// Copyright 2004-present Facebook. All Rights Reserved. package com.facebook.react.uimanager; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME; /** * Use this annotation to annotate group of properties of native views that should be exposed to JS. * This annotation should only be used for setter methods of subclasses of {@link ViewManager}. It's * a batched version of {@link ReactProp} annotation (please see documentation of {@link ReactProp} * for more details about how this annotation can be used). * * This annotation is meant to be used for a group of similar properties. That's why it support only * a set of properties of the same type. A good example is supporting "border", where we have 7 * variations of that property ("borderLeft", "borderHorizontal", etc.) and very similar code for * handling each of those. * * Each annotated method should return {@code void} and take exactly three arguments: first being * a view instance to be updated, second should be of type int and will represent index in the * group of the property being updated. Last, third argument represent the value that should be set. * * * Currently only {@code int}, {@code float} and {@link String} value types are supported. * * In case when property has been removed from the corresponding react component annotated setter * will be called and default value will be provided as a value parameter. Default value can be * customize using {@link #defaultInt} or {@link #defaultFloat} in the case when property is of * one of primitive types. In case when {@link String} is the property type {@code null} value will * be provided as a default. */ @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.METHOD) public @interface ReactPropGroup { // Used as a default value for "customType" property as "null" is not allowed. Moreover, when this // const is used in annotation declaration compiler will actually create a copy of it, so // comparing it using "==" with this filed doesn't work either. We need to compare using "equals" // which means that this value needs to be unique. String USE_DEFAULT_TYPE = "__default_type__"; /** * Array of names of properties exposed to JS that will be updated using setter method annotated * with the given instance of {@code ReactPropGroup} annotation */ String[] names(); /** * Type of property that will be send to JS. In most of the cases {@code customType} should not be * set in which case default type will be send to JS based on the type of value argument from the * setter method (e.g. for {@code int}, {@code float} default is "number"). Custom type may be * used when additional processing of the value needs to be done in JS before sending it over the * bridge. A good example of that would be backgroundColor property, which is expressed as a * {@code String} in JS, but we use {@code processColor} JS module to convert it to {@code int} * before sending over the bridge. */ @Nullable String customType() default USE_DEFAULT_TYPE; /** * Default value for property of type {@code float}. This value will be provided to property * setter method annotated with {@link ReactPropGroup} if property with a given name gets removed * from the component description in JS */ float defaultFloat() default 0.0f; /** * Default value for property of type {@code int}. This value will be provided to property * setter method annotated with {@link ReactPropGroup} if property with a given name gets removed * from the component description in JS */ int defaultInt() default 0; }