/** * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. */ package com.facebook.react.uimanager; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import com.facebook.react.common.MapBuilder; /** * Helps generate constants map for {@link UIManagerModule} by collecting and merging constants from * registered view managers. */ /* package */ class UIManagerModuleConstantsHelper { private static final String CUSTOM_BUBBLING_EVENT_TYPES_KEY = "customBubblingEventTypes"; private static final String CUSTOM_DIRECT_EVENT_TYPES_KEY = "customDirectEventTypes"; /** * Generates map of constants that is then exposed by {@link UIManagerModule}. The constants map * contains the following predefined fields for 'customBubblingEventTypes' and * 'customDirectEventTypes'. Provided list of {@param viewManagers} is then used to populate * content of those predefined fields using * {@link ViewManager#getExportedCustomBubblingEventTypeConstants} and * {@link ViewManager#getExportedCustomDirectEventTypeConstants} respectively. Each view manager * is in addition allowed to expose viewmanager-specific constants that are placed under the key * that corresponds to the view manager's name (see {@link ViewManager#getName}). Constants are * merged into the map of {@link UIManagerModule} base constants that is stored in * {@link UIManagerModuleConstants}. * TODO(6845124): Create a test for this */ /* package */ static Map<String, Object> createConstants( DisplayMetrics displayMetrics, List<ViewManager> viewManagers) { Map<String, Object> constants = UIManagerModuleConstants.getConstants(displayMetrics); Map bubblingEventTypesConstants = UIManagerModuleConstants.getBubblingEventTypeConstants(); Map directEventTypesConstants = UIManagerModuleConstants.getDirectEventTypeConstants(); for (ViewManager viewManager : viewManagers) { Map viewManagerBubblingEvents = viewManager.getExportedCustomBubblingEventTypeConstants(); if (viewManagerBubblingEvents != null) { recursiveMerge(bubblingEventTypesConstants, viewManagerBubblingEvents); } Map viewManagerDirectEvents = viewManager.getExportedCustomDirectEventTypeConstants(); if (viewManagerDirectEvents != null) { recursiveMerge(directEventTypesConstants, viewManagerDirectEvents); } Map viewManagerConstants = MapBuilder.newHashMap(); Map customViewConstants = viewManager.getExportedViewConstants(); if (customViewConstants != null) { viewManagerConstants.put("Constants", customViewConstants); } Map viewManagerCommands = viewManager.getCommandsMap(); if (viewManagerCommands != null) { viewManagerConstants.put("Commands", viewManagerCommands); } Map<String, String> viewManagerNativeProps = viewManager.getNativeProps(); if (!viewManagerNativeProps.isEmpty()) { viewManagerConstants.put("NativeProps", viewManagerNativeProps); } if (!viewManagerConstants.isEmpty()) { constants.put(viewManager.getName(), viewManagerConstants); } } constants.put(CUSTOM_BUBBLING_EVENT_TYPES_KEY, bubblingEventTypesConstants); constants.put(CUSTOM_DIRECT_EVENT_TYPES_KEY, directEventTypesConstants); return constants; } /** * Merges {@param source} map into {@param dest} map recursively */ private static void recursiveMerge(Map dest, Map source) { for (Object key : source.keySet()) { Object sourceValue = source.get(key); Object destValue = dest.get(key); if (destValue != null && (sourceValue instanceof Map) && (destValue instanceof Map)) { recursiveMerge((Map) destValue, (Map) sourceValue); } else { dest.put(key, sourceValue); } } } }