package net.sf.egonet.persistence; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.sf.egonet.model.Expression; import net.sf.egonet.model.Question; import net.sf.egonet.model.QuestionOption; import org.hibernate.Session; import; public class Options { public static List<QuestionOption> getOptionsForStudy(final Long studyId) { return DB.withTx(new DB.Action<List<QuestionOption>>() { public List<QuestionOption> get() { return getOptionsForStudy(session,studyId); } }); } public static List<QuestionOption> getOptionsForStudy(Session session, final Long studyId) { return session.createQuery("from QuestionOption where active = 1 and " + " studyId = :studyId") .setLong("studyId", studyId) .list(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static ArrayList<QuestionOption> getOptionsForQuestion(Session session, final Long questionId) { ArrayList<QuestionOption> options = new ArrayList<QuestionOption>( session.createQuery("from QuestionOption o where = 1 and " + "o.questionId = :questionId order by o.ordering") .setLong("questionId", questionId) .list()); // Add values to those that don't have them (null or ""). for(QuestionOption option : options) { if(option.getValue() == null || option.getValue().isEmpty()) { for(Integer possibleValue = options.size()+1; possibleValue > 0; possibleValue--) { Boolean foundMatch = false; for(QuestionOption otherOption : options) { if(otherOption.getValue() != null && otherOption.getValue().equals(possibleValue.toString())) { foundMatch = true; } } if(! foundMatch) { option.setValue(possibleValue.toString()); } }, option); } } return options; } public static ArrayList<QuestionOption> getOptionsForQuestion(final Long questionId) { return DB.withTx(new DB.Action<ArrayList<QuestionOption>>() { public ArrayList<QuestionOption> get() { return getOptionsForQuestion(session,questionId); } }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void delete(Session session, final QuestionOption option) { for(QuestionOption dbOption : matchingOptionsFor(session,option)) { // TODO: Delete single-selection answers to the same question that reference this option // TODO: Remove references to this option from multiple-selection answers List<Expression> expressions = Expressions.getSimpleExpressionsForQuestion(session, dbOption.getQuestionId()); for(Expression expression : expressions) { if(expression.getType().equals(Expression.Type.Selection)) { List<Long> optionIds = (List<Long>) expression.getValue(); optionIds.remove(dbOption.getId()); expression.setValue(optionIds);; } } DB.delete(dbOption); } } public static void delete(final QuestionOption option) { DB.withTx(new Function<Session,Object>(){ public Object apply(Session session) { delete(session,option); return null; } }); } public static void addOption(final Question question, final String optionName, final String optionValue) { new DB.Action<Object>() { public Object get() { addOption(session, question, optionName, optionValue); return null; } }.execute(); } public static void addOption(Session session, Question question, String optionName, String optionValue) { List<QuestionOption> options = getOptionsForQuestion(session,question.getId()); QuestionOption newOption = new QuestionOption(question.getId(),optionName); if(optionValue == null || optionValue.isEmpty()) { for(Integer possibleValue = options.size()+1; possibleValue > 0; possibleValue--) { Boolean foundMatch = false; for(QuestionOption option : options) { if(option.getValue() != null && option.getValue().equals(possibleValue.toString())) { foundMatch = true; } } if(! foundMatch) { newOption.setValue(possibleValue.toString()); } } } else { newOption.setValue(optionValue); } options.add(newOption); for(Integer i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { options.get(i).setOrdering(i); options.get(i).setStudyId(question.getStudyId());, options.get(i)); } } public static void moveEarlier(Session session, final QuestionOption option) { List<QuestionOption> options = getOptionsForQuestion(session,option.getQuestionId()); Integer i = null; for(Integer j = 0; j < options.size(); j++) { if(options.get(j).getId().equals(option.getId())) { i = j; } } if(i != null && i > 0) { QuestionOption swap = options.get(i); options.set(i, options.get(i-1)); options.set(i-1, swap); } Long studyId = null; for(Integer j = 0; j < options.size(); j++) { QuestionOption thisOption = options.get(j); thisOption.setOrdering(j); if(thisOption.getStudyId() == null) { if(studyId == null) { studyId = Questions.getQuestion(session,option.getQuestionId()).getStudyId(); } thisOption.setStudyId(studyId); }; } } public static void moveEarlier(final QuestionOption option) { DB.withTx(new Function<Session,Object>() { public Object apply(Session session) { moveEarlier(session,option); return null; } }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<QuestionOption> matchingOptionsFor(Session session, final QuestionOption option) { return session.createQuery( "from QuestionOption where id = :id and name = :name and questionId = :questionId and active = 1") .setParameter("id", option.getId()) .setParameter("name", option.getName()) .setParameter("questionId", option.getQuestionId()) .list(); } }