package; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Paint; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D; import java.awt.Polygon; import java.awt.Stroke; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.Form; import; import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer; import; import; import; import net.sf.egonet.model.Answer; import net.sf.egonet.model.Question; import net.sf.egonet.model.Study; import net.sf.egonet.model.Alter; import net.sf.egonet.model.Interview; import net.sf.egonet.model.QuestionOption; import net.sf.egonet.model.Answer.AnswerType; import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Answers; import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Interviewing; import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Studies; import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Interviews; import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Alters; import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Expressions; import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Analysis; import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Questions; import net.sf.egonet.persistence.Options; import net.sf.egonet.web.panel.AnswerFormFieldPanel; import net.sf.egonet.web.panel.InterviewingPanel; import net.sf.egonet.web.component.NetworkImage; import net.sf.functionalj.tuple.PairUni; import; import; import edu.uci.ics.jung.algorithms.layout.Layout; import static; /* * A class to create an interview page that will display a network graph, * with nodes for the alters specified during the interview. The edges will * be created based on a condition specified when the question is created. * The network graph can be customized to modify parameters based on the * interviewee's response to other questions. These parameters are: * * node size (based on any ALTER question) * node color (based on any ALTER question) * node shape (based on any ALTER question) * edge width (based on any ALTER_PAIR question) * edge color (based on any ALTER_PAIR question) * * All parameters above are optional during question creation, but the * question author must specify an expression to define the edges between * vertices. */ public class InterviewingNetworkPage extends InterviewingPage { private static class InterviewQLayout { public Long interviewId; public Long expressionId; public NetworkService.LayoutOption layoutOption; public Layout<Alter, PairUni<Alter>> networkLayout; } private Long interviewId; private Question question; private InterviewingPanel interviewingPanel; private NetworkImage<Alter> networkImage; private static List<InterviewQLayout> networkLayouts = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<InterviewQLayout>()); public InterviewingNetworkPage(Long interviewId, Question question) { super(interviewId); this.interviewId = interviewId; this.question = question; build(); } private void build() { buildNetworkImage(); Form form = new Form("form") { public void onSubmit() { List<String> pageFlags = interviewingPanel.pageFlags(); List<AnswerFormFieldPanel> answerFields = interviewingPanel.getAnswerFields(); boolean okayToContinue = AnswerFormFieldPanel.okayToContinue(answerFields, pageFlags); boolean consistent = AnswerFormFieldPanel.allConsistent(answerFields, pageFlags); for(AnswerFormFieldPanel field : interviewingPanel.getAnswerFields()) { if(okayToContinue) { Answers.setAnswerForInterviewAndQuestion(interviewId, question, field.getAnswer(),field.getOtherText(),field.getSkipReason(pageFlags)); } else if(consistent) { field.setNotification( field.answeredOrRefused(pageFlags) ? "" : "Unanswered"); } else { field.setNotification( field.consistent(pageFlags) ? "" : field.inconsistencyReason(pageFlags)); } } if(okayToContinue) { setResponsePage( askNextUnanswered(interviewId,question, new InterviewingNetworkPage(interviewId,question))); } } }; AnswerFormFieldPanel field = AnswerFormFieldPanel.getInstance("question",question,interviewId); Answer answer = Answers.getAnswerForInterviewAndQuestion(interviewId, question); if(answer != null) { field = AnswerFormFieldPanel.getInstance("question", question,answer.getValue(),answer.getOtherSpecifyText(),answer.getSkipReason(),interviewId); } field.setAutoFocus(); form.add(field); interviewingPanel = new InterviewingPanel("interviewingPanel",question,Lists.newArrayList(field),interviewId); form.add(interviewingPanel); add(form); add(new Link("backwardLink") { public void onClick() { EgonetPage page = askPrevious(interviewId,question,new InterviewingNetworkPage(interviewId,question)); if(page != null) { setResponsePage(page); } } }); Link forwardLink = new Link("forwardLink") { public void onClick() { EgonetPage page = askNext(interviewId,question,new InterviewingNetworkPage(interviewId,question)); if(page != null) { setResponsePage(page); } } }; add(forwardLink); if(! AnswerFormFieldPanel.okayToContinue( interviewingPanel.getAnswerFields(), interviewingPanel.pageFlags())) { forwardLink.setVisible(false); } } private static Layout<Alter, PairUni<Alter>> GetLayout(Long interviewId, Long expressionId, NetworkService.LayoutOption layoutOption) { for (InterviewQLayout l : networkLayouts) { if (interviewId.equals(l.interviewId) && expressionId.equals(l.expressionId) && (layoutOption.equals(l.layoutOption) || layoutOption == null)) return l.networkLayout; } return null; } private static void AddLayout(Long interviewId, Long expressionId, NetworkService.LayoutOption layoutOption, Layout<Alter, PairUni<Alter>> networkLayout) { InterviewQLayout l = new InterviewQLayout(); l.interviewId = interviewId; l.expressionId = expressionId; l.layoutOption = layoutOption; l.networkLayout = networkLayout; networkLayouts.add(l); } private void buildNetworkImage() { Interview interview = Interviews.getInterview(this.interviewId); List<Alter> interviewAlters = Alters.getForInterview(this.interviewId); /* * Retrieve ID numbers for the questions used to set node/edge parameters, * and for the Expression that defines whether edges are present between * pairs of alters. For the parameter questions, retrieve the interviewee's * answers to these ALTER/ALTER_PAIR questions and create an associative map * matching each alter/alter-pair to the interviewee's answer about them * from the relevant question. */ Long relExprId = question.getNetworkRelationshipExprId(); Long nSizeQId = question.getNetworkNSizeQId(); Long nShapeQId = question.getNetworkNShapeQId(); Long nColorQId = question.getNetworkNColorQId(); Long eSizeQId = question.getNetworkESizeQId(); Long eColorQId = question.getNetworkEColorQId(); Answer nSizeAnswer = null; Answer nShapeAnswer = null; Answer nColorAnswer = null; Answer eSizeAnswer = null; Answer eColorAnswer = null; Question nSizeQuestion = null; Question nShapeQuestion = null; Question nColorQuestion = null; Question eSizeQuestion = null; Question eColorQuestion = null; Map<Long, String> nSizeResponseMap = null; Map<Long, String> nShapeResponseMap = null; Map<Long, String> nColorResponseMap = null; Map<PairUni<Long>, String> eSizeResponseMap = null; Map<PairUni<Long>, String> eColorResponseMap = null; /* * iterate through alters, asking about each for the node size questions, and each pair for the edge questions */ if (relExprId != null) { List<Question> allQuestions = Lists.newArrayList(); if (nSizeQId != null) { nSizeQuestion = Questions.getQuestion(nSizeQId); nSizeResponseMap = Maps.newHashMap(); allQuestions.add(nSizeQuestion); } if (nShapeQId != null) { nShapeQuestion = Questions.getQuestion(nShapeQId); nShapeResponseMap = Maps.newHashMap(); allQuestions.add(nShapeQuestion); } if (nColorQId != null) { nColorQuestion = Questions.getQuestion(nColorQId); nColorResponseMap = Maps.newHashMap(); allQuestions.add(nColorQuestion); } if (eSizeQId != null) { eSizeQuestion = Questions.getQuestion(eSizeQId); eSizeResponseMap = Maps.newHashMap(); allQuestions.add(eSizeQuestion); } if (eColorQId != null) { eColorQuestion = Questions.getQuestion(eColorQId); eColorResponseMap = Maps.newHashMap(); allQuestions.add(eColorQuestion); } Map<Long,String> optionIdToValue = Maps.newTreeMap(); for(Question question : allQuestions) { if(question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.SELECTION) || question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.MULTIPLE_SELECTION)) { for(QuestionOption option : Options.getOptionsForQuestion(question.getId())) { optionIdToValue.put(option.getId(), option.getValue()); } } } for (final Alter a1 : interviewAlters) { ArrayList<Alter> a1List = new ArrayList<Alter>(){{ add(a1); }}; if (nSizeQuestion != null) { nSizeResponseMap.put(a1.getId(), showAnswer(optionIdToValue, nSizeQuestion, Answers.getAnswerForInterviewQuestionAlters(interview, nSizeQuestion, a1List))); } if (nShapeQuestion != null) { nShapeResponseMap.put(a1.getId(), showAnswer(optionIdToValue, nShapeQuestion, Answers.getAnswerForInterviewQuestionAlters(interview, nShapeQuestion, a1List))); } if (nColorQuestion != null) { nColorResponseMap.put(a1.getId(), showAnswer(optionIdToValue, nColorQuestion, Answers.getAnswerForInterviewQuestionAlters(interview, nColorQuestion, a1List))); } for (final Alter a2 : interviewAlters) { if (a2.getId() > a1.getId()) { ArrayList<Alter> a1a2List = new ArrayList<Alter>() {{ add(a1); add(a2); }}; if (eSizeQuestion != null) { eSizeResponseMap.put(new PairUni<Long>(a1.getId(), a2.getId()), showAnswer(optionIdToValue, eSizeQuestion, Answers.getAnswerForInterviewQuestionAlters(interview, eSizeQuestion, a1a2List))); } if (eColorQuestion != null) { eColorResponseMap.put(new PairUni<Long>(a1.getId(), a2.getId()), showAnswer(optionIdToValue, eColorQuestion, Answers.getAnswerForInterviewQuestionAlters(interview, eColorQuestion, a1a2List))); } } } } } else { /* * ETHAN - This point should not be reached. No expression has been specified for edge-creation. * TODO: Add exception/error warning code. */ } /* * Retrieve a network with the interviewee's alters as the graph nodes, and edges * as defined by the selected Expression. */ Network<Alter> questionNetwork = null; questionNetwork = Analysis.getNetworkForInterview(interview, Expressions.get(relExprId)); networkImage = new NetworkImage<Alter>("networkImage", questionNetwork); NetworkService.LayoutOption layoutOption = NetworkService.LayoutOption.FR; Layout<Alter, PairUni<Alter>> layout = GetLayout(this.interviewId, relExprId, layoutOption); if (layout == null) { layout = networkImage.getOrCreateLayout(); AddLayout(interviewId, relExprId, layoutOption, layout); } else { networkImage.setLayout(layout); } /* * Set node/edge transformers for the available parameters. If no question was selected for * a parameter when the interview was first created, the transformer will be null here, * and the parameter will not be varied during image-creation in */ networkImage.setNodeColorizer(newAlterVtxPainter(questionNetwork, nColorResponseMap)); /* * Set the node shape and size. If the size question has an answer in the * NUMERICAL format, the transformer needs the question so that it can find * the min/max value allowed for that answer. */ if (nSizeQuestion != null && nSizeQuestion.getAnswerType() == AnswerType.NUMERICAL) networkImage.setNodeShaper(newAlterVtxShaper(questionNetwork, nShapeResponseMap, nSizeResponseMap, nSizeQuestion)); else networkImage.setNodeShaper(newAlterVtxShaper(questionNetwork, nShapeResponseMap, nSizeResponseMap)); networkImage.setEdgeColorizer(newAlterEdgePainter(questionNetwork, eColorResponseMap)); networkImage.setEdgeSizer(newAlterEdgeSizer(questionNetwork, eSizeResponseMap)); networkImage.setDimensions(1200,800); add(networkImage); } /* * Essentially the same method as the one by the same name in * The method is private, and also can return "0" in a case where it fails * to parse out an answer. "0" is part of a valid answer for most SELECTION or * MULTIPLE_SELECTION questions, so we instead return null in the case where answer.getValue() == null */ private String showAnswer(Map<Long, String> optionIdToValue, Question question, Answer answer) { if(answer == null) { return null; } if(question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.NUMERICAL) || question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.TEXTUAL) || question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.TEXTUAL_PP) || question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.DATE) || question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.TIME_SPAN)) { return answer.getValue(); } if(question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.SELECTION) || question.getAnswerType().equals(Answer.AnswerType.MULTIPLE_SELECTION)) { String value = answer.getValue(); if(value == null || value.isEmpty()) { return null; } List<String> selectedOptions = Lists.newArrayList(); for(String optionIdString : value.split(",")) { Long optionId = Long.parseLong(optionIdString); String optionValue = optionIdToValue.get(optionId); if(optionValue != null) { selectedOptions.add(optionValue); } } return Joiner.on("; ").join(selectedOptions); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to answer for answer type: "+question.getAnswerType()); } // forward, unansweredOnly // askNextUnanswered: true, true // askNext: true, false // askPrevious: false, false public static EgonetPage askNextUnanswered( Long interviewId,Question currentQuestion, EgonetPage comeFrom) { Question nextNetworkQuestion = Interviewing.nextNetworkQuestionForInterview(interviewId,currentQuestion,true,true); if(nextNetworkQuestion != null) { EgonetPage nextNetworkPage = new InterviewingNetworkPage(interviewId, nextNetworkQuestion); return possiblyReplaceNextQuestionPageWithPreface( interviewId,nextNetworkPage,currentQuestion,nextNetworkQuestion, comeFrom,nextNetworkPage); } return new InterviewingConclusionPage(interviewId); } public static EgonetPage askNext(Long interviewId,Question currentQuestion, EgonetPage comeFrom) { Question nextNetworkQuestion = Interviewing.nextNetworkQuestionForInterview(interviewId,currentQuestion,true,false); if(nextNetworkQuestion != null) { EgonetPage nextPage = new InterviewingNetworkPage(interviewId, nextNetworkQuestion); return possiblyReplaceNextQuestionPageWithPreface( interviewId,nextPage,currentQuestion,nextNetworkQuestion, comeFrom,nextPage); } return new InterviewingConclusionPage(interviewId); } public static EgonetPage askPrevious(Long interviewId,Question currentQuestion, EgonetPage comeFrom) { Question previousNetworkQuestion = Interviewing.nextNetworkQuestionForInterview(interviewId,currentQuestion,false,false); EgonetPage previousPage = previousNetworkQuestion == null ? null : new InterviewingNetworkPage(interviewId, previousNetworkQuestion); return possiblyReplaceNextQuestionPageWithPreface( interviewId,previousPage,previousNetworkQuestion,currentQuestion, previousPage,comeFrom); } public String toString() { return question.getType()+" : "+question.getTitle(); } /* * Colors for the vertices/edges. Edge colors use essentially the same pallete * as vertex colors, but are darker so the vertices are easier to see. */ private static Color[] vColors = new Color[] { new Color(117, 134, 144), new Color(78, 205, 196), new Color(199, 244, 100), new Color(255, 107, 107), new Color(220, 105, 135), new Color(180, 105, 220), new Color(210, 230, 255) }; private static Color[] eColors = new Color[] { new Color(63, 74, 84), new Color(59, 155, 147), new Color(125, 152, 61), new Color(145, 68, 128), new Color(147, 57, 66), new Color(55, 82, 162), }; /* * Given an alter, set that alter's vertex color depending on the interviewee's answer * to the node-color question. */ private static Transformer<Alter, Paint> newAlterVtxPainter(final Network<Alter> network, final Map<Long, String> answers) { return new Transformer<Alter, Paint>() { public Paint transform(Alter a) { Color defaultColor = vColors[6]; if (answers == null) return defaultColor; String ans = answers.get(a.getId()); if (ans == null) { return defaultColor; } if (ans == null) return defaultColor; /* * Vertex color order was modified here from their array position after testing * with questions where not all colors were used. Thus, the slightly odd sequence * of array indices. */ if (ans.contains("0")) return vColors[1]; if (ans.contains("1")) return vColors[2]; if (ans.contains("2")) return vColors[3]; if (ans.contains("3")) return vColors[0]; if (ans.contains("4")) return vColors[5]; return defaultColor; } }; } /* * Predefined shapes that can be used for vertex rendering. We use * 4-, 5-, and 6-sided regular polygons, as well as (the default) circle. * Also available are a rounded