/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ package com.facebook.react.uimanager.events; import android.util.SparseIntArray; /** * Utility for determining coalescing keys for TouchEvents. To preserve proper ordering of events, * move events should only be coalesced if there has been no up/down event between them (this * basically only applies to multitouch since for single touches an up would signal the end of the * gesture). To illustrate to kind of coalescing we want, imagine we are coalescing the following * touch stream: * * (U = finger up, D = finger down, M = move) * D MMMMM D MMMMMMMMMMMMMM U MMMMM D MMMMMM U U * * We want to make sure to coalesce this as * * D M D M U M D U U * * and *not* * * D D U M D U U * * To accomplish this, this class provides a way to initialize a coalescing key for a gesture and * then increment it for every pointer up/down that occurs during that single gesture. * * We identify a single gesture based on {@link android.view.MotionEvent#getDownTime()} which will * stay constant for a given set of related touches on a single view. * * NB: even though down time is a long, we cast as an int using the least significant bits as the * identifier. In practice, we will not be coalescing over a time range where the most significant * bits of that time range matter. This would require a gesture that lasts Integer.MAX_VALUE * 2 ms, * or ~48 days. * * NB: we assume two gestures cannot begin at the same time. * * NB: this class should only be used from the UI thread. */ public class TouchEventCoalescingKeyHelper { private static final SparseIntArray sDownTimeToCoalescingKey = new SparseIntArray(); /** * Starts tracking a new coalescing key corresponding to the gesture with this down time. */ public static void addCoalescingKey(long downTime) { sDownTimeToCoalescingKey.put((int) downTime, 0); } /** * Increments the coalescing key corresponding to the gesture with this down time. */ public static void incrementCoalescingKey(long downTime) { int currentValue = sDownTimeToCoalescingKey.get((int) downTime, -1); if (currentValue == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Tried to increment non-existent cookie"); } sDownTimeToCoalescingKey.put((int) downTime, currentValue + 1); } /** * Gets the coalescing key corresponding to the gesture with this down time. */ public static short getCoalescingKey(long downTime) { int currentValue = sDownTimeToCoalescingKey.get((int) downTime, -1); if (currentValue == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Tried to get non-existent cookie"); } return ((short) (0xffff & currentValue)); } /** * Stops tracking a new coalescing key corresponding to the gesture with this down time. */ public static void removeCoalescingKey(long downTime) { sDownTimeToCoalescingKey.delete((int) downTime); } }