package org.cryptocoinpartners.schema; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.persistence.Cacheable; import javax.persistence.Entity; import javax.persistence.FetchType; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.NamedAttributeNode; import javax.persistence.NamedEntityGraph; import javax.persistence.NamedEntityGraphs; import javax.persistence.NamedQueries; import javax.persistence.NamedQuery; import javax.persistence.NamedSubgraph; import javax.persistence.OneToMany; import javax.persistence.OrderBy; import javax.persistence.OrderColumn; import javax.persistence.Transient; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import org.cryptocoinpartners.enumeration.PositionEffect; import org.cryptocoinpartners.enumeration.PositionType; import org.cryptocoinpartners.enumeration.TransactionType; import org.cryptocoinpartners.module.Context; import org.cryptocoinpartners.schema.dao.Dao; import org.cryptocoinpartners.schema.dao.PortfolioDao; import org.cryptocoinpartners.service.OrderService; import org.cryptocoinpartners.service.PortfolioService; import org.cryptocoinpartners.util.EM; import org.cryptocoinpartners.util.Remainder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Many Owners may have Stakes in the Portfolio, but there is only one PortfolioManager, who is not necessarily an Owner. The Portfolio has muFltiple Positions. * * @author Tim Olson */ @Entity @Cacheable //@NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = "Portfolio.findOpenPositions", query = "select po from Portfolio po where po.positions.fills.fill.openVolumeCount<>0", hints = { @QueryHint(name = "javax.persistence.fetchgraph", value = "graph.Portfolio.positions") }) }) //@NamedEntityGraph(name = "graph.Position.fills", attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode(value = "fills", subgraph = "fills"), subgraphs = @NamedSubgraph(name = "fills", attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode("order"))) //@NamedEntityGraph(name = "graph.Portfolio.positions", attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode(value = "positions", subgraph = "positions"), subgraphs = @NamedSubgraph(name = "positions", attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode("portfolio"))) //@NamedEntityGraph(name = "graph.Portfolio.positions", attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode("positions")) //select po from portfolio po where p.fill.openVolumeCount<>0 @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = "Portfolio.findOpenPositions", query = "select p from Portfolio p where name=?1") }) // @NamedEntityGraphs({ @NamedEntityGraph(name = "portfolioWithPositions", attributeNodes = { @NamedAttributeNode(value = "positions", subgraph = "positionsWithFills") }, subgraphs = { @NamedSubgraph(name = "positionsWithFills", attributeNodes = { @NamedAttributeNode("fills") }) // @NamedSubgraph(name = "fillsWithChildOrders", attributeNodes = { @NamedAttributeNode("fillChildOrders") }) }) // @NamedSubgraph(name = "fills", attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode(value = "fills", subgraph = "order")) //,@NamedSubgraph(name = "order", attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode("order")) }) // @NamedQueries({ @NamedQuery(name = "Portfolio.findOpenPositions", query = "select po from Portfolio po where po.position.fill.openVolumeCount<>0", hints = { @QueryHint(name = "javax.persistence.fetchgraph", value = "graph.Portfolio.positions") }) }) // @NamedEntityGraph(name = "graph.Position.fills", attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode(value = "fills", subgraph = "fills"), subgraphs = { @NamedSubgraph(name = "fills", attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode("order")) }), // @NamedEntityGraph(name = "graph.Portfolio.positions", attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode(value = "positions", subgraph = "positions"), subgraphs = { @NamedSubgraph(name = "positions" attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode(value = "positions", subgraph = "fills") // ), // @NamedSubgraph( // name = "", // attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode("name") // ) // // // // // // , attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode("fills")) }), // @NamedEntityGraph(name = "graph.Position.portfolio", attributeNodes = @NamedAttributeNode("portfolio")) // // public class Portfolio extends EntityBase { private static Object lock = new Object(); private static ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10); /** returns all Positions, whether they are tied to an open Order or not. Use getTradeablePositions() */ public @Transient List<Fill> getDetailedPositions() { List<Fill> allPositions = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Fill>(); for (Asset asset : positionsMap.keySet()) { // Asset asset =; for (Exchange exchange : positionsMap.get(asset).keySet()) { for (Listing listing : positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).keySet()) { for (TransactionType transactionType : positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).get(listing).keySet()) { for (Iterator<Position> itp = positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).get(listing).get(transactionType).iterator(); itp.hasNext();) { Position pos =; for (Fill fill : pos.getFills()) { allPositions.add(fill); } } } } } } return allPositions; } protected @Transient void persistPositions(Asset asset, Exchange exchange, Listing listing) { if (positionsMap != null && positionsMap.get(asset) != null && positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange) != null && positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).get(listing) != null) for (TransactionType transactionType : positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).get(listing).keySet()) { for (Position position : positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).get(listing).get(transactionType)) { position.persit(); } } } // fetch = FetchType.EAGER, @Nullable @OneToMany(mappedBy = "portfolio") @OrderColumn(name = "version") //, cascade = { CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.REFRESH }) public List<Position> getPositions() { if (positions == null) positions = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Position>(); return positions; } protected void setPositions(List<Position> positions) { this.positions = positions; } public @Transient Collection<Position> getNetPositions() { ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position> allPositions = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>(); for (Asset asset : positionsMap.keySet()) { for (Exchange exchange : positionsMap.get(asset).keySet()) { for (Listing listing : positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).keySet()) { for (TransactionType transactionType : positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).get(listing).keySet()) { Amount longVolume = DecimalAmount.ZERO; Amount longAvgPrice = DecimalAmount.ZERO; Amount longAvgStopPrice = DecimalAmount.ZERO; Amount shortVolume = DecimalAmount.ZERO; Amount shortAvgPrice = DecimalAmount.ZERO; Amount shortAvgStopPrice = DecimalAmount.ZERO; for (Position position : positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).get(listing).get(transactionType)) { allPositions.add(position); // for (Fill pos : position.getFills()) { // // if (pos.isLong()) { // longAvgPrice = ((longAvgPrice.times(longVolume, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN)).plus(pos.getOpenVolume().times(pos.getPrice(), // Remainder.ROUND_EVEN))).dividedBy(, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN); // if (pos.getStopPrice() != null) // longAvgStopPrice = ((longAvgStopPrice.times(longVolume, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN)).plus(pos.getOpenVolume().times( // pos.getStopPrice(), Remainder.ROUND_EVEN))).dividedBy(, // Remainder.ROUND_EVEN); // // longVolume =; // } else if (pos.isShort()) { // shortAvgPrice = ((shortAvgPrice.times(shortVolume, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN)).plus(pos.getOpenVolume().times(pos.getPrice(), // Remainder.ROUND_EVEN))).dividedBy(, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN); // if (pos.getStopPrice() != null) // shortAvgStopPrice = ((shortAvgStopPrice.times(longVolume, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN)).plus(pos.getOpenVolume().times( // pos.getStopPrice(), Remainder.ROUND_EVEN))).dividedBy(, // Remainder.ROUND_EVEN); // // shortVolume =; // } // } } // need to change this to just return one position that is the total, not one long and one short. // if (!shortVolume.isZero() || !longVolume.isZero()) { // Market market = Market.findOrCreate(exchange, listing); // Fill pos = new Fill(); // pos.setPortfolio(this); // pos.setMarket(market); // // pos.setPriceCount(longAvgPrice.toBasis(market.getPriceBasis(), Remainder.ROUND_EVEN).getCount()); // pos.setVolumeCount(longVolume.toBasis(market.getPriceBasis(), Remainder.ROUND_EVEN).getCount()); // Position position = new Position(pos); // allPositions.add(position); // } } } } } return allPositions; } private class handleUpdateWorkingExitRunnable implements Runnable { private final Fill fill; // protected Logger log; public handleUpdateWorkingExitRunnable(Fill fill) { this.fill = fill; } @Override public void run() { // get all pending orders for this fill // cancel the specfic orders that are maker // we know this is a closing trade // need to update any stop orders with new quanity ArrayList<Order> allChildOrders = new ArrayList<Order>(); allChildOrders = new ArrayList<Order>(); fill.getAllOrdersByParentFill(allChildOrders); TransactionType oppositeSide = (fill.getVolumeCount() > 0) ? TransactionType.SELL : TransactionType.BUY; for (Order childOrder : allChildOrders) { if ((childOrder.getPositionEffect() == null && childOrder.getTransactionType().equals(oppositeSide)) || childOrder.getPositionEffect() == (PositionEffect.CLOSE)) {"updating quanity to : " + fill.getOpenVolume().negate() + " for order: " + childOrder); orderService.updateWorkingOrderQuantity(childOrder, fill.getOpenVolume().negate()); } } /* ArrayList<Order> allChildOrders = new ArrayList<Order>(); orderService.getAllOrdersByParentFill(fill, allChildOrders); SpecificOrder specficOrder = null; for (Order childOrder : allChildOrders) if (childOrder instanceof SpecificOrder) { specficOrder = (SpecificOrder) childOrder; if (specficOrder.getParentFill() != null && specficOrder.getLimitPrice() != null) if (fill.getOpenVolumeCount() == 0) orderService.cancelOrder(specficOrder); else orderService.updateOrderQuantity(specficOrder, fill.getOpenVolume()); }*/ // cancelStopOrders(fill); // fill.persit(); // portfolio.modifyPosition(fill, new Authorization("Fill for " + fill.toString())); } } private class handleCancelRunnable implements Runnable { private final Fill fill; // protected Logger log; public handleCancelRunnable(Fill fill) { this.fill = fill; } @Override public void run() { // orderService.handleCancelSpecificOrderByParentFill(fill); // cancelStopOrders(fill); // fill.persit(); // portfolio.modifyPosition(fill, new Authorization("Fill for " + fill.toString())); } } public @Transient Position getNetPosition(Asset asset, Market market) { //ArrayList<Position> allPositions = new ArrayList<Position>(); Position position = null; //TODO need to add these per portfoio, portoflio should not be null // Position position = new Position(null, market.getExchange(), market, asset, DecimalAmount.ZERO, DecimalAmount.ZERO); // new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>(); Collection<Fill> fills = new ArrayList<Fill>(); if (positionsMap.get(asset) != null && positionsMap.get(asset).get(market.getExchange()) != null && positionsMap.get(asset).get(market.getExchange()).get(market.getListing()) != null) for (TransactionType transactionType : positionsMap.get(asset).get(market.getExchange()).get(market.getListing()).keySet()) { // Amount longVolume = DecimalAmount.ZERO; // Amount longAvgPrice = DecimalAmount.ZERO; // Amount longAvgStopPrice = DecimalAmount.ZERO; // Amount shortVolume = DecimalAmount.ZERO; // Amount shortAvgPrice = DecimalAmount.ZERO; // Amount shortAvgStopPrice = DecimalAmount.ZERO; for (Position detailedPosition : positionsMap.get(asset).get(market.getExchange()).get(market.getListing()).get(transactionType)) { // fills.addAll(detailedPosition.getFills()); for (Fill pos : detailedPosition.getFills()) fills.add(pos); // // // if (pos.isLong()) { // // longAvgPrice = ((longAvgPrice.times(longVolume, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN)).plus(pos.getOpenVolume().times(pos.getPrice(), // // Remainder.ROUND_EVEN))).dividedBy(, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN); // // if (pos.getStopPrice() != null) // // longAvgStopPrice = ((longAvgStopPrice.times(longVolume, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN)).plus(pos.getOpenVolume().times(pos.getStopPrice(), // // Remainder.ROUND_EVEN))).dividedBy(, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN); // // // // // longVolume =; // // } else if (pos.isShort()) { // // shortAvgPrice = ((shortAvgPrice.times(shortVolume, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN)).plus(pos.getOpenVolume().times(pos.getPrice(), // // Remainder.ROUND_EVEN))).dividedBy(, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN); // // if (pos.getStopPrice() != null) // // shortAvgStopPrice = ((shortAvgStopPrice.times(longVolume, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN)).plus(pos.getOpenVolume().times(pos.getStopPrice(), // // Remainder.ROUND_EVEN))).dividedBy(, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN); // // // // // shortVolume =; // // } // } } } // need to change this to just return one position that is the total, not one long and one short. //Position netPosition=new Position(); // //netPosition.setExchange(market.getExchange()); //netPosition.setExchange(market.getExchange()); // // if (!shortVolume.isZero() || !longVolume.isZero()) { // Fill pos = new Fill(); // pos.setPortfolio(this); // pos.setMarket(market); // // pos.setPriceCount(longAvgPrice.toBasis(market.getPriceBasis(), Remainder.ROUND_EVEN).getCount()); // pos.setVolumeCount(longVolume.toBasis(market.getVolumeBasis(), Remainder.ROUND_EVEN).getCount()); // position = new Position(pos); // //allPositions.add(position); // } // log.debug("creating net position with fills" + fills); return positionFactory.create(fills); // return position; } public @Transient Position getLongPosition(Asset asset, Market market) { List<Fill> fills = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Fill>(); if (positionsMap.get(asset) != null && positionsMap.get(asset).get(market.getExchange()) != null && positionsMap.get(asset).get(market.getExchange()).get(market.getListing()) != null && positionsMap.get(asset).get(market.getExchange()).get(market.getListing()).get(TransactionType.BUY) != null) for (Position detailedPosition : positionsMap.get(asset).get(market.getExchange()).get(market.getListing()).get(TransactionType.BUY)) { for (Fill pos : detailedPosition.getFills()) { if (pos.getPositionEffect() == null || pos.getPositionEffect() == PositionEffect.OPEN) fills.add(pos); } } return positionFactory.create(fills); } public @Transient Position getShortPosition(Asset asset, Market market) { List<Fill> fills = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Fill>(); if (positionsMap.get(asset) != null && positionsMap.get(asset).get(market.getExchange()) != null && positionsMap.get(asset).get(market.getExchange()).get(market.getListing()) != null && positionsMap.get(asset).get(market.getExchange()).get(market.getListing()).get(TransactionType.SELL) != null) for (Position detailedPosition : positionsMap.get(asset).get(market.getExchange()).get(market.getListing()).get(TransactionType.SELL)) { for (Fill pos : detailedPosition.getFills()) { if (pos.getPositionEffect() == null || pos.getPositionEffect() == PositionEffect.OPEN) fills.add(pos); } } return positionFactory.create(fills); } public @Transient Collection<Position> getPositions(Asset asset, Exchange exchange) { Collection<Position> allPositions = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>(); if (positionsMap.get(asset) != null && positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange) != null) { //synchronized (lock) { for (Iterator<Listing> itl = positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).keySet().iterator(); itl.hasNext();) { Listing listing =; for (Iterator<TransactionType> itt = positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).get(listing).keySet().iterator(); itt.hasNext();) { TransactionType transactionType =; for (Iterator<Position> itp = positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).get(listing).get(transactionType).iterator(); itp.hasNext();) { Position pos =; allPositions.add(pos); } } } // } } return allPositions; } public @Transient ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, Amount> getRealisedPnLs() { ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, Amount> allPnLs = new ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, Amount>(); // synchronized (lock) { for (Iterator<Asset> it = getRealisedPnL().keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Asset asset =; for (Iterator<Exchange> ite = getRealisedPnL().get(asset).keySet().iterator(); ite.hasNext();) { Exchange exchange =; for (Iterator<Listing> itl = getRealisedPnL().get(asset).get(exchange).keySet().iterator(); itl.hasNext();) { Listing listing =; Amount realisedPnL = getRealisedPnL().get(asset).get(exchange).get(listing); if (allPnLs.get(asset) == null) { allPnLs.put(asset, realisedPnL); } else { allPnLs.put(asset, allPnLs.get(asset).plus(realisedPnL)); } } } } // } return allPnLs; } public @Transient Amount getRealisedPnL(Asset asset) { Amount realisedPnL = DecimalAmount.ZERO; for (Iterator<Exchange> ite = getRealisedPnL().get(asset).keySet().iterator(); ite.hasNext();) { Exchange exchange =; for (Iterator<Listing> itl = getRealisedPnL().get(asset).get(exchange).keySet().iterator(); itl.hasNext();) { Listing listing =; realisedPnL =; } } return realisedPnL; } public @Transient ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, Amount>>> getRealisedPnL() { return realisedProfits; } /* public @Transient DiscreteAmount getLongPositionAmount(Asset asset, Exchange exchange) { long longVolumeCount = 0; // synchronized (lock) { if (positionsMap.get(asset) != null && positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange) != null) { for (Iterator<Listing> itl = positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).keySet().iterator(); itl.hasNext();) { Listing listing =; for (Position itpos : positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).get(listing).get(TransactionType.BUY)) { for (Iterator<Fill> itp = itpos.getFills().iterator(); itp.hasNext();) { Fill pos =; longVolumeCount += pos.getOpenVolumeCount(); } } } } // } return new DiscreteAmount(longVolumeCount, asset.getBasis()); } */ public @Transient DiscreteAmount getNetPosition(Asset asset, Exchange exchange) { long netVolumeCount = 0; Fill pos = null; // synchronized (lock) { if (positionsMap.get(asset) != null && positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange) != null) { for (Iterator<Listing> itl = positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).keySet().iterator(); itl.hasNext();) { Listing listing =; for (Iterator<TransactionType> itt = positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).get(listing).keySet().iterator(); itt.hasNext();) { TransactionType transactionType =; for (Position itpos : positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).get(listing).get(transactionType)) { for (Iterator<Fill> itp = itpos.getFills().iterator(); itp.hasNext();) { pos =; netVolumeCount += pos.getOpenVolumeCount(); } } } } } // } return new DiscreteAmount(netVolumeCount, asset.getBasis()); } /* public @Transient DiscreteAmount getShortPositionAmount(Asset asset, Exchange exchange) { long shortVolumeCount = 0; // synchronized (lock) { if (positionsMap.get(asset) != null && positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange) != null) { for (Iterator<Listing> itl = positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).keySet().iterator(); itl.hasNext();) { Listing listing =; for (Position itpos : positionsMap.get(asset).get(exchange).get(listing).get(TransactionType.SELL)) { for (Iterator<Fill> itp = itpos.getFills().iterator(); itp.hasNext();) { Fill pos =; shortVolumeCount += pos.getOpenVolumeCount(); } } } } // } return new DiscreteAmount(shortVolumeCount, asset.getBasis()); }*/ // public @OneToMany ConcurrentHashMap<BalanceType, List<Wallet>> getBalances() { return balances; } /** * Returns all Positions in the Portfolio which are not reserved as payment for an open Order */ @Transient public Collection<Position> getTradeableBalance(Exchange exchange) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } @Transient public Collection<Transaction> getTransactions() { ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction> allTransactions = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>(); for (Iterator<Asset> it = transactions.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Asset asset =; for (Iterator<Exchange> ite = transactions.get(asset).keySet().iterator(); ite.hasNext();) { Exchange exchange =; for (Iterator<TransactionType> itt = transactions.get(asset).get(exchange).keySet().iterator(); itt.hasNext();) { TransactionType type =; for (Iterator<Transaction> ittr = transactions.get(asset).get(exchange).get(type).iterator(); ittr.hasNext();) { Transaction tran =; allTransactions.add(tran); } } } } return allTransactions; } private void logCloseOut(long updatedVolumeCount, Fill openFill, Fill closingFill, Boolean closed) { // if (log.isDebugEnabled()) if (updatedVolumeCount == 0)"why closoue is zero"); if (closed)"Closed out " + updatedVolumeCount + " of open fill: " + openFill + " with closing fill: " + closingFill); else"Closing out " + updatedVolumeCount + " of open fill: " + openFill + " with closing fill: " + closingFill); } @Transient public void removeTransaction(Transaction reservation) { if (transactions == null || transactions.isEmpty()) return; if (reservation == null || reservation.getCurrency() == null) return; if (transactions.get(reservation.getCurrency()) == null) return; if (transactions.get(reservation.getCurrency()).get(reservation.getExchange()) == null) return; if (transactions.get(reservation.getCurrency()).get(reservation.getExchange()).get(reservation.getType()) == null) return; // synchronized (lock) { transactions.get(reservation.getCurrency()).get(reservation.getExchange()).get(reservation.getType()).remove(reservation); } // Iterator<Transaction> it = transactions.get(reservation.getCurrency()).get(reservation.getExchange()).get(reservation.getType()).iterator(); // while (it.hasNext()) { // Transaction transaction =; // if (transaction != null && reservation != null && transaction.equals(reservation)) // it.remove(); // } // } /** * This is the main way for a Strategy to determine what assets it has available for trading */ @Transient public Collection<Position> getReservedBalances(Exchange exchange) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /** * This is the main way for a Strategy to determine how much of a given asset it has available for trading * @param f * @return */ @Transient public Collection<Position> getTradeableBalanceOf(Exchange exchange, Asset asset) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } /** * Finds a Position in the Portfolio which has the same Asset as p, then breaks it into the amount p requires * plus an unreserved amount. The resevered Position is then associated with the given order, while * the unreserved remainder of the Position has getOrder()==null. To un-reserve the Position, call release(order) * * @param order the order which will be placed * @param p the cost of the order. could be a different fungible than the order's quote fungible * @throws IllegalArgumentException */ @Transient public void reserve(SpecificOrder order, Position p) throws IllegalArgumentException { throw new NotImplementedException(); } @Transient public void release(SpecificOrder order) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } @Transient public void addRealisedPnL(Transaction transaction) { Amount TotalRealisedPnL = transaction.getAmount().plus( getRealisedPnL().get(transaction.getCurrency()).get(transaction.getExchange()).get(transaction.getFill().getMarket().getListing())); getRealisedPnL().get(transaction.getCurrency()).get(transaction.getExchange()).put(transaction.getFill().getMarket().getListing(), TotalRealisedPnL); } @Transient public boolean addTransaction(Transaction transaction) { ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>>> assetTransactions = transactions.get(transaction .getCurrency()); if (assetTransactions == null) { ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction> transactionList = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>(); assetTransactions = new ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>>>(); transactionList.add(transaction); ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>> transactionGroup = new ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>>(); transactionGroup.put(transaction.getType(), transactionList); assetTransactions.put(transaction.getExchange(), transactionGroup); transactions.put(transaction.getCurrency(), assetTransactions); if (transaction.getType() == TransactionType.REALISED_PROFIT_LOSS) addRealisedPnL(transaction); portfolioService.resetBalances(); return true; } else { //asset is present, so check the market ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>> exchangeTransactions = assetTransactions.get(transaction.getExchange()); if (exchangeTransactions == null) { ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction> transactionList = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>(); transactionList.add(transaction); ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>> transactionGroup = new ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>>(); transactionGroup.put(transaction.getType(), transactionList); assetTransactions.put(transaction.getExchange(), transactionGroup); if (transaction.getType() == TransactionType.REALISED_PROFIT_LOSS) addRealisedPnL(transaction); portfolioService.resetBalances(); return true; } else { ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction> transactionList = exchangeTransactions.get(transaction.getType()); if (transactionList == null) { transactionList = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>(); transactionList.add(transaction); Amount TotalRealisedPnL = null; if (transaction.getType() == TransactionType.REALISED_PROFIT_LOSS) addRealisedPnL(transaction); exchangeTransactions.put(transaction.getType(), transactionList); portfolioService.resetBalances(); return true; } else { transactionList.add(transaction); exchangeTransactions.put(transaction.getType(), transactionList); if (transaction.getType() == TransactionType.REALISED_PROFIT_LOSS) addRealisedPnL(transaction); portfolioService.resetBalances(); return true; } } } } /** * finds other Positions in this portfolio which have the same Exchange and Asset and merges this position's * amount into the found position's amount, thus maintaining only one Position for each Exchange/Asset pair. * this method does not remove the position from the positions list. * @return true iff another position was found and merged */ protected void publishPositionUpdate(Position position, PositionType lastType, Market market) { PositionType mergedType = (position.isShort()) ? PositionType.SHORT : (position.isLong()) ? PositionType.LONG : PositionType.FLAT; context.publish(new PositionUpdate(position, market, lastType, mergedType)); } public synchronized void addPosition(Position position) { // synchronized (lock) { getPositions().add(position); // } } public synchronized void removePositions(Collection<Position> removedPositions) { // synchronized (lock) { if (this.positions.removeAll(removedPositions)) for (Position removedPosition : removedPositions) removedPosition.setPortfolio(null); } public synchronized void removePosition(Position removePosition) { // synchronized (lock) { // System.out.println("removing fill: " + fill + " from position: " + this); if (positions.remove(removePosition)) removePosition.setPortfolio(null); //TODO We should do a check to make sure the fill is the samme attributes as position //} // = fill.getMarket().getExchange(); // = fill.getMarket(); //this.asset = fill.getMarket().getListing().getBase(); //this.portfolio = fill.getPortfolio(); // reset(); } public void updateWorkingExitOrders(Fill fill) { // service.submit(new handleUpdateWorkingExitRunnable(fill)); } /* public void cancelStopOrders(Fill fill) { service.submit(new handleCancelRunnable(fill)); // orderService.handleCancelSpecificOrderByParentFill(fill); for (Order order : fill.getFillChildOrders()) { if (order instanceof GeneralOrder && order.getFillType() == FillType.STOP_LIMIT) { orderService.handleCancelGeneralOrder((GeneralOrder) order); } } // synchronized (lock) { // } } */ @Transient public void insert(Position position) { //baseCCY->Exchange->Listing->TransactionType TransactionType transactionType = (position.isLong()) ? TransactionType.BUY : TransactionType.SELL; ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>>> assetPositions = positionsMap .get(position.getMarket().getBase()); if (assetPositions == null) { assetPositions = new ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>>>(); ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>> listingPosition = new ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>>(); ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>> positionType = new ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>(); ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position> detailPosition = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>(); detailPosition.add(position); positionType.put(transactionType, detailPosition); listingPosition.put(position.getMarket().getListing(), positionType); assetPositions.put(position.getMarket().getExchange(), listingPosition); positionsMap.put(position.getMarket().getBase(), assetPositions); return; } else { ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>> listingPosition = assetPositions.get(position .getMarket().getExchange()); if (listingPosition == null) { listingPosition = new ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>>(); ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>> positionType = new ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>(); ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position> detailPosition = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>(); detailPosition.add(position); positionType.put(transactionType, detailPosition); listingPosition.put(position.getMarket().getListing(), positionType); assetPositions.put(position.getMarket().getExchange(), listingPosition); return; } else { ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>> positionType = listingPosition.get(position.getMarket().getListing()); if (positionType == null) { positionType = new ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>(); ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position> detailPosition = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>(); detailPosition.add(position); positionType.put(transactionType, detailPosition); listingPosition.put(position.getMarket().getListing(), positionType); return; } else { ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position> positions = positionType.get(transactionType); if (positions == null) { ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position> detailPosition = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>(); detailPosition.add(position); positionType.put(transactionType, detailPosition); return; } else { positions.add(position); return; } } } } } @Transient public synchronized boolean merge(Fill fill) { boolean persit = true; log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":merge. Determing position for fill" + fill); //synchronized (lock) { // We need to have a queue of buys and a queue of sells ( two array lists), ensure the itterator is descendingIterator for LIFO, // when we get a new trade coem in we add it to the buy or sell queue // 1) caluate price difference // 2) times price diff by min(trade quantity or the position) and add to relasied PnL // 3) update the quaitity of the postion and remove from queue if zero // 4) move onto next postion until the qty =0 // TransactionType transactionType = (fill.isLong()) ? TransactionType.BUY : TransactionType.SELL; TransactionType openingTransactionType = (transactionType == (TransactionType.BUY)) ? TransactionType.SELL : TransactionType.BUY; PositionEffect openingPositionEffect = null; ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>>> assetPositions = positionsMap .get(fill.getMarket().getBase()); ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>> listingPosition = new ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>>(); //ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ArrayList<Position>> listingPosition = new ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ArrayList<Position>>(); ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, Amount> marketRealisedProfits; ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, Amount>> assetRealisedProfits = getRealisedPnL().get(fill.getMarket().getTradedCurrency()); if (assetRealisedProfits != null) { marketRealisedProfits = assetRealisedProfits.get(fill.getMarket().getListing()); } if (assetPositions == null) { log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":merge. creating new asset positions for fill" + fill); ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position> detailPosition = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>(); // need to wrapper position!! Position detPosition; if (fill.getPosition() == null) { detPosition = positionFactory.create(fill); detPosition.persit(); } else { detPosition = fill.getPosition(); detPosition.merge(); // persit = false; } + "added to new " + fill.getMarket().getBase() + " position"); // if (persit) // new Position(fill); // PersistUtil.persist(detPosition); detailPosition.add(detPosition); ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>> positionType = new ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>(); positionType.put(transactionType, detailPosition); listingPosition.put(fill.getMarket().getListing(), positionType); assetPositions = new ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>>>(); assetPositions.put(fill.getMarket().getExchange(), listingPosition); positionsMap.put(fill.getMarket().getBase(), assetPositions); Amount profits = DecimalAmount.ZERO; if (assetRealisedProfits == null) { assetRealisedProfits = new ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, Amount>>(); marketRealisedProfits = new ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, Amount>(); marketRealisedProfits.put(fill.getMarket().getListing(), profits); assetRealisedProfits.put(fill.getMarket().getExchange(), marketRealisedProfits); getRealisedPnL().put(fill.getMarket().getTradedCurrency(), assetRealisedProfits); } publishPositionUpdate(getNetPosition(fill.getMarket().getBase(), fill.getMarket()), PositionType.FLAT, fill.getMarket()); // else // detPosition.merge(); // fill.merge(); return true; } else { //asset is present, so check the market ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>> exchangePositions = assetPositions.get(fill .getMarket().getExchange()); // Amount exchangeRealisedProfits = realisedProfits.get(position.getMarket().getTradedCurrency()).get(position.getExchange()) // .get(position.getMarket().getListing()); if (exchangePositions == null) { log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":merge. creating new exchangePositions for fill" + fill); ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position> detailPosition = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>(); ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>> positionType = new ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>(); Position detPosition; if (fill.getPosition() == null) { detPosition = positionFactory.create(fill); detPosition.persit(); } else { detPosition = fill.getPosition(); detPosition.merge(); } + "added to new " + fill.getMarket().getExchange() + " position"); // PersistUtil.persist(detPosition); detailPosition.add(detPosition); positionType.put(transactionType, detailPosition); listingPosition.put(fill.getMarket().getListing(), positionType); assetPositions.put(fill.getMarket().getExchange(), listingPosition); Amount profits = DecimalAmount.ZERO; if (getRealisedPnL().get(fill.getMarket().getTradedCurrency()).get(fill.getMarket().getExchange()).get(fill.getMarket().getListing()) == null) { marketRealisedProfits = new ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, Amount>(); marketRealisedProfits.put(fill.getMarket().getListing(), profits); getRealisedPnL().get(fill.getMarket().getTradedCurrency()).put(fill.getMarket().getExchange(), marketRealisedProfits); } publishPositionUpdate(getNetPosition(fill.getMarket().getBase(), fill.getMarket()), PositionType.FLAT, fill.getMarket()); //else // detPosition.merge(); //fill.merge(); return true; } else { //ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ArrayList<Position>> listingPositions = exchangePositions.get(position.getMarket().getListing()); //asset is present, so check the market // need yo vhnage this to have tne cocnurrent hashmap on here //ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ArrayList<Position>> listingPositions = exchangePositions.get(position.getMarket().getListing()); ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position> listingPositions = exchangePositions.get(fill.getMarket().getListing()).get(transactionType); ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position> openingListingPositions = exchangePositions.get(fill.getMarket().getListing()).get(openingTransactionType); if (listingPositions == null) { log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":merge. creating new lisiting for fill" + fill); ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position> listingsDetailPosition = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>(); Position detPosition; if (fill.getPosition() == null) { detPosition = positionFactory.create(fill); detPosition.persit(); } else { detPosition = fill.getPosition(); detPosition.merge(); } + "added to new " + transactionType + " position"); // PersistUtil.persist(detPosition); listingsDetailPosition.add(detPosition); exchangePositions.get(fill.getMarket().getListing()).put(transactionType, listingsDetailPosition); listingPositions = exchangePositions.get(fill.getMarket().getListing()).get(transactionType); Amount listingProfits = DecimalAmount.ZERO; if (getRealisedPnL().get(fill.getMarket().getTradedCurrency()) == null || getRealisedPnL().get(fill.getMarket().getTradedCurrency()).get(fill.getMarket().getExchange()) == null || getRealisedPnL().get(fill.getMarket().getTradedCurrency()).get(fill.getMarket().getExchange()) .get(fill.getMarket().getListing()) == null) { marketRealisedProfits = new ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, Amount>(); marketRealisedProfits.put(fill.getMarket().getListing(), listingProfits); getRealisedPnL().get(fill.getMarket().getTradedCurrency()).put(fill.getMarket().getExchange(), marketRealisedProfits); } // else // detPosition.merge(); // fill.merge(); } else { if (!listingPositions.isEmpty() || listingPositions.peek() != null) { Position position = listingPositions.peek(); + " prepareing to add to existing " + transactionType + " position:" + position); fill.setPosition(position); if (position.addFill(fill)) { + " added to existing " + transactionType + " position:" + position); // position.merge(); } else + " not added to existing " + transactionType + " position:" + position); // position.merge(); //listingPositions.peek().persit(); // listingPositions.peek().Merge(); // TODO need to persit the updated postitions //PersistUtil.merge(listingPositions.peek()); } else { Position detPosition; if (fill.getPosition() == null) { log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":merge. creating new position for fill" + fill); detPosition = positionFactory.create(fill); detPosition.persit(); // fill.merge(); } else { log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":merge. adding to exising fill position for fill" + fill); detPosition = fill.getPosition(); detPosition.merge(); // fill.merge(); } listingPositions.add(detPosition); // if (persit) // detPosition.persit(); // else // detPosition.merge(); // PersistUtil.persist(detPosition); // // detPosition.addFill(fill); // PersistUtil.insert(detPosition); } // fill.merge(); } log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":merge. Determing closeouts fill " + fill + " with open positions " + openingListingPositions); if (openingListingPositions != null && !(openingListingPositions.isEmpty())) { // ArrayList<Position> positions = listingPositions.get(transactionType); //somethign is up with the poistions calcuation for partial closeouts // example 454 lots, closed out 421 lots, then added another 411 lots, total of 444 lots, but the average prices are not correct. // need to update this . // loop over OpenPositions fill by fill, if fill postions effect is null or of opengpostions effect, we close out Amount realisedPnL = DecimalAmount.ZERO; long closingVolumeCount = 0; //position.getVolumeCount() /* Iterator<Position> itPos = listingPositions.iterator(); while (itPos.hasNext()) { // closing position Position pos =; closingFills: for (Iterator<Fill> itP = pos.getFills().iterator(); itP.hasNext();) { Fill p =; if (p.getPositionEffect() == PositionEffect.OPEN) continue; if (Math.abs(p.getOpenVolumeCount()) == 0) { itP.remove(); continue closingFills; }*/ Amount entryPrice = DecimalAmount.ZERO; Amount exitPrice = DecimalAmount.ZERO; List<Position> closedOutListingPositions = new ArrayList<Position>(); CLOSEPOSITIONSLOOP: for (Position closePos : listingPositions) { if (!closePos.hasFills()) { log.debug("removing position: " + closePos + " from: " + listingPositions); closedOutListingPositions.add(closePos); continue; } List<Fill> closedOutClosingPositionFills = new ArrayList<Fill>(); CLOSEDFILLSLOOP: for (Fill closePosition : closePos.getFills()) { if (closePosition.getOpenVolumeCount() == 0) { log.debug("removing fill: " + closePosition + " from position: " + closePos); closedOutClosingPositionFills.add(closePosition); // closePosition.merge(); continue; } List<Position> closedOutOpenListingPositions = new ArrayList<Position>(); if (closePosition.getPositionEffect() != null) openingPositionEffect = (closePosition.getPositionEffect() == (PositionEffect.CLOSE)) ? PositionEffect.OPEN : PositionEffect.CLOSE; OPENPOSITIONSLOOP: for (Position openPos : openingListingPositions) { if (!openPos.hasFills()) { log.debug("removing position: " + openPos + " from: " + openingListingPositions); closedOutOpenListingPositions.add(openPos); continue; } // Iterator<Position> itOlp = openingListingPositions.iterator(); //while (itOlp.hasNext()) { // openg postion List<Fill> closedOutOpenPositionFills = new ArrayList<Fill>(); OPENFILLSLOOP: for (Fill openPosition : openPos.getFills()) { if (openPosition.getOpenVolumeCount() == 0) { log.debug("removing fill: " + openPosition + " from position: " + openPos); // openPosition.merge(); closedOutOpenPositionFills.add(openPosition); continue; } // Iterator<Fill> itOp = openPos.getFills().iterator(); //while (itOp.hasNext()) { //open fill realisedPnL = DecimalAmount.ZERO; closingVolumeCount = 0; // we only loop if it is if (openPosition.getPositionEffect() == null || openPosition.getPositionEffect() == openingPositionEffect && openPosition.getOpenVolumeCount() != 0) { // || (openPosition.getPositionEffect() == PositionEffect.OPEN && p.getPositionEffect() == PositionEffect.CLOSE)) { // // if (p.getPositionEffect() == PositionEffect.OPEN) //"the last fille should be a closing fill. Trying to net open position: " + openPosition // + " with closing postion: " + p); exitPrice = closePosition.getPrice(); entryPrice = openPosition.getPrice(); if (closePosition.getMarket().getTradedCurrency() == closePosition.getMarket().getBase()) { // need to invert and revrese the prices if the traded ccy is not the quote ccy entryPrice = openPosition.getPrice().invert(); exitPrice = closePosition.getPrice().invert(); } else if (closePosition.getMarket().getTradedCurrency() != closePosition.getMarket().getQuote()) { throw new NotImplementedException("Listings traded in neither base or quote currency are not supported"); } closingVolumeCount = (openingTransactionType == (TransactionType.SELL)) ? (Math.min( Math.abs(openPosition.getOpenVolumeCount()), Math.abs(closePosition.getOpenVolumeCount()))) * -1 : (Math.min(Math.abs(openPosition.getOpenVolumeCount()), Math.abs(closePosition.getOpenVolumeCount()))); long updatedVolumeCount = 0; if ((Math.abs(closePosition.getOpenVolumeCount()) >= Math.abs(openPosition.getOpenVolumeCount())) && (closePosition.getOpenVolumeCount() != 0)) { updatedVolumeCount = closePosition.getOpenVolumeCount() + closingVolumeCount; logCloseOut(closingVolumeCount, openPosition, closePosition, false); log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":merge. setting open position " + openPosition + " open volume count to 0"); openPosition.setOpenVolumeCount(0); openPosition.setPosition(null); closedOutOpenPositionFills.add(openPosition); // openPosition.merge(); log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":merge. setting close position " + closePosition + " open volume count to " + (closePosition.getOpenVolumeCount() + closingVolumeCount)); closePosition.setOpenVolumeCount(closePosition.getOpenVolumeCount() + closingVolumeCount); if (closePosition.getOpenVolumeCount() == 0) { log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":merge. setting close position " + closePosition + " position to null"); closePosition.setPosition(null); closedOutClosingPositionFills.add(closePosition); } //closePosition.merge(); // closePosition.merge(); logCloseOut(closingVolumeCount, openPosition, closePosition, true); //updateWorkingExitOrders(closePosition); //updateWorkingExitOrders(openPosition); // if the fill is now fully closed out I need to cancel any closing specfic limit orders associated with it // or I need to update the qunaity to the // closed all closing limit orders } else if (closePosition.getOpenVolumeCount() != 0) { updatedVolumeCount = openPosition.getOpenVolumeCount() - closingVolumeCount; logCloseOut(closingVolumeCount, openPosition, closePosition, false); log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":merge. setting close position " + openPosition + " open volume count to 0"); closePosition.setOpenVolumeCount(0); closePosition.setPosition(null); closedOutClosingPositionFills.add(closePosition); // closePosition.merge(); //closePos.removeFill(fill) // // closePosition.merge(); log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":merge. setting open position " + closePosition + " open volume count to " + updatedVolumeCount); // closed all closing limit orders openPosition.setOpenVolumeCount(openPosition.getOpenVolumeCount() - closingVolumeCount); if (closePosition.getOpenVolumeCount() == 0) { log.debug(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":merge. setting open position " + openPosition + " position to null"); openPosition.setPosition(null); closedOutOpenPositionFills.add(openPosition); } // openPosition.merge(); logCloseOut(closingVolumeCount, openPosition, closePosition, true); // updateWorkingExitOrders(closePosition); // updateWorkingExitOrders(openPosition); // */// if the fill is now fully closed out I need to cancel any closing specfic limit orders associated with it // or I need to update the qunaity to the // closed all closing limit orders } // openPosition.merge(); /* if (openPosition.getOpenVolumeCount() == 0) { log.debug("removing fill: " + openPosition + " from oprning position: " + openPos); closedOutOpenPositionFills.add(openPosition); // openPos.merge(); // openPosition.setPosition(null); //openPosition.merge(); // cancel all specifc maker orders related to the closeing fill fill if (openPosition.getPositionEffect() != null && openPosition.getPositionEffect() == PositionEffect.OPEN) cancelWorkingExitOrders(closePosition); else cancelWorkingExitOrders(openPosition); // cancelStopOrders(openPosition); if (!openPos.hasFills()) { log.debug("removing opening position: " + openPos + " from: " + openingListingPositions); closedOutOpenListingPositions.add(openPos); } //itOlp.remove(); } if (closePosition.getOpenVolumeCount() == 0) { log.debug("removing fill: " + closePosition + " from closing position: " + closePos); closedOutClosingPositionFills.add(closePosition); // cancelStopOrders(closePosition); if (!closePos.hasFills()) { log.debug("removing closing position: " + closePos + " from: " + listingPositions); closedOutListingPositions.add(closePos); } openPosition.merge }*/ openPosition.merge(); DiscreteAmount volDiscrete = new DiscreteAmount(closingVolumeCount, closePosition.getMarket().getListing() .getVolumeBasis()); realisedPnL =, Remainder.ROUND_EVEN)).times( closePosition.getMarket().getContractSize(), Remainder.ROUND_EVEN)); // need to confonvert to deiscreete amount Amount RealisedPnL = realisedPnL .toBasis(closePosition.getMarket().getTradedCurrency().getBasis(), Remainder.ROUND_EVEN); if (RealisedPnL.isNegative() && closePosition.getPositionEffect() == PositionEffect.OPEN)"realsiedPnL is a loss. netted open position: " + openPosition + " with closing postion: " + closePosition); if (!RealisedPnL.isZero()) { Amount TotalRealisedPnL = .get(closePosition.getMarket().getExchange()).get(closePosition.getMarket().getListing())); Transaction trans = transactionFactory.create(closePosition, this, closePosition.getMarket().getExchange(), closePosition.getMarket().getTradedCurrency(), TransactionType.REALISED_PROFIT_LOSS, RealisedPnL, new DiscreteAmount(0, closePosition.getMarket().getTradedCurrency().getBasis()));"Realised PnL:" + trans); context.setPublishTime(trans); trans.persit(); context.route(trans); } if (closePosition.getOpenVolumeCount() == 0) break; else + " not closed fully out with " + openPosition); } } if (!closedOutOpenPositionFills.isEmpty()) { log.debug("removing all fills: " + closedOutOpenPositionFills + "from: " + openPos); Boolean removeFills = true; for (Fill closedFill : closedOutOpenPositionFills) { if (closedFill.getOpenVolumeCount() != 0) removeFills = false; // else // closedFill.merge(); } // closePos.merge(); if (removeFills) openPos.removeFills(closedOutOpenPositionFills); else log.debug("unable to remove fills as dome fills have zero open qunaity in position " + openPos); if (!openPos.hasFills()) closedOutOpenListingPositions.add(openPos); } } if (!closedOutOpenListingPositions.isEmpty()) { log.debug("removing all opening positions: " + openingListingPositions + "from: " + openingListingPositions); for (Position closedPos : closedOutOpenListingPositions) { /*Boolean removePosition = true; for (Fill fillToRemove : closedPos.getFills()) { if (fillToRemove.getOpenVolumeCount() != 0) //{ // fillToRemove.setPosition(null); // fillToRemove.merge(); // } else removePosition = false; }*/ if (!closedPos.hasFills()) closedPos.delete(); else log.debug("unable to remove fills as dome fills have zero open qunaity in position " + closedPos); } openingListingPositions.removeAll(closedOutOpenListingPositions); } closePosition.merge(); } if (!closedOutClosingPositionFills.isEmpty()) { log.debug("removing all fills: " + closedOutClosingPositionFills + "from: " + closePos); Boolean removeFills = true; for (Fill closedFill : closedOutClosingPositionFills) { if (closedFill.getOpenVolumeCount() != 0) removeFills = false; } // closePos.merge(); if (removeFills) closePos.removeFills(closedOutClosingPositionFills); else log.debug("unable to remove fills as dome fills have zero open qunaity in position " + closePos); if (!closePos.hasFills()) closedOutListingPositions.add(closePos); } } if (!closedOutListingPositions.isEmpty()) { log.debug("removing all closing positions: " + closedOutListingPositions + "from: " + listingPositions); for (Position closedPos : closedOutListingPositions) { // Boolean removePosition = true; if (!closedPos.hasFills()) closedPos.delete(); else log.debug("unable to remove fills as dome fills have zero open qunaity in position " + closedPos); /* for (Fill fillToRemove : closedPos.getFills()) { if (fillToRemove.getOpenVolumeCount() != 0) // fillToRemove.setPosition(null); // fillToRemove.merge(); //} else removePosition = false; // } if (removePosition && !closedPos.hasFills()) closedPos.delete(); else log.debug("unable to remove fills as dome fills have zero open qunaity in position " + closedPos); */ } listingPositions.removeAll(closedOutListingPositions); } //} //} if (getNetPosition(fill.getMarket().getBase(), fill.getMarket()) == null) { Position detPosition; if (fill.getPosition() == null) { detPosition = positionFactory.create(fill); detPosition.persit(); } else { detPosition = fill.getPosition(); detPosition.merge(); } publishPositionUpdate(detPosition, PositionType.FLAT, fill.getMarket()); // if (persit) // detPosition.persit(); // else // detPosition.merge(); } else { PositionType lastType = (openingTransactionType == TransactionType.BUY) ? PositionType.LONG : PositionType.SHORT; publishPositionUpdate(getNetPosition(fill.getMarket().getBase(), fill.getMarket()), lastType, fill.getMarket()); } // fill.merge(); return true; } PositionType lastType = (fill.isLong()) ? PositionType.LONG : PositionType.SHORT; publishPositionUpdate(getNetPosition(fill.getMarket().getBase(), fill.getMarket()), lastType, fill.getMarket()); // fill.merge(); return true; } } } public Portfolio(String name, PortfolioManager manager) { = name; this.manager = manager; } private String name; public String getName() { return name; } @Transient public Context getContext() { return context; } @Transient public PortfolioService getPortfolioService() { return portfolioService; } @Transient public OrderService getOrderService() { return orderService; } @Transient public Collection<Order> getAllOrders() { Collection<Order> orders = new ArrayList<Order>(); for (Position position : getPositions()) for (Fill fill : position.getFills()) { orders.add(fill.getOrder()); fill.getAllOrdersByParentFill(orders); } return orders; } @Transient public Collection<Fill> getAllFills() { Collection<Fill> fills = new ArrayList<Fill>(); for (Position position : getPositions()) for (Fill fill : position.getFills()) { fills.add(fill); // fill.getAllOrdersByParentFill(orders); } return fills; } @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @OrderBy public List<Stake> getStakes() { return stakes; } @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) public Asset getBaseAsset() { return baseAsset; } @Transient public PortfolioManager getManager() { return manager; } @Transient public Logger getLogger() { return log; } /** * Adds the given position to this Portfolio. Must be authorized. * @param position * @param authorization */ @Transient public void modifyPosition(Fill fill, Authorization authorization) { assert authorization != null; assert fill != null; merge(fill); // fill.persit(); //persistPositions(fill.getMarket().getBase(), fill.getMarket().getExchange(), fill.getMarket().getListing()); // fill.persit(); // if // for (Position curPosition : positions) { // if (curPosition.merge(position)) { // modifiedExistingPosition = true; // break; // } // } // if (!modifiedExistingPosition) // positions.add(position); } @Override public String toString() { return getName(); } // JPA public Portfolio() { this.positionsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>>>>(); this.realisedProfits = new ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, Amount>>>(); //this.balances = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); this.transactions = new ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>>>>(); } protected void setPositions( ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>>>> positions) { this.positionsMap = positions; } protected void setBalances(List<Balance> balances) { this.balances = balances; } public void setBaseAsset(Asset baseAsset) { this.baseAsset = baseAsset; } protected void setTransactions( ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>>>> transactions) { this.transactions = transactions; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } protected void setContext(Context context) { this.context = context; } protected void setPortfolioService(PortfolioService portfolioService) { this.portfolioService = portfolioService; } protected void setOrderService(OrderService orderService) { this.orderService = orderService; } protected void setStakes(List<Stake> stakes) { this.stakes = stakes; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Portfolio findOrCreate(String portfolioName, Context context) { final String queryStr = "select from Portfolio p where name=?1"; Portfolio myPort = null; // final String queryStr = "select p from Portfolio p JOIN FETCH p.positions where"; // final String queryPositoin = "select p from Portfolio p JOIN FETCH p.fills where"; try { // Map hints = new HashMap(); //UUID portfolioID = EM.queryOne(UUID.class, queryStr, portfolioName); Map hints = new HashMap(); Map withFillsHints = new HashMap(); Map withTransHints = new HashMap(); Map withChildrenHints = new HashMap(); Map withChildOrderHints = new HashMap(); // Map orderHints = new HashMap(); // UUID portfolioID = EM.queryOne(UUID.class, queryStr, portfolioName); hints.put("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", "portfolioWithPositions"); withFillsHints.put("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", "orderWithFills"); withTransHints.put("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", "orderWithTransactions"); withChildOrderHints.put("javax.persistence.fetchgraph", "fillWithChildOrders"); myPort = EM.namedQueryZeroOne(Portfolio.class, "Portfolio.findOpenPositions", hints, portfolioName); if (myPort == null) return myPort; // lets srippp of any emmpty positions. myPort.getPositions().removeAll(Collections.singleton(null)); Map<Order, Order> portfolioOrders = new HashMap<Order, Order>(); Map<Fill, Fill> portfolioFills = new HashMap<Fill, Fill>(); for (Position position : myPort.getPositions()) { context.getInjector().injectMembers(position); position.getFills().removeAll(Collections.singleton(null)); List<Fill> fillsToBeAdded = new ArrayList<Fill>(); List<Fill> fills = new ArrayList<Fill>(); int index = 0; for (Fill fill : position.getFills()) { portfolioFills.put(fill, fill); } for (Fill fill : position.getFills()) { // Fill filltest; // if (!portfolioFills.containsKey(fill)) { context.getInjector().injectMembers(fill); fill.loadAllChildOrdersByFill(fill, portfolioOrders, portfolioFills); fill.getOrder().loadAllChildOrdersByParentOrder(fill.getOrder(), portfolioOrders, portfolioFills); // } else { // filltest = portfolioFills.get(fill); //fill = portfolioFills.get(fill); // position.getFills().set(index, portfolioFills.get(fill)); // filltest = portfolioFills.get(fill); // fill = portfolioFills.get(fill); //} //index++; } // when we are loading posiitons we need to link the fill to that position //loop over all fills in the position // then we load all order by child fill, for each order we load the fills, if the fill belongs to the posiont we get a differnt reference but same id. // so when we load any fills, we need to see if we have them loaded somwehere else in the tree, // we need to set the loaded fill to the parent fill /* UUID orderId; Fill fillWithChildren = EM.namedQueryZeroOne(Fill.class, "Fill.findFill", withChildOrderHints, fill.getId()); if (fillWithChildren != null) fill.setFillChildOrders(fillWithChildren.getFillChildOrders()); Order orderWithFills; Order orderWithChildren; Order orderWithTransactions; // so for each fill in the open position we need to load the whole order tree // getorder, then get all childe orders, then for each child, load child orders, so on and so forth. // load all child orders, and theri child ordres // load all parent orders and thier parent orders // need to laod all parent fills, their child orders, and their children // get a list of all orders in the tree then load orderId = fill.getOrder().getId(); try { orderWithFills = EM.namedQueryZeroOne(Order.class, "Order.findOrder", withFillsHints, orderId); orderWithChildren = EM.namedQueryZeroOne(Order.class, "Order.findOrder", withChildrenHints, orderId); orderWithTransactions = EM.namedQueryZeroOne(Order.class, "Order.findOrder", withTransHints, orderId); } catch (Error | Exception ex) { log.error("Portfolio:findOrCreate unable to get order for orderID: " + orderId); continue; } if ((orderWithFills != null && orderWithFills instanceof SpecificOrder && orderWithFills.getId().equals(orderId)) && (orderWithTransactions != null && orderWithTransactions instanceof SpecificOrder && orderWithTransactions.getId() .equals(orderId)) && (orderWithChildren != null && orderWithChildren instanceof SpecificOrder && orderWithChildren.getId().equals(orderId))) { SpecificOrder order = (SpecificOrder) orderWithFills; order.setTransactions(orderWithTransactions.getTransactions()); order.setOrderChildren(orderWithChildren.getOrderChildren()); fill.setOrder(order); log.error("Portfolio:findOrCreate found order for orderID: " + orderId); } }*/ } for (Order order : myPort.getAllOrders()) { context.getInjector().injectMembers(order); for (Transaction transaction : order.getTransactions()) { context.getInjector().injectMembers(transaction); } } return myPort; } catch (Error | Exception ex) { log.error("unabled to load porfolio" + ex); throw ex; } // PersistUtil.queryOne(Portfolio.class, queryStr, portfolioName); } protected void setManager(PortfolioManager manager) { this.manager = manager; } @Override // @Transactional public synchronized void persit() { try { portfolioDao.persist(this); //if (duplicate == null || duplicate.isEmpty()) } catch (Exception | Error ex) { System.out.println("Unable to resubmit insert request in org.cryptocoinpartners.util.persistUtil::insert, full stack trace follows:" + ex); // ex.printStackTrace(); } } // @Transactional @Override public EntityBase refresh() { return portfolioDao.refresh(this); } @Override public synchronized void merge() { try { portfolioDao.merge(this); //if (duplicate == null || duplicate.isEmpty()) } catch (Exception | Error ex) { System.out.println("Unable to resubmit insert request in org.cryptocoinpartners.util.persistUtil::insert, full stack trace follows:" + ex); // ex.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public boolean equals(Object object) { boolean result = false; if (object == null || object.getClass() != getClass()) { result = false; } else { Portfolio portfolio = (Portfolio) object; if (this.getName() == portfolio.getName()) { result = true; } } return result; } @Override public int hashCode() { return getId().hashCode(); } private PortfolioManager manager; protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("org.cryptocoinpartners.portfolio"); @Inject public transient Context context; @Inject protected transient PortfolioService portfolioService; @Inject protected transient OrderService orderService; @Inject protected transient PositionFactory positionFactory; @Inject protected transient TransactionFactory transactionFactory; @Inject protected transient PortfolioDao portfolioDao; private Asset baseAsset; private ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Position>>>>> positionsMap; private ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<Listing, Amount>>> realisedProfits; private List<Balance> balances = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); private ConcurrentHashMap<Asset, ConcurrentHashMap<Exchange, ConcurrentHashMap<TransactionType, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Transaction>>>> transactions; private List<Stake> stakes = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); private List<Position> positions = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); //private ConcurrentHashMap<Market, ConcurrentSkipListMap<Long,ArrayList<TaxLot>>> longTaxLots; //private ConcurrentHashMap<Market, ConcurrentSkipListMap<Long,ArrayList<TaxLot>>> shortTaxLots; private final Collection<Balance> trades = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); public <T> T find() { // synchronized (persistanceLock) { try { return (T) portfolioDao.find(Portfolio.class, this.getId()); //if (duplicate == null || duplicate.isEmpty()) } catch (Exception | Error ex) { return null; // System.out.println("Unable to perform request in " + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":find, full stack trace follows:" + ex); // ex.printStackTrace(); } } @Override @Transient public Dao getDao() { return portfolioDao; } @Override public void detach() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void delete() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }