package net.sf.egonet.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.List; import net.sf.egonet.persistence.DB; import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Presets; import net.sf.egonet.persistence.AnswerLists; /** * TitleAndStudy is a convenience class for tracking * lists of answers by title and study ID. * Once this data is in the database much of the * logic will likely be refactored to do filters * using Hibernate SQL commands * TODO : this could be replaced by the more general * purpose NameAndValue class. */ class TitleAndStudy implements Comparable<TitleAndStudy> { String title; Long studyId; TitleAndStudy ( String title, Long studyId ) { this.title = title; this.studyId = studyId; } public void setTitle ( String title ) { this.title = title; } public String getTitle() { return(title);} public void setStudyId( Long studyId ) { this.studyId = studyId; } public Long getStudyId() { return(studyId);} public boolean isForStudyId ( Long studyId) { return (this.studyId.equals(studyId)); } public String toString() { return ( title + " " + studyId); } public int compareTo( TitleAndStudy that ) { int iRetval; iRetval = title.compareTo(that.title); if ( iRetval==0) iRetval = studyId.compareTo(that.studyId); return(iRetval); } } /* ******************************************************** */ /* main public class, AnswerListMgr */ /* ******************************************************** */ public class AnswerListMgr extends Entity { // private class AnswerListIterator implements Iterator<AnswerList> { // String[] strTitles; // int index; // // /** // * inner class Iterator so the outside world can step // * through all the AnswerLists with ease // * @param sID identifies the study to work with // */ // AnswerListIterator( Long sID) { // strTitles = getTitles ( sID); // index = 0; // } // // public boolean hasNext() { // return(index<strTitles.length); // } // // public AnswerList next() { // AnswerList retList = answerListTree.get(strTitles[index]); // ++index; // return(retList); // } // // public void remove() {} // not implemented // } // /** * this will maintain two very similar data structures. * answerListTree will be used during the creation and * editting of lists of preset answers, * answerLists will be used when editting the questions * themselves */ private static Long studyId; private static TreeMap<TitleAndStudy,AnswerList> answerListTree; private static TreeMap<String,NameAndValue[]> answerLists; private static TreeMap<String,String[]> originalPresets; private static boolean needsUpdate; /** * simple loads all the answer lists for a specified study * @param sId identifyes the study * @return */ public static boolean loadAnswerListsForStudy ( Long sId) { boolean bListsLoaded = true; List<AnswerList> listAnswerLists = null; TitleAndStudy titleAndStudy; studyId = sId; try { listAnswerLists = AnswerLists.getAnswerListsUsingStudy(studyId); } catch ( Exception e) { System.out.println ( "exception thrown from Answerists.getAnswerListsUsingStudy"); e.printStackTrace(); bListsLoaded = false; } if ( listAnswerLists==null || !bListsLoaded || listAnswerLists.isEmpty()) { System.out.println ("Initializing using initFromPresets"); initFromPresets(); return(true); } answerListTree = new TreeMap<TitleAndStudy,AnswerList>(); answerLists = new TreeMap<String,NameAndValue[]>(); for ( AnswerList answerList : listAnswerLists ) { titleAndStudy = new TitleAndStudy ( answerList.getListName() , studyId); answerListTree.put(titleAndStudy, answerList); } update(); needsUpdate = false; return(bListsLoaded); } /** * when a study is first started it will have no lists of * preset Answer Options, this will create an initial list */ private static void initFromPresets() { String[] listPresetTitles; TitleAndStudy titleAndStudy; AnswerList answerList; originalPresets = Presets.get(); listPresetTitles = new String[originalPresets.size()]; listPresetTitles = originalPresets.keySet().toArray(listPresetTitles); // from the originalPresets, consisting of arrays of strings // keyed by a string name, create answerLists which will have // arrays of (strings+Integers) keyed by a string name, the // integers getting default values answerLists = new TreeMap<String,NameAndValue[]>(); for ( String strTitle : listPresetTitles ) { answerLists.put(strTitle, NameAndValue.createArray(originalPresets.get(strTitle))); } answerListTree = new TreeMap<TitleAndStudy,AnswerList>(); for ( String strTitle : listPresetTitles ) { answerList = new AnswerList ( strTitle, studyId, answerLists.get(strTitle)); titleAndStudy = new TitleAndStudy (strTitle, studyId ); answerListTree.put(titleAndStudy, answerList); } needsUpdate = false; } /** * this first set of functions deal with allowing the outside world * to