package org.cryptocoinpartners.util; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.cryptocoinpartners.schema.Asset; /** * Class describing a set of currencies and all the cross rates between them. */ public class ListingsMatrix { /** * The map between the currencies and their order. */ private final ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, Long>> listings; /** * Constructor with no currency. The ListingsMatrix constructed has no currency and no rates. */ public ListingsMatrix() { listings = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); } /** * Constructor with one currency. The ListingsMatrix has one currency with a 1.0 exchange rate to itself. * @param ccy The currency. */ public ListingsMatrix(final Asset ccy) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(ccy, "Asset"); listings = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); listings.put(ccy, new ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, Long>()); listings.get(ccy).put(ccy, (long) (1.0 / ccy.getBasis())); } /** * Constructor with an initial currency pair. * @param ccy1 The first currency. * @param ccy2 The second currency. * @param rate TheListings rate between ccy1 and the ccy2. It is 1 ccy1 = rate * ccy2. The Listings matrix will be completed with the ccy2/ccy1 rate. */ public ListingsMatrix(final Asset ccy1, final Asset ccy2, final long rate) { listings = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); addAsset(ccy1, ccy2, rate); } /** * Constructor from an existing ListingsMatrix. A new map and array are created. * @param ListingsMatrix The ListingsMatrix. */ public ListingsMatrix(final ListingsMatrix ListingsMatrix) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(ListingsMatrix, "ListingsMatrix"); listings = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(ListingsMatrix.listings); } /** * Add a new currency to the Listings matrix. * @param ccyToAdd The currency to add. Should not be in the Listings matrix already. * @param ccyReference The reference currency used to compute the cross rates with the new currency. Should already be in the matrix, except if the matrix is empty. * IF the Listings matrix is empty, the reference currency will be used as currency 0. * @param rate TheListings rate between the new currency and the reference currency. It is 1 ccyToAdd = rate ccyReference. The Listings matrix will be completed using cross rate * coherent with the data provided. */ public void addAsset(Asset ccyToAdd, Asset ccyReference, long rate) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(ccyToAdd, "Asset to add to the Listings matrix should not be null"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(ccyReference, "Reference currency should not be null"); ArgumentChecker.isTrue(!ccyToAdd.equals(ccyReference), "Currencies should be different"); if ((listings.get(ccyReference) == null && rate != 0) || (listings.isEmpty() && rate != 0)) { // Listings Matrix is empty. BigDecimal inverseRateBD = (((BigDecimal.valueOf(1.0 / (ccyReference.getBasis()))).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(rate), ccyToAdd.getScale(), RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(ccyToAdd.getBasis()))); long inverseCrossRate = inverseRateBD.longValue(); listings.put(ccyReference, new ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, Long>()); listings.put(ccyToAdd, new ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, Long>()); listings.get(ccyToAdd).put(ccyReference, rate); listings.get(ccyToAdd).put(ccyToAdd, (long) (1.0 / ccyToAdd.getBasis())); listings.get(ccyReference).put(ccyToAdd, inverseCrossRate); listings.get(ccyReference).put(ccyReference, (long) (1.0 / ccyReference.getBasis())); } else if (rate != 0) { // ArgumentChecker.isTrue(listings.containsKey(ccyReference), " {} not in the Listings matrix", ccyReference); //ArgumentChecker.isTrue(!listings.containsKey(ccyToAdd), "New currency {} already in the Listings matrix", ccyToAdd); Iterator<Asset> lit = listings.keySet().iterator(); while (lit.hasNext()) { Asset ccy =; if (!ccyToAdd.equals(ccy)) { long inverseCrossRate = 0; long crossRate = 0; // new matrix create of rates that is _currenciesLookup (size) x _currenciesLookup.sise() // loop over each of the quote currencies and get the cross rate, converting to th the baiss of the new curency // if (listings.get(ccyReference)==null) // listings.put(ccyReference, value) if (listings.get(ccyReference).get(ccy) == null) { BigDecimal inverseRateBD = (((BigDecimal.valueOf(1.0 / (ccyReference.getBasis()))).