package net.sf.egonet.web.panel; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.apache.wicket.model.Model; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.basic.Label; import; import net.sf.egonet.model.Alter; import net.sf.egonet.model.Answer; import net.sf.egonet.model.Question; import net.sf.egonet.model.Answer.SkipReason; import net.sf.egonet.web.component.FocusOnLoadBehavior; import net.sf.egonet.web.component.TextField; import net.sf.egonet.web.panel.NumericLimitsPanel.NumericLimitType; public class NumberAnswerFormFieldPanel extends AnswerFormFieldPanel { private TextField textField; private CheckboxesPanel<String> refDKCheck; private Label lblNumberPrompt; private int lowBound; // values used for range Validation private int highBound; public NumberAnswerFormFieldPanel(String id, Question question, ArrayList<Alter> alters, Long interviewId) { super(id,question,Answer.SkipReason.NONE,alters,interviewId); lowBound = Integer.MIN_VALUE; highBound = Integer.MAX_VALUE; build(""); } public NumberAnswerFormFieldPanel(String id, Question question, String answer, Answer.SkipReason skipReason, ArrayList<Alter> alters, Long interviewId) { super(id,question,skipReason,alters,interviewId); lowBound = Integer.MIN_VALUE; highBound = Integer.MAX_VALUE; build(answer); } private void build(String previousAnswer) { textField = new TextField("answer", new Model(previousAnswer), String.class); add(textField); lblNumberPrompt = new Label ("numberPrompt", getNumericRangePrompt(alters)); add(lblNumberPrompt); ArrayList<String> refAndDK = Lists.newArrayList(); if ( !question.getType().equals(Question.QuestionType.EGO_ID)) { if ( question.getDontKnowButton()) refAndDK.add(dontKnow); if ( question.getRefuseButton()) refAndDK.add(refuse); } ArrayList<String> selectedRefAndDK = Lists.newArrayList(); if(originalSkipReason.equals(SkipReason.DONT_KNOW)) { selectedRefAndDK.add(dontKnow); } if(originalSkipReason.equals(SkipReason.REFUSE)) { selectedRefAndDK.add(refuse); } refDKCheck = new CheckboxesPanel<String>("refDKCheck", refAndDK,selectedRefAndDK); add(refDKCheck); setBounds(alters); } public String getAnswer() { return textField.getText(); } public void setAutoFocus() { textField.add(new FocusOnLoadBehavior()); } public boolean dontKnow() { return refDKCheck.getSelected().contains(dontKnow); } public boolean refused() { return refDKCheck.getSelected().contains(refuse); } // the next two functions are virtual duplicates, differing only in // that one deals with integers and the other with strings. // they could be merged, but are separate now /** * IF the question requires a numeric answer and a range has been set * this displays the allowed range. * @param alterId1 - ID of alter number 1 (may be null) * @param alterId2 - ID of alter number 2 (may be null) * @return a string that shows the allowed numeric input range */ public String getNumericRangePrompt(ArrayList<Alter> listOfAlters) { String strAnswer; String strReturn; NumericLimitType minLimitType; NumericLimitType maxLimitType; boolean hasLowBound; boolean hasHighBound; minLimitType = question.getMinLimitType(); maxLimitType = question.getMaxLimitType(); hasLowBound = (minLimitType==NumericLimitType.NLT_NONE)?false:true; hasHighBound = (maxLimitType==NumericLimitType.NLT_NONE)?false:true; if ( !hasLowBound && !hasHighBound ) return("(number)"); strReturn = "(number ["; switch ( minLimitType ) { case NLT_NONE: strReturn += " up"; break; case NLT_LITERAL: strReturn += question.getMinLiteral(); break; case NLT_PREVQUES: strAnswer = question.answerToRangeLimitingQuestion(interviewId, alters, false); strReturn += strAnswer; break; } switch ( maxLimitType ) { case NLT_NONE: strReturn += " and up"; break; case NLT_LITERAL: strReturn += " to " + question.getMaxLiteral(); break; case NLT_PREVQUES: strAnswer = question.answerToRangeLimitingQuestion(interviewId, alters, true); strReturn += " to " + strAnswer; break; } strReturn += "])"; return(strReturn); } /** * grabs values from the question to construct the range validator * if there are no bounds or the lowbound>highbound the validator * is not set and false is returned */ private boolean setBounds(ArrayList<Alter> listOfAlters) { String strAnswer; NumericLimitType minLimitType; NumericLimitType maxLimitType; boolean hasLowBound; boolean hasHighBound; lowBound = -10000; highBound = 10000; minLimitType = question.getMinLimitType(); maxLimitType = question.getMaxLimitType(); hasLowBound = (minLimitType==NumericLimitType.NLT_NONE)?false:true; hasHighBound = (maxLimitType==NumericLimitType.NLT_NONE)?false:true; if ( !hasLowBound && !hasHighBound ) return(false); switch (minLimitType ) { case NLT_NONE: break; case NLT_LITERAL: lowBound = question.getMinLiteral(); break; case NLT_PREVQUES: strAnswer = question.answerToRangeLimitingQuestion(interviewId, alters, false); try { lowBound = Integer.parseInt(strAnswer); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfe) { lowBound = Integer.MIN_VALUE; } break; } switch (maxLimitType ) { case NLT_NONE: break; case NLT_LITERAL: highBound = question.getMaxLiteral(); break; case NLT_PREVQUES: strAnswer = question.answerToRangeLimitingQuestion(interviewId, alters, true); try { highBound = Integer.parseInt(strAnswer); } catch ( NumberFormatException nfe) { highBound = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } break; } // if we somehow got to a state where the lowBound > highBound // play it safe and don't set any bounds; if ( lowBound>highBound ) return(false); // rangeValidator = new NumberValidator.RangeValidator(lowBound,highBound); // textField.add(rangeValidator); return(true); } /** * performs simple verification that the number entered into the text field * was within the limits. Returns an integer so we have the option of * rather detailed error messages such as "Your value of 14 is too high", but * for the most part we're concerned whether or not this returns 0 * @return 0 if we are in the range , >0 if answer is too low * <0 if answer is too high */ private int numericAnswerStatus() { String strAnswer; int iAnswer; strAnswer = getAnswer().trim(); try { iAnswer = Integer.parseInt(strAnswer); } catch ( NumberFormatException e ) { iAnswer = 0; return(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } // System.out.println ( "numericAnswerStatus lowBound=" + lowBound + " highBound=" + highBound + " answer=" + iAnswer); // if we somehow got in a state where lowBound>highBound are // incompatible, play it safe and do NO error checking if ( lowBound>highBound ) return(0); if ( lowBound==Integer.MIN_VALUE && highBound==Integer.MAX_VALUE) return(0); if ( iAnswer < lowBound ) { return(lowBound - iAnswer); } if (iAnswer > highBound ) { return(highBound - iAnswer); } return(0); } /** * returns the string used if an incorrect number of checkboxes * are selected to prompt the user to check more or fewer */ public String getRangeCheckNotification() { int iAnswerStatus; String strAnswer; String strNotification = ""; if ( dontKnow() || refused()) return(strNotification); strAnswer = getAnswer().trim(); try { int iAnswer = Integer.parseInt(strAnswer); } catch ( NumberFormatException e ) { strNotification = "Non-digits in answer field."; return (strNotification); } iAnswerStatus = numericAnswerStatus(); if ( iAnswerStatus<0 ) { strNotification = "Answer is above upper limit of " + highBound + "."; } else if ( iAnswerStatus>0 ) { strNotification = "Answer is below lower limit of " + lowBound + "."; } return (strNotification); } /** * if the user selected dontKnow or refused to answer a question * don't bother counting the responses. */ public boolean rangeCheckOkay() { if ( dontKnow() || refused()) return (true); return ( (numericAnswerStatus()==0)?true:false); } }