package org.cryptocoinpartners.schema; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.persistence.Cacheable; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Index; import javax.persistence.Lob; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.PostLoad; import javax.persistence.PostPersist; import javax.persistence.PrePersist; import javax.persistence.Table; import javax.persistence.Transient; import jline.internal.Log; import org.cryptocoinpartners.schema.dao.BookDao; import org.cryptocoinpartners.util.EM; import org.cryptocoinpartners.util.Visitor; import org.hibernate.annotations.Cache; import org.hibernate.annotations.CacheConcurrencyStrategy; import org.joda.time.Instant; import org.joda.time.Interval; import; import; import; /** * Book represents a snapshot of all the limit orders for a Market. Book has a "compact" database representation * * @author Tim Olson */ @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") @Entity @Cacheable @Cache(usage = CacheConcurrencyStrategy.NONSTRICT_READ_WRITE, region = "book") @Table(indexes = { @Index(columnList = "time"), @Index(columnList = "timeReceived") }) public class Book extends MarketData implements Spread { /** Books will be saved in the database as diffs against the previous Book, but a full Book will be saved if the * number of parent hops to the previous full Book reaches MAX_PARENT_CHAIN_LENGTH */ private static final int MAX_PARENT_CHAIN_LENGTH = 20; @Inject protected static transient BookFactory bookFactory; public static void find(Interval timeInterval, Visitor<Book> visitor) { EM.queryEach(Book.class, visitor, "select b from Book b where time > ?1 and time < ?2", timeInterval.getStartMillis(), timeInterval.getEndMillis()); } public static void findAll(Visitor<Book> visitor) { EM.queryEach(Book.class, visitor, "select b from Book b"); } private static final Object lock = new Object(); @Transient public List<Offer> getBids() { // synchronized (lock) { resolveDiff(); if (bids == null) return (new ArrayList<>()); return bids; //} } @Transient public List<Offer> getAsks() { // synchronized (lock) { resolveDiff(); if (asks == null) return (new ArrayList<>()); return asks; // } } @Override @Transient public Offer getBestBid() { if (getBids().isEmpty()) return new Offer(getMarket(), getTime(), getTimeReceived(), 0L, 0L); return getBids().get(0); } @Override @Transient public Offer getBestBidByVolume(DiscreteAmount volume) { long remainingVolume = volume.getCount(); for (Offer bid : getBids()) { if (bid.getVolumeCount() >= remainingVolume) return bid; else remainingVolume = Math.max(remainingVolume - bid.getVolumeCount(), 0); } return new Offer(getMarket(), getTime(), getTimeReceived(), 0L, 0L); } @Override @Transient public Offer getBestAsk() { if (getAsks().isEmpty()) { return new Offer(getMarket(), getTime(), getTimeReceived(), Long.MAX_VALUE, 0L); } return getAsks().get(0); } @Override @Transient public Offer getBestAskByVolume(DiscreteAmount volume) { long remainingVolume = volume.getCount(); for (Offer ask : getAsks()) { if (ask.getVolumeCount() <= remainingVolume) return ask; else remainingVolume = Math.min(remainingVolume - ask.getVolumeCount(), 0); } return new Offer(getMarket(), getTime(), getTimeReceived(), 0L, 0L); } @Nullable @Transient public DiscreteAmount getBidPrice() { if (getBids().isEmpty()) return new DiscreteAmount(0, getMarket().getPriceBasis()); return getBids().get(0).getPrice(); } @Nullable @Transient public DiscreteAmount getBidVolume() { if (getBids().isEmpty()) return new DiscreteAmount(0, getMarket().getVolumeBasis()); return getBids().get(0).getVolume(); } @Nullable public Double getBidPriceAsDouble() { if (getBids().isEmpty()) return 0d; return getBids().get(0).getPriceAsDouble(); } @Nullable @Transient public Double getBidPriceCountAsDouble() { if (getBids().isEmpty()) return 0d; return getBids().get(0).getPriceCountAsDouble(); } @Nullable public Double getBidVolumeAsDouble() { if (getBids().isEmpty()) return 0d; return getBids().get(0).getVolumeAsDouble(); } @Nullable @Transient public Double getBidVolumeCountAsDouble() { if (getBids().isEmpty()) return 0d; return getBids().get(0).getVolumeCountAsDouble(); } @Nullable @Transient public DiscreteAmount getAskPrice() { if (getAsks().isEmpty()) return new DiscreteAmount(Long.MAX_VALUE, getMarket().getPriceBasis()); return getAsks().get(0).getPrice(); } @Nullable @Transient public DiscreteAmount getAskVolume() { if (getAsks().isEmpty()) return new DiscreteAmount(0, getMarket().getVolumeBasis()); return getAsks().get(0).getVolume(); } @Override @Nullable @Transient public BookDao getDao() { return bookDao; } /** saved to the db for query convenience */ @Nullable public Double getAskPriceAsDouble() { if (getAsks().isEmpty()) return Double.MAX_VALUE; return getAsks().get(0).getPriceAsDouble(); } @Nullable @Transient public Double getAskPriceCountAsDouble() { if (getAsks().isEmpty()) return Double.MAX_VALUE; return getAsks().get(0).getPriceCountAsDouble(); } /** saved to the db for query convenience */ @Nullable public Double getAskVolumeAsDouble() { if (getAsks().isEmpty()) return 0d; return getAsks().get(0).getVolumeAsDouble(); } @Nullable @Transient public Double getAskVolumeCountAsDouble() { if (getAsks().isEmpty()) return 0d; return getAsks().get(0).getVolumeCountAsDouble(); } public static class DiffResult { List<Offer> newOffers = new ArrayList<>(); List<Offer> removedOffers = new ArrayList<>(); } public DiffResult diff(Book previousBook) { DiffResult result = new DiffResult(); // synchronized (lock) { diff(result, getBids(), previousBook.getBids()); diff(result, getAsks(), previousBook.getAsks()); // } return result; } @AssistedInject Book(@Assisted Instant time, @Assisted Market market) { // this.bookDao = bookDao; // Book(); = getId(); this.bids = new ArrayList<>(); this.asks = new ArrayList<>(); this.setTime(time); this.setTimeReceived(; this.setRemoteKey(null); this.setMarket(market); } @AssistedInject Book(@Assisted Instant time, @Assisted String remoteKey, @Assisted Market market) { // Book(); //this.bookDao = bookDao; = getId(); this.bids = new ArrayList<>(); this.asks = new ArrayList<>(); this.setTime(time); this.setTimeReceived(; this.setRemoteKey(remoteKey); this.setMarket(market); } @AssistedInject Book(@Assisted("bookTime") Instant time, @Assisted("bookTimeReceived") Instant timeReceived, @Assisted String remoteKey, @Assisted Market market) { = getId(); this.bids = new ArrayList<>(); this.asks = new ArrayList<>(); this.setTime(time); this.setTimeReceived(timeReceived); this.setRemoteKey(remoteKey); this.setMarket(market); } public Book addBid(BigDecimal price, BigDecimal volume) { Market market = this.getMarket(); // synchronized (lock) { this.bids.add(, this.getTime(), this.getTimeReceived(), DiscreteAmount.roundedCountForBasis(price, market.getPriceBasis()), DiscreteAmount.roundedCountForBasis(volume, market.getVolumeBasis()))); return this; // } } public <T> T queryZeroOne(Class<T> resultType, String queryStr, Object... params) { // em = createEntityManager(); return bookDao.queryZeroOne(resultType, queryStr, params); } public Book addAsk(BigDecimal price, BigDecimal volume) { Market market = this.getMarket(); // synchronized (lock) { this.asks.add(Offer.ask(market, this.getTime(), this.getTimeReceived(), DiscreteAmount.roundedCountForBasis(price, market.getPriceBasis()), DiscreteAmount.roundedCountForBasis(volume, market.getVolumeBasis()))); return this; // } } public Book build() { this.sortBook(); // look for a Chain of Books of the same Market String marketSymbol = this.getMarket().getSymbol(); Chain chain = chains.get(marketSymbol); if (chain == null) { // no chain exists for the Market, so create one chain = new Chain(); chain.previousBook = this; chains.put(marketSymbol, chain); } else { // a parent Book exists in the chain Book parentBook; if (chain.chainLength == MAX_PARENT_CHAIN_LENGTH) { // reached max chain length. set parent to null and reset the chain length count parentBook = null; chain.chainLength = 0; } else { // the chain is not too long. use the previous book in the chain as a parent parentBook = chain.previousBook; chain.chainLength++; } this.setParent(parentBook); chain.previousBook = this; } Book result = this; return result; } /** Book.Builder remembers the previous Book it built, allowing for diffs to be saved in the db */ public static class Builder { public Builder() { // = bookFactory.create(true); = Book.create(); } public void start(Instant time, String remoteKey, Market market) { book.setTime(time); book.setTimeReceived(; book.setRemoteKey(remoteKey); book.setMarket(market); } public void start(Instant time, Instant timeReceived, String remoteKey, Market market) { book.setTime(time); book.setTimeReceived(timeReceived); book.setRemoteKey(remoteKey); book.setMarket(market); } public Builder addBid(BigDecimal price, BigDecimal volume) { Market market = book.getMarket(); // synchronized (lock) { book.bids.add(, book.getTime(), book.getTimeReceived(), DiscreteAmount.roundedCountForBasis(price, market.getPriceBasis()), DiscreteAmount.roundedCountForBasis(volume, market.getVolumeBasis()))); // } return