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(rate), ccyToAdd.getScale(), RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(ccy.getBasis()))); inverseCrossRate = inverseRateBD.longValue(); //listings.put(ccyReference, new ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, Long>()); //listings.put(ccy, new ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, Long>()); listings.get(ccy).put(ccyReference, rate); listings.get(ccy).put(ccy, (long) (1.0 / ccy.getBasis())); listings.get(ccyReference).put(ccy, inverseCrossRate); listings.get(ccyReference).put(ccyReference, (long) (1.0 / ccyReference.getBasis())); } // break; crossRate = Math.round((rate * listings.get(ccyReference).get(ccy).longValue() * (ccyToAdd.getBasis()))); // get the rate for the if (crossRate != 0) { BigDecimal crossRateBD = BigDecimal.valueOf(crossRate); // calculate the inverse by getting the basis of the currenct rate and setting the scale to ttha tof the quote currency. BigDecimal inverseCrossRateBD = ((BigDecimal.valueOf(1.0 / (ccy.getBasis()))).divide(crossRateBD, ccyToAdd.getScale(), RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)); // divine the rate by the basis fo the currency to be added inverseCrossRateBD = inverseCrossRateBD.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(ccyToAdd.getBasis())); inverseCrossRate = inverseCrossRateBD.longValue(); // update the base currecny vs the quote if (listings.get(ccyToAdd) == null) { listings.put(ccyToAdd, new ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, Long>()); } } if (this.listings.get(ccyToAdd) == null) this.listings.put(ccyToAdd, new ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, Long>()); listings.get(ccyToAdd).put(ccy, Long.valueOf(crossRate)); if (this.listings.get(ccy) == null) this.listings.put(ccy, new ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, Long>()); listings.get(ccy).put(ccyToAdd, Long.valueOf(inverseCrossRate)); } } listings.get(ccyToAdd).put(ccyToAdd, (long) (1.0 / ccyToAdd.getBasis())); } } /** * Return the exchange rate between two currencies. * @param ccy1 The first currency. * @param ccy2 The second currency. * @return The exchange rate: 1.0 * ccy1 = x * ccy2. */ public long getRate(final Asset ccy1, final Asset ccy2) { if (ccy1.equals(ccy2)) { return (long) (1.0 / ccy1.getBasis()); } final ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, Long> index1 = listings.get(ccy1); final ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, Long> index2 = listings.get(ccy2); ArgumentChecker.isTrue(listings.get(ccy1) != null, "Asset {} is not in the Listings Matrix", ccy1); ArgumentChecker.isTrue(listings.get(ccy1).get(ccy2) != null, "Asset {} and {} not in the Listings Matrix", ccy1, ccy2); return listings.get(ccy1).get(ccy2).longValue(); } /** * @param ccy1 The first currency * @param ccy2 The second currency * @return True if the matrix contains both currencies */ public boolean containsPair(final Asset ccy1, final Asset ccy2) { return listings.containsKey(ccy1) && listings.containsKey(ccy2); } /** * Reset the exchange rate of a given currency. * @param ccyToUpdate The currency for which the exchange rats should be updated. Should be in the Listings matrix already. * @param ccyReference The reference currency used to compute the cross rates with the new currency. Should already be in the matrix. * @param rate TheListings rate between the new currency and the reference currency. It is 1.0 * ccyToAdd = rate * ccyReference. The Listings matrix will be changed for currency1 * using cross rate coherent with the data provided. */ public void updateRates(final Asset ccyToUpdate, final Asset ccyReference, final long rate) { ArgumentChecker.isTrue(listings.get(ccyReference) != null, "Reference Asset not in the Listings matrix"); ArgumentChecker.isTrue(listings.get(ccyReference).get(ccyToUpdate) != null, "Asset to update not in the Listings matrix"); if (rate != 0) { Iterator<Asset> lit = listings.keySet().iterator(); while (lit.hasNext()) { Asset ccy =; if (!ccyToUpdate.equals(ccy)) { long inverseCrossRate = 0; long crossRate = 0; if ((this.listings.get(ccyReference) != null) && (((ConcurrentHashMap) this.listings.get(ccyReference)).get(ccy) != null)) { crossRate = Math.round((rate * listings.get(ccyReference).get(ccy).longValue() * (ccyReference.getBasis()))); // get the rate for the if (crossRate != 0) { BigDecimal crossRateBD = BigDecimal.valueOf(crossRate); // calculate the inverse by getting the basis of the currenct rate and setting the scale to ttha tof the quote currency. BigDecimal inverseCrossRateBD = ((BigDecimal.valueOf(1.0 / (ccy.getBasis()))).divide(crossRateBD, ccyToUpdate.getScale(), RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)); // divine the rate by the basis fo the currency to be added inverseCrossRateBD = inverseCrossRateBD.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(ccyToUpdate.getBasis())); inverseCrossRate = inverseCrossRateBD.longValue(); } } listings.get(ccyToUpdate).put(ccy, crossRate); listings.get(ccy).put(ccyToUpdate, inverseCrossRate); } } listings.get(ccyToUpdate).put(ccyToUpdate, (long) (1.0 / ccyToUpdate.getBasis())); } } @Override public String toString() { return listings.keySet().toString() + " - "; } @Override public int hashCode() { return listings.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final ListingsMatrix other = (ListingsMatrix) obj; if (!ObjectUtils.equals(listings.keySet(), other.listings.keySet())) { return false; } return true; } }