rectangle and an oval, both wider than they * are tall. */ private static int vtxPentagonSize = 14 ; private static int c1 = (int)(0.3090 * vtxPentagonSize); private static int c2 = (int)(0.8090 * vtxPentagonSize); private static int s1 = (int)(0.9511 * vtxPentagonSize); private static int s2 = (int)(0.5878 * vtxPentagonSize); private static int[] xValsPentagon = { 0, s1, s2, -s2, -s1 }; private static int[] yValsPentagon = { -vtxPentagonSize, -c1, c2, c2, -c1 }; private static Polygon vertexPentagon = new Polygon(xValsPentagon, yValsPentagon, 5); private static int vtxHexagonSize = 13; private static int hexX = (int)(0.866 * vtxHexagonSize); private static int hexY = (int)(vtxHexagonSize / 2.0); private static int[] xValsHexagon = { -hexX, -hexX, 0, hexX, hexX, 0 }; private static int[] yValsHexagon = { -hexY, hexY, vtxHexagonSize, hexY, -hexY, -vtxHexagonSize }; private static Polygon vertexHexagon = new Polygon(xValsHexagon, yValsHexagon, 6); private static int vtxCircleRadius = 12; private static Ellipse2D vertexCircle = new Ellipse2D.Float(-vtxCircleRadius, -vtxCircleRadius, vtxCircleRadius * 2, vtxCircleRadius * 2); private static int vtxSquareHalfSize = 11; private static Rectangle2D vertexSquare = new Rectangle2D.Float(-vtxSquareHalfSize, -vtxSquareHalfSize, vtxSquareHalfSize * 2, vtxSquareHalfSize * 2); private static int vtxRoundRectHalfWidth = 14; private static int vtxRoundRectHalfHeight = 8; private static float vtxRoundRectArcWidth = 6; private static RoundRectangle2D vertexRoundRect = new RoundRectangle2D.Float(-vtxRoundRectHalfWidth, -vtxRoundRectHalfHeight, vtxRoundRectHalfWidth * 2, vtxRoundRectHalfHeight * 2, vtxRoundRectArcWidth, vtxRoundRectArcWidth); private static int vtxOvalHalfWidth = 14; private static int vtxOvalHalfHeight = 8; private static Ellipse2D vertexOval = new Ellipse2D.Float(-vtxOvalHalfWidth, -vtxOvalHalfHeight, vtxOvalHalfWidth * 2, vtxOvalHalfHeight * 2); /* * For questions with NUMERICAL answer type and a defined min/max value, we can scale the vertex size * based on where the interviewee's answer falls in the valid range. * * The scaling factor for the vertex will be: * [(answer - minAnswer) / (maxAnswer - minAnswer)] * (maxScale - minScale) + minScale */ private static float minSizeScale = 1.0f; private static float maxSizeScale = 4.0f; private static float vtxSizeScaleRange = maxSizeScale - minSizeScale; /* * Given an alter, set that alter's vertex shape depending on the interviewee's answer * to the node-color question. This transformer also provides the functionality for * varying the vertex size, based on the node-size question. (If only one of the two * is used for a particular NETWORK question, this transformer will leave the other * parameter unmodified from its default for all vertices.) * * The shapes defined above * all occupy roughly the same amount of pixel space as defined, so that shape and size * can both be used without causing perception problems. (If the pentagon were smaller * the circle, a "large" pentagon wouldn't necessarily have the proper size relative * to a "medium" circle.) */ private static Transformer<Alter, Shape> newAlterVtxShaper(final Network<Alter> network, final Map<Long, String> shapeAnswers, final Map<Long, String> sizeAnswers) { return newAlterVtxShaper(network, shapeAnswers, sizeAnswers, null); } private static Transformer<Alter, Shape> newAlterVtxShaper(final Network<Alter> network, final Map<Long, String> shapeAnswers, final Map<Long, String> sizeAnswers, final Question sizeQuestion) { return new Transformer<Alter, Shape>() { public Shape transform(Alter a) { Shape vtxShape = null; if (shapeAnswers != null) { String shapeAns = shapeAnswers.get(a.getId()); if (shapeAns != null) { if (shapeAns.contains("0")) vtxShape = vertexSquare; else if (shapeAns.contains("1")) vtxShape = vertexPentagon; else if (shapeAns.contains("2")) vtxShape = vertexHexagon; else if (shapeAns.contains("3")) vtxShape = vertexRoundRect; else if (shapeAns.contains("4")) vtxShape = vertexOval; } } if (vtxShape == null) vtxShape = vertexCircle; if (sizeAnswers == null) { //return vtxShape; AffineTransform vtxResize = new AffineTransform(); vtxResize.scale(1.75, 1.75); return vtxResize.createTransformedShape(vtxShape); } String sizeAns = sizeAnswers.get(a.getId()); if (sizeQuestion != null && sizeQuestion.getAnswerType() == AnswerType.NUMERICAL) { try { Integer minAnswer = sizeQuestion.getMinLiteral(); Integer maxAnswer = sizeQuestion.getMaxLiteral(); float answer = Float.parseFloat(sizeAns); answer = (float)(answer > maxAnswer? maxAnswer : answer); answer = (float)(answer < minAnswer? minAnswer : answer); float scale = (answer - minAnswer) / (float)(maxAnswer - minAnswer) * vtxSizeScaleRange + minSizeScale; AffineTransform vtxResize = new AffineTransform(); vtxResize.scale(scale, scale); return vtxResize.createTransformedShape(vtxShape); } catch (RuntimeException rtx) { return vtxShape; } } if (sizeAns != null) { AffineTransform vtxResize = new AffineTransform(); if (sizeAns.contains("0")) { vtxResize.scale(1.75, 1.75); return vtxResize.createTransformedShape(vtxShape); } if (sizeAns.contains("1")) { vtxResize.scale(2.2, 2.2); return vtxResize.createTransformedShape(vtxShape); } if (sizeAns.contains("2")) { vtxResize.scale(2.7, 2.7); return vtxResize.createTransformedShape(vtxShape); } if (sizeAns.contains("3")) { vtxResize.scale(3.4, 3.4); return vtxResize.createTransformedShape(vtxShape); } if (sizeAns.contains("4")) { vtxResize.scale(4.3, 4.3); return vtxResize.createTransformedShape(vtxShape); } } return vtxShape; } }; } /* * Given a pair of alters, determine the interviewee's response to the ALTER_PAIR * edge-color question (if applicable). Set the edge color based on that response. */ private static Transformer<PairUni<Alter>, Paint> newAlterEdgePainter(final Network<Alter> network, final Map<PairUni<Long>, String> answers) { return new Transformer<PairUni<Alter>, Paint>() { public Paint transform(PairUni<Alter> alters) { Long idA1 = alters.getFirst().getId(); Long idA2 = alters.getSecond().getId(); String ans = null; Color defaultColor = eColors[3]; try { /* * getNetworkForInterview creates a network with edges where * the first alter id listed is lower than the second */ if (idA1 < idA2) ans = answers.get(new PairUni<Long>(idA1, idA2)); else ans = answers.get(new PairUni<Long>(idA2, idA1)); if (ans == null) return defaultColor; if (ans == null) return defaultColor; if (ans.contains("0")) return eColors[1]; if (ans.contains("1")) return eColors[2]; if (ans.contains("2")) return eColors[3]; if (ans.contains("3")) return eColors[4]; if (ans.contains("4")) return eColors[5]; return defaultColor; } catch (RuntimeException rtx) { return defaultColor; } } }; } /* * Given a pair of alters, determine the interviewee's response to the ALTER_PAIR * edge-size question (if applicable). Set the edge width based on that response. */ private static Transformer<PairUni<Alter>, Stroke> newAlterEdgeSizer(final Network<Alter> network, final Map<PairUni<Long>, String> answers) { return new Transformer<PairUni<Alter>, Stroke>() { public Stroke transform(PairUni<Alter> alters) { Long idA1 = alters.getFirst().getId(); Long idA2 = alters.getSecond().getId(); String ans = null; BasicStroke defaultStroke = new BasicStroke(1.3f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f); try { /* * getNetworkForInterview creates a network with edges where * the first alter id listed is lower than the second */ if (idA1 < idA2) ans = answers.get(new PairUni<Long>(idA1, idA2)); else ans = answers.get(new PairUni<Long>(idA2, idA1)); if (ans == null) return defaultStroke; if (ans == null) return defaultStroke; if (ans.contains("0")) return new BasicStroke(2.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f); if (ans.contains("1")) return new BasicStroke(3.2f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f); if (ans.contains("2")) return new BasicStroke(4.5f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f); if (ans.contains("3")) return new BasicStroke(6.2f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f); if (ans.contains("4")) return new BasicStroke(8.0f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 10.0f); return defaultStroke; } catch (RuntimeException rtx) { return defaultStroke; } } }; } }