package org.cryptocoinpartners.schema; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.persistence.Cacheable; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.Index; import javax.persistence.JoinColumn; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.NamedAttributeNode; import javax.persistence.NamedEntityGraph; import javax.persistence.NamedEntityGraphs; import javax.persistence.NamedQueries; import javax.persistence.NamedQuery; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.OrderBy; import javax.persistence.PostPersist; import javax.persistence.Table; import javax.persistence.Transient; import org.cryptocoinpartners.enumeration.FillType; import org.cryptocoinpartners.enumeration.PositionEffect; import org.cryptocoinpartners.enumeration.PositionType; import org.cryptocoinpartners.schema.dao.Dao; import org.cryptocoinpartners.schema.dao.FillDao; import org.cryptocoinpartners.util.EM; import org.cryptocoinpartners.util.FeesUtil; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.joda.time.Instant; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; /** * A Fill represents some completion of an Order. The volume of the Fill might be less than the requested volume of the * Order * * @author Tim Olson */ @Entity @Cacheable @Table(indexes = { @Index(columnList = "`order`"), @Index(columnList = "market"), @Index(columnList = "portfolio"), @Index(columnList = "position") }) @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = "Fill.findFill", query = "select f from Fill f where id=?1") }) // @NamedEntityGraphs({ @NamedEntityGraph(name = "fillWithChildOrders", attributeNodes = { @NamedAttributeNode("fillChildOrders") }) //}) //, subgraph = "childrenWithFills") }, subgraphs = { @NamedSubgraph(name = "childrenWithFills", attributeNodes = { @NamedAttributeNode("fills") }) }) // @NamedEntityGraph(name = "fillWithChildOrders", attributeNodes = { @NamedAttributeNode(value = "fillChildOrders", subgraph = "childrenWithFills") }, subgraphs = { @NamedSubgraph(name = "childrenWithFills", attributeNodes = { @NamedAttributeNode("fills") }) }) // @NamedSubgraph(name = "fills", attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode(value = "fills", subgraph = "order")) //,@NamedSubgraph(name = "order", attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode("order")) }) public class Fill extends RemoteEvent { private static final DateTimeFormatter FORMAT = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); private static Object lock = new Object(); // private static final SimpleDateFormat FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy kk:mm:ss"); private static final String SEPARATOR = ","; private PositionEffect positionEffect; @Inject protected FillDao fillDao; protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.cryptocoinpartners.fill"); // @Inject @Inject public Fill(@Assisted SpecificOrder order, @Assisted("fillTime") Instant time, @Assisted("fillTimeReceived") Instant timeReceived, @Assisted Market market, @Assisted("fillPriceCount") long priceCount, @Assisted("fillVolumeCount") long volumeCount, @Assisted String remoteKey) { super(time, timeReceived, remoteKey); this.fillChildOrders = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Order>(); this.transactions = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Transaction>(); this.priceCount = priceCount; this.volumeCount = volumeCount; this.openVolumeCount = volumeCount; this.positionType = (openVolumeCount > 0) ? PositionType.LONG : PositionType.SHORT; this.order = order; this.order.addFill(this); this.remoteKey = order.getId().toString(); = market; if (priceCount == 0) this.priceCount = priceCount; this.portfolio = order.getPortfolio(); this.stopAmountCount = (order.getStopAmount() != null) ? order.getStopAmount().getCount() : 0; this.positionEffect = order.getPositionEffect(); // = getId(); this.version = getVersion(); } // @Override // @Basic(optional = true) // public String getRemoteKey() { // return remoteKey; // } // // @Override // public void setRemoteKey(@Nullable String remoteKey) { // this.remoteKey = remoteKey; // } public Fill(@Assisted SpecificOrder order, @Assisted Instant time, @Assisted Instant timeReceived, @Assisted Market market, @Assisted long priceCount, @Assisted long volumeCount, @Assisted Amount commission, @Assisted String remoteKey) { super(time, timeReceived, remoteKey); this.fillChildOrders = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Order>(); this.transactions = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Transaction>(); this.remoteKey = order.getId().toString(); this.order = order; this.order.addFill(this); = market; if (priceCount == 0) this.priceCount = priceCount; this.priceCount = priceCount; this.volumeCount = volumeCount; this.openVolumeCount = volumeCount; this.positionType = (openVolumeCount > 0) ? PositionType.LONG : PositionType.SHORT; this.commission = commission; this.portfolio = order.getPortfolio(); this.stopAmountCount = (order.getStopAmount() != null) ? order.getStopAmount().getCount() : 0; this.positionEffect = order.getPositionEffect(); } public <T> T find() { // synchronized (persistanceLock) { try { return (T) fillDao.find(Order.class, this.getId()); //if (duplicate == null || duplicate.isEmpty()) } catch (Exception | Error ex) { return null; // System.out.println("Unable to perform request in " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":find, full stack trace follows:" + ex); // ex.printStackTrace(); } } // public @ManyToOne(cascade = { CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.REMOVE, CascadeType.REFRESH }) public @ManyToOne //(cascade = { CascadeType.MERGE }) @JoinColumn(name = "`order`") SpecificOrder getOrder() { return order; } @Override public synchronized void merge() { // try { // if (getOrder() != null) // getOrder().persit(); // i//f (getPosition() != null) // getPosition().persit(); // if (order != null) // order.find(); try { // find(); fillDao.merge(this); //if (duplicate == null || duplicate.isEmpty()) } catch (Exception | Error ex) { System.out.println("Unable to perform request in " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":merge, full stack trace follows:" + ex); // ex.printStackTrace(); } //fillDao.merge(this); } @Override public EntityBase refresh() { return fillDao.refresh(this); } @Override public synchronized void persit() { // Any @ManyToOne I need to persist first to get them in the EM context. // synchronized (persistanceLock) { // if (this.hasFills()) { // for (Fill fill : this.getFills()) //PersistUtil.merge(fill); //} // if (getOrder() != null) // getOrder().persit(); // if (getPosition() != null) // getPosition().persit(); //List<Fill> duplicate = fillDao.queryList(Fill.class, "select f from Fill f where f=?1", this); //if (duplicate == null || duplicate.isEmpty()) // if (fillDao != null) // avoid session conflicts due to lazy loading. //for (Order childOrder : this.getFillChildOrders()) // childOrder.p // childOrder.persit(); // try { fillDao.persist(this); // } catch (Exception | Error ex) { // fillDao.merge(this); // System.out.println("Unable to perform request in " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":persist, full stack trace follows:" + ex); //ex.printStackTrace(); // } // PersistUtil.insert(this); //else // fillDao.merge(this); // PersistUtil.merge(this); // } //Iterator<Order> itc = getChildren().iterator(); //while (itc.hasNext()) { // // for (Fill pos : getFills()) { // Order order =; // order.persit(); // } // synchronized (persistanceLock) { // if (this.hasFills()) { // for (Fill fill : this.getFills()) //PersistUtil.merge(fill); //} //if (this.hasFills()) { // for (Fill fill : getFills()) { // if (this.hasChildren()) { // for (Order order : this.getChildren()) // if (order.getParentFill() == this) // order.persit(); //PersistUtil.merge(order); // } } @Nullable @ManyToOne(optional = true) //, cascade = { CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE }) //cascade = { CascadeType.ALL }) @JoinColumn(name = "position") public Position getPosition() { return position; } @Transient @Nullable public Double getPriceAsDouble() { Amount price = getPrice(); return price == null ? null : price.asDouble(); } @Transient @Nullable public Double getPriceCountAsDouble() { Long price = getPriceCount(); return price == null ? null : price.doubleValue(); } @Transient public boolean isLong() { if (getOpenVolume() == null) return getOpenVolume().isZero(); return getOpenVolume().isPositive(); } public synchronized void addChildOrder(Order order) { if (!getFillChildOrders().contains(order)) getFillChildOrders().add(order); } public synchronized void removeChildOrder(Order order) { order.setParentOrder(null); getFillChildOrders().remove(order); } @PostPersist private void postPersist() { //detach(); } // @PrePersist private void prePersist() { if (getDao() != null) { UUID orderId = null; UUID positionId = null; Order parentOrder = null; Position fillPosition = null; // context. if (getOrder() != null) { parentOrder = (getDao().find(Order.class, getOrder().getId())); // orderId = (fillDao.queryZeroOne(UUID.class, "select from Order o where", order.getId())); if (parentOrder == null) getDao().persist(getOrder()); // order.merge(); } if (getPosition() != null) { fillPosition = (getDao().find(Position.class, getPosition().getId())); // positionId = (fillDao.queryZeroOne(UUID.class, "select from Position p where", position.getId())); if (fillPosition == null) getDao().persist(getPosition()); // position.merge(); } } //detach(); } @Override public void detach() { fillDao.detach(this); } //@Nullable //@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.MERGE) //(mappedBy = "parentFill") //@OrderBy //@Transient //@OneToMany(mappedBy = "parentFill") // @OneToMany(orphanRemoval = true) // @JoinColumn(name = "parentFill") //@Column //@ElementCollection(targetClass = Order.class) @Nullable @OneToMany //(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST) //, mappedBy = "order") (mappedBy = "parentFill") // @OrderColumn(name = "version") // @OrderColumn(name = "time") //, fetch = FetchType.EAGER) //, cascade = CascadeType.MERGE) //, fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @OrderBy public List<Order> getFillChildOrders() { if (fillChildOrders == null) return new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Order>(); // synchronized (//) { return fillChildOrders; // } } protected void setFillChildOrders(List<Order> children) { this.fillChildOrders = children; } @Transient public boolean hasChildren() { return !getFillChildOrders().isEmpty(); } @Transient public boolean hasTransaction() { return !getTransactions().isEmpty(); } @Transient public boolean isShort() { return getOpenVolume().isNegative(); } @Nullable // @OneToMany(mappedBy = "fill") //, orphanRemoval = true, cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE) // , fetch = FetchType.EAGER) // , cascade = { CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.REFRESH }) //, mappedBy = "fill") //(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) // @Transient @OneToMany //(cascade = CascadeType.PERSIST) //, mappedBy = "order") (mappedBy = "fill", orphanRemoval = true) //, fetch = FetchType.EAGER) //, cascade = CascadeType.MERGE) //, fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @OrderBy public List<Transaction> getTransactions() { if (transactions == null) return new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Transaction>(); //synchronized (lock) { return transactions; // } } public synchronized void addTransaction(Transaction transaction) { // synchronized (lock) { if (!getTransactions().contains(transaction)) getTransactions().add(transaction); // this.transactions.add(transaction); // } } public synchronized void removeTransaction(Transaction transaction) { transaction.setFill(null); getTransactions().remove(transaction); } protected void setTransactions(List<Transaction> transactions) { this.transactions = transactions; } @ManyToOne public Market getMarket() { return market; } @Transient public DiscreteAmount getPrice() { if (getPriceCount() == 0) return null; if (market.getPriceBasis() == 0) return null; return new DiscreteAmount(getPriceCount(), getMarket().getPriceBasis()); } @Transient public Amount getStopPrice() { if (getStopPriceCount() == 0) return null; return new DiscreteAmount(getStopPriceCount(), getMarket().getPriceBasis()); } @Transient public Amount getTargetPrice() { if (getTargetPriceCount() == 0) return null; return new DiscreteAmount(getTargetPriceCount(), getMarket().getPriceBasis()); } public long getPriceCount() { return priceCount; } public long getStopPriceCount() { if (getOpenVolumeCount() != 0) return stopPriceCount; else return 0; } public long getTargetPriceCount() { return targetPriceCount; } @Transient public Amount getVolume() { if (getVolumeCount() == 0) return null; return new DiscreteAmount(getVolumeCount(), getMarket().getVolumeBasis()); } public long getVolumeCount() { return volumeCount; } @Transient public Amount getOpenVolume() { // if (openVolumeCount == 0) // return null; if (openVolume == null) openVolume = new DiscreteAmount(getOpenVolumeCount(), getMarket().getVolumeBasis()); return openVolume; } public long getOpenVolumeCount() { return openVolumeCount; } @Transient public Amount getCommission() { if (commission == null) setCommission(FeesUtil.getCommission(this)); return commission; } @Transient public Amount getMargin() { if (margin == null) setMargin(FeesUtil.getMargin(this)); return margin; } @Transient public PositionType