package net.sf.egonet.web.panel; import java.util.List; import net.sf.egonet.model.Answer; import net.sf.egonet.model.Question; import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Questions; import net.sf.egonet.web.component.TextField; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.RadioGroup; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Radio; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.DropDownChoice; import org.apache.wicket.model.Model; import org.apache.wicket.model.PropertyModel; import; /** * this panel will be visible when users are editing NUMERICAL questions * it will offer them options to set a minimum and maximum range and * each of these in turn can be a literal value or a result of a * previous question ( or none ) * @author Kevin * */ public class NumericLimitsPanel extends Panel { public static enum NumericLimitType { NLT_LITERAL, NLT_PREVQUES, NLT_NONE }; private Question question; private Form numericLimitsForm; private RadioGroup radioMinimum; private RadioGroup radioMaximum; private TextField textMinLiteral; private TextField textMaxLiteral; private DropDownChoice choiceMinPrevQ; private DropDownChoice choiceMaxPrevQ; private NumericLimitType minLimitType; private NumericLimitType maxLimitType; private Integer minLiteral; private Integer maxLiteral; private String strMinPrevQues; private String strMaxPrevQues; private List<String> numericQuestions; /** * * @param id needed to put the panel in place using wicket tool kit * @param question the question we're dealing with */ public NumericLimitsPanel(String id, Question question) { super(id); this.question = question; minLimitType = NumericLimitType.NLT_NONE; maxLimitType = NumericLimitType.NLT_NONE; minLiteral = 0; // Integer.MIN_VALUE; maxLiteral = 10000; // Integer.MAX_VALUE; strMinPrevQues = ""; strMaxPrevQues = ""; build(); } /** * builds the panel * creates the form an all input widgets */ private void build() { setOutputMarkupId(true); setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag(true); numericLimitsForm = new Form("numericLimitsForm"); radioMinimum = new RadioGroup("radioMin", new PropertyModel(this,"minLimitType")); radioMaximum = new RadioGroup("radioMax", new PropertyModel(this,"maxLimitType")); radioMinimum.add(new Radio("minLiteral", new Model(NumericLimitType.NLT_LITERAL))); radioMinimum.add(new Radio("minPrev", new Model(NumericLimitType.NLT_PREVQUES))); radioMinimum.add(new Radio("minNone", new Model(NumericLimitType.NLT_NONE))); numericLimitsForm.add(radioMinimum); radioMaximum.add(new Radio("maxLiteral", new Model(NumericLimitType.NLT_LITERAL))); radioMaximum.add(new Radio("maxPrev", new Model(NumericLimitType.NLT_PREVQUES))); radioMaximum.add(new Radio("maxNone", new Model(NumericLimitType.NLT_NONE))); numericLimitsForm.add(radioMaximum); textMinLiteral = new TextField("minLiteralEntry", new PropertyModel(this, "minLiteral"), Integer.class); radioMinimum.add(textMinLiteral); textMaxLiteral = new TextField("maxLiteralEntry", new PropertyModel(this, "maxLiteral"), Integer.class); radioMaximum.add(textMaxLiteral); add(numericLimitsForm); // now populate the drop-down lists of previous NUMERICAL questions numericQuestions = getPrecedingNumericQuestions(); choiceMinPrevQ = new DropDownChoice("minChoicePQ", new PropertyModel(this, "strMinPrevQues"), numericQuestions); radioMinimum.add(choiceMinPrevQ); choiceMaxPrevQ = new DropDownChoice("maxChoicePQ", new PropertyModel(this, "strMaxPrevQues"), numericQuestions); radioMaximum.add(choiceMaxPrevQ); } /*** * this generates a list of numeric questions that precede the current * question. The answers to these previous questions can be used as * the source of a lower or upper bound * @return list of question titles */ public List<String> getPrecedingNumericQuestions() { List<String> previousNumericQuestions = Lists.newArrayList(); List<Question> questions = Questions.getQuestionsForStudy(question.getStudyId(), question.getType()); for(Question q : questions) { if ( q.getId().equals(question.getId())) break; if ( q.getAnswerType()==Answer.AnswerType.NUMERICAL && q.getActive()) { previousNumericQuestions.add(q.getTitle()); } } return previousNumericQuestions; } /** * getters and setters */ public void setMinLimitType (NumericLimitType minLimitType ) { this.minLimitType = minLimitType; } public NumericLimitType getMinLimitType() { return(minLimitType); } public void setMaxLimitType (NumericLimitType maxLimitType ) { this.maxLimitType = maxLimitType; } public NumericLimitType getMaxLimitType() { return(maxLimitType); } public void setMinLiteral (Integer minLiteral) { this.minLiteral = minLiteral; } public Integer getMinLiteral() { return( minLiteral ); } public void setMaxLiteral (Integer maxLiteral) { this.maxLiteral = maxLiteral; } public Integer getMaxLiteral() { return(maxLiteral); } public void setMinPrevQues ( String strPrevQues) { strMinPrevQues = strPrevQues; } public String getMinPrevQues() { return(strMinPrevQues); } public void setMaxPrevQues ( String strPrevQues) { strMaxPrevQues = strPrevQues; } public String getMaxPrevQues() { return(strMaxPrevQues); } }