package org.cryptocoinpartners.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import org.cryptocoinpartners.module.Context; import org.cryptocoinpartners.schema.Book; import org.cryptocoinpartners.schema.Event; import org.cryptocoinpartners.schema.Market; import org.cryptocoinpartners.schema.RemoteEvent; import org.cryptocoinpartners.schema.Trade; import org.joda.time.Duration; import org.joda.time.Instant; import org.joda.time.Interval; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.espertech.esper.client.EPRuntime; import; import; /** Manages a Context into which Trades and Books from the database are replayed. The Context time is also managed by this class as it advances through the events. */ public class Replay implements Runnable { @AssistedInject public Replay(@Assisted boolean orderByTimeReceived) { // new Interval(this.getEventsStart(orderByTimeReceived), this.getEventsEnd(orderByTimeReceived)); this(new Interval(getEventsStart(orderByTimeReceived), getEventsEnd(orderByTimeReceived)), orderByTimeReceived); } // @AssistedInject public Replay(@Assisted boolean orderByTimeReceived, @Assisted Semaphore semaphore) { this(new Interval(getEventsStart(orderByTimeReceived), getEventsEnd(orderByTimeReceived)), orderByTimeReceived, semaphore); } // @AssistedInject public Replay(@Assisted("startTime") Instant start, @Assisted boolean orderByTimeReceived) { this(new Interval(start, getEventsEnd(orderByTimeReceived)), orderByTimeReceived); } // @AssistedInject public Replay(@Assisted("startTime") Instant start, @Assisted boolean orderByTimeReceived, @Assisted Semaphore semaphore) { this(new Interval(start, getEventsEnd(orderByTimeReceived)), orderByTimeReceived, semaphore); } // @AssistedInject public Replay(@Assisted("endTime") Instant end, @Assisted boolean orderByTimeReceived, @Assisted("until") boolean until) { this(new Interval(getEventsStart(orderByTimeReceived), end), orderByTimeReceived); } // @AssistedInject public Replay(@Assisted("endTime") Instant end, @Assisted boolean orderByTimeReceived, @Assisted Semaphore semaphore, @Assisted("until") boolean until) { this(new Interval(getEventsStart(orderByTimeReceived), end), orderByTimeReceived, semaphore); } // @AssistedInject public Replay(@Assisted("startTime") Instant start, @Assisted("endTime") Instant end, @Assisted boolean orderByTimeReceived) { this(new Interval(start, end), orderByTimeReceived); } // @AssistedInject public Replay(@Assisted("startTime") Instant start, @Assisted("endTime") Instant end, @Assisted boolean orderByTimeReceived, @Assisted Semaphore semaphore) { this(new Interval(start, end), orderByTimeReceived, semaphore); } // // @AssistedInject // public Replay (Interval interval, boolean orderByTimeReceived) { // return new Replay(interval, orderByTimeReceived); // } // // @AssistedInject // public Replay during(Interval interval, boolean orderByTimeReceived, Semaphore semaphore) { // return new Replay(interval, orderByTimeReceived, semaphore); // } @AssistedInject public Replay(@Assisted Interval replayTimeInterval, @Assisted boolean orderByTimeReceived) { this.replayTimeInterval = replayTimeInterval; // set this before creating EventTimeManager this.semaphore = null; this.context = Context.create(new EventTimeManager()); this.orderByTimeReceived = orderByTimeReceived; } @AssistedInject public Replay(@Assisted Interval replayTimeInterval, @Assisted boolean orderByTimeReceived, @Assisted Semaphore semaphore) { this.replayTimeInterval = replayTimeInterval; // set this before creating EventTimeManager this.semaphore = semaphore; this.context = Context.create(new EventTimeManager()); this.orderByTimeReceived = orderByTimeReceived; } public Context getContext() { return context; } /** queries the database for all Books and Trades which have start <= time <= stop, then publishes those Events in order of time to this Replay's Context */ @Override public void run() { final Instant start = replayTimeInterval.getStart().toInstant(); final Instant end = replayTimeInterval.getEnd().toInstant(); int threadCount = 0; CountDownLatch startLatch = null; CountDownLatch stopLatch = null; service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(dbReaderThreads); // engines = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1); // engines.submit(new PublisherRunnable()); if (replayTimeInterval.toDuration().isLongerThan(timeStep)) { // Start two threads, but ensure the first thread publish first, then reuse it for (Instant now = start; !now.isAfter(end);) { final Instant stepEnd =; stopLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); ReplayStepRunnable replayStep = new ReplayStepRunnable(now, stepEnd, context.getRunTime(), semaphore, startLatch, stopLatch, threadCount); service.submit(replayStep); startLatch = stopLatch; // if (threadCount != 0) threadCount++; now = stepEnd; } } else replayStep(start, end); if (semaphore != null) try { semaphore.acquire(threadCount); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); } } private class PublisherRunnable implements Runnable { public PublisherRunnable() { } @Override // @Inject public void run() { while (true) try { RemoteEvent event = queue.take(); //runtime.sendEvent(event); context.publish(event); } catch (Exception | Error e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private class ReplayStepRunnable implements Runnable { private final Instant start; private final Instant stop; private final EPRuntime runtime; private final Semaphore semaphore; private final CountDownLatch startLatch; private final CountDownLatch stopLatch; private final int threadCount; public ReplayStepRunnable(Instant start, Instant stop, EPRuntime runtime, Semaphore semaphore, CountDownLatch startLatch, CountDownLatch stopLatch, int threadCount) { this.semaphore = semaphore; this.start = start; this.stop = stop; this.runtime = runtime; this.startLatch = startLatch; this.stopLatch = stopLatch; this.threadCount = threadCount; } @Override // @Inject public void run() { try { // perform interesting task // Log.debug(context.getInjector().toString()); //PortfolioService port = context.getInjector().getInstance(PortfolioService.class); Iterator<RemoteEvent> ite = queryEvents(start, stop).iterator(); // thread 1 starts, thread 2 finishes, want to wait till thread 1 is complete before processing // we need to wait for current thread to finish. try { if (startLatch != null) startLatch.await(); while (ite.hasNext()) { RemoteEvent event =; // queue.put(event); context.publish(event); EM.detach(event); } } catch (Error | Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } // context.advanceTime(stop); } catch (Error | Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (semaphore != null) semaphore.release(); stopLatch.countDown(); } } } private void replayStep(Instant start, Instant stop) { Iterator<RemoteEvent> ite = queryEvents(start, stop).iterator(); while (ite.hasNext()) { RemoteEvent event =; context.publish(event); event.detach(); } context.advanceTime(stop); // advance to the end of the time window to trigger any timer events } private List<RemoteEvent> queryEvents(Instant start, Instant stop) { final Market market = Market.forSymbol("OKCOIN_THISWEEK:BTC.USD.THISWEEK"); final String timeField = timeFieldForOrdering(orderByTimeReceived); final String tradeQuery = "select t from Trade t where market=?1 and " + timeField + " >= ?2 and " + timeField + " <= ?3"; final String bookQuery = "select b from Book b where market=?1 and " + timeField + " >= ?2 and " + timeField + " <= ?3"; final List<RemoteEvent> events = new ArrayList<>(); events.addAll(EM.queryList(Trade.class, tradeQuery, market, start, stop)); events.addAll(EM.queryList(Book.class, bookQuery, market, start, stop)); Collections.sort(events, orderByTimeReceived ? timeReceivedComparator : timeHappenedComparator); return events; } private static Instant getEventsStart(boolean orderByRemoteTime) { String timeField = timeFieldForOrdering(orderByRemoteTime); Instant bookStart = EM.queryOne(Instant.class, "select min(" + timeField + ") from Book"); Instant tradeStart = EM.queryOne(Instant.class, "select min(" + timeField + ") from Trade"); if (bookStart == null && tradeStart == null) return null; if (bookStart == null) return tradeStart; if (tradeStart == null) return bookStart; return tradeStart.isBefore(bookStart) ? tradeStart : bookStart; } private static Instant getEventsEnd(boolean orderByTimeReceived) { final String timeField = timeFieldForOrdering(orderByTimeReceived); // queries use max(time)+1 because the end of a range is exclusive, and we want to include the last event Instant bookEnd = EM.queryOne(Instant.class, "select max(" + timeField + ") from Book"); Instant tradeEnd = EM.queryOne(Instant.class, "select max(" + timeField + ") from Trade"); if (bookEnd == null && tradeEnd == null) return null; if (bookEnd == null) return tradeEnd; if (tradeEnd == null) return bookEnd; return tradeEnd.isAfter(bookEnd) ? tradeEnd : bookEnd; } private static String timeFieldForOrdering(boolean orderByTimeReceived) { return orderByTimeReceived ? "timeReceived" : "time"; } private static final Comparator<RemoteEvent> timeReceivedComparator = new Comparator<RemoteEvent>() { @Override public int compare(RemoteEvent event, RemoteEvent event2) { return event.getTimeReceived().compareTo(event2.getTimeReceived()); } }; private static final Comparator<RemoteEvent> timeHappenedComparator = new Comparator<RemoteEvent>() { @Override public int compare(RemoteEvent event, RemoteEvent event2) { return event.getTime().compareTo(event2.getTime()); } }; public class EventTimeManager implements Context.TimeProvider { @Override public Instant getInitialTime() { return replayTimeInterval.getStart().toInstant(); } @Override public Instant nextTime(Event event) { if (orderByTimeReceived && event instanceof RemoteEvent) { RemoteEvent remoteEvent = (RemoteEvent) event; return remoteEvent.getTimeReceived(); } else return event.getTime(); } } protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.cryptocoinpartners.replay"); private final BlockingQueue<RemoteEvent> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<RemoteEvent>(); private final Interval replayTimeInterval; private final Integer dbReaderThreads = ConfigUtil.combined().getInt("db.replay.reader.threads"); private final Semaphore semaphore; private static ExecutorService service; private static ExecutorService engines; private final Context context; private static final Duration timeStep = Duration.standardDays(1); // how many rows from the DB to gather in one batch private final boolean orderByTimeReceived; }