getPositionType() { // if (getOpenVolumeCount() != 0) if (positionType == null) if (getVolume().isPositive()) return PositionType.LONG; else return PositionType.SHORT; // If i have children and all the children are fully filled, then I set to flat if (hasChildren() && getUnfilledVolume().isZero()) return PositionType.FLAT; else return positionType; // return PositionType.FLAT; } @ManyToOne(optional = false) public Portfolio getPortfolio() { return portfolio; } @Transient public FillType getFillType() { if (getOrder() != null) return getOrder().getFillType(); return null; } public PositionEffect getPositionEffect() { return positionEffect; } protected void setPositionEffect(PositionEffect positionEffect) { this.positionEffect = positionEffect; } @Override public String toString() { // + (order.getId() != null ? order.getId() : "") // + (getFillType() != null ? getFillType() : "") // getVolume() return "Id=" + (getId() != null ? getId() : "") + SEPARATOR + "time=" + (getTime() != null ? (FORMAT.print(getTime())) : "") + SEPARATOR + "PositionType=" + (getPositionType() != null ? getPositionType() : "") + SEPARATOR + "Market=" + (market != null ? market : "") + SEPARATOR + "Price=" + (getPrice() != null ? getPrice() : "") + SEPARATOR + "Volume=" + (getVolume() != null ? getVolume() : "") + SEPARATOR + "Unfilled Volume=" + (hasChildren() ? getUnfilledVolume() : "") + SEPARATOR + "Open Volume=" + (getOpenVolume() != null ? getOpenVolume() : "") + SEPARATOR + "Position Effect=" + (getPositionEffect() != null ? getPositionEffect() : "") + SEPARATOR + "Position=" + (getPosition() != null ? getPosition() : "") + SEPARATOR + "Comment=" + (getOrder() != null && getOrder().getComment() != null ? getOrder().getComment() : "") + SEPARATOR + "Order=" + (getOrder() != null ? getOrder().getId() : "") + SEPARATOR + "Parent Fill=" + ((getOrder() != null && getOrder().getParentFill() != null) ? getOrder().getParentFill().getId() : ""); } // JPA protected Fill() { } public void setOrder(SpecificOrder order) { this.order = order; } protected void setMarket(Market market) { = market; } public void setPositionType(PositionType positionType) { if (this.positionType == (PositionType.FLAT)) System.out.println("previous was flat"); this.positionType = positionType; } @Transient public Amount getUnfilledVolume() { Amount filled = DecimalAmount.ZERO; Amount unfilled = getVolume(); if (getVolume().isZero()) return DecimalAmount.ZERO; for (Order childOrder : getFillChildOrders()) { ArrayList<Fill> allChildFills = new ArrayList<Fill>(); childOrder.getAllFillsByParentOrder(childOrder, allChildFills); for (Fill childFill : allChildFills) { if (getVolume() == null || childFill.getVolume() == null) System.out.println("null fill volume"); if (getVolume() != null && !getVolume().isZero() && (childFill.getVolume().isPositive() && getVolume().isNegative()) || (childFill.getVolume().isNegative() && getVolume().isPositive())) filled =; } unfilled = (getVolume().isNegative()) ? (getVolume().abs().minus(filled.abs())).negate() : getVolume().abs().minus(filled.abs()); } return unfilled; } public void loadAllChildOrdersByFill(Fill parentFill, Map<Order, Order> orders, Map<Fill, Fill> fills) { Map withFillsHints = new HashMap(); Map withTransHints = new HashMap(); Map withChildrenHints = new HashMap(); Map withChildOrderHints = new HashMap(); // Map orderHints = new HashMap(); // UUID portfolioID = EM.queryOne(UUID.class, queryStr, portfolioName); // withFillsHints.put("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", "fillWithChildOrders"); // withTransHints.put("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", "orderWithTransactions"); withChildOrderHints.put("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", "fillWithChildOrders"); Fill fillWithFills; Fill fillWithChildren; Fill fillWithTransactions; // Set test = new HashSet(); Map test = new HashMap(); // so for each fill in the open position we need to load the whole order tree // getorder, then get all childe orders, then for each child, load child orders, so on and so forth. // load all child orders, and theri child ordres // load all parent orders and thier parent orders // need to laod all parent fills, their child orders, and their children // get a list of all orders in the tree then load // orderId = fill.getOrder().getId(); // so we are // Fill // - Order // - Fills // -Fiil // -Fill // so if any of the fills wihtin the order are equal to the order's parent fill, set this the fill to the parent fill memory ref. // if (getOrder() != null) // getOrder().loadAllChildOrdersByParentOrder(getOrder(), orders, fills); try { fillWithChildren = EM.namedQueryZeroOne(Fill.class, "Fill.findFill", withChildOrderHints, parentFill.getId()); } catch (Error | Exception ex) { log.error("Fill:loadAllChildOrdersByFill unable to get fill for fillID: " + parentFill.getId()); return; } if (fillWithChildren != null && fillWithChildren.getFillChildOrders() != null && fillWithChildren.getId().equals(parentFill.getId()) && Hibernate.isInitialized(fillWithChildren.getFillChildOrders())) { int index = 0; for (Order order : fillWithChildren.getFillChildOrders()) { if (order.getPortfolio().equals(parentFill.getPortfolio())) order.setPortfolio(parentFill.getPortfolio()); if (order.equals(getOrder())) //child = parentOrder; continue; if (!orders.containsKey(order)) { orders.put(order, order); System.out.println(" loading child order for " + order.getId()); order.loadAllChildOrdersByParentOrder(order, orders, fills); } else fillWithChildren.getFillChildOrders().set(index, orders.get(order)); index++; } parentFill.setFillChildOrders(fillWithChildren.getFillChildOrders()); } else parentFill.setFillChildOrders(new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Order>()); if (orders.containsKey(getOrder())) setOrder((SpecificOrder) orders.get(getOrder())); else if (getOrder().getPortfolio().equals(parentFill.getPortfolio())) { getOrder().setPortfolio(parentFill.getPortfolio()); orders.put(order, order); System.out.println(" loading child order for " + order.getId()); getOrder().loadAllChildOrdersByParentOrder(getOrder(), orders, fills); } } public void getAllSpecificOrdersByParentFill(Fill parentFill, Collection allChildren) { for (Order child : parentFill.getFillChildOrders()) { if (child instanceof SpecificOrder) { allChildren.add(child); child.getAllSpecificOrderByParentOrder(child, allChildren); } } } public void getAllOrdersByParentFill(Collection allChildren) { List<Order> allSpecificChildOrders = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Order>()); List<Order> allGeneralChildOrders = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Order>()); List<Order> allChildOrders = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Order>()); getAllSpecificOrdersByParentFill(this, allSpecificChildOrders); getAllGeneralOrdersByParentFill(this, allGeneralChildOrders); allChildren.addAll(allGeneralChildOrders); allChildren.addAll(allSpecificChildOrders); } void getAllGeneralOrdersByParentFill(Fill parentFill, Collection allChildren) { for (Order child : parentFill.getFillChildOrders()) { if (child instanceof GeneralOrder) { allChildren.add(child); child.getAllGeneralOrderByParentOrder(child, allChildren); } } } protected void setPriceCount(long priceCount) { if (priceCount == 0) this.priceCount = priceCount; this.priceCount = priceCount; } public void setStopAmountCount(long stopAmountCount) { this.stopAmountCount = stopAmountCount; } public void setTargetAmountCount(long targetAmountCount) { this.targetAmountCount = targetAmountCount; } public void setStopPriceCount(long stopPriceCount) { if (stopPriceCount != 0) this.stopPriceCount = stopPriceCount; } public void setTargetPriceCount(long targetPriceCount) { this.targetPriceCount = targetPriceCount; } protected void setPortfolio(Portfolio portfolio) { this.portfolio = portfolio; } protected void setVolumeCount(long volumeCount) { this.volumeCount = volumeCount; } protected void setOpenVolumeCount(long openVolumeCount) { openVolume = null; this.openVolumeCount = openVolumeCount; } protected void setCommission(Amount commission) { this.commission = commission; } protected void setMargin(Amount margin) { this.margin = margin; } @Override @Transient public Dao getDao() { return fillDao; } protected void setPosition(Position position) { this.position = position; } private volatile List<Order> fillChildOrders; private SpecificOrder order; private Market market; private volatile long priceCount; private volatile long stopAmountCount; private volatile long stopPriceCount; private volatile long targetAmountCount; private volatile long targetPriceCount; private volatile long volumeCount; private volatile long openVolumeCount; private DiscreteAmount openVolume; private volatile Amount commission; private volatile Amount margin; private PositionType positionType; private volatile List<Transaction> transactions; private Portfolio portfolio; private Position position; @Override public void delete() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }