// license-header java merge-point // // Attention: Generated code! Do not modify by hand! // Generated by: TypeSafeEnumeration.vsl in andromda-java-cartridge. // Model Class: Data::AlgoTrader::com.algoTrader::enumeration::Status // Metafacade: org.andromda.metafacades.uml.Enumeration // Stereotype: Enumeration // package org.cryptocoinpartners.enumeration; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * */ public enum ExecutionInstruction { /** Order add current order to book */ MAKER("MAKER"), /** Order takes current order of book */ TAKER("TAKER"); private final String enumValue; /** * The constructor with enumeration literal value allowing * super classes to access it. */ private ExecutionInstruction(String value) { this.enumValue = value; } /** * Retrieves an instance of Status from <code>its name</code>. * * @param name the name to create the Status from. * @return The enumeration literal named after the 'name' argument */ public static ExecutionInstruction fromString(String name) { return ExecutionInstruction.valueOf(name); } /** * Returns an enumeration literal String <code>value</code>. * Required by JAXB2 enumeration implementation * * @return String with corresponding value */ public String value() { return this.enumValue; } /** * Returns an instance of Status from String <code>value</code>. * Required by JAXB2 enumeration implementation * * @param value the value to create the Status from. * @return static Enumeration with corresponding value */ public static ExecutionInstruction fromValue(String value) { for (ExecutionInstruction enumName : ExecutionInstruction.values()) { if (enumName.getValue().equals(value)) { return enumName; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Status.fromValue(" + value + ')'); } /** * Gets the underlying value of this type safe enumeration. * This method is necessary to comply with DaoBase implementation. * @return The name of this literal. */ public String getValue() { return this.enumValue; } /** * Returns an unmodifiable list containing the literals that are known by this enumeration. * * @return A List containing the actual literals defined by this enumeration, this list * can not be modified. */ public static List<String> literals() { return ExecutionInstruction.literals; } /** * Returns an unmodifiable list containing the names of the literals that are known * by this enumeration. * * @return A List containing the actual names of the literals defined by this * enumeration, this list can not be modified. */ public static List<String> names() { return ExecutionInstruction.names; } private static Map<String, ExecutionInstruction> values = new LinkedHashMap<String, ExecutionInstruction>(7, 1); private static List<String> literals = new ArrayList<String>(7); private static List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(7); private static List<ExecutionInstruction> valueList = new ArrayList<ExecutionInstruction>(7); /** * Initializes the values. */ static { synchronized (ExecutionInstruction.values) { ExecutionInstruction.values.put(MAKER.enumValue, MAKER); ExecutionInstruction.values.put(TAKER.enumValue, TAKER); } synchronized (ExecutionInstruction.valueList) { ExecutionInstruction.valueList.add(MAKER); ExecutionInstruction.valueList.add(TAKER); ExecutionInstruction.valueList = Collections.unmodifiableList(valueList); } synchronized (ExecutionInstruction.literals) { ExecutionInstruction.literals.add(MAKER.enumValue); ExecutionInstruction.literals.add(TAKER.enumValue); ExecutionInstruction.literals = Collections.unmodifiableList(literals); } synchronized (ExecutionInstruction.names) { ExecutionInstruction.names.add("MAKER"); ExecutionInstruction.names.add("TAKER"); ExecutionInstruction.names = Collections.unmodifiableList(names); } } // type-safe-enumeration-object java merge-point }