this; } public Builder addAsk(BigDecimal price, BigDecimal volume) { Market market = book.getMarket(); // synchronized (lock) { book.asks.add(Offer.ask(market, book.getTime(), book.getTimeReceived(), DiscreteAmount.roundedCountForBasis(price, market.getPriceBasis()), DiscreteAmount.roundedCountForBasis(volume, market.getVolumeBasis()))); // } return this; } public Book build() { book.sortBook(); // look for a Chain of Books of the same Market String marketSymbol = book.getMarket().getSymbol(); Chain chain = chains.get(marketSymbol); if (chain == null) { // no chain exists for the Market, so create one chain = new Chain(); chain.previousBook = book; chains.put(marketSymbol, chain); } else { // a parent Book exists in the chain Book parentBook; if (chain.chainLength == MAX_PARENT_CHAIN_LENGTH) { // reached max chain length. set parent to null and reset the chain length count parentBook = null; chain.chainLength = 0; } else { // the chain is not too long. use the previous book in the chain as a parent parentBook = chain.previousBook; chain.chainLength++; } book.setParent(parentBook); chain.previousBook = book; } Book result = book; book = Book.create(); return result; } private static class Chain { private int chainLength; private Book previousBook; private String marketSymbol; } private Book book; private final Map<String, Chain> chains = new HashMap<>(); } private static class Chain { private int chainLength; private Book previousBook; private String marketSymbol; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getMarket().toString() + " Book at " + getTime() + " bids={"); boolean first = true; for (Offer bid : getBids()) { if (first) first = false; else sb.append(';'); sb.append(bid.getVolumeAsDouble()); sb.append('@'); sb.append(bid.getPriceAsDouble()); } sb.append("} asks={"); first = true; for (Offer ask : getAsks()) { if (first) first = false; else sb.append(';'); sb.append(ask.getVolumeAsDouble()); sb.append('@'); sb.append(ask.getPriceAsDouble()); } sb.append('}'); return sb.toString(); } // JPA protected Book() { } // These getters and setters are for conversion in JPA //@ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.MERGE) //@JoinColumn(name = "parent", insertable = false, updatable = false) //@ManyToOne(optional = true, cascade = CascadeType.MERGE) //@Column //(name = "parent_book", columnDefinition = "binary", table = "book") // @OneToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL) //@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn //cascade = { CascadeType.REFRESH, CascadeType.MERGE } @ManyToOne(optional = true) //, cascade = { CascadeType.REFRESH, CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST }) public Book getParent() { return parent; } //@Nullable //@OneToMany //(cascade = { CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.REMOVE }) // public Collection<Book> getChildren() { // if (children == null) // children = new ArrayList<Book>(); // synchronized (lock) { // return children; // } // } // // public void addChild(Book book) { // synchronized (lock) { // getChildren().add(book); // } // } protected @Lob byte[] getBidDeletionsBlob() { return bidDeletionsBlob; } protected @Lob byte[] getAskDeletionsBlob() { return askDeletionsBlob; } protected @Lob byte[] getBidInsertionsBlob() { return bidInsertionsBlob; } protected @Lob byte[] getAskInsertionsBlob() { return askInsertionsBlob; } // protected void setChildren(List<Book> children) { // this.children = children; // } protected void setParent(Book parent) { this.parent = parent; } protected void setBidDeletionsBlob(byte[] bidDeletionsBlob) { this.bidDeletionsBlob = bidDeletionsBlob; } protected void setAskDeletionsBlob(byte[] askDeletionsBlob) { this.askDeletionsBlob = askDeletionsBlob; } protected void setBidInsertionsBlob(byte[] bidInsertionsBlob) { this.bidInsertionsBlob = bidInsertionsBlob; } protected void setChildren(List<Book> children) { this.children = children; } protected void setAskInsertionsBlob(byte[] askInsertionsBlob) { this.askInsertionsBlob = askInsertionsBlob; } // these fields are derived from the blobs protected void setBidPriceAsDouble(@SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") Double ignored) { } protected void setBidVolumeAsDouble(@SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") Double ignored) { } protected void setAskPriceAsDouble(@SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") Double ignored) { } protected void setAskVolumeAsDouble(@SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") Double ignored) { } // this is separate from the empty JPA constructor. it allows Book.Builder to start with a minimally initialized Book private static Book create() { Book result = new Book(); result.bids = new ArrayList<>(); result.asks = new ArrayList<>(); return result; } private Book(boolean init) { Book result = new Book(); result.bids = new ArrayList<>(); result.asks = new ArrayList<>(); } @PrePersist private void prePersist() { // if (parent != null) // if (parent.find() == null) // parent.persit(); if (parent == null) { //PersistUtil.insert(getMarket()); if (bids != null) bidInsertionsBlob = convertQuotesToDatabaseBlob(bids); if (asks != null) askInsertionsBlob = convertQuotesToDatabaseBlob(asks); bidDeletionsBlob = null; askDeletionsBlob = null; } else { if (this.getDao() != null) { UUID duplicate = this.queryZeroOne(UUID.class, "select from Book b where", parent.getId()); if (duplicate == null) parent.persit(); } //PersistUtil.find(getParentBook()); //PersistUtil.refresh(this); //PersistUtil.merge(this); //PersistUtil.merge(getParentBook()); //.refresh(getParentBook()); //PersistUtil.detach(parent); // PersistUtil.refresh(getParentBook()); DiffBlobs bidBlobs = diff(parent.getBids(), getBids()); bidInsertionsBlob = bidBlobs.insertBlob; bidDeletionsBlob = bidBlobs.deleteBlob; DiffBlobs askBlobs = diff(parent.getAsks(), getAsks()); askInsertionsBlob = askBlobs.insertBlob; askDeletionsBlob = askBlobs.deleteBlob; } } @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") private boolean hasQuote(List<? extends Offer> list, Offer offer) { for (Offer item : list) { if (, offer.getPriceCount()) == 0 &&, offer.getVolumeCount()) == 0) return true; } return false; } @PostPersist private void postPersist() { if (this.parent != null) parent.detach(); //detach(); // detach(); clearBlobs(); } @PostLoad private void postLoad() { bids = convertDatabaseBlobToQuoteList(bidInsertionsBlob); asks = convertDatabaseBlobToQuoteList(askInsertionsBlob); if (parent != null) { needToResolveDiff = true; parent.detach(); } //if (this.parent != null) // detach(); // detach(); } // if this is implemented as a @PostLoad, the transitive dependencies for the parent's parent are not resolved private void resolveDiff() { if (!needToResolveDiff) return; // no difference between books //if (bidDeletionsBlob == null || askDeletionsBlob == null) //return; if (bidDeletionsBlob == null || askDeletionsBlob == null) Log.debug("null blob"); // add any non-deleted entries from the parent List<Integer> bidDeletionIndexes = convertDatabaseBlobToIndexList(bidDeletionsBlob); // these should be already sorted List<Offer> parentBids = parent.getBids(); for (int i = 0; i < parentBids.size(); i++) { if (!bidDeletionIndexes.contains(i)) // synchronized (lock) { bids.add(parentBids.get(i)); // } } List<Integer> askDeletionIndexes = convertDatabaseBlobToIndexList(askDeletionsBlob); // these should be already sorted List<Offer> parentAsks = parent.getAsks(); for (int i = 0; i < parentAsks.size(); i++) { if (!askDeletionIndexes.contains(i)) // synchronized (lock) { asks.add(parentAsks.get(i)); // } } sortBook(); clearBlobs(); needToResolveDiff = false; } private void clearBlobs() { // parent = null; bidDeletionsBlob = null; askDeletionsBlob = null; bidInsertionsBlob = null; askInsertionsBlob = null; } @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") private static <T extends Offer> byte[] convertQuotesToDatabaseBlob(List<T> quotes) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); out.writeInt(quotes.size()); for (T quote : quotes) { out.writeLong(quote.getPriceCount()); out.writeLong(quote.getVolumeCount()); } out.close(); bos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); } return bos.toByteArray(); } private List<Offer> convertDatabaseBlobToQuoteList(byte[] bytes) { if (bytes == null) return new ArrayList<>(); List<Offer> result = new ArrayList<>(); ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); //noinspection EmptyCatchBlock try { ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(bin); int size = in.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { long price = in.readLong(); long volume = in.readLong(); result.add(new Offer(getMarket(), getTime(), getTimeReceived(), price, volume)); } in.close(); bin.