package org.cryptocoinpartners.util; import org.reflections.Reflections; import org.reflections.scanners.ResourcesScanner; import org.reflections.scanners.SubTypesScanner; import org.reflections.util.ClasspathHelper; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * @author Tim Olson */ public class ReflectionUtil { public static <T> Set<Class<? extends T>> getSubtypesOf(Class<T> cls) { return reflections.getSubTypesOf(cls); } public static Set<String> searchResources(String regex) { return reflections.getResources(Pattern.compile(regex)); } public static Object instantiateClassByName(String className, Object[] constructorArguments, Class[] constructorArgumentTypes) { return instantiateClass(className, constructorArguments, constructorArgumentTypes); } public static Object instantiateClassByName(String className, Object... constructorArguments ) { Class[] argTypes = new Class[constructorArguments.length]; for( int i = 0; i < constructorArguments.length; i++ ) { Object argument = constructorArguments[i]; argTypes[i] = argument.getClass(); } return instantiateClass(className, constructorArguments, argTypes); } private static Object instantiateClass(String className, Object[] constructorArguments, Class[] argTypes) { Class<?> cls = classForName(className); try { Constructor<?> constructor = cls.getConstructor(argTypes); return constructor.newInstance(constructorArguments); } catch( InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException |InvocationTargetException e ) { throw new Error("Could not instantiate "+className); } catch( ClassCastException e ) { throw new Error(className+" is not a subclass of "+className); } catch( NoSuchMethodException e ) { throw new Error("Could not find constructor which takes arguments "+ StringUtils .arrayToCommaDelimitedString(constructorArguments)); } } public static Class<?> classForName(String className) { try { return ReflectionUtil.class.getClassLoader().loadClass(className); } catch( ClassNotFoundException e ) { throw new Error("Could not find "+className+" in the classpath"); } } public static Reflections getCommandReflections() { if( commandReflections == null ) { List<String> paths = ConfigUtil.getPathProperty("command.path"); Set<URL> urls = new HashSet<>(); for( String path : paths ) urls.addAll(ClasspathHelper.forPackage(path)); commandReflections = new Reflections(urls, new SubTypesScanner()); } return commandReflections; } private static Reflections reflections; static { reflections = new Reflections(ClasspathHelper.forPackage("org.cryptocoinpartners"), new SubTypesScanner(), new ResourcesScanner() /* , other scanners here */); } private static Reflections commandReflections; }