edit this data. * First, functions that deal with the names of the lists available */ /** * returns a list of the titles ( names assigned to lists of preset * answers for Selection and Multiple Selection questions ) * @param studyId id of the study we are dealing with * @return Array of string for use in the GUI */ public static String[] getTitles ( Long studyId) { ArrayList<String> workArray; String[] retArray; workArray = getTitlesAsList(studyId); retArray = new String[workArray.size()]; retArray = workArray.toArray(retArray); return(retArray); } /** * returns the list of titles as an array list * @param studyId identifies the study * @return ArrayList of titles ( names of preset answer groups ) */ public static ArrayList<String> getTitlesAsList ( Long studyId) { ArrayList<String> workArray = new ArrayList<String>(); for ( TitleAndStudy tas : answerListTree.keySet()) { if ( tas.isForStudyId(studyId)) workArray.add(tas.getTitle()); } return(workArray); } /** * simply returns the index of title/studyId within * the answerTreeList * @param strTitle title we are looking for * @param studyId id of study we are dealing with * @return */ private static int indexOf ( String strTitle, Long studyId ) { int index = 0; for ( TitleAndStudy tas : answerListTree.keySet()) { if ( tas.isForStudyId(studyId)) { if (tas.getTitle().equals(strTitle)) return(index); ++index; } } return(index); } /** * removes a title from the data structure * @param strTitle title of the list to remove * @param studyId id of the study we are dealing with * @return true if the title is removed false if it is not in the list */ public static int removeTitle ( String strTitle, Long studyId ) { TitleAndStudy titleAndStudy = new TitleAndStudy (strTitle, studyId ); AnswerList answerListToRemove; int index = -1; if ( answerListTree.containsKey(titleAndStudy)) { index = indexOf ( strTitle, studyId); answerListToRemove = answerListTree.get(titleAndStudy); answerListToRemove.setActive(false);; // needed to save the active=false flag answerListTree.remove(titleAndStudy); needsUpdate = true; } return(index); } /** * adds a title ( and hence a new, empty AnswerList ) to * the data structure * @param strTitle title of the new list * @param studyId id of the study we are dealing with * @return true if the title is a new one and it is added, * false otherwise */ public static boolean addTitle ( String strTitle, Long studyId ) { TitleAndStudy titleAndStudy = new TitleAndStudy (strTitle, studyId ); AnswerList answerList; if ( answerListTree.containsKey(titleAndStudy)) { return(false); } answerList = new AnswerList ( strTitle, studyId); answerListTree.put(titleAndStudy, answerList); needsUpdate = true; return(true); } /** * now the functions that deal with adding/removing option names * from specific lists */ /** * returns all the option names (pre-created lists of answers for Selection * and Multiple Selection questions) for a given title and studyId */ public static NameAndValue[] getOptionNames ( String strTitle, Long studyId ) { TitleAndStudy titleAndStudy = new TitleAndStudy (strTitle, studyId ); AnswerList answerList; answerList = answerListTree.get(titleAndStudy); if ( answerList==null ) { System.out.println ( titleAndStudy + " not found in AnswerListMgr.getOptionNames"); return(new NameAndValue[0]); } return(answerList.getListOptionNames()); } /** * returns the list of name/value pairs as an Arraylist * @param strTitle the name of the group * @param studyId identifies the study we are interested in * @return arraylist of name/value answer pairs */ public static ArrayList<NameAndValue> getOptionNamesAsList (String strTitle, Long studyId ) { NameAndValue[] optionNames = getOptionNames(strTitle,studyId); ArrayList<NameAndValue> retList = new ArrayList<NameAndValue>(optionNames.length); for ( NameAndValue str:optionNames) { retList.add(str); } return(retList); } /** * adds a new string to the list of option names * @param strTitle title of the list of options we are dealing with * @param studyId id of the study we are dealing with * @param optionName the option name within the list we are dealing with * @param optionValue the value we want the option to have * @return true if any changes take place */ public static boolean addOptionName ( String strTitle, Long studyId, String optionName, Integer optionValue ) { TitleAndStudy titleAndStudy = new TitleAndStudy (strTitle, studyId ); AnswerList answerList; ArrayList<NameAndValue> strList; answerList = answerListTree.get(titleAndStudy); if ( answerList==null ) { System.out.println ( titleAndStudy + " not found in AnswerListMgr.addOptionName"); return(false); } strList = answerList.getListOptionNamesAsList(); if ( strList.contains(optionName)) return(false); strList.add(new NameAndValue(optionName, optionValue)); answerList.setListOptionNamesFromList(strList); needsUpdate = true; return(true); } /** * lets the user remove an option name from the list * @param strTitle title of the list of options we are dealing with * @param studyId id of the study we are dealing with * @param optionName the option name within the list we are dealing with * @param newName the new value of the option name * @return true if any changes take place */ public static boolean removeOptionName ( String strTitle, Long studyId, String optionName, Integer optionValue ) { TitleAndStudy titleAndStudy = new TitleAndStudy (strTitle, studyId ); AnswerList answerList; answerList = answerListTree.get(titleAndStudy); if ( answerList==null ) { System.out.println ( titleAndStudy + " not found in AnswerListMgr.removeOptionName"); return(false); } answerList.removeNameAndValue(optionName, optionValue); needsUpdate = true; return(true); } /** * lets the user change an option name * @param strTitle title of the list of options we are dealing with * @param studyId id of the study we are dealing with * @param optionName the option name within the list we are dealing with * @param newName the new value of the option name * @return true if any changes take place */ public static boolean replaceOptionName ( String strTitle, Long studyId, String optionName, Integer optionValue, String newName, Integer newValue ) { boolean retVal = false; TitleAndStudy titleAndStudy = new TitleAndStudy (strTitle, studyId ); AnswerList answerList; // special check, if the new name == the old name // don't need to do anything if ( optionName.equals(newName) && optionValue.equals(newValue)) return(retVal); answerList = answerListTree.get(titleAndStudy); if ( answerList==null ) { System.out.println ( titleAndStudy + " not found in AnswerListMgr.replaceOptionName"); return(retVal); } retVal = answerList.replaceNameAndValue(optionName, optionValue, newName, newValue); needsUpdate = true; return(retVal); } /** * used to allow the user to rearrange a list of option names. They can move * a string up in the list * @param strTitle title of the list of options we are dealing with * @param studyId id of the study we are dealing with * @param optionName the option name within the list we are dealing with * @return true if any changes take place */ public static boolean moveOptionNameUp ( String strTitle, Long studyId, String optionName, Integer optionValue ) { TitleAndStudy titleAndStudy = new TitleAndStudy (strTitle, studyId ); AnswerList answerList; answerList = answerListTree.get(titleAndStudy); if ( answerList==null ) { System.out.println ( titleAndStudy + " not found in AnswerListMgr.moveOptionNameUp"); return(false); } answerList.moveUp( optionName, optionValue); needsUpdate = true; return(true); } /** * takes care of creating the usable TreeMap */ private static void update() { AnswerList answerList; answerLists.clear(); for ( TitleAndStudy tas : answerListTree.keySet()) { answerList = answerListTree.get(tas); answerLists.put(tas.getTitle(), answerList.getListOptionNames()); } } /** * now the non-editting functions, * for when this data is used to help construct questions * this is used in the editquestion page as a drop-in * replacement for the old presets. */ public static TreeMap<String,NameAndValue[]> get() { if (needsUpdate) update(); return(answerLists); } /** * save all the preset answer lists data for this study * @param studyId identifies the study * @return true if all goes well, false if things go bad-wrong */ public static boolean saveAllAnswerListsForStudy(Long studyId) { boolean bRetVal = true; TitleAndStudy titleAndStudy; String[] strTitles = getTitles ( studyId); AnswerList answerList; for ( String str:strTitles ) { titleAndStudy = new TitleAndStudy (str, studyId ); answerList = answerListTree.get(titleAndStudy);; try {; } catch ( org.hibernate.MappingException me ) { me.printStackTrace(); bRetVal = false; } } return(bRetVal); } /** * returns the contents of the answerListTree as an Array * so they can be processed sequentially quickly. * Used in the Archiving to XML section * @param sID identifies the study to save * @return Array of all answerLists */ public static AnswerList[] getAnswerLists(Long sID) { AnswerList[] returnArray; loadAnswerListsForStudy (sID); returnArray = new AnswerList[answerListTree.size()]; returnArray = answerListTree.values().toArray(returnArray); return(returnArray); } /** * outside world can use this to deal with answerLists without * dealing with the internals of how things are stored. * * @param sID study ID we are dealing with * @return an iterator */ // public static Iterator<AnswerList> getIterator(Long sID) { // // return ( new AnswerListMgr().new AnswerListIterator(sID)); // } }