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); } return result; } @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") private static byte[] convertIndexesToDatabaseBlob(List<Integer> indexes) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); out.writeInt(indexes.size()); for (Integer index : indexes) out.writeInt(index); out.close(); bos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); } return bos.toByteArray(); } private static List<Integer> convertDatabaseBlobToIndexList(byte[] bytes) { List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (bytes == null) return result; ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); try { ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(bin); int size = in.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) result.add(in.readInt()); in.close(); bin.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Error(e); } return result; } /** this implements the public diff() */ private void diff(DiffResult result, List<? extends Offer> childQuotes, List<? extends Offer> parentQuotes) { for (Offer childOffer : childQuotes) { if (!hasQuote(parentQuotes, childOffer)) result.newOffers.add(childOffer); } for (Offer parentOffer : parentQuotes) { if (!hasQuote(childQuotes, parentOffer)) result.removedOffers.add(parentOffer); } } private static class DiffBlobs { byte[] insertBlob; byte[] deleteBlob; } /** this is separate from the public diff for efficiency */ private DiffBlobs diff(List<? extends Offer> parentQuotes, List<? extends Offer> childQuotes) { List<Offer> insertions = new ArrayList<>(); for (Offer childOffer : childQuotes) { if (!hasQuote(parentQuotes, childOffer)) insertions.add(childOffer); } List<Integer> deletionIndexes = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < parentQuotes.size(); i++) { Offer offer = parentQuotes.get(i); if (!hasQuote(childQuotes, offer)) deletionIndexes.add(i); } DiffBlobs result = new DiffBlobs(); result.insertBlob = convertQuotesToDatabaseBlob(insertions); result.deleteBlob = convertIndexesToDatabaseBlob(deletionIndexes); return result; } private void sortBook() { // synchronized (lock) { Collections.sort(bids, new Comparator<Offer>() { @Override @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") public int compare(Offer bid, Offer bid2) { return -bid.getPriceCount().compareTo(bid2.getPriceCount()); // high to low } }); // } // synchronized (lock) { Collections.sort(asks, new Comparator<Offer>() { @Override @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") public int compare(Offer ask, Offer ask2) { return ask.getPriceCount().compareTo(ask2.getPriceCount()); // low to high } }); // } } public <T> T find() { // synchronized (persistanceLock) { try { return (T) bookDao.find(Book.class, this.getId()); //if (duplicate == null || duplicate.isEmpty()) } catch (Exception | Error ex) { return null; // System.out.println("Unable to perform request in " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":find, full stack trace follows:" + ex); // ex.printStackTrace(); } } // public <T> T findByReference() { // // synchronized (persistanceLock) { // try { // return (T) bookDao.getReference(Book.class, this.getId()); // //if (duplicate == null || duplicate.isEmpty()) // } catch (Exception | Error ex) { // return null; // // System.out.println("Unable to perform request in " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":find, full stack trace follows:" + ex); // // ex.printStackTrace(); // // } // // } @Override public EntityBase refresh() { return bookDao.refresh(this); } @Override public void persit() { try { // if (parent != null) // if (parent.find() == null) // parent.persit(); bookDao.persist(this); } catch (javax.persistence.PersistenceException pex) { System.out.println("Unable to perist entity " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + this.getId() + ". " + pex.getCause()); } catch (Exception | Error ex) { // unitOfWork.end(); System.out.println("Unable to perist entity " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + this.getId() + ". " + ex); throw ex; } // Do transactions, queries, etc... } @Override public void detach() { try { bookDao.detach(this); } catch (Exception | Error ex) { } } private static final Map<String, Chain> chains = new HashMap<>(); // @Inject // private FillJpaDao fillDao; @Inject protected BookDao bookDao; private List<Offer> bids; private List<Offer> asks; private List<Book> children; private Book parent;// if this is not null, then the Book is persisted as a diff against the parent Book private byte[] bidDeletionsBlob; private byte[] askDeletionsBlob; private byte[] bidInsertionsBlob; private byte[] askInsertionsBlob; private boolean needToResolveDiff; //private Collection<Book> children; @Override public void merge() { bookDao.merge(this); } @Override public void delete() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }