible(useYears); inputMonths.setVisible(useMonths); lblMonths.setVisible(useMonths); inputWeeks.setVisible(useWeeks); lblWeeks.setVisible(useWeeks); inputDays.setVisible(useDays); lblDays.setVisible(useDays); inputHours.setVisible(useHours); lblHours.setVisible(useHours); inputMinutes.setVisible(useMinutes); lblMinutes.setVisible(useMinutes); ArrayList<String> refAndDK = Lists.newArrayList(); if ( !question.getType().equals(Question.QuestionType.EGO_ID)) { if ( question.getDontKnowButton()) refAndDK.add(dontKnow); if ( question.getRefuseButton()) refAndDK.add(refuse); } ArrayList<String> selectedRefAndDK = Lists.newArrayList(); if(originalSkipReason.equals(SkipReason.DONT_KNOW)) { selectedRefAndDK.add(dontKnow); } if(originalSkipReason.equals(SkipReason.REFUSE)) { selectedRefAndDK.add(refuse); } refDKCheck = new CheckboxesPanel<String>("refDKCheck", refAndDK,selectedRefAndDK); add(refDKCheck); } public String getAnswer() { return (timeSpanToString()); } /** * returns the string used if an incorrect number of checkboxes * are selected to prompt the user to check more or fewer */ public String getRangeCheckNotification() { String strNotification = ""; int nonZeroCount = 0; if ( dontKnow() || refused()) return(strNotification); yearsValue = 0; monthsValue = 0; weeksValue = 0; daysValue = 0; hoursValue = 0; minutesValue = 0; if ( useYears ) { years = years.trim(); if ( years.length()>0 ) { try { yearsValue = Integer.parseInt(years); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfeYears ) { yearsValue = 0; strNotification += " non-digits in years"; } if( yearsValue>0 ) ++nonZeroCount; } } if ( useMonths ) { months = months.trim(); if ( months.length()>0 ) { try { monthsValue = Integer.parseInt(months); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfeMonths ) { yearsValue = 0; strNotification += " non-digits in months"; } if ( monthsValue>0 ) ++nonZeroCount; } } if ( useWeeks ) { weeks = weeks.trim(); if ( weeks.length()>0 ) { try { weeksValue = Integer.parseInt(weeks); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfeWeeks ) { yearsValue = 0; strNotification += " non-digits in weeks"; } if ( weeksValue>0 ) ++nonZeroCount; } } if ( useDays ) { days = days.trim(); if ( days.length()>0 ) { try { daysValue = Integer.parseInt(days); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfeDays ) { yearsValue = 0; strNotification += " non-digits in days"; } if ( daysValue>0 ) ++nonZeroCount; } } if ( useHours ) { hours = hours.trim(); if ( hours.length()>0 ) { try { hoursValue = Integer.parseInt(hours); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfeHours ) { yearsValue = 0; strNotification += " non-digits in hours"; } if ( hoursValue>0 ) ++nonZeroCount; } } if ( useMinutes ) { minutes = minutes.trim(); if ( minutes.length()>0 ) { try { minutesValue = Integer.parseInt(minutes); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfeMinutes ) { yearsValue = 0; strNotification += " non-digits in minutes"; } if ( minutesValue>0 ) ++nonZeroCount; } } if (nonZeroCount==0) strNotification += " Cannot leave all fields zero."; return(strNotification); } /** * if the user selected dontKnow or refused to answer a question * don't bother counting the responses. * returns TRUE for now as ranges can have virtually any value, * but may be used in the future to make certain they are reasonable */ public boolean rangeCheckOkay() { int nonZeroCount = 0; if ( dontKnow() || refused()) return (true); yearsValue = 0; monthsValue = 0; weeksValue = 0; daysValue = 0; hoursValue = 0; minutesValue = 0; if ( useYears ) { years = years.trim(); if ( years.length()>0 ) { try { yearsValue = Integer.parseInt(years); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfeYears ) { return(false); } if( yearsValue>0 ) ++nonZeroCount; } } if ( useMonths ) { months = months.trim(); if ( months.length()>0 ) { try { monthsValue = Integer.parseInt(months); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfeMonths ) { return(false); } if ( monthsValue>0 ) ++nonZeroCount; } } if ( useWeeks ) { weeks = weeks.trim(); if ( weeks.length()>0 ) { try { weeksValue = Integer.parseInt(weeks); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfeWeeks ) { return(false); } if ( weeksValue>0 ) ++nonZeroCount; } } if ( useDays ) { days = days.trim(); if ( days.length()>0 ) { try { daysValue = Integer.parseInt(days); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfeDays ) { return(false); } if ( daysValue>0 ) ++nonZeroCount; } } if ( useHours ) { hours = hours.trim(); if ( hours.length()>0 ) { try { hoursValue = Integer.parseInt(hours); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfeHours ) { return(false); } if ( hoursValue>0 ) ++nonZeroCount; } } if ( useMinutes ) { minutes = minutes.trim(); if ( minutes.length()>0 ) { try { minutesValue = Integer.parseInt(minutes); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfeMinutes ) { return(false); } if ( minutesValue>0 ) ++nonZeroCount; } } if (nonZeroCount==0) return(false); return(true); } public void setYears ( String years ) { this.years = (years==null) ? "" : years; } public String getYears() { return(years);} public void setMonths ( String months ) { this.months = (months==null) ? "" : months; } public String getMonths() { return(months);} public void setWeeks ( String weeks ) { this.weeks = (weeks==null) ? "" : weeks; } public String getWeeks() { return(weeks);} public void setDays ( String days ) { this.days = (days==null) ? "" : days; } public String getDays() { return(days); } public void setHours ( String hours ) { this.hours = (hours==null) ? "" : hours; } public String getHours() { return(hours); } public void setMinutes ( String minutes ) { this.minutes = (minutes==null) ? "" : minutes; } public String getMinutes() { return(minutes); } public void setAutoFocus() { if (inputMinutes.isVisible()) { inputMinutes.add(new FocusOnLoadBehavior()); return; } if (inputHours.isVisible()) { inputHours.add(new FocusOnLoadBehavior()); return; } if (inputDays.isVisible()) { inputDays.add(new FocusOnLoadBehavior()); return; } if (inputWeeks.isVisible()) { inputWeeks.add(new FocusOnLoadBehavior()); return; } if (inputMonths.isVisible()) { inputMonths.add(new FocusOnLoadBehavior()); return; } if (inputYears.isVisible()) { inputYears.add(new FocusOnLoadBehavior()); return; } } public boolean dontKnow() { return refDKCheck.getSelected().contains(dontKnow); } public boolean refused() { return refDKCheck.getSelected().contains(refuse); } }