import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Shape;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D;
import java.awt.Polygon;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form;
import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer;
import net.sf.egonet.model.Answer;
import net.sf.egonet.model.Question;
import net.sf.egonet.model.Study;
import net.sf.egonet.model.Alter;
import net.sf.egonet.model.Interview;
import net.sf.egonet.model.QuestionOption;
import net.sf.egonet.model.Answer.AnswerType;
import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Answers;
import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Interviewing;
import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Studies;
import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Interviews;
import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Alters;
import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Expressions;
import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Analysis;
import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Questions;
import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Options;
import net.sf.egonet.web.panel.AnswerFormFieldPanel;
import net.sf.egonet.web.panel.InterviewingPanel;
import net.sf.egonet.web.component.NetworkImage;
import net.sf.functionalj.tuple.PairUni;
import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.Layout;
import static;
* A class to create an interview page that will display a network graph,
* with nodes for the alters specified during the interview. The edges will
* be created based on a condition specified when the question is created.
* The network graph can be customized to modify parameters based on the
* interviewee's response to other questions. These parameters are:
* node size (based on any ALTER question)
* node color (based on any ALTER question)
* node shape (based on any ALTER question)
* edge width (based on any ALTER_PAIR question)
* edge color (based on any ALTER_PAIR question)
* All parameters above are optional during question creation, but the
* question author must specify an expression to define the edges between
* vertices.
public class InterviewingNetworkPage extends InterviewingPage {
private static class InterviewQLayout
public Long interviewId;
public Long expressionId;
public NetworkService.LayoutOption layoutOption;
public Layout<Alter, PairUni<Alter>> networkLayout;
private Long interviewId;
private Question question;
private InterviewingPanel interviewingPanel;
private NetworkImage<Alter> networkImage;
private static List<InterviewQLayout> networkLayouts = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<InterviewQLayout>());
public InterviewingNetworkPage(Long interviewId, Question question) {
this.interviewId = interviewId;
this.question = question;
private void build() {
Form form = new Form("form") {
public void onSubmit() {
List<String> pageFlags = interviewingPanel.pageFlags();
List<AnswerFormFieldPanel> answerFields = interviewingPanel.getAnswerFields();
boolean okayToContinue =
AnswerFormFieldPanel.okayToContinue(answerFields, pageFlags);
boolean consistent =
AnswerFormFieldPanel.allConsistent(answerFields, pageFlags);
for(AnswerFormFieldPanel field : interviewingPanel.getAnswerFields()) {
if(okayToContinue) {
Answers.setAnswerForInterviewAndQuestion(interviewId, question,
} else if(consistent) {
field.answeredOrRefused(pageFlags) ?
"" : "Unanswered");
} else {
field.consistent(pageFlags) ?
"" : field.inconsistencyReason(pageFlags));
if(okayToContinue) {
new InterviewingNetworkPage(interviewId,question)));
AnswerFormFieldPanel field = AnswerFormFieldPanel.getInstance("question",question,interviewId);
Answer answer = Answers.getAnswerForInterviewAndQuestion(interviewId, question);
if(answer != null) {
field = AnswerFormFieldPanel.getInstance("question",
interviewingPanel =
new InterviewingPanel("interviewingPanel",question,Lists.newArrayList(field),interviewId);
add(new Link("backwardLink") {
public void onClick() {
EgonetPage page =
askPrevious(interviewId,question,new InterviewingNetworkPage(interviewId,question));
if(page != null) {
Link forwardLink = new Link("forwardLink") {
public void onClick() {
EgonetPage page =
askNext(interviewId,question,new InterviewingNetworkPage(interviewId,question));
if(page != null) {
if(! AnswerFormFieldPanel.okayToContinue(
private static Layout<Alter, PairUni<Alter>> GetLayout(Long interviewId, Long expressionId, NetworkService.LayoutOption layoutOption)
for (InterviewQLayout l : networkLayouts)
if (interviewId.equals(l.interviewId) &&
expressionId.equals(l.expressionId) &&
(layoutOption.equals(l.layoutOption) || layoutOption == null))
return l.networkLayout;
return null;
private static void AddLayout(Long interviewId,
Long expressionId,
NetworkService.LayoutOption layoutOption,
Layout<Alter, PairUni<Alter>> networkLayout)
InterviewQLayout l = new InterviewQLayout();
l.interviewId = interviewId;
l.expressionId = expressionId;
l.layoutOption = layoutOption;
l.networkLayout = networkLayout;
private void buildNetworkImage()
Interview interview = Interviews.getInterview(this.interviewId);
List<Alter> interviewAlters = Alters.getForInterview(this.interviewId);
* Retrieve ID numbers for the questions used to set node/edge parameters,
* and for the Expression that defines whether edges are present between
* pairs of alters. For the parameter questions, retrieve the interviewee's
* answers to these ALTER/ALTER_PAIR questions and create an associative map
* matching each alter/alter-pair to the interviewee's answer about them
* from the relevant question.
Long relExprId = question.getNetworkRelationshipExprId();
Long nSizeQId = question.getNetworkNSizeQId();
Long nShapeQId = question.getNetworkNShapeQId();
Long nColorQId = question.getNetworkNColorQId();
Long eSizeQId = question.getNetworkESizeQId();
Long eColorQId = question.getNetworkEColorQId();
Answer nSizeAnswer = null;
Answer nShapeAnswer = null;
Answer nColorAnswer = null;
Answer eSizeAnswer = null;
Answer eColorAnswer = null;
Question nSizeQuestion = null;
Question nShapeQuestion = null;
Question nColorQuestion = null;
Question eSizeQuestion = null;
Question eColorQuestion = null;
Map<Long, String> nSizeResponseMap = null;
Map<Long, String> nShapeResponseMap = null;
Map<Long, String> nColorResponseMap = null;
Map<PairUni<Long>, String> eSizeResponseMap = null;
Map<PairUni<Long>, String> eColorResponseMap = null;
* iterate through alters, asking about each for the node size questions, and each pair for the edge questions
if (relExprId != null)
List<Question> allQuestions = Lists.newArrayList();
if (nSizeQId != null)
nSizeQuestion = Questions.getQuestion(nSizeQId);
nSizeResponseMap = Maps.newHashMap();
if (nShapeQId != null)
nShapeQuestion = Questions.getQuestion(nShapeQId);
nShapeResponseMap = Maps.newHashMap();
if (nColorQId != null)
nColorQuestion = Questions.getQuestion(nColorQId);
nColorResponseMap = Maps.newHashMap();
if (eSizeQId != null)
eSizeQuestion = Questions.getQuestion(eSizeQId);
eSizeResponseMap = Maps.newHashMap();
if (eColorQId != null)
eColorQuestion = Questions.getQuestion(eColorQId);
eColorResponseMap = Maps.newHashMap();
Map<Long,String> optionIdToValue = Maps.newTreeMap();
for(Question question : allQuestions) {
if(question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.SELECTION) ||
for(QuestionOption option : Options.getOptionsForQuestion(question.getId())) {
optionIdToValue.put(option.getId(), option.getValue());
for (final Alter a1 : interviewAlters)
ArrayList<Alter> a1List = new ArrayList<Alter>(){{ add(a1); }};
if (nSizeQuestion != null)
nSizeResponseMap.put(a1.getId(), showAnswer(optionIdToValue,
Answers.getAnswerForInterviewQuestionAlters(interview, nSizeQuestion, a1List)));
if (nShapeQuestion != null)
nShapeResponseMap.put(a1.getId(), showAnswer(optionIdToValue,
Answers.getAnswerForInterviewQuestionAlters(interview, nShapeQuestion, a1List)));
if (nColorQuestion != null)
nColorResponseMap.put(a1.getId(), showAnswer(optionIdToValue,
Answers.getAnswerForInterviewQuestionAlters(interview, nColorQuestion, a1List)));
for (final Alter a2 : interviewAlters)
if (a2.getId() > a1.getId())
ArrayList<Alter> a1a2List = new ArrayList<Alter>() {{ add(a1); add(a2); }};
if (eSizeQuestion != null)
eSizeResponseMap.put(new PairUni<Long>(a1.getId(), a2.getId()),
Answers.getAnswerForInterviewQuestionAlters(interview, eSizeQuestion, a1a2List)));
if (eColorQuestion != null)
eColorResponseMap.put(new PairUni<Long>(a1.getId(), a2.getId()),
Answers.getAnswerForInterviewQuestionAlters(interview, eColorQuestion, a1a2List)));
* ETHAN - This point should not be reached. No expression has been specified for edge-creation.
* TODO: Add exception/error warning code.
* Retrieve a network with the interviewee's alters as the graph nodes, and edges
* as defined by the selected Expression.
Network<Alter> questionNetwork = null;
questionNetwork = Analysis.getNetworkForInterview(interview, Expressions.get(relExprId));
networkImage = new NetworkImage<Alter>("networkImage", questionNetwork);
NetworkService.LayoutOption layoutOption = NetworkService.LayoutOption.FR;
Layout<Alter, PairUni<Alter>> layout = GetLayout(this.interviewId, relExprId, layoutOption);
if (layout == null)
layout = networkImage.getOrCreateLayout();
AddLayout(interviewId, relExprId, layoutOption, layout);
* Set node/edge transformers for the available parameters. If no question was selected for
* a parameter when the interview was first created, the transformer will be null here,
* and the parameter will not be varied during image-creation in
networkImage.setNodeColorizer(newAlterVtxPainter(questionNetwork, nColorResponseMap));
* Set the node shape and size. If the size question has an answer in the
* NUMERICAL format, the transformer needs the question so that it can find
* the min/max value allowed for that answer.
if (nSizeQuestion != null && nSizeQuestion.getAnswerType() == AnswerType.NUMERICAL)
networkImage.setNodeShaper(newAlterVtxShaper(questionNetwork, nShapeResponseMap, nSizeResponseMap, nSizeQuestion));
networkImage.setNodeShaper(newAlterVtxShaper(questionNetwork, nShapeResponseMap, nSizeResponseMap));
networkImage.setEdgeColorizer(newAlterEdgePainter(questionNetwork, eColorResponseMap));
networkImage.setEdgeSizer(newAlterEdgeSizer(questionNetwork, eSizeResponseMap));
* Essentially the same method as the one by the same name in
* The method is private, and also can return "0" in a case where it fails
* to parse out an answer. "0" is part of a valid answer for most SELECTION or
* MULTIPLE_SELECTION questions, so we instead return null in the case where answer.getValue() == null
private String showAnswer(Map<Long, String> optionIdToValue, Question question, Answer answer)
if(answer == null) {
return null;
if(question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.NUMERICAL) ||
question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.TEXTUAL) ||
question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.TEXTUAL_PP) ||
question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.DATE) ||
return answer.getValue();
if(question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.SELECTION) ||
String value = answer.getValue();
if(value == null || value.isEmpty()) {
return null;
List<String> selectedOptions = Lists.newArrayList();
for(String optionIdString : value.split(",")) {
Long optionId = Long.parseLong(optionIdString);
String optionValue = optionIdToValue.get(optionId);
if(optionValue != null) {
return Joiner.on("; ").join(selectedOptions);
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to answer for answer type: "+question.getAnswerType());
// forward, unansweredOnly
// askNextUnanswered: true, true
// askNext: true, false
// askPrevious: false, false
public static EgonetPage askNextUnanswered(
Long interviewId,Question currentQuestion, EgonetPage comeFrom)
Question nextNetworkQuestion =
if(nextNetworkQuestion != null) {
EgonetPage nextNetworkPage = new InterviewingNetworkPage(interviewId, nextNetworkQuestion);
return possiblyReplaceNextQuestionPageWithPreface(
return new InterviewingConclusionPage(interviewId);
public static EgonetPage askNext(Long interviewId,Question currentQuestion, EgonetPage comeFrom)
Question nextNetworkQuestion =
if(nextNetworkQuestion != null) {
EgonetPage nextPage = new InterviewingNetworkPage(interviewId, nextNetworkQuestion);
return possiblyReplaceNextQuestionPageWithPreface(
return new InterviewingConclusionPage(interviewId);
public static EgonetPage askPrevious(Long interviewId,Question currentQuestion, EgonetPage comeFrom) {
Question previousNetworkQuestion =
EgonetPage previousPage = previousNetworkQuestion == null ? null :
new InterviewingNetworkPage(interviewId, previousNetworkQuestion);
return possiblyReplaceNextQuestionPageWithPreface(
public String toString() {
return question.getType()+" : "+question.getTitle();
* Colors for the vertices/edges. Edge colors use essentially the same pallete
* as vertex colors, but are darker so the vertices are easier to see.
private static Color[] vColors = new Color[] { new Color(117, 134, 144),
new Color(78, 205, 196),
new Color(199, 244, 100),
new Color(255, 107, 107),
new Color(220, 105, 135),
new Color(180, 105, 220),
new Color(210, 230, 255)
private static Color[] eColors = new Color[] { new Color(63, 74, 84),
new Color(59, 155, 147),
new Color(125, 152, 61),
new Color(145, 68, 128),
new Color(147, 57, 66),
new Color(55, 82, 162),
* Given an alter, set that alter's vertex color depending on the interviewee's answer
* to the node-color question.
private static Transformer<Alter, Paint> newAlterVtxPainter(final Network<Alter> network, final Map<Long, String> answers)
new Transformer<Alter, Paint>()
public Paint transform(Alter a)
Color defaultColor = vColors[6];
if (answers == null)
return defaultColor;
String ans = answers.get(a.getId());
if (ans == null)
return defaultColor;
if (ans == null)
return defaultColor;
* Vertex color order was modified here from their array position after testing
* with questions where not all colors were used. Thus, the slightly odd sequence
* of array indices.
if (ans.contains("0"))
return vColors[1];
if (ans.contains("1"))
return vColors[2];
if (ans.contains("2"))
return vColors[3];
if (ans.contains("3"))
return vColors[0];
if (ans.contains("4"))
return vColors[5];
return defaultColor;
* Predefined shapes that can be used for vertex rendering. We use
* 4-, 5-, and 6-sided regular polygons, as well as (the default) circle.
* Also available are a rounded rectangle and an oval, both wider than they
* are tall.
private static int vtxPentagonSize = 14 ;
private static int c1 = (int)(0.3090 * vtxPentagonSize);
private static int c2 = (int)(0.8090 * vtxPentagonSize);
private static int s1 = (int)(0.9511 * vtxPentagonSize);
private static int s2 = (int)(0.5878 * vtxPentagonSize);
private static int[] xValsPentagon = { 0, s1, s2, -s2, -s1 };
private static int[] yValsPentagon = { -vtxPentagonSize, -c1, c2, c2, -c1 };
private static Polygon vertexPentagon = new Polygon(xValsPentagon, yValsPentagon, 5);
private static int vtxHexagonSize = 13;
private static int hexX = (int)(0.866 * vtxHexagonSize);
private static int hexY = (int)(vtxHexagonSize / 2.0);
private static int[] xValsHexagon = { -hexX, -hexX, 0, hexX, hexX, 0 };
private static int[] yValsHexagon = { -hexY, hexY, vtxHexagonSize, hexY, -hexY, -vtxHexagonSize };
private static Polygon vertexHexagon = new Polygon(xValsHexagon, yValsHexagon, 6);
private static int vtxCircleRadius = 12;
private static Ellipse2D vertexCircle = new Ellipse2D.Float(-vtxCircleRadius, -vtxCircleRadius, vtxCircleRadius * 2, vtxCircleRadius * 2);
private static int vtxSquareHalfSize = 11;
private static Rectangle2D vertexSquare = new Rectangle2D.Float(-vtxSquareHalfSize, -vtxSquareHalfSize, vtxSquareHalfSize * 2, vtxSquareHalfSize * 2);
private static int vtxRoundRectHalfWidth = 14;
private static int vtxRoundRectHalfHeight = 8;
private static float vtxRoundRectArcWidth = 6;
private static RoundRectangle2D vertexRoundRect = new RoundRectangle2D.Float(-vtxRoundRectHalfWidth,
vtxRoundRectHalfWidth * 2,
vtxRoundRectHalfHeight * 2,
private static int vtxOvalHalfWidth = 14;
private static int vtxOvalHalfHeight = 8;
private static Ellipse2D vertexOval = new Ellipse2D.Float(-vtxOvalHalfWidth, -vtxOvalHalfHeight, vtxOvalHalfWidth * 2, vtxOvalHalfHeight * 2);
* For questions with NUMERICAL answer type and a defined min/max value, we can scale the vertex size
* based on where the interviewee's answer falls in the valid range.
* The scaling factor for the vertex will be:
* [(answer - minAnswer) / (maxAnswer - minAnswer)] * (maxScale - minScale) + minScale
private static float minSizeScale = 1.0f;
private static float maxSizeScale = 4.0f;
private static float vtxSizeScaleRange = maxSizeScale - minSizeScale;
* Given an alter, set that alter's vertex shape depending on the interviewee's answer
* to the node-color question. This transformer also provides the functionality for
* varying the vertex size, based on the node-size question. (If only one of the two
* is used for a particular NETWORK question, this transformer will leave the other
* parameter unmodified from its default for all vertices.)
* The shapes defined above
* all occupy roughly the same amount of pixel space as defined, so that shape and size
* can both be used without causing perception problems. (If the pentagon were smaller
* the circle, a "large" pentagon wouldn't necessarily have the proper size relative
* to a "medium" circle.)
private static Transformer<Alter, Shape> newAlterVtxShaper(final Network<Alter> network,
final Map<Long, String> shapeAnswers,
final Map<Long, String> sizeAnswers)
return newAlterVtxShaper(network, shapeAnswers, sizeAnswers, null);
private static Transformer<Alter, Shape> newAlterVtxShaper(final Network<Alter> network,
final Map<Long, String> shapeAnswers,
final Map<Long, String> sizeAnswers,
final Question sizeQuestion)
new Transformer<Alter, Shape>()
public Shape transform(Alter a)
Shape vtxShape = null;
if (shapeAnswers != null)
String shapeAns = shapeAnswers.get(a.getId());
if (shapeAns != null)
if (shapeAns.contains("0"))
vtxShape = vertexSquare;
else if (shapeAns.contains("1"))
vtxShape = vertexPentagon;
else if (shapeAns.contains("2"))
vtxShape = vertexHexagon;
else if (shapeAns.contains("3"))
vtxShape = vertexRoundRect;
else if (shapeAns.contains("4"))
vtxShape = vertexOval;
if (vtxShape == null)
vtxShape = vertexCircle;
if (sizeAnswers == null)
//return vtxShape;
AffineTransform vtxResize = new AffineTransform();
vtxResize.scale(1.75, 1.75);
return vtxResize.createTransformedShape(vtxShape);
String sizeAns = sizeAnswers.get(a.getId());
if (sizeQuestion != null && sizeQuestion.getAnswerType() == AnswerType.NUMERICAL)
Integer minAnswer = sizeQuestion.getMinLiteral();
Integer maxAnswer = sizeQuestion.getMaxLiteral();
float answer = Float.parseFloat(sizeAns);
answer = (float)(answer > maxAnswer? maxAnswer : answer);
answer = (float)(answer < minAnswer? minAnswer : answer);
float scale = (answer - minAnswer) / (float)(maxAnswer - minAnswer) * vtxSizeScaleRange + minSizeScale;
AffineTransform vtxResize = new AffineTransform();
vtxResize.scale(scale, scale);
return vtxResize.createTransformedShape(vtxShape);
catch (RuntimeException rtx)
return vtxShape;
if (sizeAns != null)
AffineTransform vtxResize = new AffineTransform();
if (sizeAns.contains("0"))
vtxResize.scale(1.75, 1.75);
return vtxResize.createTransformedShape(vtxShape);
if (sizeAns.contains("1"))
vtxResize.scale(2.2, 2.2);
return vtxResize.createTransformedShape(vtxShape);
if (sizeAns.contains("2"))
vtxResize.scale(2.7, 2.7);
return vtxResize.createTransformedShape(vtxShape);
if (sizeAns.contains("3"))
vtxResize.scale(3.4, 3.4);
return vtxResize.createTransformedShape(vtxShape);
if (sizeAns.contains("4"))
vtxResize.scale(4.3, 4.3);
return vtxResize.createTransformedShape(vtxShape);
return vtxShape;
* Given a pair of alters, determine the interviewee's response to the ALTER_PAIR
* edge-color question (if applicable). Set the edge color based on that response.
private static Transformer<PairUni<Alter>, Paint> newAlterEdgePainter(final Network<Alter> network, final Map<PairUni<Long>, String> answers)
new Transformer<PairUni<Alter>, Paint>()
public Paint transform(PairUni<Alter> alters)
Long idA1 = alters.getFirst().getId();
Long idA2 = alters.getSecond().getId();
String ans = null;
Color defaultColor = eColors[3];
* getNetworkForInterview creates a network with edges where
* the first alter id listed is lower than the second
if (idA1 < idA2)
ans = answers.get(new PairUni<Long>(idA1, idA2));
ans = answers.get(new PairUni<Long>(idA2, idA1));
if (ans == null)
return defaultColor;
if (ans == null)
return defaultColor;
if (ans.contains("0"))
return eColors[1];
if (ans.contains("1"))
return eColors[2];
if (ans.contains("2"))
return eColors[3];
if (ans.contains("3"))
return eColors[4];
if (ans.contains("4"))
return eColors[5];
return defaultColor;
catch (RuntimeException rtx)
return defaultColor;
* Given a pair of alters, determine the interviewee's response to the ALTER_PAIR
* edge-size question (if applicable). Set the edge width based on that response.
private static Transformer<PairUni<Alter>, Stroke> newAlterEdgeSizer(final Network<Alter> network, final Map<PairUni<Long>, String> answers)
new Transformer<PairUni<Alter>, Stroke>()
public Stroke transform(PairUni<Alter> alters)
Long idA1 = alters.getFirst().getId();
Long idA2 = alters.getSecond().getId();
String ans = null;
BasicStroke defaultStroke = new BasicStroke(1.3f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f);
* getNetworkForInterview creates a network with edges where
* the first alter id listed is lower than the second
if (idA1 < idA2)
ans = answers.get(new PairUni<Long>(idA1, idA2));
ans = answers.get(new PairUni<Long>(idA2, idA1));
if (ans == null)
return defaultStroke;
if (ans == null)
return defaultStroke;
if (ans.contains("0"))
return new BasicStroke(2.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f);
if (ans.contains("1"))
return new BasicStroke(3.2f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f);
if (ans.contains("2"))
return new BasicStroke(4.5f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f);
if (ans.contains("3"))
return new BasicStroke(6.2f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f);
if (ans.contains("4"))
return new BasicStroke(8.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f);
return defaultStroke;
catch (RuntimeException rtx)
return defaultStroke;