package net.sf.egonet.persistence; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import net.sf.egonet.model.Expression; import net.sf.egonet.model.Question; import net.sf.egonet.model.QuestionOption; import net.sf.egonet.model.Question.QuestionType; import net.sf.functionalj.tuple.Triple; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import; import; public class Questions { public static void delete(Session session, final Question question) { for(Question dbQuestion : matchingQuestionsFor(session,question)) { deleteSimpleExpressionsFor(session,dbQuestion); deleteAllAnswersForQuestion(session, question.getId()); deleteOptionsFor(session,dbQuestion); removeReferencesInCountingExpressionsFor(session,dbQuestion); DB.delete(session, dbQuestion); } } public static void delete(final Question question) { DB.withTx(new Function<Session,Object>(){ public Object apply(Session session) { delete(session,question); return null; } }); } private static void removeReferencesInCountingExpressionsFor( Session session, Question dbQuestion) { for(Expression expression : Expressions.forStudy(session,dbQuestion.getStudyId())) { if(expression.getType().equals(Expression.Type.Counting)) { Triple<Integer,List<Long>,List<Long>> numberExprsQuests = (Triple<Integer,List<Long>,List<Long>>) expression.getValue(); if(numberExprsQuests.getSecond().contains(dbQuestion.getId())) { List<Long> newQuests = Lists.newArrayList(); for(Long quest : numberExprsQuests.getThird()) { if(! quest.equals(dbQuestion.getId())) { newQuests.add(quest); } } expression.setValue(new Triple<Integer,List<Long>,List<Long>>( numberExprsQuests.getFirst(), numberExprsQuests.getSecond(), newQuests));, expression); } } } } private static void deleteAllAnswersForQuestion(Session session, final Long questionId) { session.createQuery("update Answer a set active = 0 where a.questionId = :questionId") .setParameter("questionId", questionId) .executeUpdate(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Question> matchingQuestionsFor(Session session, final Question question) { return session.createQuery("from Question where id = :id and title = :title and studyId = :studyId and active = 1") .setParameter("id", question.getId()) .setParameter("title", question.getTitle()) .setParameter("studyId", question.getStudyId()) .list(); } public static void deleteOptionsFor(final Question question) { new DB.Action<Object>() { public Object get() { deleteOptionsFor(session,question); return null; } }.execute(); } public static void deleteOptionsFor(Session session, final Question question) { for(Question dbQuestion : matchingQuestionsFor(session,question)) { for(QuestionOption option : Options.getOptionsForQuestion(session, dbQuestion.getId())) { DB.delete(option); } } } public static void deleteSimpleExpressionsFor(Session session, final Question question) { for(Question dbQuestion : matchingQuestionsFor(session,question)) { for(Expression expression : Expressions.getSimpleExpressionsForQuestion(session, dbQuestion.getId())) { Expressions.delete(session, expression); } } } public static Question getQuestion(Session session, final Long id) { // Yes, this is different from session.load(Study.class, id), // which triggers a lazy initialization exception when any // field of Study is requested after the session is closed. return (Question) session.createQuery("from Question where id = :id and active = 1") .setParameter("id", id).list().get(0); } public static Question getQuestion(final Long id) { return DB.withTx(new Function<Session,Question>(){ public Question apply(Session session) { return getQuestion(session, id); } }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Question> getQuestionsForStudy( Session session, final Long studyId, final QuestionType type) { try { Query query = session.createQuery("from Question q where = 1 and q.studyId = :studyId " + (type == null ? "" : "and q.typeDB = :type")+ " order by q.ordering") .setLong("studyId", studyId); if(type != null) { query.setString("type", Question.typeDB(type)); } return query.list(); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to getQuestionsForStudy("+studyId+","+type+")", ex); } } public static List<Question> getQuestionsForStudy(final Long studyId, final QuestionType type) { return DB.withTx(new Function<Session,List<Question>>() { public List<Question> apply(Session session) { return getQuestionsForStudy(session,studyId,type); } }); } public static void moveEarlier(Session session, final Question question) { List<Question> questions = getQuestionsForStudy(session,question.getStudyId(),question.getType()); Integer i = null; for(Integer j = 0; j < questions.size(); j++) { if(questions.get(j).getId().equals(question.getId())) { i = j; } } if(i != null && i > 0) { Question swap = questions.get(i); questions.set(i, questions.get(i-1)); questions.set(i-1, swap); } for(Integer j = 0; j < questions.size(); j++) { questions.get(j).setOrdering(j);; } } public static void moveEarlier(final Question question) { DB.withTx(new Function<Session,Object>() { public Object apply(Session session) { moveEarlier(session,question); return null; } }); } public static void pull(Session session, Question target, Set<Question> selectedQuestions) { List<Question> questions = getQuestionsForStudy(session,target.getStudyId(),target.getType()); List<Question> newOrder = Lists.newArrayList(); for(Question question : questions) { boolean afterTarget = question.getOrdering() > target.getOrdering(); boolean selected = selectedQuestions.contains(question); if(! (afterTarget || selected)) { newOrder.add(question); } } for(Question question : questions) { boolean selected = selectedQuestions.contains(question); if(selected) { newOrder.add(question); } } for(Question question : questions) { boolean afterTarget = question.getOrdering() > target.getOrdering(); boolean selected = selectedQuestions.contains(question); if(afterTarget && ! selected) { newOrder.add(question); } } for(Integer j = 0; j < newOrder.size(); j++) { newOrder.get(j).setOrdering(j);; } } public static void pull(final Question target, final Set<Question> selectedQuestions) { DB.withTx(new Function<Session,Object>() { public Object apply(Session session) { pull(session,target,selectedQuestions); return null; } }); } /** * given the title of the question, retrieve the question * @param session database session object * @param title - String Uniquely identifying the question * @param iType - the 'section' ( EGO_ID, EGO, ALTER, ALTER_PAIR ) we are looking at. * note that it is possible this will be different than the type of the 'original' * question. That is, when used with variable substitution we may be looking for * a question with a given title in a different section. * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Question getQuestionUsingTitleAndTypeAndStudy(Session session, final String title, final Question.QuestionType iType, final Long studyId) { // Yes, this is different from session.load(Study.class, id), // which triggers a lazy initialization exception when any // field of Study is requested after the session is closed. List<Question> questionList; questionList = session.createQuery("from Question where title = :title and typeDB = :typeDB and studyId = :studyId and active = 1") .setParameter("title", title) .setParameter("typeDB", iType.toString()) .setParameter("studyId", studyId) .list(); if ( questionList!=null && !questionList.isEmpty()) return questionList.get(0); return(null); } /** * given the title of the question, retrieve the question * @param title - String Uniquely identifying the question * @return */ public static Question getQuestionUsingTitleAndTypeAndStudy(final String title, final Question.QuestionType iType, final Long studyId) { return DB.withTx(new Function<Session,Question>(){ public Question apply(Session session) { return getQuestionUsingTitleAndTypeAndStudy(session, title, iType, studyId); } }); } /** * next couple of functions are specific to the * Export 'Other/Specify' text file option, which * will export all the questions with the other/specify * flag set, and answers to them * @param session * @param studyId * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<Question> getQuestionsWithOtherSpecifyForStudy( Session session, final Long studyId) { try { Query query = session.createQuery("from Question q where = 1 and q.studyId = :studyId " + "and q.otherSpecify = :otherSpecify order by q.ordering") .setLong("studyId", studyId) .setBoolean("otherSpecify", true); return query.list(); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to getQuestionsForStudy("+studyId+")", ex); } } public static List<Question> getQuestionsWithOtherSpecifyForStudy(final Long studyId) { return DB.withTx(new Function<Session,List<Question>>() { public List<Question> apply(Session session) { return getQuestionsWithOtherSpecifyForStudy(session,studyId); } }); } }